Popular Provision Of Obamacare Is Fueling Sticker Shock For Some Consumers

Is it a new line in the defense of obamabots - he had to lie for the greater good?

wow, you can't hit any lower than that.

there is no greater good if you have to lie your way to it.
Well of course. The healthy have to pay more to cover the unhealthy.

Wonder what happens when all those young people they are depending on opt for the penalty??

I also wonder just who the hell the ACA is affordable for??

So you would prefer that insurance companies be able to drop you when you get sick, and then that the rest of the insurance business be able to refuse you coverage because you are sick?

Get out of my country.

Fuck off dickhead.

How bout they pay for their own insurance instead of everyone else paying higher cost to cover them.

Get the hell out of MY country you idiot.

Divide the country, then each side can consider trespassers invaders.
If thats the best justification you can come up with, then kindly go to fucking hell, and take Obama and all his minions with you.

If you cant justify your position without lying, and more than that, willfully lying, than you deserve to be taken to a post and shot.

You didn't actually tell me what's wrong with it.

Its inhrently wrong you dumbshit. If you can't figure that one out, you really do need to be either locked up or strung up from a rope.

people like NYcarbonpaper are the perfect dupes for dictators like Mao, Castro, Stalin, Lenin, Hitler, Pol Pot.

the buy into the bullshit "lying for the common good"

how fucking stupid can these people be? its really pathetic.
Considering those numbers are from people who told us the website would work, anyone who wanted thier plan could keep thier plan, and everyone would benefit from this because costs would be lowered, why should we believe 80% of people covered by employer insurances will be unaffected?

Lies upon lies, spawning more lies, and you expect us to swallow even more of them?

Who's drinking the kool-aid now?

Which of those categories do you fall into?

I'm in the 80% bullshit claim that my rates will not be affected because I get employer subsidized insurances, an insurance btw, that is already making noises about having to increase my bi-weekly payment via my paycheck.
Im in the 80% that does get affected, I just got affected right up the ass by obama, my rates doubled.
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Hang onto your hat then.

Don't forget that there are 21 tax increases in Obamacare and we can pretty much figure out who will be paying those.

Hang onto your hat then.

Don't forget that there are 21 tax increases in Obamacare and we can pretty much figure out who will be paying those.


well, we know who won't be paying them---------congress, obama voters, the administration, unions.
From the link provided above:

The other half, however, also three per cent of the population, will have to buy a new product that complies with the A.C.A.’s more stringent requirements for individual plans. A significant portion of these roughly nine million Americans will be forced to buy a new insurance policy with higher premiums than they currently pay. The primary reason for the increased cost is that the A.C.A. bans any plan that would require a people who get sick to pay medical fees greater than six thousand dollars per year. In other words, this was a deliberate policy decision that the White House and Congress made to raise the quality—and thus the premiums—of insurance policies at the bottom end of the individual market.

Well what do ya know.... Those people who have to get rid of their substandard plans will be protected from having to pay medical fees over six thousand a year.

What a shame when all they want to do is keep their substandard plan. ;)

If you like your plan, you can keep your plan. period.

he lied, and no amount of post-spin will change that.

A politician lied!!! Call the press, quick!!!

So, because a politician stuck his foot in his mouth we let people suffer.
From the link provided above:

The other half, however, also three per cent of the population, will have to buy a new product that complies with the A.C.A.’s more stringent requirements for individual plans. A significant portion of these roughly nine million Americans will be forced to buy a new insurance policy with higher premiums than they currently pay. The primary reason for the increased cost is that the A.C.A. bans any plan that would require a people who get sick to pay medical fees greater than six thousand dollars per year. In other words, this was a deliberate policy decision that the White House and Congress made to raise the quality—and thus the premiums—of insurance policies at the bottom end of the individual market.

Well what do ya know.... Those people who have to get rid of their substandard plans will be protected from having to pay medical fees over six thousand a year.

What a shame when all they want to do is keep their substandard plan. ;)
You understand that people CHOSE those plans, freely, right?
But you know what's good for them, don't you Comrade?

Chances are they chose them because their situation didn't allow for them to get anything better.

How often do you go shopping to specifically buy a substandard anything?
If thats the best justification you can come up with, then kindly go to fucking hell, and take Obama and all his minions with you.

If you cant justify your position without lying, and more than that, willfully lying, than you deserve to be taken to a post and shot.

You didn't actually tell me what's wrong with it.

Its inhrently wrong you dumbshit. If you can't figure that one out, you really do need to be either locked up or strung up from a rope.

Is that like when we were lied to about being in imminent danger from WMDs? People swallowed that lie for 'the greater good'.
Well of course. The healthy have to pay more to cover the unhealthy.

Wonder what happens when all those young people they are depending on opt for the penalty??

I also wonder just who the hell the ACA is affordable for??

So you would prefer that insurance companies be able to drop you when you get sick, and then that the rest of the insurance business be able to refuse you coverage because you are sick?

Get out of my country.

You have to stop holding people's hands through life. Why would anyone purchase a policy that allows the insurer to drop them when they actually need coverage? If you want to see improvements in health care than the consumers need to start stepping up by demanding more of insurance companies. Start actually learning what your plan covers. I would think the above is something a person would want to find out. Consumers need to start taking responsibility for the role they play in the free market. They are supposed to be the regulators of business. Instead we have too many like you that want to shove that duty onto government.
So let me get straight

A President can lie if it's for the greater good

so how about that Bush lied people died....he did it for the greater good right?

man I've heard everything now...this country is hopeless especially with people like Obama cult members who see nothing wrong with him lying to the people in this country and all over some Unaffordable insurance scam HALF the people in this country DIDN'T VOTE FOR

We now live in a dictatorship people
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You didn't actually tell me what's wrong with it.

Its inhrently wrong you dumbshit. If you can't figure that one out, you really do need to be either locked up or strung up from a rope.

Is that like when we were lied to about being in imminent danger from WMDs? People swallowed that lie for 'the greater good'.

who told that "lie" ? here's a partial list: Bush, Clinton, the UN, the UK, ted kennedy, France, Japan, Germany, Italy, Saudi Arabia, Saddam, Spain, john Kerry, McCain, Hillary.

repeating something that you believe to be true (even if its not) is not lying. The only person who lied about WMDs in Iraq was Saddam.

Going into Iraq was a stupid mistake, but it was a mistake resulting from bad intel, not lies.

but we get it, you libs will try to revise history forever.
From the link provided above:

The other half, however, also three per cent of the population, will have to buy a new product that complies with the A.C.A.’s more stringent requirements for individual plans. A significant portion of these roughly nine million Americans will be forced to buy a new insurance policy with higher premiums than they currently pay. The primary reason for the increased cost is that the A.C.A. bans any plan that would require a people who get sick to pay medical fees greater than six thousand dollars per year. In other words, this was a deliberate policy decision that the White House and Congress made to raise the quality—and thus the premiums—of insurance policies at the bottom end of the individual market.

Well what do ya know.... Those people who have to get rid of their substandard plans will be protected from having to pay medical fees over six thousand a year.

What a shame when all they want to do is keep their substandard plan. ;)
You understand that people CHOSE those plans, freely, right?
But you know what's good for them, don't you Comrade?

Chances are they chose them because their situation didn't allow for them to get anything better.

How often do you go shopping to specifically buy a substandard anything?

Never. That's my point. They are not "substandard." That is a lie/talking point by the admiistration to justify this crap. No one goes shopping for substandard anything. They go shopping for the best available alternative that fits their particular needs. Something Democrats seem to oppose. Maybe because they're fascists.
From the link provided above:

The other half, however, also three per cent of the population, will have to buy a new product that complies with the A.C.A.’s more stringent requirements for individual plans. A significant portion of these roughly nine million Americans will be forced to buy a new insurance policy with higher premiums than they currently pay. The primary reason for the increased cost is that the A.C.A. bans any plan that would require a people who get sick to pay medical fees greater than six thousand dollars per year. In other words, this was a deliberate policy decision that the White House and Congress made to raise the quality—and thus the premiums—of insurance policies at the bottom end of the individual market.

Well what do ya know.... Those people who have to get rid of their substandard plans will be protected from having to pay medical fees over six thousand a year.

What a shame when all they want to do is keep their substandard plan. ;)

If you like your plan, you can keep your plan. period.

he lied, and no amount of post-spin will change that.

A politician lied!!! Call the press, quick!!!

So, because a politician stuck his foot in his mouth we let people suffer.

God forbid people have to take care of themselves, their own expenses, and their own upkeep...

Oh the HORROR!!!!! :rolleyes:
You didn't actually tell me what's wrong with it.

Its inhrently wrong you dumbshit. If you can't figure that one out, you really do need to be either locked up or strung up from a rope.

Is that like when we were lied to about being in imminent danger from WMDs? People swallowed that lie for 'the greater good'.

Talking about potential danger and making a concrete statment that "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan" and both turning out to be not the case are two different things, but thanks for trying.

The first was based on intelligence that turned out to be faulty because Saddam was lying himself. The Obamacare lie was a deliberate attempt to placate people on the fence about the program.
You didn't actually tell me what's wrong with it.

Its inhrently wrong you dumbshit. If you can't figure that one out, you really do need to be either locked up or strung up from a rope.

Is that like when we were lied to about being in imminent danger from WMDs? People swallowed that lie for 'the greater good'.

Maybe. Maybe not. Either way the above isn't much of a counter argument. What's the rationale? That if Bush lied it's okay that Obama lied? He either lied about the evidence he had for it or the evidence was wrong.

Obama lieing about keeping your existing plan is a little different. There really is no other explanation than he knowingly lied. Granted he probably has not read all 900 plus pages of the bill, but he certainly knew and even spoke on key elements. He knew about the pre-existing condition mandate, community rating mandate and all of the new coverages he was requiring insurance companies to include on their policies.. Knowing those components of the bill, unless he's just the dumbest tool in the shed, there is no way he didn't know that the cost of insurance for many was going to go up.
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