Popular Provision Of Obamacare Is Fueling Sticker Shock For Some Consumers

Well of course. The healthy have to pay more to cover the unhealthy.

Wonder what happens when all those young people they are depending on opt for the penalty??

I also wonder just who the hell the ACA is affordable for??

It amazes me how so many only want to insure healthy people. Of course if you should become unhealthy, then you will change your tune. You all do realize that if an unhealthy person gets their insurance through an employer, they cannot be denied, right? This has been like that since the HIPAA law was passed. The difference is that those who purchase private plans have been able to get much cheaper rates than employer based insurance. The only thing happening now is that private plans are catching up cost wise to those of employer based plans.
Popular Provision Of Obamacare Is Fueling Sticker Shock For Some Consumers - Kaiser Health News

When setting premiums for next year, insurers baked in bigger-than-usual adjustments, driven in large part by a game-changing rule: They can no longer reject people with medical problems.

Popular in consumer polls, the provision in the health law transforms the market for the estimated 14 million Americans who buy their own policies because they don’t get coverage through their jobs. Barred from denying coverage, insurers also can’t demand higher rates from unhealthy people and those deemed high risks because of conditions including obesity, high blood pressure or a previous cancer diagnosis.

But the provision also adds costs. To a larger degree than other requirements of the law, it is fueling the “sticker shock” now being voiced by some consumers about premiums for new policies, say industry experts.

In setting next year’s rates, insurers must factor in “assumptions about who will sign up, high users or healthy people,” said David Axene, a fellow of the Society of Actuaries. “You can imagine who most of the health plans thought would be predominantly signing up.”

“I’m kind of shocked,” said Leo Lenaghan, who lives in the Chicago suburbs. The $336-a-month BlueCross Blue Shield policy for his wife and daughter, which had a $2,250 per person annual deductible, is being discontinued and the plan his insurer says is most similar to it in benefits will cost an additional $205 a month. It has a $3,000 per person deductible. “I guess we’re just going to have to suck it up.”

The less their policies covered previously, the more consumers’ premiums are likely to rise, experts say. While adding some benefits only costs “pennies on the dollar,” said Georgetown University research professor Sabrina Corlette, others are more expensive. A Maryland Health Care Commission report from last year, for example, said the state’s requirement that insurers include maternity coverage added about 4 percent to the cost of a premium.

The actuarial firm Milliman estimated that changes from the health law – including the take-all-applicants provision - could be expected to result in about a 14 percent increase to the average premium in California. On top of that, general medical inflation from 2013 to 2014 would add another 9 percent. Of all the factors, the biggest cited by Milliman was the guaranteed coverage provision.

While it is true that many people will face increased premiums, many will see their out of pocket spending drop due to the fact that all preventative care is covered 100%.
Show us that with the subsidies the citizen is paying more for better insurance.

Many do pay more, even after the subsidy. Use this: Subsidy Calculator | The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation

If they are paying more after the subsidy, then their old policy was garbage. Those being affected the most are those who are not receiving a subsidy. The drop off can be staggering. A married couple over the age of 60 will pay about $5500 per year if they earn $62,000. That is with them receiving a subsidy of about $6500. However, if they earn $63,000 then they get no subsidy and their premium will be the full $12,000 or more. So for some people, by earning an extra $1000 per year, they will have to pay out an extra $6500 to $7000 per year for insurance.
Show us that with the subsidies the citizen is paying more for better insurance.

Many do pay more, even after the subsidy. Use this: Subsidy Calculator | The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation

If they are paying more after the subsidy, then their old policy was garbage.

Note the key word "better" in Jake's question. It is common sense that if the government forces you to buy more coverage for shit you didn't want, you are going to have to pay more for it.

Those being affected the most are those who are not receiving a subsidy. The drop off can be staggering. A married couple over the age of 60 will pay about $5500 per year if they earn $62,000. That is with them receiving a subsidy of about $6500. However, if they earn $63,000 then they get no subsidy and their premium will be the full $12,000 or more. So for some people, by earning an extra $1000 per year, they will have to pay out an extra $6500 to $7000 per year for insurance.

A typical married couple has two children. Such a couple that earns $63,000 who have two children between the ages of 21 and 26 will receive a $13,440 subsidy for a $18,831 policy, according to the calculator.

It also stands to reason that a 60 year old couple is going to have more medical bills than a 20 year old couple, and thus will have a more expensive premium.

A 20 year old couple with two children, earning the same income as the 60 year old couple, will receive a $2,899 subsidy for a $8,290 policy.
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Popular Provision Of Obamacare Is Fueling Sticker Shock For Some Consumers - Kaiser Health News

When setting premiums for next year, insurers baked in bigger-than-usual adjustments, driven in large part by a game-changing rule: They can no longer reject people with medical problems.

Popular in consumer polls, the provision in the health law transforms the market for the estimated 14 million Americans who buy their own policies because they don’t get coverage through their jobs. Barred from denying coverage, insurers also can’t demand higher rates from unhealthy people and those deemed high risks because of conditions including obesity, high blood pressure or a previous cancer diagnosis.

But the provision also adds costs. To a larger degree than other requirements of the law, it is fueling the “sticker shock” now being voiced by some consumers about premiums for new policies, say industry experts.

In setting next year’s rates, insurers must factor in “assumptions about who will sign up, high users or healthy people,” said David Axene, a fellow of the Society of Actuaries. “You can imagine who most of the health plans thought would be predominantly signing up.”

“I’m kind of shocked,” said Leo Lenaghan, who lives in the Chicago suburbs. The $336-a-month BlueCross Blue Shield policy for his wife and daughter, which had a $2,250 per person annual deductible, is being discontinued and the plan his insurer says is most similar to it in benefits will cost an additional $205 a month. It has a $3,000 per person deductible. “I guess we’re just going to have to suck it up.”

The less their policies covered previously, the more consumers’ premiums are likely to rise, experts say. While adding some benefits only costs “pennies on the dollar,” said Georgetown University research professor Sabrina Corlette, others are more expensive. A Maryland Health Care Commission report from last year, for example, said the state’s requirement that insurers include maternity coverage added about 4 percent to the cost of a premium.

The actuarial firm Milliman estimated that changes from the health law – including the take-all-applicants provision - could be expected to result in about a 14 percent increase to the average premium in California. On top of that, general medical inflation from 2013 to 2014 would add another 9 percent. Of all the factors, the biggest cited by Milliman was the guaranteed coverage provision.

While it is true that many people will face increased premiums, many will see their out of pocket spending drop due to the fact that all preventative care is covered 100%.

Preventative care is a checkup, some bloodwork, and maybe a urine test once a year.

Plus if its, 100% covered, it probably doesnt count towards your deductable, so even that pittance doesnt help you.

try to explain the savings of $200-$300 worth of care when your out of pocket max goes up by $2k-$4k and your monthly payments go up $100-$200 per.

Math sucks, doesnt it?
While it is true that many people will face increased premiums, many will see their out of pocket spending drop due to the fact that all preventative care is covered 100%.

That has not been the experience in Massachusetts under RomneyCare. They now have the highest medical costs in the country.

The states that spend the most on health care for each resident are mostly in the Northeast. They are led by Massachusetts, a fact several Republicans used to criticize GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney during the 2012 primaries because as governor Mr. Romney had signed the state's health-care overhaul into law.

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It amazes me how so many only want to insure healthy people. Of course if you should become unhealthy, then you will change your tune. You all do realize that if an unhealthy person gets their insurance through an employer, they cannot be denied, right? This has been like that since the HIPAA law was passed. The difference is that those who purchase private plans have been able to get much cheaper rates than employer based insurance. The only thing happening now is that private plans are catching up cost wise to those of employer based plans.

Yet another strawman argument by the left. It isn't that we don't want sick people to be able pay for their care. It is simply wrong that they be subsidized by the young and healthy and that they get to pay the same rate.
You understand that people CHOSE those plans, freely, right?
But you know what's good for them, don't you Comrade?

Chances are they chose them because their situation didn't allow for them to get anything better.

How often do you go shopping to specifically buy a substandard anything?

Never. That's my point. They are not "substandard." That is a lie/talking point by the admiistration to justify this crap. No one goes shopping for substandard anything. They go shopping for the best available alternative that fits their particular needs. Something Democrats seem to oppose. Maybe because they're fascists.

Don't know about you, but f I have an insurance policy that drops me when I get sick, I consider that to be substandard.
Its inhrently wrong you dumbshit. If you can't figure that one out, you really do need to be either locked up or strung up from a rope.

Is that like when we were lied to about being in imminent danger from WMDs? People swallowed that lie for 'the greater good'.

Talking about potential danger and making a concrete statment that "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan" and both turning out to be not the case are two different things, but thanks for trying.

The first was based on intelligence that turned out to be faulty because Saddam was lying himself. The Obamacare lie was a deliberate attempt to placate people on the fence about the program.

Talk about rewriting history!!
Colin Powell has publicly stated that the bush administration intentionally mis led the public.
So let me get straight

A President can lie if it's for the greater good

so how about that Bush lied people died....he did it for the greater good right?

man I've heard everything now...this country is hopeless especially with people like Obama cult members who see nothing wrong with him lying to the people in this country and all over some Unaffordable insurance scam HALF the people in this country DIDN'T VOTE FOR

We now live in a dictatorship people

Guess you missed my point, I should have been more clear.

I don't want any politician to lie to me.

But the very people who are so upset about Obama's 'lie' happily accept lies from other politicians... And I used Bush as an example.

Do you really think the conservatives would be so critical of every aspect of the ACA if a republican had implemented it?
Chances are they chose them because their situation didn't allow for them to get anything better.

How often do you go shopping to specifically buy a substandard anything?

Never. That's my point. They are not "substandard." That is a lie/talking point by the admiistration to justify this crap. No one goes shopping for substandard anything. They go shopping for the best available alternative that fits their particular needs. Something Democrats seem to oppose. Maybe because they're fascists.

Don't know about you, but f I have an insurance policy that drops me when I get sick, I consider that to be substandard.

Please show me any such policies that were issued.
It is a lie.
Most Republicans supported a pre-existing condition protection measure. Or at least they pretended to.

Once everyone is covered the pre-existing condition provision won't be an issue.

They believed it and liked it because like ALL MORONS they don't realize that NOTHING is free.

Forcing coverage of catastrophic illnesses will break the insurance companies and we WILL have NO CHOICE but to look to the government for help.

The intent and sole outcome is obvious to everyone but the ignorant.

Sarah Palin, Glen Beck, Sean Hannity & Limbaugh all shouted it from the top of the mountain but the drumbeat of the illusion of FREE SHIT fooled the masses (morons). Hence the reelection of Obama and the law we now all have to suffer through and pay for.

Americans are selfish narrow minded fools
Is that like when we were lied to about being in imminent danger from WMDs? People swallowed that lie for 'the greater good'.

Talking about potential danger and making a concrete statment that "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan" and both turning out to be not the case are two different things, but thanks for trying.

The first was based on intelligence that turned out to be faulty because Saddam was lying himself. The Obamacare lie was a deliberate attempt to placate people on the fence about the program.

Talk about rewriting history!!
Colin Powell has publicly stated that the bush administration intentionally mis led the public.

Did Colin Powell mislead Clinton and Kennedy, who both declared Saddam had WMD, as well?
So let me get straight

A President can lie if it's for the greater good

so how about that Bush lied people died....he did it for the greater good right?

man I've heard everything now...this country is hopeless especially with people like Obama cult members who see nothing wrong with him lying to the people in this country and all over some Unaffordable insurance scam HALF the people in this country DIDN'T VOTE FOR

We now live in a dictatorship people

Guess you missed my point, I should have been more clear.

I don't want any politician to lie to me.

But the very people who are so upset about Obama's 'lie' happily accept lies from other politicians... And I used Bush as an example.

Do you really think the conservatives would be so critical of every aspect of the ACA if a republican had implemented it?
Do you not think there might be a difference between a lie like "I did not have sexual relations with that woman Ms Lewinsky" and "if you like your health care plan you can keep it, period."?
Conservatives would be howling angry if the GOP instituted ACA. Rightly so.
Never. That's my point. They are not "substandard." That is a lie/talking point by the admiistration to justify this crap. No one goes shopping for substandard anything. They go shopping for the best available alternative that fits their particular needs. Something Democrats seem to oppose. Maybe because they're fascists.

Don't know about you, but f I have an insurance policy that drops me when I get sick, I consider that to be substandard.

Please show me any such policies that were issued.
It is a lie.

She is a liar. I've been self insured for near two decades and never canceled for illnesses. Once hospitalized for two weeks with meningitis.

Preventative care is a checkup, some bloodwork, and maybe a urine test once a year.

Plus if its, 100% covered, it probably doesnt count towards your deductable, so even that pittance doesnt help you.

try to explain the savings of $200-$300 worth of care when your out of pocket max goes up by $2k-$4k and your monthly payments go up $100-$200 per.

Math sucks, doesnt it?[/QUOTE]

What an incredibly stupid post!

So a guy goes in for his preventative care checkup and gets a blood test and finds out he has high cholesterol. His doctor prescribes medicine and advises him to change his eating habits, etc. but, had that man not had that preventative care checkup... His cholesterol would have gone unchecked and at some point, when his arteries become sufficiently clogged, he will have a heart attack. The cost to treat that heart attack is thousands of dollars... If he is lucky.

That is where the cost savings is.
Talking about potential danger and making a concrete statment that "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan" and both turning out to be not the case are two different things, but thanks for trying.

The first was based on intelligence that turned out to be faulty because Saddam was lying himself. The Obamacare lie was a deliberate attempt to placate people on the fence about the program.

Talk about rewriting history!!
Colin Powell has publicly stated that the bush administration intentionally mis led the public.

Did Colin Powell mislead Clinton and Kennedy, who both declared Saddam had WMD, as well?

I think I'll get my legal and other advice about the Unaffordable care scam from someone who doesn't call themselves, barbarap

so who is going to hold a gun to people heads and make them go get "preventive" care that will magically bring down cost and save the whole world

Doctors are doing preventive care for FREE? man they are generous...Maybe Obama and Congress should do their jobs for free

The bs they will spin for this new government ENTITLEMENT with the Dear Leaders name attaced with it

simply amazing they see nothing wrong with living off the backs of others
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Don't know about you, but f I have an insurance policy that drops me when I get sick, I consider that to be substandard.

Please show me any such policies that were issued.
It is a lie.

She is a liar. I've been self insured for near two decades and never canceled for illnesses. Once hospitalized for two weeks with meningitis.


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