Popular Provision Of Obamacare Is Fueling Sticker Shock For Some Consumers

From the link provided above:

The other half, however, also three per cent of the population, will have to buy a new product that complies with the A.C.A.’s more stringent requirements for individual plans. A significant portion of these roughly nine million Americans will be forced to buy a new insurance policy with higher premiums than they currently pay. The primary reason for the increased cost is that the A.C.A. bans any plan that would require a people who get sick to pay medical fees greater than six thousand dollars per year. In other words, this was a deliberate policy decision that the White House and Congress made to raise the quality—and thus the premiums—of insurance policies at the bottom end of the individual market.

Well what do ya know.... Those people who have to get rid of their substandard plans will be protected from having to pay medical fees over six thousand a year.

What a shame when all they want to do is keep their substandard plan. ;)
From the link provided above:

The other half, however, also three per cent of the population, will have to buy a new product that complies with the A.C.A.’s more stringent requirements for individual plans. A significant portion of these roughly nine million Americans will be forced to buy a new insurance policy with higher premiums than they currently pay. The primary reason for the increased cost is that the A.C.A. bans any plan that would require a people who get sick to pay medical fees greater than six thousand dollars per year. In other words, this was a deliberate policy decision that the White House and Congress made to raise the quality—and thus the premiums—of insurance policies at the bottom end of the individual market.

Well what do ya know.... Those people who have to get rid of their substandard plans will be protected from having to pay medical fees over six thousand a year.

What a shame when all they want to do is keep their substandard plan. ;)

If you like your plan, you can keep your plan. period.

he lied, and no amount of post-spin will change that.
Fuck off dickhead.

How bout they pay for their own insurance instead of everyone else paying higher cost to cover them.

Get the hell out of MY country you idiot.

Um...that's the point of the individual mandate. If you can afford insurance, you now have to buy it. If you can't afford it, you will get assistance in the way of subsidies and medicare, especially if your governor isn't a fucking a moron and turned down the expansion, but it is a subsidy for insurance, not just having the taxpayer pay your emergency room bill.

Remind me how many people didnt have insurance before all this started. How many won't after we're done?

Are you losing yours? Will you be uninsured at this time next year?
From the link provided above:

The other half, however, also three per cent of the population, will have to buy a new product that complies with the A.C.A.’s more stringent requirements for individual plans. A significant portion of these roughly nine million Americans will be forced to buy a new insurance policy with higher premiums than they currently pay. The primary reason for the increased cost is that the A.C.A. bans any plan that would require a people who get sick to pay medical fees greater than six thousand dollars per year. In other words, this was a deliberate policy decision that the White House and Congress made to raise the quality—and thus the premiums—of insurance policies at the bottom end of the individual market.

Well what do ya know.... Those people who have to get rid of their substandard plans will be protected from having to pay medical fees over six thousand a year.

What a shame when all they want to do is keep their substandard plan. ;)

so who will be paying for it?
you think hospitals and doctors are just going to eat it? and are you going to hold a gun to peoples heads to buy these new expensive plans?
get ready folks for ObamaNation
From the link provided above:

The other half, however, also three per cent of the population, will have to buy a new product that complies with the A.C.A.’s more stringent requirements for individual plans. A significant portion of these roughly nine million Americans will be forced to buy a new insurance policy with higher premiums than they currently pay. The primary reason for the increased cost is that the A.C.A. bans any plan that would require a people who get sick to pay medical fees greater than six thousand dollars per year. In other words, this was a deliberate policy decision that the White House and Congress made to raise the quality—and thus the premiums—of insurance policies at the bottom end of the individual market.

Well what do ya know.... Those people who have to get rid of their substandard plans will be protected from having to pay medical fees over six thousand a year.

What a shame when all they want to do is keep their substandard plan. ;)

If you like your plan, you can keep your plan. period.

he lied, and no amount of post-spin will change that.

What's wrong with a lie for the greater good, if that's the result? We can justify sending people to die for the greater good...
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From the link provided above:

The other half, however, also three per cent of the population, will have to buy a new product that complies with the A.C.A.’s more stringent requirements for individual plans. A significant portion of these roughly nine million Americans will be forced to buy a new insurance policy with higher premiums than they currently pay. The primary reason for the increased cost is that the A.C.A. bans any plan that would require a people who get sick to pay medical fees greater than six thousand dollars per year. In other words, this was a deliberate policy decision that the White House and Congress made to raise the quality—and thus the premiums—of insurance policies at the bottom end of the individual market.

Well what do ya know.... Those people who have to get rid of their substandard plans will be protected from having to pay medical fees over six thousand a year.

What a shame when all they want to do is keep their substandard plan. ;)

If you like your plan, you can keep your plan. period.

he lied, and no amount of post-spin will change that.

What's wrong with a lie for the greater good, if that's the result? We can justify sending people to die for the greater good...

some of you don't deserve to live in a free country
you should move to Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea their government does for the greater good for them
The real problem here is that we americans have come to think that every time we go to the doctor or buy a prescription, someone else should pay for it---insurance company, medicaid, medicare, etc.

30 or 40 years ago medical insurance was "hospitalization insurance". It only kicked in if you had an illness serious enough to be hospitalized or were in an accident.

Routine Doctor visits and Rx's were paid out of pocket.

Somehow we have come to think that medical care should be "free" as long as we are citizens and/or have an insurance policy.

People used to pay their docs with a chicken or a ham or a dozen eggs. I'm not suggesting that would work today, but what we have now with ACA will never work because there are too many takers and not enough payers.
From the link provided above:

The other half, however, also three per cent of the population, will have to buy a new product that complies with the A.C.A.’s more stringent requirements for individual plans. A significant portion of these roughly nine million Americans will be forced to buy a new insurance policy with higher premiums than they currently pay. The primary reason for the increased cost is that the A.C.A. bans any plan that would require a people who get sick to pay medical fees greater than six thousand dollars per year. In other words, this was a deliberate policy decision that the White House and Congress made to raise the quality—and thus the premiums—of insurance policies at the bottom end of the individual market.

Well what do ya know.... Those people who have to get rid of their substandard plans will be protected from having to pay medical fees over six thousand a year.

What a shame when all they want to do is keep their substandard plan. ;)

If you like your plan, you can keep your plan. period.

he lied, and no amount of post-spin will change that.

What's wrong with a lie for the greater good, if that's the result? We can justify sending people to die for the greater good...

why is the a need to lie

if it is a good thing
From the link provided above:

The other half, however, also three per cent of the population, will have to buy a new product that complies with the A.C.A.’s more stringent requirements for individual plans. A significant portion of these roughly nine million Americans will be forced to buy a new insurance policy with higher premiums than they currently pay. The primary reason for the increased cost is that the A.C.A. bans any plan that would require a people who get sick to pay medical fees greater than six thousand dollars per year. In other words, this was a deliberate policy decision that the White House and Congress made to raise the quality—and thus the premiums—of insurance policies at the bottom end of the individual market.

Well what do ya know.... Those people who have to get rid of their substandard plans will be protected from having to pay medical fees over six thousand a year.

What a shame when all they want to do is keep their substandard plan. ;)

If you like your plan, you can keep your plan. period.

he lied, and no amount of post-spin will change that.

What's wrong with a lie for the greater good, if that's the result? We can justify sending people to die for the greater good...

Karl Marx could not have said it better. Thanks for finally showing what and who you really are.

Now, get your sorry ass out of this country, you, and everyone who thinks as you do, is a traitor.
Um...that's the point of the individual mandate. If you can afford insurance, you now have to buy it. If you can't afford it, you will get assistance in the way of subsidies and medicare, especially if your governor isn't a fucking a moron and turned down the expansion, but it is a subsidy for insurance, not just having the taxpayer pay your emergency room bill.

Remind me how many people didnt have insurance before all this started. How many won't after we're done?

I do believe there was something like 46 million without insurance. That number doesn't include the under-insured which was estimated to be around 84 million.

Now with the ACA...


The 46M figure is a lie. First off, the number kept changing. Second, it counted people who could have had insurance but didnt bother. Third, it counted illegals.
With ACA people who had insurance will discover they cant afford Obamacare and will pay the penalty and go without. I expect the uninsured to be over 46M.
The Employer mandate isn't in effect yet you idiot. You are blaming the wrong bad actor.

Employer provided insurances come from the same companies that provide individual insurances. Did you ever think that they would have to spread the new risk to ALL policies they offer, even the employer subsidized ones? Do you think the employers will eat ALL the increases caused by this?

Are you really that naive, that dense, or just so embroiled in all the lies that you just HAVE to keep propegating them?

Right...insurance companies have always had our best interests at heart and we shouldn't blame them for this at all. Ironic that you are calling me the naive one.

As opposed to politicians, who always have our best interest at heart and can be fired. Right?
We need to send folks like Redfish, Stephanie, etc., to Texas to serve under Rick Perry, the fascist governor. Talk about melding of state government and party.
From the link provided above:

The other half, however, also three per cent of the population, will have to buy a new product that complies with the A.C.A.’s more stringent requirements for individual plans. A significant portion of these roughly nine million Americans will be forced to buy a new insurance policy with higher premiums than they currently pay. The primary reason for the increased cost is that the A.C.A. bans any plan that would require a people who get sick to pay medical fees greater than six thousand dollars per year. In other words, this was a deliberate policy decision that the White House and Congress made to raise the quality—and thus the premiums—of insurance policies at the bottom end of the individual market.

Well what do ya know.... Those people who have to get rid of their substandard plans will be protected from having to pay medical fees over six thousand a year.

What a shame when all they want to do is keep their substandard plan. ;)
You understand that people CHOSE those plans, freely, right?
But you know what's good for them, don't you Comrade?
So you would prefer that insurance companies be able to drop you when you get sick, and then that the rest of the insurance business be able to refuse you coverage because you are sick?

Get out of my country.

Fuck off dickhead.

How bout they pay for their own insurance instead of everyone else paying higher cost to cover them.

Get the hell out of MY country you idiot.

Um...that's the point of the individual mandate. If you can afford insurance, you now have to buy it. If you can't afford it, you will get assistance in the way of subsidies and medicare, especially if your governor isn't a fucking a moron and turned down the expansion, but it is a subsidy for insurance, not just having the taxpayer pay your emergency room bill.

Either way someone else is paying for your HC.

If you think thats wonderful and your duty then by all means whip out your wallet and your checkbook and you and all lilke minded can foot the bills for those who can't pay their own way.

Me? I'm not interested in paying anyones bills for anything and I consider it reprehensible that our Govt has decided that we taxpayers have no say in the matter.
Employer provided insurances come from the same companies that provide individual insurances. Did you ever think that they would have to spread the new risk to ALL policies they offer, even the employer subsidized ones? Do you think the employers will eat ALL the increases caused by this?

Are you really that naive, that dense, or just so embroiled in all the lies that you just HAVE to keep propegating them?

Right...insurance companies have always had our best interests at heart and we shouldn't blame them for this at all. Ironic that you are calling me the naive one.

As opposed to politicians, who always have our best interest at heart and can be fired. Right?

for sure...Obama had only our best interest at heart..
that's why he is now picking the winners and losers in all this
hey so you 3% will be losing, think of it as for the greater good for society
we need to just face the facts we are on our way to losing our freedoms to this Federal government and the people in this country have decided to give them away to them
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From the link provided above:

The other half, however, also three per cent of the population, will have to buy a new product that complies with the A.C.A.’s more stringent requirements for individual plans. A significant portion of these roughly nine million Americans will be forced to buy a new insurance policy with higher premiums than they currently pay. The primary reason for the increased cost is that the A.C.A. bans any plan that would require a people who get sick to pay medical fees greater than six thousand dollars per year. In other words, this was a deliberate policy decision that the White House and Congress made to raise the quality—and thus the premiums—of insurance policies at the bottom end of the individual market.

Well what do ya know.... Those people who have to get rid of their substandard plans will be protected from having to pay medical fees over six thousand a year.

What a shame when all they want to do is keep their substandard plan. ;)

If you like your plan, you can keep your plan. period.

he lied, and no amount of post-spin will change that.

What's wrong with a lie for the greater good, if that's the result? We can justify sending people to die for the greater good...

If thats the best justification you can come up with, then kindly go to fucking hell, and take Obama and all his minions with you.

If you cant justify your position without lying, and more than that, willfully lying, than you deserve to be taken to a post and shot.
If you like your plan, you can keep your plan. period.

he lied, and no amount of post-spin will change that.

What's wrong with a lie for the greater good, if that's the result? We can justify sending people to die for the greater good...

If thats the best justification you can come up with, then kindly go to fucking hell, and take Obama and all his minions with you.

If you cant justify your position without lying, and more than that, willfully lying, than you deserve to be taken to a post and shot.

You didn't actually tell me what's wrong with it.
We need to send folks like Redfish, Stephanie, etc., to Texas to serve under Rick Perry, the fascist governor. Talk about melding of state government and party.

A hundred years ago, give or take, people like Redfish, Stephanie, etc., would be arguing against mandating the 8 hour day, and outlawing child labor.
What's wrong with a lie for the greater good, if that's the result? We can justify sending people to die for the greater good...

If thats the best justification you can come up with, then kindly go to fucking hell, and take Obama and all his minions with you.

If you cant justify your position without lying, and more than that, willfully lying, than you deserve to be taken to a post and shot.

You didn't actually tell me what's wrong with it.

Its inhrently wrong you dumbshit. If you can't figure that one out, you really do need to be either locked up or strung up from a rope.

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