Popular songs that suck (ed)

If my like depended on it I could not name a single one of her songs.

Nor could I. I've heard enough to know that I have no need to remember any of it.

When I drive out of the area where I get reception of my local classic country station, I can get a newer country station and I honestly cannot tell that I'm listening to country, but for the station breaks that tell me so.

Living near the Twin Cities I can basically say I am completely burned out on Prince.
Not because of lack of talent, just because radio here is obsessed with three of his songs and they overplay the shit out of them. It got worse when he died.

No, I am NOT gonna party like it's 1999. Fuck off.
I love this song... :adoreheart:

I heard it randomly, not long after my brother died. I had no feelings at all when he died because he was a vile narcissistic junkie, but this one time I heard this song, I simply felt a message from him and something felt settled and okay about his death. It's been a good song since then.


I heard it randomly, not long after my brother died. I had no feelings at all when he died because he was a vile narcissistic junkie, but this one time I heard this song, I simply felt a message from him and something felt settled and okay about his death. It's been a good song since then.

This song stirs the emotions.
You are not alone, lots of folks don't like it.
Personally I like the audacity of it I suppose. Certainly is different. Most people think the odd lyrics have no meaning or purpose - when in reality every single word/phrase has meaning in Mercury's life.
He actually thought up the song from early college days, wanting to make a song that is a mixture of "opera and hard rock".
To me - it is a fun song. That has been sung out in drunken parties 100,000 times all over the world.
Riding up I95 in Florida when I first heard it.
I was shocked. I was like nothing I'd heard before and like everything I'd ever heard.
Unfortunately I wasn't paying attention to the DJ's lead so I didn't hear who did the work.
It is a work of art but like all art, appeals or repels depending on the taste of the viewer.

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