Porn: a public epidemic

Also, what is the difference to the human brain between a man watching porn and a female reading it? Or is the half naked man on the cover of those mommy porn books really really intelligent?
Female romance books are highly romanticized and involve very complicated seductions over long periods of time. Male porn is drop your pants.
The end result is the same lol. Sometimes those books are VERY graphic.
Fail/10 on rationalization
Extremely graphic. It just takes a long time to get there.
Just the way I like it. Slow and easy.

Seduction and emotional gratification. The fulfilment of desire.

Doesn't have to be complicated but the romance opens up an entire range of emotional gratification.
You might be right there. I do not feel compelled to agree with men, even queer men. I find the female body soft, rounded, and unappealing.

Well you should. That's the point of sexual attraction.

Male genitalia looks like it was just put in place as an afterthought. But the rest of the well formed male is alive. That has nothing on the female breast that hangs off the chest like a couple of water balloons. She is like a pot bellied fat guy with moobs.

They don't hang on younger women. Past 50, most of us loose our appeal.
Am I missing something? Why should I have any attraction to women, sexual or otherwise?

Breasts aren't even attractive on young women. They are just stuck there as if God said "Hmm, what shall I do with these goblets of flesh? Just throw them and see where they land. "

As an artist, I know I am supposed to find beauty in the human form. I just can't.
. I know I can't stand men who like porn. They're foul.
Good luck with that, given the fact that pretty much all men "like" porn to one degree or another (whether they admit it or not) you might want to consider becoming a lesbian 'cause word on the street is that only 75% of them "like" porn.

And if that is true, it demonstrates how bad the epidemic is.
Is porn immoral? That doesn’t matter: It’s a public health crisis.

The science is clearly there showing that pornography causes societal problems. The question is how do you deal with the problem? The government really doesn't have much authority to deal with this due to the first amendment protection the industry has.

So what are the solutions?

DOn't look at porn. I never did when I was a kid..wait...only a few times. I never had the government coming in and thelling me not to. I had mom and dad saying NO to me. This isn't a government problem.

No one said it was a government problem. It's a societal problem. Government has little power to address it.
Affinity to porn is a natural condition not a problem at all. To some people it might be a problem. That doesn't mean it's a problem for society.
Am I missing something? Why should I have any attraction to women, sexual or otherwise?

You shouldn't, that's the point/

Breasts aren't even attractive on young women. They are just stuck there as if God said "Hmm, what shall I do with these goblets of flesh? Just throw them and see where they land. "

As an artist, I know I am supposed to find beauty in the human form. I just can't.

Udder nonsense...
Is porn immoral? That doesn’t matter: It’s a public health crisis.

The science is clearly there showing that pornography causes societal problems. The question is how do you deal with the problem? The government really doesn't have much authority to deal with this due to the first amendment protection the industry has.

So what are the solutions?
If you don't like it, don't look at it. It's all about making grown up decisions.

I would argue that grown up decisions would mean choosing not to look at exploited naked women for your personal jollies and instead showing our wife and children love and devotion.
It isn't your choice to make, therein lies the problem. Making grown up decisions also means not making wildass assumptions and running with them.
. I know I can't stand men who like porn. They're foul.
Good luck with that, given the fact that pretty much all men "like" porn to one degree or another (whether they admit it or not) you might want to consider becoming a lesbian 'cause word on the street is that only 75% of them "like" porn.

And if that is true, it demonstrates how bad the epidemic is.
LOL, and what do you propose to do about said "epidemic" re-engineer human nature?
My opinion, the more women and society emasculate men the more men will turn elsewhere. Used to be "Father Knows Best." Now it's Homer Simpson.

That might be part of it. Partly men don't want to be bothered with wasting time with women. In porn they can fast forward through the boring bits. With virtual porn, there are no boring bits,
The problem is that women over complicate things to the point of frustration. Men are doers by nature. We like to accomplish things and get things done. Women, on the other hand, seem to prefer the process. it doesn't matter if you get something done, just having the journey is what counts.

I support that with exhibit A and B. Guy flicks and chick flicks. Yes, lots of guy flicks are dopey, but that's not the point. It's all about action. Chick flicks, not so much. It's pure torture for me to watch most chick flicks. Some are ok but many have no apparent plot, motive, storyline or ending. They just exist to peek into the personal lives of whatever characters are involved.

There, I hope that settles the debate once and for all. :rolleyes-41:

The problem isn't men being doers. If they were doing they wouldn't be watching porn. The problem is they aren't doing
The point was too big for you. Go back to your coloring book.
But how can an artist not see beauty in the body?


Good Question weasel......
It's surprising that humans and animals respond to such different stimuli. Humans developed visual cues for desire and animals developed scent
As an artist, I know I am supposed to find beauty in the human form. I just can't.
I'm an artist and have drawn many nudes, most female. I believe if you can draw a convincing human form you can draw anything. But how can an artist not see beauty in the body?

I know that I am supposed to see beauty in the human form. It's just not there. Men I can understand especially a well proportioned muscular male. Women are just repulsive. Whatever I'm supposed to see, I just don't see. I see soft and squishy.
Also, what is the difference to the human brain between a man watching porn and a female reading it? Or is the half naked man on the cover of those mommy porn books really really intelligent?
Female romance books are highly romanticized and involve very complicated seductions over long periods of time. Male porn is drop your pants.
The end result is the same lol. Sometimes those books are VERY graphic.
Fail/10 on rationalization
Extremely graphic. It just takes a long time to get there.
Just the way I like it. Slow and easy.

Seduction and emotional gratification. The fulfilment of desire.

Doesn't have to be complicated but the romance opens up an entire range of emotional gratification.

You had me at easy.

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