Porn Star Teaches Grades One & Three!


Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2005
Surfing the Oceans of Liquidity

Porn legend Sasha Grey was a guest reader at Emerson Elementary School in Compton, California earlier this month, joining first and third grade students in their Read Across America day. Grey certainly enjoyed the experience, tweeting, "Spent the am with Read Across America Compton, reading to the sweetest 1st & 3rd grade students @ Emerson Elementary!"!/SashaGrey/status/131864737695805440

The problem, TMZ reports, is that parents aren't happy -- and that school officials, instead of addressing the issue, are claiming it never happened. Of course, it'd be silly for Grey to tweet about it if it hadn't happened, and more importantly, TMZ has a photo of the event (as they always seem to do).

Porn Legend Sasha Grey Reads to 1st Graders, School District Attempts Cover-Up |

Sasha Grey, Porn Star, Reads To Elementary School, Parents Outraged




Why couldn't I have had teachers like that!
I think we have had stories about her before.

She is competent, enthusiastic, hard working. The history was long ago and she does not seem to be interested in her students "that way." I think it is time for the dead past to bury its dead.
How completely baffling and stupid for anyone to point out that she had been a porn star... It's a modern way of saying "I'm a naturalist and I love sex as we are meant to..." apparently. :dunno: Anyone can capture shots and put on the internet and then, too, most anyone can be captured doing most anything. If they wanna make a big hallaballoo stink about her porning then they should make hidden cameras and such completely ILLEGAL. :eusa_whistle: Which, I am sure they don't wanna do. :eusa_angle:

Porn legend Sasha Grey was a guest reader at Emerson Elementary School in Compton, California earlier this month, joining first and third grade students in their Read Across America day. Grey certainly enjoyed the experience, tweeting, "Spent the am with Read Across America Compton, reading to the sweetest 1st & 3rd grade students @ Emerson Elementary!"!/SashaGrey/status/131864737695805440

The problem, TMZ reports, is that parents aren't happy -- and that school officials, instead of addressing the issue, are claiming it never happened. Of course, it'd be silly for Grey to tweet about it if it hadn't happened, and more importantly, TMZ has a photo of the event (as they always seem to do).

Porn Legend Sasha Grey Reads to 1st Graders, School District Attempts Cover-Up |

Sasha Grey, Porn Star, Reads To Elementary School, Parents Outraged




Why couldn't I have had teachers like that!

Me too. Why it matters to parents that she is reading to their kids, I have no clue. She's appropriately dressed and reading appropriate literature.

Who cares?
she is a cross over....appearing on entourage for a couple of seasons....

do grades one and three watch porno now? they dont know she is a porno she still doing porn?

stop being so judge fucking mental

She was also in Eminem's most recent music video.

And as a matter of fact I was an avid porn connoisseur in the first grade. :eusa_shhh:
She's not a "porn star." She's a "classically trained actress," as Rob would say of Rob, Arnie and Dawn of Sacramento radio fame.

Did they introduce her to the students as a PORN STAR? No. Did she show up wearing some slutty, revealing, trampy outfit? No. Was she doing something commendable? YES!

Give the woman some credit and get off her back.... literally.
Perhaps the insecurities of dysfunctional relationships are the reason so many are offended by her presence. It is rarely ever about 'the kids' when people rant and rave about teachers' after hours habits. It is usually always about the adults. People will USE their children as buffers and as scape goats. I've seen it in many forms... the battles between types of schoolings, too... People will spout off disrespectful things toward one another saying it's all for the best in mind toward the children at stake, when infact when it comes down to it, it's the parents and adults involved that struggle with the issues.
Ok so I will be the unpopular one won't I?

This is terrible. Sorry - but as I expected, a simple google video search presents 100's of scenes of her. And the worst is that in several of them she presents herself as a baby sitter getting gaped by the father as payment.
The very day one of these young boys gets just a couple years older they will most definitely search for her videos - which are as bad as 2000's porn gets.
She isn't simply a porn star - she took on roles of high school girls getting gagged, gaped and gang banged by older men.

The height of liberal madness.
This is f*cking stupid. Today's porn is a cacophony of thinly veiled pedophilia...and this young women was deep into it...pun intended.
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Ok so I will be the unpopular one won't I?

This is terrible. Sorry - but as I expected, a simple google video search presents 100's of scenes of her. And the worst is that in several of them she presents herself as a baby sitter getting gaped by the father as payment.
The very day one of these young boys gets just a couple years older they will most definitely search for her videos - which are as bad as 2000's porn gets.
She isn't simply a porn star - she took on roles of high school girls getting gagged, gaped and gang banged by older men.

The height of liberal madness.
This is f*cking stupid. Today's porn is a cacophony of thinly veiled pedophilia...and this young women was deep into it...pun intended.

Really, wow... Very important point. THIS is something that many of us would have no clue about... I don't watch porn and would easily defend someone in such a position, but BECAUSE I would NOT know such details or experience.

Children in grades 1 thru 3 ARE tought to google and use the computer proficiently.

Yet, then too... I do know, too, that photoshop can be a most marvelous thing and they should perhaps also be taught the ability to decipher and determine certain validities for themselves... if they are to ever be left unattended infront of their computers. :dunno:
Ok so I will be the unpopular one won't I?

This is terrible. Sorry - but as I expected, a simple google video search presents 100's of scenes of her. And the worst is that in several of them she presents herself as a baby sitter getting gaped by the father as payment.
The very day one of these young boys gets just a couple years older they will most definitely search for her videos - which are as bad as 2000's porn gets.
She isn't simply a porn star - she took on roles of high school girls getting gagged, gaped and gang banged by older men.

The height of liberal madness.
This is f*cking stupid. Today's porn is a cacophony of thinly veiled pedophilia...and this young women was deep into it...pun intended.

Really, wow... Very important point. THIS is something that many of us would have no clue about... I don't watch porn and would easily defend someone in such a position, but BECAUSE I would NOT know such details or experience.

Children in grades 1 thru 3 ARE tought to google and use the computer proficiently.

Yet, then too... I do know, too, that photoshop can be a most marvelous thing and they should perhaps also be taught the ability to decipher and determine certain validities for themselves... if they are to ever be left unattended infront of their computers. :dunno:

I was in IT over a large multi-facility network for the nations 10th largest media company. Back in the mid-90's two locations were rooted (hacked)...we thought we had done a good job of firewalling things off ect.
Anyhow...I spent 3 years using various hacker tools to test network security...this gave me a specific skill set. I became good at it.
I was recruited by local law enforcement on a contractual basis in a few cases of trying to find the identity of predators, one of whom had successfully attracted and had sex with a 15 year old boy.
He was a teacher. He had won teacher of the year once even.
His name was Charles.

When you get to read through pages of keystroke captures and hacked emails and instant messaging streams...and then finally photographs of the real thing. Believe are affected.

This woman has absolutely no f*cking business working with children. She chose her path, and today - you can't hide what you did before - it is everywhere.
While what you post massively important points... HOW does one determine the levels of degree?

It isn't hard to side with those who are manipulated into certain lifestyles. It also isn't hard to go against those who are against the lower levels of society... which are usually the ones who think beyond appearances.

Child porn is not new. Sex with 15 year olds is really something I personally find too difficult to draw defined lines as child exploitation. It may be that I have become delusional... BUT I also don't support open and available porn even for most healthy-minded adults. To me, porn should be used as therapuetic and there should be strict methods involving such.
While what you post massively important points... HOW does one determine the levels of degree?

It isn't hard to side with those who are manipulated into certain lifestyles. It also isn't hard to go against those who are against the lower levels of society... which are usually the ones who think beyond appearances.

Child porn is not new. Sex with 15 year olds is really something I personally find too difficult to draw defined lines as child exploitation. It may be that I have become delusional... BUT I also don't support open and available porn even for most healthy-minded adults. To me, porn should be used as therapuetic and there should be strict methods involving such.

To point out - I am not against porn. I am a mid-40's heterosexual male, I would be a big fat liar as well as ANY heterosexual male by trying to say I don't ever look at pornography.
Porn is a great way to start up the old engines between a man and his wife. What people do in the privacy of their homes is 100% fine by me and I would defend that right vigorously.

Having said that - I would say a good 30% of todays porn is depictions of young, thin females dressing up like a high school girls and having very hardcore sex.
Think of the young girls in her classes. The article talks about how she is a great teacher, the kids LOVE HER...therefore they look up to her. They respect her...would like to be like her.
And then they see these videos.
Go her name in google video (just make sure your safe search is turned off) - look at the kind of porn this girl did.
Watch her pretending to be a babysitter and getting rammed in the ass, guys ejaculating on her face and she pretends it is the most fantastic thing a guy can do to her. THIS is today's porn industry.

Like I can't hide who you are once you choose this isn't about her rights or forgiving her. It is about the kids that WILL watch her videos as soon as they learn of them.

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