Porn Star Teaches Grades One & Three!

While what you post massively important points... HOW does one determine the levels of degree?

It isn't hard to side with those who are manipulated into certain lifestyles. It also isn't hard to go against those who are against the lower levels of society... which are usually the ones who think beyond appearances.

Child porn is not new. Sex with 15 year olds is really something I personally find too difficult to draw defined lines as child exploitation. It may be that I have become delusional... BUT I also don't support open and available porn even for most healthy-minded adults. To me, porn should be used as therapuetic and there should be strict methods involving such.

To point out - I am not against porn. I am a mid-40's heterosexual male, I would be a big fat liar as well as ANY heterosexual male by trying to say I don't ever look at pornography.
Porn is a great way to start up the old engines between a man and his wife. What people do in the privacy of their homes is 100% fine by me and I would defend that right vigorously.

Having said that - I would say a good 30% of todays porn is depictions of young, thin females dressing up like a high school girls and having very hardcore sex.
Think of the young girls in her classes. The article talks about how she is a great teacher, the kids LOVE HER...therefore they look up to her. They respect her...would like to be like her.
And then they see these videos.
Go her name in google video (just make sure your safe search is turned off) - look at the kind of porn this girl did.
Watch her pretending to be a babysitter and getting rammed in the ass, guys ejaculating on her face and she pretends it is the most fantastic thing a guy can do to her. THIS is today's porn industry.

Like I can't hide who you are once you choose this isn't about her rights or forgiving her. It is about the kids that WILL watch her videos as soon as they learn of them.

Most definitely you and I are merely completely one another's thoughts... The issue I see most prevelent is the open availability of all porn... It delutes it's potential and cheapens it's value... AND as a woman I appreciate porn on many levels, most unmenionable... I just don't appreciate it out of balance... which is what it obviously has come to be.
Ok so I will be the unpopular one won't I?

This is terrible. Sorry - but as I expected, a simple google video search presents 100's of scenes of her. And the worst is that in several of them she presents herself as a baby sitter getting gaped by the father as payment.
The very day one of these young boys gets just a couple years older they will most definitely search for her videos - which are as bad as 2000's porn gets.
She isn't simply a porn star - she took on roles of high school girls getting gagged, gaped and gang banged by older men.

The height of liberal madness.
This is f*cking stupid. Today's porn is a cacophony of thinly veiled pedophilia...and this young women was deep into it...pun intended.
OK... you changed my mind a little. But did she properly present herself? I'd say yes. Was she introduced to the students as the guest teacher who, "is also a porn star?" No. So how would the kids have known? Did she teach them porn? No. Should a porn star be teaching children? That is up to each his own to decide I'd say. When a convicted murderer can be "rehabilitated" so to be accepted back into society, then why not a porn star? I'd say a murderer is far worse than a porn star. She didn't hurt anyone and she didn't break any laws. And one other point, children "left unattended at a computer searching for porn" is a parents fault. If you don't want your kids viewing porn on the internet then it's up to the parent to see that they don't. And if it isn't this porn star they find, it's one of the millions of others they will.
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Ok so I will be the unpopular one won't I?

This is terrible. Sorry - but as I expected, a simple google video search presents 100's of scenes of her. And the worst is that in several of them she presents herself as a baby sitter getting gaped by the father as payment.
The very day one of these young boys gets just a couple years older they will most definitely search for her videos - which are as bad as 2000's porn gets.
She isn't simply a porn star - she took on roles of high school girls getting gagged, gaped and gang banged by older men.

The height of liberal madness.
This is f*cking stupid. Today's porn is a cacophony of thinly veiled pedophilia...and this young women was deep into it...pun intended.
OK... you changed my mind a little. But did she properly present herself? I'd say yes. Was she introduced to the students as the guest teacher who, "is also a porn star?" No. So how would the kids have known? Did she teach them porn? No. Should a porn star be teaching children? That is up each his own to decide I'd say. When a convicted murderer can be "rehabilitated" so to be accepted back into society, then why not a porn star? I'd say a murderer is far worse than a porn star. She didn't hurt anyone and she didn't break any laws. And one other point, children "left unattended at a computer" is a parents fault. If you don't want your kids viewing porn on the internet then it's up to the parent to see that they don't. And if it isn't this porn star they find, it's one of the millions of others they will.

You say "it is up to each individual" if they are OK or not with a former porn start teaching young kids. isn't like the school is going to be handing out pamphlets to parents telling them about it.

Your looking past a few things. There are child protection laws for good reasons. I can tell you out of experience it is just to damn easy for an adult to manage to talk a young pre-teen into having sex. Children between 10 and 14 especially. They are extremely curious about sex, boys and girls. At this age they still look at adults as role models, they are ignorant of the world...and then you present an attractive, energetic young women who in the role of a teacher will undoubtedly influence a number of those kids.
And then they see the videos. And they will see them. With all due respect you are naive to think parents can stop their kids from viewing porn. You may be able to stop it in your own home....but not everywhere else.
Ok so I will be the unpopular one won't I?

This is terrible. Sorry - but as I expected, a simple google video search presents 100's of scenes of her. And the worst is that in several of them she presents herself as a baby sitter getting gaped by the father as payment.
The very day one of these young boys gets just a couple years older they will most definitely search for her videos - which are as bad as 2000's porn gets.
She isn't simply a porn star - she took on roles of high school girls getting gagged, gaped and gang banged by older men.

The height of liberal madness.
This is f*cking stupid. Today's porn is a cacophony of thinly veiled pedophilia...and this young women was deep into it...pun intended.
OK... you changed my mind a little. But did she properly present herself? I'd say yes. Was she introduced to the students as the guest teacher who, "is also a porn star?" No. So how would the kids have known? Did she teach them porn? No. Should a porn star be teaching children? That is up each his own to decide I'd say. When a convicted murderer can be "rehabilitated" so to be accepted back into society, then why not a porn star? I'd say a murderer is far worse than a porn star. She didn't hurt anyone and she didn't break any laws. And one other point, children "left unattended at a computer" is a parents fault. If you don't want your kids viewing porn on the internet then it's up to the parent to see that they don't. And if it isn't this porn star they find, it's one of the millions of others they will.

You say "it is up to each individual" if they are OK or not with a former porn start teaching young kids. isn't like the school is going to be handing out pamphlets to parents telling them about it.

Your looking past a few things. There are child protection laws for good reasons. I can tell you out of experience it is just to damn easy for an adult to manage to talk a young pre-teen into having sex. Children between 10 and 14 especially. They are extremely curious about sex, boys and girls. At this age they still look at adults as role models, they are ignorant of the world...and then you present an attractive, energetic young women who in the role of a teacher will undoubtedly influence a number of those kids.
And then they see the videos. And they will see them. With all due respect you are naive to think parents can stop their kids from viewing porn. You may be able to stop it in your own home....but not everywhere else.
REALLY?! Your personal experience?

That's just the point, and I'm not naive about anything. I'm 56 years old and this ain't my first rodeo. Yes kids will seek out porn. That's still is no excuse for parents to give up if they don't want their kids viewing it. Learning about sex is all part of growing up. Yes kids are VERY curious about it. It's natural. But back to the teacher, was she introduced as a porn star? NO! Did she teach the class about porn? NO! Did she dress up in some slutty porn star outfit or flash her beaver at the class? NO! So how did the kids know she was a porn star? They DIDN'T! So why would they look for her on the internet as a porn star if they didn't know she was? They WOULDN'T! YOU are connecting dots that aren't there. Your point is taken that you don't like the idea of a porn star teaching school, but you're missing my point that she was only there as a guest, and none of the kids knew she was a porn star, and last I knew, it wasn't illegal to be a porn star anyway.
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OK... you changed my mind a little. But did she properly present herself? I'd say yes. Was she introduced to the students as the guest teacher who, "is also a porn star?" No. So how would the kids have known? Did she teach them porn? No. Should a porn star be teaching children? That is up each his own to decide I'd say. When a convicted murderer can be "rehabilitated" so to be accepted back into society, then why not a porn star? I'd say a murderer is far worse than a porn star. She didn't hurt anyone and she didn't break any laws. And one other point, children "left unattended at a computer" is a parents fault. If you don't want your kids viewing porn on the internet then it's up to the parent to see that they don't. And if it isn't this porn star they find, it's one of the millions of others they will.

You say "it is up to each individual" if they are OK or not with a former porn start teaching young kids. isn't like the school is going to be handing out pamphlets to parents telling them about it.

Your looking past a few things. There are child protection laws for good reasons. I can tell you out of experience it is just to damn easy for an adult to manage to talk a young pre-teen into having sex. Children between 10 and 14 especially. They are extremely curious about sex, boys and girls. At this age they still look at adults as role models, they are ignorant of the world...and then you present an attractive, energetic young women who in the role of a teacher will undoubtedly influence a number of those kids.
And then they see the videos. And they will see them. With all due respect you are naive to think parents can stop their kids from viewing porn. You may be able to stop it in your own home....but not everywhere else.
REALLY?! Your personal experience?

That's just the point, and I'm not naive about anything. I'm 56 years old and this ain't my first rodeo. Yes kids will seek out porn. That's still is no excuse for parents to give up if they don't want their kids viewing it. Learning about sex is all part of growing up. Yes kids are VERY curious about it. It's natural. But back to the teacher, was she introduced as a porn star? NO! Did she teach the class about porn? NO! Did she dress up in some slutty porn star outfit or flash her beaver at the class? NO! So how did the kids know she was a porn star? They DIDN'T! So why would they look for her on the internet as a porn star if they didn't know she was? They WOULDN'T! YOU are connecting dots that aren't there. Your point is taken that you don't like the idea of a porn star teaching school, but you're missing my point that she was only there as a guest, and none of the kids knew she was a pron star, and last I knew, it wasn't illegal to be a porn star anyway.

Yes my post a few entries above. It explains the experience.
You say "it is up to each individual" if they are OK or not with a former porn start teaching young kids. isn't like the school is going to be handing out pamphlets to parents telling them about it.

Your looking past a few things. There are child protection laws for good reasons. I can tell you out of experience it is just to damn easy for an adult to manage to talk a young pre-teen into having sex. Children between 10 and 14 especially. They are extremely curious about sex, boys and girls. At this age they still look at adults as role models, they are ignorant of the world...and then you present an attractive, energetic young women who in the role of a teacher will undoubtedly influence a number of those kids.
And then they see the videos. And they will see them. With all due respect you are naive to think parents can stop their kids from viewing porn. You may be able to stop it in your own home....but not everywhere else.
REALLY?! Your personal experience?

That's just the point, and I'm not naive about anything. I'm 56 years old and this ain't my first rodeo. Yes kids will seek out porn. That's still is no excuse for parents to give up if they don't want their kids viewing it. Learning about sex is all part of growing up. Yes kids are VERY curious about it. It's natural. But back to the teacher, was she introduced as a porn star? NO! Did she teach the class about porn? NO! Did she dress up in some slutty porn star outfit or flash her beaver at the class? NO! So how did the kids know she was a porn star? They DIDN'T! So why would they look for her on the internet as a porn star if they didn't know she was? They WOULDN'T! YOU are connecting dots that aren't there. Your point is taken that you don't like the idea of a porn star teaching school, but you're missing my point that she was only there as a guest, and none of the kids knew she was a pron star, and last I knew, it wasn't illegal to be a porn star anyway.

Yes my post a few entries above. It explains the experience.

I'm not trying to belittle your point Iam. I get it. I just happen to look at the story a little differently than you.
Maybe the bean hogs are jealous about having their little ones exposed to what a young woman is SUPPOSED to look like ?
Mommy. Why don't you have a body like Ms. Gray ?
Shuddup and eat your twinkies ! :tongue:


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REALLY?! Your personal experience?

That's just the point, and I'm not naive about anything. I'm 56 years old and this ain't my first rodeo. Yes kids will seek out porn. That's still is no excuse for parents to give up if they don't want their kids viewing it. Learning about sex is all part of growing up. Yes kids are VERY curious about it. It's natural. But back to the teacher, was she introduced as a porn star? NO! Did she teach the class about porn? NO! Did she dress up in some slutty porn star outfit or flash her beaver at the class? NO! So how did the kids know she was a porn star? They DIDN'T! So why would they look for her on the internet as a porn star if they didn't know she was? They WOULDN'T! YOU are connecting dots that aren't there. Your point is taken that you don't like the idea of a porn star teaching school, but you're missing my point that she was only there as a guest, and none of the kids knew she was a pron star, and last I knew, it wasn't illegal to be a porn star anyway.

Yes my post a few entries above. It explains the experience.

I'm not trying to belittle your point Iam. I get it. I just happen to look at the story a little differently than you.

Oh I know your not...I respect your view and understand where you are coming from. It was a lousy choice as a guest - and the school knows it - which is why they tried to lie out of it till...whoops...TMZ has a photo of her in their classroom. Now the school not only looks bad for choosing her to read to kids, but also that they are willing to lie about what they do to protect themselves.
Ok so I will be the unpopular one won't I?

This is terrible. Sorry - but as I expected, a simple google video search presents 100's of scenes of her. And the worst is that in several of them she presents herself as a baby sitter getting gaped by the father as payment.
The very day one of these young boys gets just a couple years older they will most definitely search for her videos - which are as bad as 2000's porn gets.
She isn't simply a porn star - she took on roles of high school girls getting gagged, gaped and gang banged by older men.

The height of liberal madness.
This is f*cking stupid. Today's porn is a cacophony of thinly veiled pedophilia...and this young women was deep into it...pun intended.

Really, wow... Very important point. THIS is something that many of us would have no clue about... I don't watch porn and would easily defend someone in such a position, but BECAUSE I would NOT know such details or experience.

Children in grades 1 thru 3 ARE tought to google and use the computer proficiently.

Yet, then too... I do know, too, that photoshop can be a most marvelous thing and they should perhaps also be taught the ability to decipher and determine certain validities for themselves... if they are to ever be left unattended infront of their computers. :dunno:

I was in IT over a large multi-facility network for the nations 10th largest media company. Back in the mid-90's two locations were rooted (hacked)...we thought we had done a good job of firewalling things off ect.
Anyhow...I spent 3 years using various hacker tools to test network security...this gave me a specific skill set. I became good at it.
I was recruited by local law enforcement on a contractual basis in a few cases of trying to find the identity of predators, one of whom had successfully attracted and had sex with a 15 year old boy.
He was a teacher. He had won teacher of the year once even.
His name was Charles.

When you get to read through pages of keystroke captures and hacked emails and instant messaging streams...and then finally photographs of the real thing. Believe are affected.

This woman has absolutely no f*cking business working with children. She chose her path, and today - you can't hide what you did before - it is everywhere.

This is true. Your past is always in front of you.
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Yes my post a few entries above. It explains the experience.

I'm not trying to belittle your point Iam. I get it. I just happen to look at the story a little differently than you.

Oh I know your not...I respect your view and understand where you are coming from. It was a lousy choice as a guest - and the school knows it - which is why they tried to lie out of it till...whoops...TMZ has a photo of her in their classroom. Now the school not only looks bad for choosing her to read to kids, but also that they are willing to lie about what they do to protect themselves.

They have problems in the schools and have for a while. My children are almost 40 and the maddest I ever got was when they had a unit on 'great American women.' No notable women like Pearl Buck, or Eleanor Roosevelt. The first one was Sally Field! Shit. I went to the school about that one. Their resopnse. "It's what the books said."
Why are the parents in such a huff about this? I doubt that any 1st or 3rd grader even knew who she was.

She's just reading to them. I doubt she talked about her job.

While what you post massively important points... HOW does one determine the levels of degree?

It isn't hard to side with those who are manipulated into certain lifestyles. It also isn't hard to go against those who are against the lower levels of society... which are usually the ones who think beyond appearances.

Child porn is not new. Sex with 15 year olds is really something I personally find too difficult to draw defined lines as child exploitation. It may be that I have become delusional... BUT I also don't support open and available porn even for most healthy-minded adults. To me, porn should be used as therapuetic and there should be strict methods involving such.

Consensual sex with a 15 year old is not illegal if the person having sex with him or her is another 15 year old.
Why are the parents in such a huff about this? I doubt that any 1st or 3rd grader even knew who she was.

She's just reading to them. I doubt she talked about her job.


I think first and third graders in this day probably know the scoop. Even if she did talk about her job....I have always had issues when the schools bring in recovering drug addicts, felons, etc. to talk about how they hit bottom and came back to the top. I think it sends the message to the kids, 'I got addicted, impriosned, etc. and got over it, therefore you can too.' It would be much better, IMO, and I speak as an expert in the field of behavioral health, to make some attempt to imbue kids with a sense of self worth to start with rather than knocking them down and then having to haul them up out of the gutters.
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Why are the parents in such a huff about this? I doubt that any 1st or 3rd grader even knew who she was.

She's just reading to them. I doubt she talked about her job.


I think first and third graders in this day probably know the scoop. Even if she did talk about her job....I have always had issues when the schools bring in recovering drug addicts, felons, etc. to talk about how they hit bottom and came back to the top. I think it sends the message to the kids, 'I got addicted, impriosned, etc. and got over it, therefore you can too.' It would be much better, IMO, and I speak as an expert in the field of behavioral health, to make some attempt to imbue kids with a sense of self worth to start with rather than knocking them down and then having to haul them up out of the gutters.

Damn. You're kidding me? 1st and 3rd graders know that stuff now? :eek:

Yikes. Well, if they do, then yeah, I would have a problem with this.

But, still - she was just reading to them, from what I gather.
Why are the parents in such a huff about this? I doubt that any 1st or 3rd grader even knew who she was.

She's just reading to them. I doubt she talked about her job.


I think first and third graders in this day probably know the scoop. Even if she did talk about her job....I have always had issues when the schools bring in recovering drug addicts, felons, etc. to talk about how they hit bottom and came back to the top. I think it sends the message to the kids, 'I got addicted, impriosned, etc. and got over it, therefore you can too.' It would be much better, IMO, and I speak as an expert in the field of behavioral health, to make some attempt to imbue kids with a sense of self worth to start with rather than knocking them down and then having to haul them up out of the gutters.

Damn. You're kidding me? 1st and 3rd graders know that stuff now? :eek:

Yikes. Well, if they do, then yeah, I would have a problem with this.

But, still - she was just reading to them, from what I gather.

If stories like this are true:

First-grade sex harassment case settled - Sex Education -

We forget how easy it is for porn to be bought from satellite companies, or how careless parents can be when they are watching that vid. Older kids indoctrinate the younger ones. And they are getting younger all the time.
Why are the parents in such a huff about this? I doubt that any 1st or 3rd grader even knew who she was.

She's just reading to them. I doubt she talked about her job.


I think first and third graders in this day probably know the scoop. Even if she did talk about her job....I have always had issues when the schools bring in recovering drug addicts, felons, etc. to talk about how they hit bottom and came back to the top. I think it sends the message to the kids, 'I got addicted, impriosned, etc. and got over it, therefore you can too.' It would be much better, IMO, and I speak as an expert in the field of behavioral health, to make some attempt to imbue kids with a sense of self worth to start with rather than knocking them down and then having to haul them up out of the gutters.

Damn. You're kidding me? 1st and 3rd graders know that stuff now? :eek:

Yikes. Well, if they do, then yeah, I would have a problem with this.

But, still - she was just reading to them, from what I gather.

Yuo would be surprised what young kids know.
I also used to work on relatives and friends computers....not for the money, but it is something I know how to do and spending $75 for the Geek Squad to reinstall Windows is a crime IMO...anyway...I agreed to work on a computer of one of my co-workers neighbor, I really didn't want to...but...I did.
Bad move...the computer was over-run with the most egregious porn...the sick stuff...people peeing on each other, defecating on eachother (you believe this sh*t is out there)...anyway - I knew the computer belonged to the peoples son...well I felt morally obligated to tell the it turned out the kid was making DVD's of the stuff and giving it to other kids...he was in the 5th grade!!!!!!!
At the time I was still contracted by law enforcement so I was legally bound to turn it in.

i have never worked on anyone's else's computer since.
I think first and third graders in this day probably know the scoop. Even if she did talk about her job....I have always had issues when the schools bring in recovering drug addicts, felons, etc. to talk about how they hit bottom and came back to the top. I think it sends the message to the kids, 'I got addicted, impriosned, etc. and got over it, therefore you can too.' It would be much better, IMO, and I speak as an expert in the field of behavioral health, to make some attempt to imbue kids with a sense of self worth to start with rather than knocking them down and then having to haul them up out of the gutters.

Damn. You're kidding me? 1st and 3rd graders know that stuff now? :eek:

Yikes. Well, if they do, then yeah, I would have a problem with this.

But, still - she was just reading to them, from what I gather.

Yuo would be surprised what young kids know.
I also used to work on relatives and friends computers....not for the money, but it is something I know how to do and spending $75 for the Geek Squad to reinstall Windows is a crime IMO...anyway...I agreed to work on a computer of one of my co-workers neighbor, I really didn't want to...but...I did.
Bad move...the computer was over-run with the most egregious porn...the sick stuff...people peeing on each other, defecating on eachother (you believe this sh*t is out there)...anyway - I knew the computer belonged to the peoples son...well I felt morally obligated to tell the it turned out the kid was making DVD's of the stuff and giving it to other kids...he was in the 5th grade!!!!!!!
At the time I was still contracted by law enforcement so I was legally bound to turn it in.

i have never worked on anyone's else's computer since.


I think first and third graders in this day probably know the scoop. Even if she did talk about her job....I have always had issues when the schools bring in recovering drug addicts, felons, etc. to talk about how they hit bottom and came back to the top. I think it sends the message to the kids, 'I got addicted, impriosned, etc. and got over it, therefore you can too.' It would be much better, IMO, and I speak as an expert in the field of behavioral health, to make some attempt to imbue kids with a sense of self worth to start with rather than knocking them down and then having to haul them up out of the gutters.

Damn. You're kidding me? 1st and 3rd graders know that stuff now? :eek:

Yikes. Well, if they do, then yeah, I would have a problem with this.

But, still - she was just reading to them, from what I gather.

Yuo would be surprised what young kids know.
I also used to work on relatives and friends computers....not for the money, but it is something I know how to do and spending $75 for the Geek Squad to reinstall Windows is a crime IMO...anyway...I agreed to work on a computer of one of my co-workers neighbor, I really didn't want to...but...I did.
Bad move...the computer was over-run with the most egregious porn...the sick stuff...people peeing on each other, defecating on eachother (you believe this sh*t is out there)...anyway - I knew the computer belonged to the peoples son...well I felt morally obligated to tell the it turned out the kid was making DVD's of the stuff and giving it to other kids...he was in the 5th grade!!!!!!!
At the time I was still contracted by law enforcement so I was legally bound to turn it in.

i have never worked on anyone's else's computer since.

In some states 'strict liability' is the standard when child porn is involved. It doesn't matter if you put the stuff on your computer or not, you are still responsible if it is there.
Who in the H wouldn't want her as a teacher??? I'm guessing it's just a few pissed off dads who weren't invited to story telling that are doing the complaining :lol:

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