Portland ANTIFA Stabs Reporter In Peaceful Protest

Tell me where I can see this knife in the video.
It's a good point. He was streaming, it all could be just for views.

Just curious...how do you know he is Antifa? Can’t find it in any legit news sources, not even Fox.
Would have to catch him to know for sure. Another good point. However he should be in jail regardless... Right? Assuming of course he did actually stab him.

They did catch him.
He's a convicted pedo and a member of antifa.
Another who comments with out knowing shit.
My badd. I didn't know they caught him.. Wasn't in the video.

Edit: Ahh.. Caught up now. Thank you Calypso Jones

It's in this thread fer fuks sake!!!
Yeah yeah... My badd.

Word of advice...
If you haven't read the thread ask questions,dont make unfounded statements.
It can come back and bite you in the ass.
My bad.
That was your buddy DrSpooge.

What's that? My buddy? I don't even know that poster. What, all a sudden if I respond to somebody they're my buddy?

But there's a certain humorous irony about your dig, though. If I'm not mistaken, and in the spirit of functional debate of the topical content rather than the membership itself, the first thing I recall the so-called reporter from "The Common Sense Republican" (lolol) sayingm, after he walked thirty feet (at least) through a crowd of people in order to sneak up on and grab a guy walking down the sidewalk with his hands in his pockets was "Hey buddy!"
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My bad.
That was your buddy DrSpooge.

What's that? My buddy? I don't even know that poster. What, all a sudden if I respond to somebody they're my buddy?

But there's a certain humorous irony about your dig, though. If I'm not mistaken, and in the spirit of functional debate of the topical content rather than the membership itelf, the first thing I recall the so-called reporter from "The Common Sense Republican" (lolol) saying after he walked thirty feet (at least) through a crowd of people in order to sneak up on and grab a guy walking down the sidewalk with his hands in his pockets was "Hey buddy!"

So where's the knife?
My bad.
That was your buddy DrSpooge.

What's that? My buddy? I don't even know that poster. What, all a sudden if I respond to somebody they're my buddy?

But there's a certain humorous irony about your dig, though. If I'm not mistaken, and in the spirit of functional debate of the topical content rather than the membership itelf, the first thing I recall the so-called reporter from "The Common Sense Republican" (lolol) saying after he walked thirty feet (at least) through a crowd of people in order to sneak up on and grab a guy walking down the sidewalk with his hands in his pockets was "Hey buddy!"

Stop avoiding the question and tell me where the knife is....I mean other than the one in that dudes gut.
Ya, don't you just love the bullshit the left is supporting?

Peaceful protest, you're an idiot if you believe it.

If you don't think the mob will come for you you're stupid. Kind of the way cancel culture works at the fringe of the libtard party. They'll stalk you then stab you.

And you believe that the stabbing was done by the Legal Protesters? Not hardly. Obviously a person came with the express intent of either Assault or Murder which has nothing to do with any others around him.

That's the type of cover we get from you people. The left protests, riots, loots, commits arson and assaults on the police and civilians, and even murder follow, and "it's mostly peaceful." is what you have to say. A month of rioting each night in Portland continues because of the enablers on the left.

In First Weekend Of Riots, Looting Damage In 20 Major Cities Exceeded $400 Million

"It's like... mostly peace dude, motor on."

Meanwhile the so called right are hated, and vilified by the left and their media. The "right" can have months of TEA Party protests with ZERO violence, and ZERO riots, never clashing with the police, and even the protests to end the lock downs were peaceful, and yet vilified. But lib'tards can riot every night, and the leftist enablers spew the mostly peaceful mantra. Oh looky, another riot tonight. "Mostly peaceful."
Tell me where I can see this knife in the video.
It's a good point. He was streaming, it all could be just for views.

Just curious...how do you know he is Antifa? Can’t find it in any legit news sources, not even Fox.
Would have to catch him to know for sure. Another good point. However he should be in jail regardless... Right? Assuming of course he did actually stab him.

They did catch him.
He's a convicted pedo and a member of antifa.
Another who comments with out knowing shit.
Did the lolice say he is Antifa? Simple question. Every criminal and protester is Antifa to you guys, that is why I ask.
Someone might actually be able to defend this if it were a one off. Unfortunately things like this happen constantly in little places like Detroit or CHAZ or other places where the rioting has taken place. Police have been killed. Watchers, onlookers even a body was found in a burned out pawnshop.
But we are expected to have some try and say it is just one person.
Here is a video of the "one person" theory at work in Chicago. Video shows Chicago police officers dragged through street, assaulted by mob
That "one person" bullshit will go down in history, with the single bullet theory, as examples of pathetic grasping lies that people automatically rejected as laughable and transparently false.
Portland on any given day will have up to 150 peaceful protesters until around 11 PM, then, a thousand rioters show up for the next four hours, and the media, and the despicable enablers on the left, will refer to Portland as "mostly peaceful."
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Tell me where I can see this knife in the video.
It's a good point. He was streaming, it all could be just for views.

Just curious...how do you know he is Antifa? Can’t find it in any legit news sources, not even Fox.
Would have to catch him to know for sure. Another good point. However he should be in jail regardless... Right? Assuming of course he did actually stab him.

They did catch him.
He's a convicted pedo and a member of antifa.
Another who comments with out knowing shit.
Did the lolice say he is Antifa? Simple question. Every criminal and protester is Antifa to you guys, that is why I ask.
The Democratic Party is turning into antifa, so...

Both antifa and Joe O'Biden refer to the police as "the enemy of the people" and both want to defund the police, so...

We could probably go right down the list of Joe's presidential campaign platform wants and desires, and antifa's wants and desires and mirror them both up
Stop avoiding the question and tell me where the knife is....I mean other than the one in that dudes gut.

I did. Don't you read good? I said it was on his right hip.

What a fucken cop out!:laughing0301:
Answer the fuken question!!!! At what point in the video can you see the knife on the dude who got stabbed.
You cant because there's noway in hell you could see it even if it was there.
Which we all know it wasn't.
You're a pathetic looser.
Tell me where I can see this knife in the video.
It's a good point. He was streaming, it all could be just for views.

Just curious...how do you know he is Antifa? Can’t find it in any legit news sources, not even Fox.
Would have to catch him to know for sure. Another good point. However he should be in jail regardless... Right? Assuming of course he did actually stab him.

They did catch him.
He's a convicted pedo and a member of antifa.
Another who comments with out knowing shit.
Did the lolice say he is Antifa? Simple question. Every criminal and protester is Antifa to you guys, that is why I ask.

Another who hasnt read the thread in it's entirety.
What a fucken cop out!:laughing0301:
Answer the fuken question!!!! At what point in the video can you see the knife on the dude who got stabbed.
You cant because there's noway in hell you could see it even if it was there.
Which we all know it wasn't.
You're a pathetic looser.

Right after he walked around thirty feet through a crowd of people and snuck up on the man from behind, as soon as he circles around him, but right before he puts his hands on him and starts walking him in the direction of his friends. Looks like a knife on his hip to me at that moment of the frame.

With regard to your other dig, I think you'll find that I'm likely far more eager to pursue the discussion with you than you might think.
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What a fucken cop out!:laughing0301:
Answer the fuken question!!!! At what point in the video can you see the knife on the dude who got stabbed.
You cant because there's noway in hell you could see it even if it was there.
Which we all know it wasn't.
You're a pathetic looser.

Right after he snuck up on the man from behind, as soon as he circles around him, but right before he puts his hands on him and starts walking him in the direction of his friends.

With regard to your other dig, I think you'll find that I'm likely far more eager to pursue the discussion than you might think.

Give me a time stamp.
Unless of course you're too damn stupid to do so.
Shithole looks like Beruit.....

Proud of it you POS democrats?

Sane people are not going to vote for this shit
Theres no such thing as Antifa. Just more right wing fake news. Nadler says so

Anyone opposing fascism is antifa.

Antifart IS fascist.
Authoritarian ultra-nationalism should be opposed wherever it appears.
Voting and democracy must be supported, and those who suppress voting should be opposed.
Fascism is anti-democracy.
Shithole looks like Beruit.....

Proud of it you POS democrats?

Sane people are not going to vote for this shit
Theres no such thing as Antifa. Just more right wing fake news. Nadler says so

Anyone opposing fascism is antifa.

Antifart IS fascist.
Authoritarian ultra-nationalism should be opposed wherever it appears.
Voting and democracy must be supported, and those who suppress voting should be opposed.
Fascism is anti-democracy.

Someone needs to tell pantifa that.
Give me a time stamp.

To repeat: Right after he walked around thirty feet through a crowd of people and snuck up on the man from behind, as soon as he circles around him, but right before he puts his hands on him and starts walking him in the direction of his friends.

It's a three minute video, watch it. As a courtesy, I've basically drawn you a map to where to go look.

Unless of course you're too damn stupid to do so.

Well, that's not a very nice thing to say.
Yes, ANTIFA are violent, but as NC said, it kinda seemed like the guy was looking for an altercation.

If you read the comments on the video, a lot of people are saying similar things. Even the person running that channel agreed that he shouldn't have done that.



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Ya, don't you just love the bullshit the left is supporting?

Peaceful protest, you're an idiot if you believe it.

If you don't think the mob will come for you you're stupid. Kind of the way cancel culture works at the fringe of the libtard party. They'll stalk you then stab you.

Standard mob mentality.
Give me a time stamp.

To repeat: Right after he walked around thirty feet through a crowd of people and snuck up on the man from behind, as soon as he circles around him, but right before he puts his hands on him and starts walking him in the direction of his friends.

It's a three minute video, watch it. As a courtesy, I've basically drawn you a map to where to go look.

Unless of course you're too damn stupid to do so.

Well, that's not a very nice thing to say.

Hey no problem,a lot of people go through life stupid and live to a ripe old age.
They have the stabber.

And they should. But I do have one little problem with these posts. Give cites to his Pedo conviction. That's easy enough to followup on. It would be public record.

And exactly what is Antifa? Find me proof that this organization exists.

So far, the reports that you people have been using has been from crackpot sites. Show me the conviction of him as a pedo.

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