Portland investigating possible Supremacist within police force.

LOL.......we are talking Portland police here. There is a higher likelihood of a Jamaican rasta-man being a member of the Canadian downhill skiing team than a white supremacist being part of the Portland Police Dept.:113:
Portlanders are just like Seattleites, they hate conservative Christians and equate them to white supremacists, regardless if it makes absolutely no sense to do so in reality.
Joey Gibson is half Japanese from what I heard. I doubt he qualifies for membership in any white racialist group.

But leftists stay stupid and believe this nonsense.

So all citizens of two cities "hate" a certain specific religious group? How would you know this? Your assertion is utter nonsense.

The only critical issue here, as always in every community, is whether the community can have confidence that members of its police force are capable of doing their jobs serving the community in a fair and unbiased manner or whether they conduct their official duties in a biased manner. This question has arisen within several communities across the country when evidence of bias by officers has surfaced. This not some political jargon. It is critical as it speaks directly to how authority is awarded and the confidence the community can have in the way that authority is exercised.

The investigation of police activity should not be conducted by the police.
Not all, just the majority. I know this from living in both cities as a Christian conservative.
LOL.......we are talking Portland police here. There is a higher likelihood of a Jamaican rasta-man being a member of the Canadian downhill skiing team than a white supremacist being part of the Portland Police Dept.:113:
They had a racist skinhead issue there in the 80s and early 90s, a couple high profile racial killings during that time was going to scar the image of the city, officials & residents thought at the time ..they have been very sensitive about anything right wing since they ran out the last of the skinhead gangs to the PDX suburbs.
LOL.......we are talking Portland police here. There is a higher likelihood of a Jamaican rasta-man being a member of the Canadian downhill skiing team than a white supremacist being part of the Portland Police Dept.:113:
They had a racist skinhead issue there in the 80s and early 90s, a couple high profile racial killings during that time was going to scar the image of the city, officials & residents thought at the time ..they have been very sensitive about anything right wing since they ran out the last of the skinhead gangs to the PDX suburbs.
Skinheads are left-wing
LOL.......we are talking Portland police here. There is a higher likelihood of a Jamaican rasta-man being a member of the Canadian downhill skiing team than a white supremacist being part of the Portland Police Dept.:113:
They had a racist skinhead issue there in the 80s and early 90s, a couple high profile racial killings during that time was going to scar the image of the city, officials & residents thought at the time ..they have been very sensitive about anything right wing since they ran out the last of the skinhead gangs to the PDX suburbs.

Of course..........Portland is one of the k00k left capitals of the world right now. The only skinheads there are real hard core and their number is few........like finding albino's in the middle of Botswana.:coffee:
It says "some members"

The KKK itself has never disavowed white power/supremacy/separatism

Actually, if I am not correct, that is the whole controversy within the KKK. It is one of the reasons Senator Byrd was a member until very late, and the reason David Duke was a member until very late, and finally gave up, b/c they just could not change public perception.

Byrd wasn't a member till "very late". Condemning him for being a member is legit but arguments need to be factual.

What wasn't factual?

I stated what wasn't factual.
Till very late in his career, or the Klan history? It is all a matter of perspective.

It doesn't change what was in the mind of Senator Byrd in his Senatorial career;

"In 1964, Senator Robert Byrd led a filibuster against the Civil Rights Act of 1964. He also opposed the Voting Rights Act of 1965, as well as most of the anti-poverty programs of President Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society initiative. In the debate against anti-poverty legislation, Byrd stated, “we can take the people out of the slums, but we cannot take the slums out of the people.”

I find it interesting that both Byrd and Duke were involved in the Klan for almost the exact amount of time, up until around their thirties, don't you? And generally, both have similar outlooks. Interesting that.

Byrd did a lot of things that one can not defend.
And then he call people, nasty and filthy and tells them to go back from where they came.

Due to their politics, not their race.

I showed you what you asked for, no go slink back into whatever hole you popped out of.

Nope, "go back to where you came from" was all about race. Trump says what the racist wish they could say on the national stage.
That is speculation. It cannot be proven it was race related so people who hate trump say it is. People who like him say it's not.

How productive.

It was about the color of their skin. Trump never told a white person to "go back from where they came".
Most likely he probably has. Its just that you make mountains out of molehills for everything. And you take important issues and cheapen them because of it. You spend so much time infiltrating government to destroy people you forget there is a private side to things.

Not sure what your argument is here. It's OK to be racist in public as long as you are not privately?
Innocent until proven guilty.

Texts between Joey Gibson, the leader of the far-right group Patriot Prayer, and Portland police Lt. Jeff Niiya have been criticized by officials in Oregon's largest city.

"Disturbing" texts between Oregon police and far-right group prompt investigation

The guy is innocent until proven guilty but what I really like here is that the city removed the investigation from the hands of the police force. We have to stop allowing the police to investigate themselves. Here we have another example of moving in the right direction.

Officials and activists also voiced concern about the texts and demanded that Mayor Ted Wheeler order an independent investigation — and not one headed by Portland Police Chief Danielle Outlaw as he first suggested. The mayor relented late Friday and said he will be working on how the new inquiry will take shape.

"I will order an independent investigation to review the existence of bias in the actions of the [Portland Police Bureau] leading up to and during demonstrations involving alt-right and anti-fascist protesters," he said in a statement, adding that he has "heard from the people of Portland" and will also work with Outlaw to implement training for police in identifying white supremacy.

What about the bias on the state level toward ANTIFA? Why did the Governor of Oregon ask the Portland Police Department to stand down when ANTIFA was demonstrating?

There very well may be. One does not excuse the other.
And then he call people, nasty and filthy and tells them to go back from where they came.

Due to their politics, not their race.

I showed you what you asked for, no go slink back into whatever hole you popped out of.

Nope, "go back to where you came from" was all about race. Trump says what the racist wish they could say on the national stage.
That is speculation. It cannot be proven it was race related so people who hate trump say it is. People who like him say it's not.

How productive.

It was about the color of their skin. Trump never told a white person to "go back from where they came".

That is a very good point.

Interesting that nearly all western nations with Caucasians do better than those nations that the west invades and colonizes for resources. Or despicable. Depending on ones POV?

Either way, I suggest this book; Guns, Germs, and Steel - Wikipedia

It has nothing to do with race, just a circumstance of history.

Due to their politics, not their race.

I showed you what you asked for, no go slink back into whatever hole you popped out of.

Nope, "go back to where you came from" was all about race. Trump says what the racist wish they could say on the national stage.
That is speculation. It cannot be proven it was race related so people who hate trump say it is. People who like him say it's not.

How productive.

It was about the color of their skin. Trump never told a white person to "go back from where they came".
Most likely he probably has. Its just that you make mountains out of molehills for everything. And you take important issues and cheapen them because of it. You spend so much time infiltrating government to destroy people you forget there is a private side to things.

Not sure what your argument is here. It's OK to be racist in public as long as you are not privately?
you keep spinning what people say to still fit your viewpoint even if they are debating a disagreement with your viewpoint.

interesting, if not annoying, tactic.

the point is you said he's never said it before. can you prove he's never said it before? just because the media isn't skywriting that shit across north america doesn't mean he's not said it before. you're taking huge leaps of faith to support a direction you wish things to go. that alone leads to reading things wrong and only to suit your views.

interesting, if not annoying.
Their whole position is "White people good, Dark people (and jews, and probably Catholics) bad."

They are up front and honest about it.

KKK Denies ‘White Supremacy’ Label Ahead Of Trump Rally

It says "some members"

The KKK itself has never disavowed white power/supremacy/separatism

Actually, if I am not correct, that is the whole controversy within the KKK. It is one of the reasons Senator Byrd was a member until very late, and the reason David Duke was a member until very late, and finally gave up, b/c they just could not change public perception.

Byrd wasn't a member till "very late". Condemning him for being a member is legit but arguments need to be factual.
Byrd was the GRAND MASTER of the KLAN.... Your a fucking idiot retard...

No he wasn't. If you are going to talk like this to someone, make sure of your facts. He was an Exalted Cyclops.

Just another thread where leftists are throwing shit at the wall hoping something sticks... The only place its is sticking is on you... LIARS!
View attachment 275526

A bit triggered aren't you?
And then he call people, nasty and filthy and tells them to go back from where they came.

Due to their politics, not their race.

I showed you what you asked for, no go slink back into whatever hole you popped out of.

Nope, "go back to where you came from" was all about race. Trump says what the racist wish they could say on the national stage.
That is speculation. It cannot be proven it was race related so people who hate trump say it is. People who like him say it's not.

How productive.

It was about the color of their skin. Trump never told a white person to "go back from where they came".

again - opinion you have.

trump also made strange hand gestures when talking about people but it was never mocking a handicapped person until it became something to hold against him. trump haters seem to pick and choose which of his past behaviors matter. i can show you a dozen times his hand action existed before he was TOLD he was mocking the handicapped but the left ignores this because it would undermine their hate.

OF WHICH is why we're so divided. people change how they normally feel based on who is doing something. pretty stupid as well.

He most certainly was mocking the guy that was handicapped. You can argue he did not know he was but really, that does not make it any better.
Their whole position is "White people good, Dark people (and jews, and probably Catholics) bad."

They are up front and honest about it.

KKK Denies ‘White Supremacy’ Label Ahead Of Trump Rally

It says "some members"

The KKK itself has never disavowed white power/supremacy/separatism

Actually, if I am not correct, that is the whole controversy within the KKK. It is one of the reasons Senator Byrd was a member until very late, and the reason David Duke was a member until very late, and finally gave up, b/c they just could not change public perception.

Byrd wasn't a member till "very late". Condemning him for being a member is legit but arguments need to be factual.

byrd was born in 1917. he started a chapter in w virginia in the early 40's. he wasn't even 30 when he wrote:

In a 1944 letter to segregationist Mississippi Senator Theodore G. Bilbo, Byrd wrote, “I shall never fight in the armed forces with a Negro by my side. Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.”

As late as 1946, Byrd wrote to the Klan’s Grand Wizard stating, “The Klan is needed today as never before, and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia and in every state in the nation.”

so i'm not sure how you're choosing to define "very late" here but from his 20's til he later disavowed the clan, he was knee deep in it.

He dropped out in the early 50's. So he was in his mid 30's. He lived almost another 50 years. He still did some very indefensible things after the early 50's and go ahead, tell me that it's picking at gnats, but it's something that bugs me.

If you have something to condemn someone over, and we do here, the simple facts will suffice.
Nope, "go back to where you came from" was all about race. Trump says what the racist wish they could say on the national stage.
That is speculation. It cannot be proven it was race related so people who hate trump say it is. People who like him say it's not.

How productive.

It was about the color of their skin. Trump never told a white person to "go back from where they came".
Most likely he probably has. Its just that you make mountains out of molehills for everything. And you take important issues and cheapen them because of it. You spend so much time infiltrating government to destroy people you forget there is a private side to things.

Not sure what your argument is here. It's OK to be racist in public as long as you are not privately?
you keep spinning what people say to still fit your viewpoint even if they are debating a disagreement with your viewpoint.

interesting, if not annoying, tactic.

I asked a question because I did not understand the point. You are then free to better explain it.

the point is you said he's never said it before. can you prove he's never said it before? just because the media isn't skywriting that shit across north america doesn't mean he's not said it before. you're taking huge leaps of faith to support a direction you wish things to go. that alone leads to reading things wrong and only to suit your views.

interesting, if not annoying.

You can not expect me to prove something that has never happened. "Well, he might have told someone in private" is not a valid rebuttal. He's been mad at many......Graham and McCain and he never said it to them even though McCain was born elsewhere.

His was an automated response based upon their skin color, especially when all but one is from here.
It was about the color of their skin. Trump never told a white person to "go back from where they came".
Not to your knowledge anyway. You are taking a political statement (made to a couple of very far left wing politicians)
and putting your own presumptuous leftist spin on it.

Not very honest of you.
It was about the color of their skin. Trump never told a white person to "go back from where they came".
Not to your knowledge anyway. You are taking a political statement (made to a couple of very far left wing politicians)
and putting your own presumptuous leftist spin on it.

Not very honest of you.

I've explained exactly why I have said what I said. The only rebuttal offered is "well maybe he said this to others in private".

Not impressed.
I've explained exactly why I have said what I said. The only rebuttal offered is "well maybe he said this to others in private".

Not impressed.
I thinks it's obvious you said what you said for the racial capitol you think you can make of it.
Although Trump was in a protracted social media cat fight with "the squad" his comment was made specifically towards Ilhan Omar who was literally from Somalia. He simply advised her to go back to Somalia and improve life there, since she was supposedly so capable and clever
and intolerant of America.

"And then come back here, and show us how you did it" Trump said.

These things are always easy to explain once the leftist rhetoric is deconstructed and taken down.
But you seem to prefer it mining Trump's comment for cheap partisan points.
I've explained exactly why I have said what I said. The only rebuttal offered is "well maybe he said this to others in private".

Not impressed.
I thinks it's obvious you said what you said for the racial capitol you think you can make of it.
Although Trump was in a protracted social media cat fight with "the squad" his comment was made specifically towards Ilhan Omar who was literally from Somalia.

No it wasn't.

So interesting to see “Progressive” Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries.........

Congresswomen and countries are both plural.
Due to their politics, not their race.

I showed you what you asked for, no go slink back into whatever hole you popped out of.

Nope, "go back to where you came from" was all about race. Trump says what the racist wish they could say on the national stage.
That is speculation. It cannot be proven it was race related so people who hate trump say it is. People who like him say it's not.

How productive.

It was about the color of their skin. Trump never told a white person to "go back from where they came".

again - opinion you have.

trump also made strange hand gestures when talking about people but it was never mocking a handicapped person until it became something to hold against him. trump haters seem to pick and choose which of his past behaviors matter. i can show you a dozen times his hand action existed before he was TOLD he was mocking the handicapped but the left ignores this because it would undermine their hate.

OF WHICH is why we're so divided. people change how they normally feel based on who is doing something. pretty stupid as well.

He most certainly was mocking the guy that was handicapped. You can argue he did not know he was but really, that does not make it any better.
Like I said, previous recordings of him doing the same with his hands suddenly doesn't matter.

Facts interrupt your hate, huh?
That is speculation. It cannot be proven it was race related so people who hate trump say it is. People who like him say it's not.

How productive.

It was about the color of their skin. Trump never told a white person to "go back from where they came".
Most likely he probably has. Its just that you make mountains out of molehills for everything. And you take important issues and cheapen them because of it. You spend so much time infiltrating government to destroy people you forget there is a private side to things.

Not sure what your argument is here. It's OK to be racist in public as long as you are not privately?
you keep spinning what people say to still fit your viewpoint even if they are debating a disagreement with your viewpoint.

interesting, if not annoying, tactic.

I asked a question because I did not understand the point. You are then free to better explain it.

the point is you said he's never said it before. can you prove he's never said it before? just because the media isn't skywriting that shit across north america doesn't mean he's not said it before. you're taking huge leaps of faith to support a direction you wish things to go. that alone leads to reading things wrong and only to suit your views.

interesting, if not annoying.

You can not expect me to prove something that has never happened. "Well, he might have told someone in private" is not a valid rebuttal. He's been mad at many......Graham and McCain and he never said it to them even though McCain was born elsewhere.

His was an automated response based upon their skin color, especially when all but one is from here.
As yous is an automated response from a trump hater.

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