Possible Hunter Indictment

I can't believe no one on the right is talking about this! It was just announced on MSNBC last night that the DOJ was close to indicating the Presidents son, Hunter Biden, for tax evasion and other things.

I thought this was a right wing bucket list? Now it's about to happen!!!
I think the Feds are doing this in a dishonest attempt to show that they are impartial.

It's not even an official indictment yet, as far as we know.

At most, Hunter will get a slap on the wrist for his illegal gun purchase; it's not like he used it in the commission of a felony. I have no idea how serious the tax fraud allegations are, but if anything sticks, Biden will pardon him, claiming that he is reformed and has made the IRS whole (through shady donations paid for by others)...

I am not getting too excited about this. Everyone knows about Hunter by now.

While Hunter's troubles show that Biden can't even raise his kids right, much less run a country (compare with Trump), the Feds aren't going to go really after the Biden Family which no one F***s with.

It's all for show.
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Hunter Biden is one of the protected class he might or might not get indicted but if he should nothing serious will happen to him. Being in the protected class assures you will never face the same consequences someone not in it would for the same thing.
I think the Feds are doing this in a dishonest attempt to show that they are impartial.

It's not even an official indictment yet, as far as we know.

At most, Hunter will get a slap on the wrist for his illegal gun purchase; it's not like he used it in the commission of a felony. I have no idea how serious the tax fraud allegations are, but if anything sticks, Biden will pardon him, claiming that he is reformed and has made the IRS whole (through shady donations paid for by others)...

I am not getting too excited about this. Everyone knows about Hunter by now.

While Hunter's troubles show that Biden can't even raise his kids right, much less run a country (compare with Trump), the Feds aren't going to go after the Biden Family which no one F***s with.

It's all for show.

YUPP!! And a day or 2, late.
hahaha trump isn't the one about to be indicted from tax fraud....nope that's the Xiden crime family.
Charges yet?

When it happens will you still scream witch hunt when it happens to trump.
I think the Feds are doing this in a dishonest attempt to show that they are impartial.

It's not even an official indictment yet, as far as we know.

At most, Hunter will get a slap on the wrist for his illegal gun purchase; it's not like he used it in the commission of a felony. I have no idea how serious the tax fraud allegations are, but if anything sticks, Biden will pardon him, claiming that he is reformed and has made the IRS whole (through shady donations paid for by others)...

I am not getting too excited about this. Everyone knows about Hunter by now.

While Hunter's troubles show that Biden can't even raise his kids right, much less run a country (compare with Trump), the Feds aren't going to go really after the Biden Family which no one F***s with.

It's all for show.
Trump can't run a country! Trump can't run a business! Trump can't run a family! He is the biggest loser on the planet!!!!
Charges yet?

When it happens will you still scream witch hunt when it happens to trump.
you've been investigating Trump for 7 years...zero charges.

we do know now that the Xiden admin is and has been protecting Hunter from charges....very corrupt to the core.....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtGpudJDaBM

I can't believe no one on the right is talking about this! It was just announced on MSNBC last night that the DOJ was close to indicating the Presidents son, Hunter Biden, for tax evasion and other things.

I thought this was a right wing bucket list? Now it's about to happen!!!

Let us know when they actually do it. The only reason they would do so is because they think they have destroyed all the evidence of criminal activity and bribery and are just making a show.
I can't believe no one on the right is talking about this! It was just announced on MSNBC last night that the DOJ was close to indicating the Presidents son, Hunter Biden, for tax evasion and other things.

I thought this was a right wing bucket list? Now it's about to happen!!!

Probably because none of the 50 alt-left MSNBC viewers who tuned in are members of this forum.
WE all know Hunter is way too stupid to do anything on his own. We know who the boss is.
Trump can't run a country! Trump can't run a business! Trump can't run a family! He is the biggest loser on the planet!!!!
Joe Biden cost Americans to lose $3 Trillion Dollars in their retirement accounts, Inflation is up 40%, supply chain shortages are common. The stock market has lost 20% of it's value. Our Automobile Manufacturers are being forced to build EVs no one really wants to buy, and being punished for building beautiful cars like the Corvette, Mustang and Challenger because they hurt Effeminate Men's Feelings, and step on their fake Cult of The Church of The Holy Melting Iceberg.

Joe started the beginnings of WWIII, but keep sniffing glue and nodding your head like a bobble head.
Nothing is going to happen to Hunter legally. His dad is the President who will pardon him no questions asked.

Even if he wasn't the son of Sleepy Joe, Hunter has enough dirt on the current President that he doesn't have to worry a bit.
I can't believe no one on the right is talking about this! It was just announced on MSNBC last night that the DOJ was close to indicating the Presidents son, Hunter Biden, for tax evasion and other things.

I thought this was a right wing bucket list? Now it's about to happen!!!
Dude, there have been several topics about this already.

And the word is "indicting" not "indicating".
We actually don't care since we know the DemNazi Gestapo FBI Mafia only cares about prosecuting anyone who is a threat to their Globalist Fascist State.
They don't go after their own DemNazi Fascists. They protect them.
I don't hear PRESIDENT BIDEN bellowing threats as a result of this news story at everyone within earshot like your god trump does, tree humper.

You'll never get the stink of trump's ass off your breath, assface.

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