Possible Hunter Indictment

Just don't whine when that 7 year investigation produces a DJT indictment.
Can't indict a sitting President.
Now is the time, be patient for a bit longer. I am.
hahah Trump isn't a sitting President

yeah any time now...for the past 7 years hhahah meanwnile....the Xiden family tax fraud has been exposed.
Biden announced his intention to seek re-election, the vast majority of Democrats don't want that. This might be the first shot across the bow to get rid of Biden. He's a disaster and brings nothing to the table for the future.
AS always, depends on who else is running.
Nov can't get here soon enough.... once the GOP has the House, and Congress, we need a full investigation into how the Xiden Admin has weaponized the DOJ against political rivals, and corrupted the office to protect the illegal criminal activities of the Xiden crime syndicate.
I think the Feds are doing this in a dishonest attempt to show that they are impartial.

It's not even an official indictment yet, as far as we know.

At most, Hunter will get a slap on the wrist for his illegal gun purchase; it's not like he used it in the commission of a felony. I have no idea how serious the tax fraud allegations are, but if anything sticks, Biden will pardon him, claiming that he is reformed and has made the IRS whole (through shady donations paid for by others)...

I am not getting too excited about this. Everyone knows about Hunter by now.

While Hunter's troubles show that Biden can't even raise his kids right, much less run a country (compare with Trump), the Feds aren't going to go really after the Biden Family which no one F***s with.

It's all for show.

I believe the gun in question is the one Hunter purchased illegally and later dumped in a trash can next to a school, which his skanky girlfriend later retrieved and texted him about.

Once again, I reiterate that the Bidens are THE MOST white trash family in America.
I believe the gun in question is the one Hunter purchased illegally and later dumped in a trash can next to a school, which his skanky girlfriend later retrieved and texted him about.

Once again, I reiterate that the Bidens are THE MOST white trash family in America.
Yeah. This one...

Hunter with finger on trigger picture ...

Don't worry, the DOJ is in Biden's hip pocket. There will be no charges.
I hope they do indict him.
That way your whining about the trump indictment will be on deaf ears.
But you will cry stolen election, I mean Witch Hunt all over again.
I believe
Stop believing and look at FACTS.
If it's a fact, then say fact, not "I believe"
Under Trump our country hit record after record, record wages, record employment, record stock market growth. Under poopy pants we get a recession and 8.5% unemployment. Not sure if you've been living under a rock since Jan of 21 but the child molester is the most incompetent president in history. He makes Carter look like a saint.

I meant 8.5% inflation.

So are the prosecutor doing their job now?
If anything happens to Hunter, it is a deflection. The true corruption of Biden Inc. and Joe Biden's exploitation of Hunter to run the enterprise is being ignored by Garland and the DOJ.
If anything happens to Hunter, it is a deflection. The true corruption of Biden Inc. and Joe Biden's exploitation of Hunter to run the enterprise is being ignored by Garland and the DOJ.
And trump skated by for 40 years.
Time to man up and face the consequences of 40+ years of crimes.

He is just now being held accountable

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