Possible Hunter Indictment

Hunter cannot be separated from his dad. His dad’s position as VP was part of the bribery and influence peddling scheme. He even rode on Air Force Two with his dad to China, and two days later the Chinese communist party bribed Biden by investing 2 billion into the white privedged entitled spoiled brat’s hedge fund. There can be only one explanation. Convict the Biden’s and Impeach 46!
Any changes or convictions yet?
Phone call with Ukraine
Secret meeting with Putin
Ripping up documents
Stealing documents
Lying about Stolen documents
The Big Lie
“No, I take no responsibility at all.”
Inciting an insurrection
Trump University Scam
Trump Charity Scam
Trump organization Scam
Personal hitman like Capone”
“We’re gonna March on down to the Capitol, and I’ll be there with you.”

Of course you consider NONE of these ^^^ Crimes, but the Court will, and that’s why trump delays , appeals, and takes the 5th. All within his RIGHTS, but he will be held accountable, eventually.
haha amazing how that list of dembot propaganda never produced actual evidence of a crime

meanwhile the xiden family is about to get indicted for actual crimes
Any changes or convictions yet?
it appears the rank and file in the doj want to bring indictments on a number of things including the tax cheating that came with the money laundering scam for the quid pro joe family…my guess is xiden will continue to order garland to stone wall this
Phone call with Ukraine
Secret meeting with Putin
Ripping up documents
Stealing documents
Lying about Stolen documents
The Big Lie
“No, I take no responsibility at all.”
Inciting an insurrection
Trump University Scam
Trump Charity Scam
Trump organization Scam
Personal hitman like Capone”
“We’re gonna March on down to the Capitol, and I’ll be there with you.”

Of course you consider NONE of these ^^^ Crimes, but the Court will, and that’s why trump delays , appeals, and takes the 5th. All within his RIGHTS, but he will be held accountable, eventually.
And yet... No charges. Nary a one.
No one fucks with a biden!
Biden's issue with honesty is his downfall. What he has done to steal from this nation's taxpayers along with a make-it-up-and-put-it-in-a-2,000 page spending package that takes a month to figure out with a 3-day vote ahead Congress House Speaker who is crookeder than a pig trail map. I hope he is quickly removed in the very near future since his wife won't let him resign and he is over-the-top mentally confused from years of heisting hard-earned taxpayer money from foreign aid packages the Congress passed with 3rd-world countries that would be happy to share these mega packages for a 30-percent extortion fee turned over in Cash to creeps like Vice President Bidden under the Obummer administration from a Russia-hounded nation like the Ukraine who don't want their people bombed to death, which Russia has provided while Bidden pussyfooted around when they were initially outgunned by Russia, and lost a huge number of citizens due to explosives landing on their cities that were bombed to rubble earlier this year.. :(

So are the prosecutor doing their job now?
Doubtful, because why would they suddenly start doing that?

Don't anyone get their hopes up that Hunter Biden will be indicted just because he is so obviously guilty of crimes. This whole idea that he might be about to be held accountable is just more carefully crafted and timed leaks by the DNC/DOJ/FBI to help the Democrats.

Pretending that they might indict him helps the Democrats.

It can take some of the heat off of them for their extremely partisan approach to justice, as documented in my sig. They would much prefer that we go into November with swing voters less certain than they should be of what the DOJ has become. After the election, they can come up with some Deus ex Machina way to let him off. They've already floated the trial balloon that they can't indict him for lying about being a drug addict on a firearms application becuase the defense will just say that he could not help himself since he was drug-addled at the time. If that gets laughed out of the news, they can come up with something else.

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