Possible "reasons" for the Second Amendment

The first shots of the Revolution, 1775, centered around the British plans to confiscate the armaments of the Massachusetts MILITIA.

The right of an individual to 'keep and bear arms' however, never needed the second amendment per se.
An armed population was vital to protect against both foreign threats and the threat of a standing army, which could become an instrument of governmental tyranny."

So, your conclusion is that the Supreme Court was trying to ward off the possible "tyranny" from a democratically-elected, representative, 3-tiered government such as ours?
Yes that's fairly clear,your lucky,unlike them you have not lived and died under tyranny,guess they weren't going to take any chances.
The problem here is, the Founders wanted to allow states to arm themselves because that helped ensure that state rights were not violated by the Federal government.

But today the idea of state rights is absurd since it has long been rejected by Progs as the Federal government pretty much dictates everything to them now, so the idea of states bearing arms to defend itself from the Federal government today seems absurd.

Absurd only to cowardly liberal pussies.
The rights of the Founders were violated by the Brits.

Then the Brits went after their ammo.

Then they revolted.

So why would they not protect the right to bear arms dingleberry?

You're correct.......Everyday I worry that those Brits are going to invade and occupy Las Vegas......LOL
An armed population was vital to protect against both foreign threats and the threat of a standing army, which could become an instrument of governmental tyranny."

So, your conclusion is that the Supreme Court was trying to ward off the possible "tyranny" from a democratically-elected, representative, 3-tiered government such as ours?

The intent of the 2nd is clear.
The framers understood the dangers of the out of control government and provided the populace with a way to stop said tyrannical government.
To say anything else is a lie.
You're correct.......Everyday I worry that those Brits are going to invade and occupy Las Vegas......LOL

Don't worry, in the bath house were you reside, you will be safe. Just pretend to be a woman.
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Many historians and biographers have long tried to find a reason as to the why Founders chose to include within the Bill Of Rights, the most controversial amendment regarding the right for everyone to be armed. One must look at some of the papers, diaries and letters written by these Founders to discern the reason why the amendment was included….and is not causing so much discord.

The first issue regards whether the Founders wanted an “armed militia” to fight off an oppressive government….and for that, an objective observer would argue that in forming such a government, the Founders could not really foresee that what they THEMSELVES were forming in a government, could really prompt that government’s citizens to revolt against it.

So, what are the possible reasons for the second amendment, and do these other reasons make a bit more sense:

Well, as written by several of the Founders, a standing army was just too damn expensive to keep (and pay, and feed, and arm, and clothe)….So, arming common citizens, especially in the vast expanses of the new country, made a heck of a lot more sense.

Additionally, arming common citizens had some other “benefits” for the rather young country. For example:

1. There were always threats that those pesky Brits may want the colonies back

2. There was also the constant threat that those Natives who constantly saw their lands taken over by farmers and colonists may launch uprisings and the federal government had not the will, resources and/or capabilities to defend against such uprisings.

3. Finally, we must not also forget that we were a country of slave owners, and the threat of revolts by the slaves was also a key reason to encourage colonists to remain armed.

1. That was one reason. Good point.

2.Do the injuns need a whaaaa burger with them fries? Other then that and without all the bleeding heart crap, yeah.

3. The slaves want a whaaaa burger to. But yeah probubly. Never mind the fact that the decedent's of those slaves also benifet and have and do enjoy their second amendments rights.

One thing many leave out is then, like today it was decided that we the people are directly responsible for our self defence not the govrenment not the cops.
The intent of the 2nd is clear.
The framers understood the dangers of the out of control government and provided the populace with a way to stop said tyrannical government.
To say anything else is a lie.

If your other side of the brain is working, do you think that you are fully capable and able and ready to repulse an attack from the US army and air force?.....Just asking.
When all else fails, read the directions.
"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state...."
That's the reason they put the 2nd amendment into the Constitution.
Because the best way to get security and freedom, was to let every able-bodied citizen arm himself as he wanted to.
The problem here is, the Founders wanted to allow states to arm themselves because that helped ensure that state rights were not violated by the Federal government.
That's not what the 2nd says. It says that the right OF THE PEOPLE, not of the state.

Isn't it amazing how, when the explanation for the 2nd is right there in its text, people try harder and harder to make believe it's not there, and pretend they need to find some other reason?
"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state...."

So, a state must remain free from the tyranny of Washington politicians by arming itself.....In other words, if Mississippi wants to re-establish slave ownership, and the Feds object, Mississippians are armed andready to fight off those US army tanks and jets
The intent of the 2nd is clear.
The framers understood the dangers of the out of control government and provided the populace with a way to stop said tyrannical government.
To say anything else is a lie.

If your other side of the brain is working, do you think that you are fully capable and able and ready to repulse an attack from the US army and air force?.....Just asking.

Do you mean like ISIS, Al Qaeda and other muslim militants are doing?
Many historians and biographers have long tried to find a reason as to the why Founders chose to include within the Bill Of Rights, the most controversial amendment regarding the right for everyone to be armed. One must look at some of the papers, diaries and letters written by these Founders to discern the reason why the amendment was included….and is not causing so much discord.

The first issue regards whether the Founders wanted an “armed militia” to fight off an oppressive government….and for that, an objective observer would argue that in forming such a government, the Founders could not really foresee that what they THEMSELVES were forming in a government, could really prompt that government’s citizens to revolt against it.

So, what are the possible reasons for the second amendment, and do these other reasons make a bit more sense:

Well, as written by several of the Founders, a standing army was just too damn expensive to keep (and pay, and feed, and arm, and clothe)….So, arming common citizens, especially in the vast expanses of the new country, made a heck of a lot more sense.

Additionally, arming common citizens had some other “benefits” for the rather young country. For example:

1. There were always threats that those pesky Brits may want the colonies back

2. There was also the constant threat that those Natives who constantly saw their lands taken over by farmers and colonists may launch uprisings and the federal government had not the will, resources and/or capabilities to defend against such uprisings.

3. Finally, we must not also forget that we were a country of slave owners, and the threat of revolts by the slaves was also a key reason to encourage colonists to remain armed.

We know the reasons.

The right to keep arms is there so the militia has a ready supply of guns that the federal government can't touch.

The right to bear arms is there so the militia has a ready supply of personnel to use those guns that the federal government can't touch.

Simple as. The right to keep arms is the right to own weapons. The right to bear arms is the right to be in the militia.
People forget that there almost wasn't a Bill of Rights at all, on the grounds that if some rights were enumerated, it might lead people to believe that rights HAD to be enumerated to be rights.

That was quite prescient, because nowadays you hear that nonsense from conservatives all the time.
Isn't it amazing how, when the explanation for the 2nd is right there in its text, people try harder and harder to make believe it's not there, and pretend they need to find some other reason?

Wrong.......The 2nd amendment is poorly written and vague....prompting 2 centuries of discord and challenges.....Of course, the wording is simple and appeals to simple minds.
The intent of the 2nd is clear.
The framers understood the dangers of the out of control government and provided the populace with a way to stop said tyrannical government.
To say anything else is a lie.

If your other side of the brain is working, do you think that you are fully capable and able and ready to repulse an attack from the US army and air force?.....Just asking.

Aaaah yes...the same ignorant response liberals give every time.
Always leaving out the fact that the military hates democrats...
Do you mean like ISIS, Al Qaeda and other muslim militants are doing?

makes no sense....Re-read what you wrote....and ask a grown up for help in using decent grammar.....

Do you mean like ISIS, Al Qaeda and other muslim militants are doing?

makes no sense....Re-read what you wrote....and ask a grown up for help in using decent grammar.....

You asked: "do you think that you are fully capable and able and ready to repulse an attack from the US army and air force?.....Just asking."

And I answered: with a question: "Do you mean like ISIS, Al Qaeda and other muslim militants are doing (now)?"

You may want to ask a grown up for some help with you reading comprehension deficit, yourself.


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