Possible "reasons" for the Second Amendment

"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state...."

So, a state must remain free from the tyranny of Washington politicians by arming itself.....In other words, if Mississippi wants to re-establish slave ownership, and the Feds object, Mississippians are armed andready to fight off those US army tanks and jets
Of course not, the notion is nonsense.

The Second Amendment doesn’t ‘trump’ the First.

A minority of Americans can’t subjectively decide that the Federal government has suddenly become ‘tyrannical’ and ‘take up arms’ against the Federal government, contrary to the will of the majority.

The people have the First Amendment right to petition the government for a redress of grievances through the political or judicial process, and the government cannot be ‘overthrown’ by force absent the consent of the majority of the people.

That’s why the Heller Court ruled that the Second Amendment right was an individual – not collective – right, and not dependent upon the militia.

Citizens have the individual right to possess firearms pursuant to the right of self-defense, where the states may not seek to prohibit citizens from indeed possessing firearms.

The Second Amendment right allows citizens to protect themselves from lawlessness, violence, and bodily harm through criminal acts, not ‘overthrow’ the government.
An armed population was vital to protect against both foreign threats and the threat of a standing army, which could become an instrument of governmental tyranny."

So, your conclusion is that the Supreme Court was trying to ward off the possible "tyranny" from a democratically-elected, representative, 3-tiered government such as ours?

Democracy can produce tyranny the same as any other form of government.

Once democracy gets to the point (like it is now in our country) where the 51% finds out they can use the force of the filthy ass government to steal things from the 49% then it can be oppressive.

Three branches of government don't insure anything if all three branches uphold the greed and thievery of a welfare state.

I can't agree more.

How anyone can conclude that we "the people" are not living under tyranny is ludicrous.

"Americans will collectively spend more on taxes in 2016 than they will on food, clothing, and housing combined."

I wonder what Samuel Adams would think about that! ^^^^

The Sons of Liberty and the Boston Tea Party Video - American Revolution History - HISTORY.com

EDIT: In fact, after watching that video, I wonder what Samuel Adam's reaction to Government Mandated Obummercare would be.
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China, Russia and Cartels threaten this country daily but please keep on focusing there is no threat at our borders or within it either.

True....and that is why us "leftists" RELY on some redneck from Alabama to defend us from China, Russia and Cartels.........I mean, we don't trust our troops, our navy and our air force......the real defense is that guy in Alabama.......Are we placing too much faith on that guy?
China, Russia and Cartels threaten this country daily but please keep on focusing there is no threat at our borders or within it either.

True....and that is why us "leftists" RELY on some redneck from Alabama to defend us from China, Russia and Cartels.........I mean, we don't trust our troops, our navy and our air force......the real defense is that guy in Alabama.......Are we placing too much faith on that guy?

You are the dumbest person I have ever read and I have read plenty of nutters from both sides. You have no clue on what you write about and have been proven wrong so many times that it must be hurting your damn feelings right now.

For you to call someone from Alabama a Redneck is pathetic on your part and you do know a good majority of American Men have done their time in the service, well unlike you.

You put a lot of faith in the Government that failed you when it came to OKC, 9/11/2001, Boston Bombings and Orlando but hey keep the faith and maybe one day you Liberal Maggots will get something correct!

I have faith in defending myself than you defending me or the government you support that fails you daily!
An armed population was vital to protect against both foreign threats and the threat of a standing army, which could become an instrument of governmental tyranny."

So, your conclusion is that the Supreme Court was trying to ward off the possible "tyranny" from a democratically-elected, representative, 3-tiered government such as ours?

Democracy can produce tyranny the same as any other form of government.

Once democracy gets to the point (like it is now in our country) where the 51% finds out they can use the force of the filthy ass government to steal things from the 49% then it can be oppressive.

Three branches of government don't insure anything if all three branches uphold the greed and thievery of a welfare state.

I can't agree more.

How anyone can conclude that we "the people" are not living under tyranny is ludicrous.

"Americans will collectively spend more on taxes in 2016 than they will on food, clothing, and housing combined."

I wonder what Samuel Adams would think about that! ^^^^

The Sons of Liberty and the Boston Tea Party Video - American Revolution History - HISTORY.com

The combined cost of government (Federal, State and Local) is about 40% of our GDP.

The filthy ass Federal government by itself cost more than the GDP of all but three other countries on earth.

We are all slaves to big government but these Libtard Moon Bats are too stupid to understand it.
"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state...."

So, a state must remain free from the tyranny of Washington politicians by arming itself.....In other words, if Mississippi wants to re-establish slave ownership, and the Feds object, Mississippians are armed andready to fight off those US army tanks and jets
Of course not, the notion is nonsense.

The Second Amendment doesn’t ‘trump’ the First.

A minority of Americans can’t subjectively decide that the Federal government has suddenly become ‘tyrannical’ and ‘take up arms’ against the Federal government, contrary to the will of the majority.

The people have the First Amendment right to petition the government for a redress of grievances through the political or judicial process, and the government cannot be ‘overthrown’ by force absent the consent of the majority of the people.

That’s why the Heller Court ruled that the Second Amendment right was an individual – not collective – right, and not dependent upon the militia.

Citizens have the individual right to possess firearms pursuant to the right of self-defense, where the states may not seek to prohibit citizens from indeed possessing firearms.

The Second Amendment right allows citizens to protect themselves from lawlessness, violence, and bodily harm through criminal acts, not ‘overthrow’ the government.

The 1st amendment (especially in conjunction with the 2nd amendment) secures the people's right to "assemble" and to form "militias" to maintain the "security" of their free States.

1. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

2. "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
We are all slaves to big government but these Libtard Moon Bats are too stupid to understand it.

Yes, we RELY on your superior wisdom.....By the way, when does the revolution start to overthrow the government??? I have already made plans for this weekend but for something as important as your revolution I can change them

(what an :ahole-1: )
We are all slaves to big government but these Libtard Moon Bats are too stupid to understand it.

Yes, we RELY on your superior wisdom.....By the way, when does the revolution start to overthrow the government??? I have already made plans for this weekend but for something as important as your revolution I can change them

(what an :ahole-1: )

Do you own a Gun?
Many historians and biographers have long tried to find a reason as to the why Founders chose to include within the Bill Of Rights, the most controversial amendment regarding the right for everyone to be armed. One must look at some of the papers, diaries and letters written by these Founders to discern the reason why the amendment was included….and is not causing so much discord.

The first issue regards whether the Founders wanted an “armed militia” to fight off an oppressive government….and for that, an objective observer would argue that in forming such a government, the Founders could not really foresee that what they THEMSELVES were forming in a government, could really prompt that government’s citizens to revolt against it.

So, what are the possible reasons for the second amendment, and do these other reasons make a bit more sense:

Well, as written by several of the Founders, a standing army was just too damn expensive to keep (and pay, and feed, and arm, and clothe)….So, arming common citizens, especially in the vast expanses of the new country, made a heck of a lot more sense.

Additionally, arming common citizens had some other “benefits” for the rather young country. For example:

1. There were always threats that those pesky Brits may want the colonies back

2. There was also the constant threat that those Natives who constantly saw their lands taken over by farmers and colonists may launch uprisings and the federal government had not the will, resources and/or capabilities to defend against such uprisings.

3. Finally, we must not also forget that we were a country of slave owners, and the threat of revolts by the slaves was also a key reason to encourage colonists to remain armed.
Yo, fuck face.
1 those ''pesky Brits" where are the reason why americas ancestors left that piece of shit Europe.

2 if you knew anything about Indians you know we don't view it as "our lands" dumbass

3 A lot of the founders were not comfortable with slavery but they Seen it as the norm. Of course you and I weren't there so we cannot judge their situation. Dip shit
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Of course not, the notion is nonsense.

The Second Amendment doesn’t ‘trump’ the First.

A minority of Americans can’t subjectively decide that the Federal government has suddenly become ‘tyrannical’ and ‘take up arms’ against the Federal government, contrary to the will of the majority.

The people have the First Amendment right to petition the government for a redress of grievances through the political or judicial process, and the government cannot be ‘overthrown’ by force absent the consent of the majority of the people.

That’s why the Heller Court ruled that the Second Amendment right was an individual – not collective – right, and not dependent upon the militia.

Citizens have the individual right to possess firearms pursuant to the right of self-defense, where the states may not seek to prohibit citizens from indeed possessing firearms.

The Second Amendment right allows citizens to protect themselves from lawlessness, violence, and bodily harm through criminal acts, not ‘overthrow’ the government.

Yes they can.

In fact the main architect of the Declaration of Independence said as much.

The people cannot be all, & always, well informed. the past which is wrong will be discontented in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive; if they remain quiet under such misconceptions it is a lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty. we have had 13. states independant 11. years. there has been one rebellion. that comes to one rebellion in a century & a half for each state. what country before ever existed a century & half without a rebellion? & what country can preserve it's liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? let them take arms. the remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon & pacify them. what signify a few lives lost in a century or two? the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants. it is it's natural manure.

T. Jefferson

Our Founding Fathers gave us the ability to fight back against tyranny with the right to keep and bear arms. Sometimes that tyranny can be the thievery of a welfare state when 51% of the people find out they can use the force of government to steal from others.

Democracy sucks when it is used for greed and thievery and we are seeing it now with this bloated debt ridden out of control corrupt government.
We are all slaves to big government but these Libtard Moon Bats are too stupid to understand it.

Yes, we RELY on your superior wisdom.....By the way, when does the revolution start to overthrow the government??? I have already made plans for this weekend but for something as important as your revolution I can change them

(what an :ahole-1: )

When the American people grow a little backbone and pull their heads out of their asses.
So Nat a person exercises their right to disagree with you and you respond with insults? Tolerance is definitely not one of your enduring strong points in the art of discussion.
What kind of Gun?

The kind that goes bam, bam.....???

So it is a no and you are lying as usual.

A real gun owner would admit the firearm they own and would not hide it from someone. Like me I own one pump action shotgun that can do as much mass killing as I need and one single shot shotgun.

Now I doubt you even own a bb gun or even a sling shot and are one of these limp dicks that believe that because I own two shotguns I am a threat to national security.

If the government has absolute fear of the citizens and citizens have zero fear of the government and very little respect for the federal government - that is very healthy for the country...

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