Post debate fox poll. Trump +10, pre-debate +3


Gold Member
Feb 18, 2009
I'm noticing a trend. it seems just before a debate the media publishes a manipulated poll to show trump slipping, then after the debate they publish a real poll.

Trump 28% carson 18% now.
At this time, I think it's fair to say that almost no poll has any relevance to reality.

First of all, the only relevant responses are the ones from people who will actually be voting in Republican primaries..

Second, the only relevant primaries are in Iowa and New Hampshire, because the ones that follow will be dramatically affected by the results in those two states.

Third, the months between now and the first caucus and primary are an eternity in politics.

Right now, like it or not, we have an undeclared war between Trump and the MSM. Trump is saying, more or less, what the Republican primary voters want to hear, while the MSM is doing its damnedest to assassinate his candidacy. And as the days go by, they get more and more desperate to do so.

Poll numbers, day to day?


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