Post from an Infectious Disease MD

Per Gov Kemp, Georgia will begin reopening businesses this Friday.

A friend of mine posted this on FaceBook. He is an Infectious Disease Specialist in Atlanta. I asked if I could post this on a message board, and he gave me an enthusiastic approval.

I am not going to argue the relative merits of reopening businesses when we are still seeing so many new cases. I am posting this for your information.

"A reminder:
Despite some states stating you can open for business, it doesn't mean you have to or should.

1) there is still not widespread testing for those who need it, antibody testing has not been rolled out at a sufficient level and we still aren't entirely sure of of antibody (IgG) positivity=immunity
2) there is still no effective medical treatments for COVID-19 other than supportive care. We are experimenting with medications that were never intended or developed for coronavirus and trials of their efficacy are ongoing.
3)There is still widespread PPE shortages for healthcare workers and we are not set up to face another big wave of simultaneous infections. It will lead to people that might have survived COVID-19 dying.

If our politicians could be in the room with me with the two COVID-19 patients I saw 5 minutes ago in the ICU and saw what it looks like to drown on dry land alone. To see the gowns and masks reused over and over because of PPE shortages.
The frustration and tiredness of everyone that's on the front lines of this for the last several months.
I don't think they would make the same decision.
The good news, we in the medical community are still fighting non-stop. My approach was to spend nearly all my waking time researching and translating current medical literature into easy-to-understand pragmatic guidance to keep people from getting sick and having to go to the hospital. Please read my guide (it's on my Facebook wall below this post) if you haven't yet. I'm working on version 5.0 now, but the information is still valid.
Prevention is better than reaction, and we are still in prevention mode because this is still in the community and if cases are "slowing down" it doesn't mean you are at the end."
It means we are at the middle.
The first of probably many middles for coronavirus until we have an effective vaccine.
If an effective vaccine rolls out, there's still questions of how long it will be until one gets it, who gets vaccinated first, how much it will cost, and what to do about anti-vaxxers.
These are things we need to think about NOW before the vaccine is even close to done.
Preparation, not reaction. Education, not fear is what keeps people alive right now.
Plans of what we need for staged reopenings have been developed by medical societies and I will be talking about it in version 5 of my guide.
The states that are reopening have this information and they are choosing to ignore it.
Please share with everyone, especially Brian Kemp on his Twitter. While you are there, ask him how massage therapists and beauty salons will social distance please.
I'm not seeing where hes considered the civil unrest from people starving and deaths that would result from it,,,
But the U.S. is exceptional and we already have programs in place that will prevent this doomsday scenario from happening, right? We Americans are Johnny-On-The-Spot. Brian Kemp was only two months behind when he learned a startling fact.

If the Stanford study holds then that's overstating the risk by fifty times or more which means you're more-likely to die from any other cause than Covid-19 at any age provided you are not on that "it may get you" list of conditions.

My comments below
If these studies are accurate, what should be done. Seen a article where 150 people in homeless shelter tested positive but exhibited no symptoms. Homeless aren't the most healthy so what explains this unless we were lied to
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If the Stanford study holds then that's overstating the risk by fifty times or more which means you're more-likely to die from any other cause than Covid-19 at any age provided you are not on that "it may get you" list of conditions.

0.36% is STILL almost 1.2 million people.

That's a lot of desks!
With that long list of information and recommendations from that Georgian "expert", if I was the governor of the State of Georgia I surely won't wait until Friday but open business right away instead.

Why is so hard for that "expert" just to say: If Georgia open business on Friday, please don't forget to use gloves and wear a mask at your work place.

Per Gov Kemp, Georgia will begin reopening businesses this Friday.

A friend of mine posted this on FaceBook. He is an Infectious Disease Specialist in Atlanta. I asked if I could post this on a message board, and he gave me an enthusiastic approval.

I am not going to argue the relative merits of reopening businesses when we are still seeing so many new cases. I am posting this for your information.

"A reminder:
Despite some states stating you can open for business, it doesn't mean you have to or should.

1) there is still not widespread testing for those who need it, antibody testing has not been rolled out at a sufficient level and we still aren't entirely sure of of antibody (IgG) positivity=immunity
2) there is still no effective medical treatments for COVID-19 other than supportive care. We are experimenting with medications that were never intended or developed for coronavirus and trials of their efficacy are ongoing.
3)There is still widespread PPE shortages for healthcare workers and we are not set up to face another big wave of simultaneous infections. It will lead to people that might have survived COVID-19 dying.

If our politicians could be in the room with me with the two COVID-19 patients I saw 5 minutes ago in the ICU and saw what it looks like to drown on dry land alone. To see the gowns and masks reused over and over because of PPE shortages.
The frustration and tiredness of everyone that's on the front lines of this for the last several months.
I don't think they would make the same decision.
The good news, we in the medical community are still fighting non-stop. My approach was to spend nearly all my waking time researching and translating current medical literature into easy-to-understand pragmatic guidance to keep people from getting sick and having to go to the hospital. Please read my guide (it's on my Facebook wall below this post) if you haven't yet. I'm working on version 5.0 now, but the information is still valid.
Prevention is better than reaction, and we are still in prevention mode because this is still in the community and if cases are "slowing down" it doesn't mean you are at the end."
It means we are at the middle.
The first of probably many middles for coronavirus until we have an effective vaccine.
If an effective vaccine rolls out, there's still questions of how long it will be until one gets it, who gets vaccinated first, how much it will cost, and what to do about anti-vaxxers.
These are things we need to think about NOW before the vaccine is even close to done.
Preparation, not reaction. Education, not fear is what keeps people alive right now.
Plans of what we need for staged reopenings have been developed by medical societies and I will be talking about it in version 5 of my guide.
The states that are reopening have this information and they are choosing to ignore it.
Please share with everyone, especially Brian Kemp on his Twitter. While you are there, ask him how massage therapists and beauty salons will social distance please.

massage therapists and beauty salons will social distance by wearing a mask, asking customers to wear a mask, washing hands, taking temperatures, etc.
The odds of infection are almost nil it turns our, as long as one does not spit, cough, or sneeze.
The problem with the long post is that it says COID-19 is much more dangerous than the seasonal flu, which is not true. The seasonal flu infect many more, almost 10 times as many, and kills about twice as many total. The give flu a lower death rate of those who get it, but a higher death rate of the general population.
“…ask [Kemp] how massage therapists and beauty salons will social distance…” ibid

They won’t, that’s the problem.

But Republicans don’t care about the facts – they’re not concerned about the health and safety of the American people.

They’re only concerned about this November.
Just replace money with life, and all the economic problems disappear.
All the natural resources have remained in place. The sun continues to shine. The air is cleaner and better than it has been for a long time.
We don't need China, Wall Street or dramas from factions of the duopoly. All we need is that good old American brotherhood and all will be fine.
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“…ask [Kemp] how massage therapists and beauty salons will social distance…” ibid

They won’t, that’s the problem.

But Republicans don’t care about the facts – they’re not concerned about the health and safety of the American people.

They’re only concerned about this November.

It is about getting people off of unemployment. If they are allowed to go back to work, and don't, they do not collect unemployment.

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