Post Office Honors Pedophile. Why?

16 pages and I still haven't read where Milk deserves a stamp :confused-84:

Your lack of reading comprehension is nothing new- or perhaps more particularly- your blindness when it comes to anything you don't want to read.

Harvey Milk is honored for his fight for civil rights.

And I can see why that would offend you.

Basically, Sassy, leftists think the only accomplishment that ever needs noticing is running one's gums and being loud and obnoxious . . . which, come to think of it, tells you a lot about their posting style.

Wait- are you talking about Elvis right now?

I was NEVER talking about Elvis. You twits introduced him and are the ones babbling about him. That's sort of the point.

Bottom line: Milk preyed on young boys, whether he was ever charged is irrelevant it was criminal. The thread isn't about Elvis it's about some perverted homo messing with kids and somehow the left loons thinks he's some sort of icon
Imagine if, say, Lindsay Graham was caught with a 16year old girl. How many people would say "oh, she wasnt 6 so its ok"?

No one is saying either one is ok but they aren't the same.

Is having sex with a 16 yr old the same as having sex with a 6 yr old? Do you seriously think it is?
So we agree that Milk was a disgusting pervert. Good. So why is the USPS honoring htat dead cocksucker with a stamp?

For the same reason that they honored say Elvis- or Thomas Jefferson (who had sex with slaves)- not for their real or imagined sexual scandals but for their historical accomplishments.

Thomas Jefferson didn't have sex with slaves that anyone has ever been able to prove.

There is more actual physical evidence that Thomas Jefferson had sex with a slave- than there is evidence that Milk had sex with a minor.

There is no conclusive proof of either.

Couldn't tell you about Milk, because I genuinely don't give a rat's ass that he ever existed at all, but Thomas Jefferson and sex with slaves is a complete, unadulterated load of urban legend wrapped in horseshit.
Harvey Milk
Remind me why we should honor a pedophile who's main contribution to human history was getting gunned down?

He is probably a communist.
16 pages and I still haven't read where Milk deserves a stamp :confused-84:

Your lack of reading comprehension is nothing new- or perhaps more particularly- your blindness when it comes to anything you don't want to read.

Harvey Milk is honored for his fight for civil rights.

And I can see why that would offend you.

Basically, Sassy, leftists think the only accomplishment that ever needs noticing is running one's gums and being loud and obnoxious . . . which, come to think of it, tells you a lot about their posting style.

Wait- are you talking about Elvis right now?

I was NEVER talking about Elvis. You twits introduced him and are the ones babbling about him. That's sort of the point.

Bottom line: Milk preyed on young boys, whether he was ever charged is irrelevant it was criminal. The thread isn't about Elvis it's about some perverted homo messing with kids and somehow the left loons thinks he's some sort of icon

Elvis was on a stamp, Breeder.

Goddam you're stupid.
When Elvis was young, he courted a young girl with the permission of her parents. Then he committed himself to her in marriage while they were both young.

He was celebrated for his musical talents.

In contrast, Harvey Milk while he aged into his 40s was taking advantage one after the other of young teen runaway boys on drugs in order to sodomize them and then cast them away when they grew too old for his perverted tastes. He did not seek the permission of their fact he perferred that they were runaways and didn't have parents. That way there were no pesky guardians to get in the way of his ambitions with them. One of the boys was a minor while he officiated as his father/guardian; which carries with it an additional psychological crime against a child..

Milk was/is celebrated for his sexual appetites by the LGBT community "across the nation and the world". It is even said that way as a matter of law in the state of California.

See the differences?
When Elvis was young, he courted a young girl with the permission of her parents. Then he committed himself to her in marriage while they were both young.

He was celebrated for his musical talents.

In contrast, Harvey Milk while he aged into his 40s was taking advantage one after the other of young teen runaway boys on drugs in order to sodomize them and then cast them away when they grew too old for his perverted tastes. He did not seek the permission of their fact he perferred that they were runaways and didn't have parents. That way there were no pesky guardians to get in the way of his ambitions with them. One of the boys was a minor while he officiated as his father/guardian; which carries with it an additional psychological crime against a child..

Milk was/is celebrated for his sexual appetites.

See the differences?
Jack, a street hustler, drug addict, and male prostitute was no child. Stop lying, it's annoying.

7. Galen "Jack" McKinley, San Francisco, CA, May 1969,
photo by Harvey Milk

"Jack McKinley was a friend and lover of Harvey Milk's for many years. Jack's manic-depressive behavior, made worse by drinking and drugs, escalated to suicide attempts: Jumping in front of cars, leaping into the San Francisco Bay, and threatening from a locked bathroom to slash his wrists. McKinley died on February 14, 1980 in New York City after falling eight stories. He was the same age as Harvey had been when they met in 1963: thirty-three. His ashes were scattered in the Hudson River as well as off the Golden Gate Bridge near where he had helped scatter Harvey Milk's ashes the previous year."
Harvey Milk Second Sight photograph 7

That's no "little boy" there kiddos, and wasn't when Milk should have kept his pants on either.
16 pages and I still haven't read where Milk deserves a stamp :confused-84:

Your lack of reading comprehension is nothing new- or perhaps more particularly- your blindness when it comes to anything you don't want to read.

Harvey Milk is honored for his fight for civil rights.

And I can see why that would offend you.

Basically, Sassy, leftists think the only accomplishment that ever needs noticing is running one's gums and being loud and obnoxious . . . which, come to think of it, tells you a lot about their posting style.

Wait- are you talking about Elvis right now?

I was NEVER talking about Elvis. You twits introduced him and are the ones babbling about him. That's sort of the point.

Bottom line: Milk preyed on young boys, whether he was ever charged is irrelevant it was criminal. The thread isn't about Elvis it's about some perverted homo messing with kids and somehow the left loons thinks he's some sort of icon

Bottom line- you only opened this thread to attack homosexuals. And as usual- you are willing to lie in order to do so.
  • There is no evidence that Milk 'preyed on young boys'- he was never accused, arrested or convicted.
  • You started this thread a year after the release of the Milk stamp- just because Milk was homosexual- how do we know that?
  • Because you didn't start a thread about Elvis- who we know for certain 'preyed' on one young girl-since Prsicilla told us he did- and never objected to Elvis being on a stamp- and you still don't.
This is just another of your anti-gay threads.
When Elvis was young, he courted a young girl with the permission of her parents. Then he committed himself to her in marriage while they were both young.

He was celebrated for his musical talents.

In contrast, Harvey Milk while he aged into his 40s was taking advantage one after the other of young teen runaway boys on drugs in order to sodomize them
Milk was/is celebrated for his sexual appetites by the LGBT community "across the nation and the world". It is even said that way as a matter of law in the state of California.

See the differences?

God you are such a liar.

  • Milk- no evidence he ever had sex with a minor
  • Elvis- Priscilla has confirmed their sexual experiences when she was 16
  • Milk- picked up 16 year old Jack Mckinley- who arrived in NYC and announced that he came to 'suck cock'- and they lived together for 5 years.
  • Elvis- met 14 year old Priscilla in Germany- and then lied to Priscilla's parents to lure the virginal Priscilla to the United States, where he initiated her into sex and drugs.
  • Milk- could not legally marry McKinley
  • Elvis- could legally marry Priscilla
  • Milk- celebrated by the LGBT community for fighting for civil rights
  • Elvis- celebrated by everyone for his music- and for being a sexual icon. Of the two- only Elvis is 'celebrated for his 'sexual appetites'.
The difference- Elvis was straight so you rationalize why it was okay for him to have sex with a 16 year old. Milk was gay- so you attack him.
No one is saying either one is ok but they aren't the same.

Is having sex with a 16 yr old the same as having sex with a 6 yr old? Do you seriously think it is?
So we agree that Milk was a disgusting pervert. Good. So why is the USPS honoring htat dead cocksucker with a stamp?

For the same reason that they honored say Elvis- or Thomas Jefferson (who had sex with slaves)- not for their real or imagined sexual scandals but for their historical accomplishments.

Thomas Jefferson didn't have sex with slaves that anyone has ever been able to prove.

There is more actual physical evidence that Thomas Jefferson had sex with a slave- than there is evidence that Milk had sex with a minor.

There is no conclusive proof of either.

Couldn't tell you about Milk, because I genuinely don't give a rat's ass that he ever existed at all, but Thomas Jefferson and sex with slaves is a complete, unadulterated load of urban legend wrapped in horseshit. are as stupid as ever. As I said- there is more actual physical evidence that Jefferson had sex with a slave than Milk ever had sex with a minor

From the organization that runs Jefferson's home:

Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings: A Brief Account
The claim that Thomas Jefferson fathered children with Sally Hemings, a slave at Monticello, entered the public arena during Jefferson's first term as president, and it has remained a subject of discussion and disagreement for two centuries. Based on documentary, scientific, statistical, and oral history evidence, the Thomas Jefferson Foundation (TJF) Research Committee Report on Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings (January 2000) remains the most comprehensive analysis of this historical topic. Ten years later, TJF and most historians believe that, years after his wife’s death, Thomas Jefferson was the father of the six children of Sally Hemings mentioned in Jefferson's records, including Beverly, Harriet, Madison, and Eston Hemings.

Historical Background

In September 1802, political journalist James T. Callender, a disaffected former ally of Jefferson, wrote in a Richmond newspaper that Jefferson had for many years "kept, as his concubine, one of his own slaves." "Her name is Sally," Callender continued, adding that Jefferson had "several children" by her.

Although there had been rumors of a sexual relationship between Jefferson and an enslaved woman before 1802, Callender's article spread the story widely. It was taken up by Jefferson's Federalist opponents and was published in many newspapers during the remainder of Jefferson's presidency.

Jefferson's policy was to offer no public response to personal attacks, and he apparently made no explicit public or private comment on this question (although a private letter of 1805 has been interpreted by some individuals as a denial of the story). Sally Hemings left no known accounts.

Jefferson's daughter Martha Jefferson Randolph privately denied the published reports. Two of her children, Ellen Randolph Coolidge and Thomas Jefferson Randolph, maintained many years later that such a liaison was not possible, on both moral and practical grounds. They also stated that Jefferson's nephews Peter and Samuel Carr were the fathers of the light-skinned Monticello slaves some thought to be Jefferson's children because they resembled him.

The Jefferson-Hemings story was sustained through the 19th century by Northern abolitionists, British critics of American democracy, and others. Its vitality among the American population at large was recorded by European travelers of the time. Through the 20th century, some historians accepted the possibility of a Jefferson-Hemings connection and a few gave it credence, but most Jefferson scholars found the case for such a relationship unpersuasive.

Over the years, however, belief in a Thomas Jefferson-Sally Hemings relationship was perpetuated in private. Two of her children--Madison and Eston--indicated that Jefferson was their father, and this belief has been perpetuated in the oral histories of generations of their descendants as an important family truth.

DNA Evidence and Response

The results of DNA tests conducted by Dr. Eugene Foster and a team of geneticists in 1998 challenged the view that the Jefferson-Hemings relationship could be neither refuted nor substantiated . The study--which tested Y-chromosomal DNA samples from male-line descendants of Field Jefferson (Thomas Jefferson's uncle), John Carr (grandfather of Jefferson's Carr nephews), Eston Hemings, and Thomas Woodson--indicated a genetic link between the Jefferson and Hemings descendants. The results of the study established that an individual carrying the male Jefferson Y chromosome fathered Eston Hemings (born 1808), the last known child born to Sally Hemings. There were approximately 25 adult male Jeffersons who carried this chromosome living in Virginia at that time, and a few of them are known to have visited Monticello. The study's authors, however, said "the simplest and most probable" conclusion was that Thomas Jefferson had fathered Eston Hemings.
Apparently we all enjoy pointing out the hypocrisy of homophobic bigots.

No charge for the English lesson, pisshead.

What dictionary did you find 'pisshead' in exactly?

And yes- I enjoy pointing out your hypocrisy.

Well, crazy people often sit around, giggling at nothing whatsoever, so go on with yourself if that works for you.

It's a simple compounding of two very basic words, Brain Trust. Your lack of creativity and language facility is really not my problem, and I'd appreciate it if you didn't depress me with it any more than absolutely necessary.

Don't blame your depression/mental illness on me- I am sorry that you suffer from it, but its your problem not mine.

Wrong. Your existence and proud ignorance are depressing, and that IS your problem.

If you are depressed after reading my posts- that is your problem- not mine.

As the doctor said when the patient said "Doc it hurts when I hit myself with a hammer"- stop hitting yourself with a hammer.
Jack, a street hustler, drug addict, and male prostitute was no child. Stop lying, it's annoying.

So, if a minor boy is troubled, on drugs, doing what he can on the streets to survive, then he is fair game for adults to prey on sexually?

OK "paint", I think we have a perspective on your compassion for struggling kids..

Syriusly, was Thomas Jefferson celebrated for his sexuality or his politics?

Because Harvey Milk is exclusively celebrated by LGBTs because of his sexuality...with troubled teen boys...
Your lack of reading comprehension is nothing new- or perhaps more particularly- your blindness when it comes to anything you don't want to read.

Harvey Milk is honored for his fight for civil rights.

And I can see why that would offend you.

Basically, Sassy, leftists think the only accomplishment that ever needs noticing is running one's gums and being loud and obnoxious . . . which, come to think of it, tells you a lot about their posting style.

Wait- are you talking about Elvis right now?

I was NEVER talking about Elvis. You twits introduced him and are the ones babbling about him. That's sort of the point.

Bottom line: Milk preyed on young boys, whether he was ever charged is irrelevant it was criminal. The thread isn't about Elvis it's about some perverted homo messing with kids and somehow the left loons thinks he's some sort of icon

Elvis was on a stamp, Breeder.

Goddam you're stupid.
Dont call anyone else stupid, dum-dum.
Elvis was an American icon, the King of Rock n Roll. His personal life was what it was. But his public life changed America.
What did Milk do beyond getting shot and porking young boys?
Basically, Sassy, leftists think the only accomplishment that ever needs noticing is running one's gums and being loud and obnoxious . . . which, come to think of it, tells you a lot about their posting style.

Wait- are you talking about Elvis right now?

I was NEVER talking about Elvis. You twits introduced him and are the ones babbling about him. That's sort of the point.

Bottom line: Milk preyed on young boys, whether he was ever charged is irrelevant it was criminal. The thread isn't about Elvis it's about some perverted homo messing with kids and somehow the left loons thinks he's some sort of icon

Elvis was on a stamp, Breeder.

Goddam you're stupid.
Dont call anyone else stupid, dum-dum.
Elvis was an American icon, the King of Rock n Roll. His personal life was what it was. But his public life changed America.
What did Milk do beyond getting shot and porking young boys?

Milk getting shot was the best thing that could have happened, who knows how many more boys he would have preyed on
Wait- are you talking about Elvis right now?

I was NEVER talking about Elvis. You twits introduced him and are the ones babbling about him. That's sort of the point.

Bottom line: Milk preyed on young boys, whether he was ever charged is irrelevant it was criminal. The thread isn't about Elvis it's about some perverted homo messing with kids and somehow the left loons thinks he's some sort of icon

Elvis was on a stamp, Breeder.

Goddam you're stupid.
Dont call anyone else stupid, dum-dum.
Elvis was an American icon, the King of Rock n Roll. His personal life was what it was. But his public life changed America.
What did Milk do beyond getting shot and porking young boys?

Milk getting shot was the best thing that could have happened, who knows how many more boys he would have preyed on

Yeah- I can see how you would applaud the cowardly murder of a homosexual and an elected official.

You probably applaud every time a homosexual is murdered.
Basically, Sassy, leftists think the only accomplishment that ever needs noticing is running one's gums and being loud and obnoxious . . . which, come to think of it, tells you a lot about their posting style.

Wait- are you talking about Elvis right now?

I was NEVER talking about Elvis. You twits introduced him and are the ones babbling about him. That's sort of the point.

Bottom line: Milk preyed on young boys, whether he was ever charged is irrelevant it was criminal. The thread isn't about Elvis it's about some perverted homo messing with kids and somehow the left loons thinks he's some sort of icon

Elvis was on a stamp, Breeder.

Goddam you're stupid.
Dont call anyone else stupid, dum-dum.
Elvis was an American icon, the King of Rock n Roll. His personal life was what it was. But his public life changed America.
What did Milk do beyond getting shot and porking young boys?

So you think it was okay for Elvis to be porking young girls- because he was the "King of Rock and Roll"?

But wrong when Milk did it.....because he was not selling lots of records?
Bottom line: Milk preyed on young boys...
No, he didn't, which makes you a liar. Typical Catholic.

Yeah he did, that's been established, Paint By Numbers. You can't possibly be as stupid as you come across

See Sassy- your essential delusion is that you saying Milk preyed on young boys doesn't make it 'established'- its just another one of your 'claims'.

We do know that Elvis preyed on at least one young girl and there have been claims that he preyed on lots more.

But of course- you would never start a thread about Elvis.

Elvis wasn't gay.

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