Post Office Honors Pedophile. Why?

Because Harvey Milk is exclusively celebrated by LGBTs because of his sexuality...with troubled teen boys...

God you are liar. Milk is celebrated by the LGBT for being the first openly gay elected official and for promoting gay rights.

I mean really a blatant liar.

From GLAAD- probably the largest LGBT organization in the United States

Harvey Milk’s electoral victory, in 1977, made him one of the first openly gay elected public officials in the United States. Milk, surprisingly, wasn’t open about his orientation and didn't work in LGBT activism until he was around 40 but that didn't affect his ability to have a tremendous impact on the United States. His determination to not only live his life, but also serve his community with authenticity symbolized freedom for millions of LGBT people around world. Milk faced many challenges on his quest for equality and his perseverance inspired millions of activists. Harvey Milk served less than a year in the public office position he won so courageously before he was brutally assassinated on November 27th, 1978.

Once again Silhouette- you are just a liar.

God you are liar. Milk is celebrated by the LGBT for being the first openly gay elected official and for promoting gay rights.

I mean really a blatant liar.

From GLAAD- probably the largest LGBT organization in the United States

Harvey Milk’s electoral victory, in 1977, made him one of the first openly gay elected public officials in the United States. Milk, surprisingly, wasn’t open about his orientation and didn't work in LGBT activism until he was around 40 but that didn't affect his ability to have a tremendous impact on the United States. His determination to not only live his life, but also serve his community with authenticity symbolized freedom for millions of LGBT people around world. Milk faced many challenges on his quest for equality and his perseverance inspired millions of activists. Harvey Milk served less than a year in the public office position he won so courageously before he was brutally assassinated on November 27th, 1978.

Once again Silhouette- you are just a liar.
No one is saying either one is ok but they aren't the same.

Is having sex with a 16 yr old the same as having sex with a 6 yr old? Do you seriously think it is?
So we agree that Milk was a disgusting pervert. Good. So why is the USPS honoring htat dead cocksucker with a stamp?

For the same reason that they honored say Elvis- or Thomas Jefferson (who had sex with slaves)- not for their real or imagined sexual scandals but for their historical accomplishments.

Thomas Jefferson didn't have sex with slaves that anyone has ever been able to prove.

There is more actual physical evidence that Thomas Jefferson had sex with a slave- than there is evidence that Milk had sex with a minor.

There is no conclusive proof of either.

Couldn't tell you about Milk, because I genuinely don't give a rat's ass that he ever existed at all, but Thomas Jefferson and sex with slaves is a complete, unadulterated load of urban legend wrapped in horseshit.

No, it isn't. It was common in that era and shouldn't be judged by today's morals. He was a better slave owner than most.
Were Harvey Milk alive today he'd be a Democrat Presidential contender and probably could lick Hillary's ass. Though more likely Bill's.
No, Bill is waaaaaaaaaaaaay too old for the middle aged Harvey Milk's sexual appetites. More like Milk would be hanging out at the YMCA looking for troubled teen boys on drugs.

His biography said it all (page 180) "Milk always had a penchant for young waifs with substance abuse problems."
Bottom line: Milk preyed on young boys...
No, he didn't, which makes you a liar. Typical Catholic.

Yeah he did, that's been established, Paint By Numbers. You can't possibly be as stupid as you come across
A 16-year-old is not a young boy. This is a young boy, not the person above.
Wait- are you talking about Elvis right now?

I was NEVER talking about Elvis. You twits introduced him and are the ones babbling about him. That's sort of the point.

Bottom line: Milk preyed on young boys, whether he was ever charged is irrelevant it was criminal. The thread isn't about Elvis it's about some perverted homo messing with kids and somehow the left loons thinks he's some sort of icon

Elvis was on a stamp, Breeder.

Goddam you're stupid.
Dont call anyone else stupid, dum-dum.
Elvis was an American icon, the King of Rock n Roll. His personal life was what it was. But his public life changed America.
What did Milk do beyond getting shot and porking young boys?

Milk getting shot was the best thing that could have happened, who knows how many more boys he would have preyed on
I feel the same when Father McFeely takes a dirt nap but of course you defend them since in your faith raping and molesting children is expected.
A 16-year-old is not a young boy. This is a young boy, not the person above.

Just remember, in wingnut land, Harvey Milk''s 16 year old boyfriend was a defenseless child, but Trayvon Martin was a hoodlum adult who totally deserved it.

You advocate sex with 16 year olds?

Most of history, people got married at 16. Usually after another 16 year old got pregnant or was impregnated. Today, most kids have had sex by the time they are 16. Sorry, it's just the facts of life.
A 16-year-old is not a young boy. This is a young boy, not the person above.

Just remember, in wingnut land, Harvey Milk''s 16 year old boyfriend was a defenseless child, but Trayvon Martin was a hoodlum adult who totally deserved it.

You advocate sex with 16 year olds?

Most of history, people got married at 16. Usually after another 16 year old got pregnant or was impregnated. Today, most kids have had sex by the time they are 16. Sorry, it's just the facts of life.

Yes or no....YOU have sex with 16 year olds....or you WOULD have sex with one?
What we were discussing is whether a 16 year old is mature enough to know how to have sex and understand the consequences, which most clearly do.

The judgment center of the brain is not fully developed in a 16 year old. So, no, a 16 year old is not mature enough to fully understand the consequences of anything.

News in Health September 2005 - NIH
Giedd, who studies brain development at NIH’s National Institute of Mental Health, explained that scientists have only recently learned more about the path of brain growth. One important finding, he said, showed that the frontal cortex area—which governs judgment, decision-making and impulse control—doesn’t fully mature until around age 25.
What we were discussing is whether a 16 year old is mature enough to know how to have sex and understand the consequences, which most clearly do.

The judgment center of the brain is not fully developed in a 16 year old. So, no, a 16 year old is not mature enough to fully understand the consequences of anything.

News in Health September 2005 - NIH
Giedd, who studies brain development at NIH’s National Institute of Mental Health, explained that scientists have only recently learned more about the path of brain growth. One important finding, he said, showed that the frontal cortex area—which governs judgment, decision-making and impulse control—doesn’t fully mature until around age 25.

The difference in maturity between a 32 year old adult and a 16 year old child is huge. To equate the two as sexually equal is absolutely ludicrous.
What we were discussing is whether a 16 year old is mature enough to know how to have sex and understand the consequences, which most clearly do.

The judgment center of the brain is not fully developed in a 16 year old. So, no, a 16 year old is not mature enough to fully understand the consequences of anything.

News in Health September 2005 - NIH
Giedd, who studies brain development at NIH’s National Institute of Mental Health, explained that scientists have only recently learned more about the path of brain growth. One important finding, he said, showed that the frontal cortex area—which governs judgment, decision-making and impulse control—doesn’t fully mature until around age 25.

The difference in maturity between a 32 year old adult and a 16 year old child is huge. To equate the two as sexually equal is absolutely ludicrous.
Exactly. A 16 year old doesn't stand a chance against the sexual wiles of someone twice their age.
Bottom line: Milk preyed on young boys...
No, he didn't, which makes you a liar. Typical Catholic.

Yeah he did, that's been established, Paint By Numbers. You can't possibly be as stupid as you come across
A 16-year-old is not a young boy. This is a young boy, not the person above.

You advocate sex with 16 year olds?
Do you?
He wasn't a pedophile.
Was Harvey Milk a pedophile
Only if you redefine the term pedophile.

That's exactly what they do and it's BS. Mess with a kid you're a pedo
Under 18=crime. He was a criminal. He could have been prosecuted for underage sex/statutory rape.

Yes. But it still is not pedo.
Bullshit. Pedophilia=sex with underage people. Under 18 is underage in most places.
no it isnt
His biography said it all (page 180) "Milk always had a penchant for young waifs with substance abuse problems."

God you are such a liar.

Because you know that his biography said that regarding Milk getting involved with drunk 25 year old Jack Lira.

So apparently the 'young waif's' Milk liked were in their mid twenties.
His biography said it all (page 180) "Milk always had a penchant for young waifs with substance abuse problems."

God you are such a liar.

Because you know that his biography said that regarding Milk getting involved with drunk 25 year old Jack Lira.

So apparently the 'young waif's' Milk liked were in their mid twenties.
Sounds like Milk thought of himself as a "fixer" many men, gay and straight, are.

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