Post Office Honors Pedophile. Why?

Did Zimmerman sexually abuse Martin?

No, he murdered him. Which you guys were fine with.

Maybe if he had butt-fucked him first, you wingnuts would have been outraged.


Whilst Martin's killing was a homicide it was not a murder.
Meh - joe does not bend to mere definitions of words. He makes his own up and you should all simply accept that. When will you realize this, lol ;)
Meh - joe does not bend to mere definitions of words. He makes his own up and you should all simply accept that. When will you realize this, lol

Zimmerman shot an unarmed child in cold blood. And as much as you all have tried to villify the kid ('Oh, my gosh, he had a screwdriver!!!") zimmy is the one who can't seem to keep out of trouble.

Ironically, he almost got shot last week by some guy he's been stalking for months.
Meh - joe does not bend to mere definitions of words. He makes his own up and you should all simply accept that. When will you realize this, lol

Zimmerman shot an unarmed child in cold blood. And as much as you all have tried to villify the kid ('Oh, my gosh, he had a screwdriver!!!") zimmy is the one who can't seem to keep out of trouble.

Ironically, he almost got shot last week by some guy he's been stalking for months.
Facts are just not your friend here.
Zimmerman's case was ruled justifiable homicide by reason of self defense by the jury. Some guy was stalking Zimmerman and shot at him. I realize you are salivating at the prospect of someone taking Zimmerman out but that's because you're an angry failed piece of shit.
What we were discussing is whether a 16 year old is mature enough to know how to have sex and understand the consequences, which most clearly do.

The judgment center of the brain is not fully developed in a 16 year old. So, no, a 16 year old is not mature enough to fully understand the consequences of anything.

News in Health September 2005 - NIH
Giedd, who studies brain development at NIH’s National Institute of Mental Health, explained that scientists have only recently learned more about the path of brain growth. One important finding, he said, showed that the frontal cortex area—which governs judgment, decision-making and impulse control—doesn’t fully mature until around age 25.

Yup...We need a Federal age of consent law set at 18.

(And Elvis, Edgar Allen Poe and Harvey Milk all deserve to be on a postage stamp)
What did Harvey Milk do to deserve a stamp? Other than taking it up the ass and dying as collateral damage?

You keep asking this question and ignoring the answers.

And unless you are claiming that you were the one fucking Milk in the ass, you are just fantasizing about that.

Milk was assassinated by a cowardly and disgruntled Conservative.
What did Harvey Milk do to deserve a stamp? Other than taking it up the ass and dying as collateral damage?

You mean other than advocating for the rights of gays to be treated like everyone else by being out about it.

Probably a lot of gay politicians up to that point. Some of them even Republicans.
When did he ever do that? And in SanFran that hardly requires any courage.

Yeah......its not as if he risked being killed or anything......
The difference in maturity between a 32 year old adult and a 16 year old child is huge. To equate the two as sexually equal is absolutely ludicrous.

That 16 year old had already been living on the streets. It wasn't like he was a waif who didn't understand how the world worked.
So that makes sexual abuse OK?
No surprise the Left is reduced to defending sexual abuse.

Apparently to you- selling enough records makes sexual abuse ok

Elvis was an American icon, the King of Rock n Roll. His personal life was what it was. But his public life changed America.

Milk- took a 16 year old street hustler off of the street.
Elvis- started dating a 14 year old virgin, and then lied to her parents to bring her to the United States where he introduced her to sex and drugs.

That is what you call his 'personal life' for Elvis- and sexual abuse when done by Milk.
The difference in maturity between a 32 year old adult and a 16 year old child is huge. To equate the two as sexually equal is absolutely ludicrous.

That 16 year old had already been living on the streets. It wasn't like he was a waif who didn't understand how the world worked.
So that makes sexual abuse OK?
No surprise the Left is reduced to defending sexual abuse.

Apparently to you- selling enough records makes sexual abuse ok

Elvis was an American icon, the King of Rock n Roll. His personal life was what it was. But his public life changed America.

Milk- took a 16 year old street hustler off of the street.
Elvis- started dating a 14 year old virgin, and then lied to her parents to bring her to the United States where he introduced her to sex and drugs.

That is what you call his 'personal life' for Elvis- and sexual abuse when done by Milk.
When straights are doing it, it seems to be okay to fuck kids, and least for these two it sure does.
Good summary of Milk's life and career here,

Harvey Milk Biography - life family story death history school information born college house time year scandal

Dunno what the standard is for putting people on stamps, flattely not being one of my interests, but other than being assassinated I don't see much 'above and beyond.'

Further, he wasn't assassinated, he was murdered. Collateral damage to the assassination of Mayor Moscone.

Milk was assassinated- just as Moscone was- in cold blood.

Dan White snuck into City Hall through a window, went to Mayor Moscone's office- shot Mayor Moscone.

Then he reloaded- and went specifically to Harvey Milk's office- and shot him 4 times I believe- and then he snuck out of City Hall- without going to shoot any other Supervisors.

He specifically targeted Moscone and Milk.
It is not as if there are strict rules on how much a person needs to accomplish before being on a stamp.....

There is the first female African American pilot....first white child born in the American colonies.....several First Ladies....some football coaches...lots of politicians...even a doll designer.......
What did Harvey Milk do to deserve a stamp? Other than taking it up the ass and dying as collateral damage?

You mean other than advocating for the rights of gays to be treated like everyone else by being out about it.

Probably a lot of gay politicians up to that point. Some of them even Republicans.
When did he ever do that? And in SanFran that hardly requires any courage.

Yeah......its not as if he risked being killed or anything......
I risk being killed when I drive to work every day. Do I deserve a stamp for that?
The difference in maturity between a 32 year old adult and a 16 year old child is huge. To equate the two as sexually equal is absolutely ludicrous.

That 16 year old had already been living on the streets. It wasn't like he was a waif who didn't understand how the world worked.
So that makes sexual abuse OK?
No surprise the Left is reduced to defending sexual abuse.

Apparently to you- selling enough records makes sexual abuse ok

Elvis was an American icon, the King of Rock n Roll. His personal life was what it was. But his public life changed America.

Milk- took a 16 year old street hustler off of the street.
Elvis- started dating a 14 year old virgin, and then lied to her parents to bring her to the United States where he introduced her to sex and drugs.

That is what you call his 'personal life' for Elvis- and sexual abuse when done by Milk.
Appaerntly you have trouble understanding simple English.
Elvis deserved a stamp for his contributions to American music.
Milk deserved a stamp for his contributions to....what? Contributing to the delinquency of a minor?

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