Post Office Honors Pedophile. Why?

Something must be in the water in San Francisco.


Details revealed in the arrest of Enrique Pearce, 41, a campaign consultant who up until a week ago was making $5,000 a month working for San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee, indicate that Pearce allegedly owned photos and videos of infants and young children being raped and sexually violated, including photos he allegedly took himself of young boys.
Deputy District Attorney Alexis Fasteaus said that the children were unaware they were being photographed, according to the San Francisco Chronicle.

Fasteau revealed that law enforcement had started investigating Pearce after another man reported chatting online with someone using the screen name “redentice” who wrote “sharing a boy with another man is really hot.” She also said that Pearce had 4,902 images on one of his laptop computers; over 600 included minors engaged in sexual conduct, at least 10 showed “prepubescent minors” under the age of 12, and many photos apparently showed men hurting children.

S.F. Mayor s Consultant Allegedly Had Shocking Child Rape Videos - Breitbart

Most homosexuals are not pedophiles - in fact only a tiny percentage are.

BUT - virtually all pedophiles are homosexual.
Where did I say he violated the law?

Post Office Honors Pedophile. Why Page 45 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Perhaps you should have questioned the claim that Milk violated the law, rather than jumping to the typical "WAAAAHHHH, THEY DID IT TOOOOOOOO" that democrats always whine.

Ah. I see. So pointing out that heterosexual relations with a 16 yr old is worthy of a stamp but homosexual relations with a 16 yr old is "pedophilia" is a no-no? My bad.
Where did I say he violated the law?

Post Office Honors Pedophile. Why Page 45 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Perhaps you should have questioned the claim that Milk violated the law, rather than jumping to the typical "WAAAAHHHH, THEY DID IT TOOOOOOOO" that democrats always whine.

Ah. I see. So pointing out that heterosexual relations with a 16 yr old is worthy of a stamp but homosexual relations with a 16 yr old is "pedophilia" is a no-no? My bad.
No one got a stamp because he had relations with a 16yr old girl. You really are one dumb motherfucker.
Where did I say he violated the law?

Post Office Honors Pedophile. Why Page 45 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Perhaps you should have questioned the claim that Milk violated the law, rather than jumping to the typical "WAAAAHHHH, THEY DID IT TOOOOOOOO" that democrats always whine.

Ah. I see. So pointing out that heterosexual relations with a 16 yr old is worthy of a stamp but homosexual relations with a 16 yr old is "pedophilia" is a no-no? My bad.
No one got a stamp because he had relations with a 16yr old girl. You really are one dumb motherfucker.

You're the one making it about "pedophilia". :)
Where did I say he violated the law?

Post Office Honors Pedophile. Why Page 45 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Perhaps you should have questioned the claim that Milk violated the law, rather than jumping to the typical "WAAAAHHHH, THEY DID IT TOOOOOOOO" that democrats always whine.

Ah. I see. So pointing out that heterosexual relations with a 16 yr old is worthy of a stamp but homosexual relations with a 16 yr old is "pedophilia" is a no-no? My bad.
No one got a stamp because he had relations with a 16yr old girl. You really are one dumb motherfucker.

You're the one making it about "pedophilia". :)
Because I cant see what Milk did to deserve a stamp other than boiking under age boys. Do you have some worthwhile accomplishment to cite?
Ah. I see. So pointing out that heterosexual relations with a 16 yr old is worthy of a stamp but homosexual relations with a 16 yr old is "pedophilia" is a no-no? My bad.

You're once again referring to Elivis Presley? Were you aware that two wrongs don't make a right? Further, were you aware that a young man courting a young woman with her parent's permission, then dedicating himself to her in marriage is very different from a pedophile aging into his 40s, preying on drug addicted teen boy runaways expressly hoping they didn't have pesky guardians he'd have to go through in order to get to them, one after the other. And his discarding them as they aged past his sexual-appetite profile, one after the other?

Were you aware that Elivis Presley was famous for his music? Were you aware that Harvey Milk was famous for his sexuality? (See last paragraph for details)...

It turns out that WHAT a man is celebrated for says something about his admirers, doesn't it? What's disturbing is that of the 60+ LGBT groups in Canada, the US and Mexico who promoted the stamp of Harvey Milk, they all knew about 1. Why he was being celebrated (his sexuality) and 2. From his biography that he preferred "..young waifs with substance abuse problems" . ie, Harvey Milk wasn't and isn't celebrated for his musical contributions. There is but one thing he is celebrated for by LGBTs and that thing says quite a bit about his admirers.

If you told someone about Elvis Presley "did you know your favorite musician had sex with a young girl while he himself was young", they'd probably cringe. If you point out to LGBTs that their favorite sexuality idol had sex with a minor boy while officiating as his father, you'll not only not get an adverse reaction, you'd get a vigorous defense of their hero's 'right to enjoy his type of sexuality!'.

The conversation here isn't about the idols, it's about WHAT they were famous for...and who admires them for that particular fame..
The difference in maturity between a 32 year old adult and a 16 year old child is huge. To equate the two as sexually equal is absolutely ludicrous.

That 16 year old had already been living on the streets. It wasn't like he was a waif who didn't understand how the world worked.
So that makes sexual abuse OK?
No surprise the Left is reduced to defending sexual abuse.

Apparently to you- selling enough records makes sexual abuse ok

Elvis was an American icon, the King of Rock n Roll. His personal life was what it was. But his public life changed America.

Milk- took a 16 year old street hustler off of the street.
Elvis- started dating a 14 year old virgin, and then lied to her parents to bring her to the United States where he introduced her to sex and drugs.

That is what you call his 'personal life' for Elvis- and sexual abuse when done by Milk.
Appaerntly you have trouble understanding simple English.
Elvis deserved a stamp for his contributions to American music.
Milk deserved a stamp for his contributions to....what? Contributing to the delinquency of a minor?

So you are okay with Elvis contributing to the delinquency of a minor- since he sold lots of records- so you defend his sexual abuse.

Elvis was an American icon, the King of Rock n Roll. His personal life was what it was. But his public life changed America.

Milk- took a 16 year old street hustler off of the street.
Elvis- started dating a 14 year old virgin, and then lied to her parents to bring her to the United States where he introduced her to sex and drugs.

That is what you call his 'personal life' for Elvis- and sexual abuse when done by Milk
If you told someone about Elvis Presley "did you know your favorite musician had sex with a young girl while he himself was young", they'd probably cringe. If you point out to LGBTs that their favorite sexuality idol had sex with a minor boy while officiating as his father, you'll not only not get an adverse reaction, you'd get a vigorous defense of their hero's 'right to enjoy his type of sexuality!'.

I have to laugh at the way you choose to portray the two scenarios.

1. Elvis was 10 years older than Prisiilla when he began dating her (at 14).
2. Speaking of "cringing" and "vigorous defenses" - remember the Duck Dynasty brouhaha?
3. You refer to Elvis as a "favorite musician" and Harvey as a "favorite sexuality idol". Harvey was also a politician and Elvis one of the hottest sex idols of his time.

So tell me more about this "cringing" when people are told Elvis had sex with a young girl...I'm not seeing it :lol:
Ah. I see. So pointing out that heterosexual relations with a 16 yr old is worthy of a stamp but homosexual relations with a 16 yr old is "pedophilia" is a no-no? My bad.

You're once again referring to Elivis Presley? Were you aware that two wrongs don't make a right? Further, were you aware that a young man courting a young woman with her parent's permission, then dedicating himself to her in marriage is very different from a pedophile aging into his 40s, preying on drug addicted teen boy runaways.

Elvis: 'courted' a 14 year old girl before lying to her parents to bring the 16 year old to the United States to initiate her into sex and drugs.
Milk: met a 16 year old street hustler and runaway- and brought him into his home.

Yes- there is a difference.

The question is- do you think it is only wrong when a homosexual has sex with a minor- or its just okay if the man sells lots of records?
Ah. I see. So pointing out that heterosexual relations with a 16 yr old is worthy of a stamp but homosexual relations with a 16 yr old is "pedophilia" is a no-no? My bad.

Elvis MARRIED a girl at 16. Milk was fond of young boys. I already cited that Milk had a 14 year old boi toy when he was in his early 20's - and picked up the 16 year old druggie later in his 30's. I know that being queer is "brave" and "wonderful" and "noble" and "awesome. You leftist have made it clear that nothing is better than being queer. Still, Milk engaged in predatory behavior. Put one billionth to the demagogue focus on Milk that you put on Sarah Palin, and I guarantee the bois would come out of the woodwork. Of course that will never happen, because the left controls the press, and because Milk was queer, he's a hero - so no digging into potential scandals is or every will be, permitted.
Because I cant see what Milk did to deserve a stamp other than boiking under age boys. Do you have some worthwhile accomplishment to cite?

You don't understand, being queer makes one a hero - I saw it on NBC. If you go and risk your life to fight for America, you're a baby killer and pawn of the plutocracy. If you take a dick up your ass while high on cocaine, THEN you are a hero. I saw on NBC - it has to be true..
Ah. I see. So pointing out that heterosexual relations with a 16 yr old is worthy of a stamp but homosexual relations with a 16 yr old is "pedophilia" is a no-no? My bad.

Elvis MARRIED a girl at 16. Milk was fond of young boys. I already cited that Milk had a 14 year old boi toy when he was in his early 20's - and picked up the 16 year old druggie later in his 30's. I know that being queer is "brave" and "wonderful" and "noble" and "awesome. You leftist have made it clear that nothing is better than being queer. Still, Milk engaged in predatory behavior. Put one billionth to the demagogue focus on Milk that you put on Sarah Palin, and I guarantee the bois would come out of the woodwork. Of course that will never happen, because the left controls the press, and because Milk was queer, he's a hero - so no digging into potential scandals is or every will be, permitted.

Elvis DATED (had sex with) a girl at 14 that he later married. He was uncomfortable around older women according to his biographers. For some reason you are trying to make it out as somehow different.
Ah. I see. So pointing out that heterosexual relations with a 16 yr old is worthy of a stamp but homosexual relations with a 16 yr old is "pedophilia" is a no-no? My bad.

Were you aware that Elivis Presley was famous for his music? Were you aware that Harvey Milk was famous for his sexuality? (See last paragraph for details)....

5 of the biggest male sex icons realbuzz

5 of the biggest male sex icons

The hottest men of all time

Here is a list of the five biggest male sex icons of all time. These men aren’t just hot or handsome or hunky. They have something else; raw sexual magnetism. Take a browse and read about the men who have shaped our fantasies and our views on sex and attraction:

Elvis Presley

Elvis is the man who thrust and gyrated his way into the hearts of billions. He literally made women swoon and managed to sweet talk a new girl into his bed nearly every night. Considering Elvis was so successful at getting girls, it’s no surprise that a few kiss and tell stories have emerged about Elvis’ sex life. Apparently, he liked white cotton panties; so much so that he commissioned adult movies where girls were shot wearing white underwear. Other stories have emerged since his death in 1977. Apparently the King of rock and roll also loved finger sucking, nipple tassels and burlesque dancers. Despite Elvis’ kinky ways, his big lips, slick hair and hot moves still impress, making the King of rock and roll a timeless sex icon.

Oddly enough Harvey Milk is not on any list as a sex icon- except in your mind

Here is how the gay community remembers Milk

Milk, an activist and Castro Street businessman, was the nation's first openly gay elected official. He refused to back down in the face of a tidal wave of adversity that included the failed 1978 California ballot measure Proposition 6, which would have mandated firing gay teachers in public schools, and Anita Bryant's 1977 anti-gay "Save Our Children" crusade.
Elvis: 'courted' a 14 year old girl before lying to her parents to bring the 16 year old to the United States to initiate her into sex and drugs.
Milk: met a 16 year old street hustler and runaway- and brought him into his home.

Yes- there is a difference.

The question is- do you think it is only wrong when a homosexual has sex with a minor- or its just okay if the man sells lots of records?

You huff too much oven cleaner.
Where did I say he violated the law?

Post Office Honors Pedophile. Why Page 45 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Perhaps you should have questioned the claim that Milk violated the law, rather than jumping to the typical "WAAAAHHHH, THEY DID IT TOOOOOOOO" that democrats always whine.

Ah. I see. So pointing out that heterosexual relations with a 16 yr old is worthy of a stamp but homosexual relations with a 16 yr old is "pedophilia" is a no-no? My bad.
No one got a stamp because he had relations with a 16yr old girl. You really are one dumb motherfucker.

You're the one making it about "pedophilia". :)
Because I cant see what Milk did to deserve a stamp other than boiking under age boys. Do you have some worthwhile accomplishment to cite?

You have been told over and over- you are fixated on Milk having sex with 'under age boys'- even though there is no evidence he ever did.

You don't care that Elvis was on a stamp- even though we know he boinked a minor- apparently because he sold lots of records.
Where did I say he violated the law?

Post Office Honors Pedophile. Why Page 45 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Perhaps you should have questioned the claim that Milk violated the law, rather than jumping to the typical "WAAAAHHHH, THEY DID IT TOOOOOOOO" that democrats always whine.

Ah. I see. So pointing out that heterosexual relations with a 16 yr old is worthy of a stamp but homosexual relations with a 16 yr old is "pedophilia" is a no-no? My bad.
No one got a stamp because he had relations with a 16yr old girl. You really are one dumb motherfucker.

No one got a stamp for having sex with anyone.

Yeah- you really are that dumb of a mother fucker.
Elvis DATED (had sex with) a girl at 14 that he later married. He was uncomfortable around older women according to his biographers. For some reason you are trying to make it out as somehow different.

Prescilla already stated she was a virgin when she married Elvis.

You little Goebbels are just doing what you always do - lying to slander and libel those who the party hates.

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