Postal Service Finds No Evidence Of Mail Ballot Fraud In Pa. Case Cited By Top Republicans

All the evidence indicates the election was the world's biggest swindle..........................."Reich NAZIs"

I'm combining two posts, both from our pet corner of Hitler-fetishism. Mainly to save bandwidth. And for ease of understanding.

The 'election was stole'n. It 'was a fraud'.
Which brings us right back to the ol' "Swindle"-corral once again.

Yet, when queried about the proof of all that 'swindling', of proof more compelling than what was presented by Tucker Guiliani and Krakenpot Powell, well, the channel goes dead.

As if those avatars flee to the AtomWaffen site, or Daily Stormer's. (?)

So, to channel Clara Peller: "Where's the Proof?"

refusing any offer to sit down and openly examine the facts and offer where any of the evidence can be shown wrong

And from another of our pet Wermacht Schutzes we get yet another plaintive whine about 'refusing to examine evidence'.

Ummm, noper.

Herr Schutze, those 60+ cases that Trump brought to the bar, those near 100 judges who considered the plea.......would beg to differ on the 'refusal to sit down' fantasygasm that you are attempting to enjoy.

If the evidence was so compelling, so persuasive, so voluminous........well then, what the hell was up with all those judges? Not a few of which were appointed by Republicans, or elected as Republicans, were installed by Don Trump, and were viewed as 'conservatives'.

What da hell was going on with them?
As to mail in voting, we've never had it. That's supposed to be reserved mainly for just those very few like military or the very sick who can't possibly be here to vote on election day.
Lie again I've been voting no excuse mail in ballot for over 20years now and so have millions of other citizens. It is NOT something new.

Wrong again. I said I'VE never had it, not you. A few states have had it after many years of ironing the bugs out, though still not a smart practice. Last year, it was thrust upon the ENTIRE COUNTRY, arbitrarily, including my state, with no time to iron it out or vet the process to prevent cheating. I had offers to vote by mail in ballot flying at me last year left and right. I probably could have voted 16 times.

The #1 way to cheat an election as determined by the 2005 Carter Commission.

HNo one has found any evidence of massive frausd in state and federal elections. In a NC congressional race Republicans cheated on mail in ballots but were caught.The idea that states have no control over mail in ballots is ridiculous. States have been doing mail in ballots for centuries.

Right State officials have seen no evidence of fraud. Federal prosecutors have seen no evidence of fraud.
Sure they have. They just refuse to admit it.

More like you refuse to believe the evidence yourself. Now, how about giving this an end. Rump lost, Biden won. Life goes on.
All the evidence indicates the election was the world's biggest swindle.

Why, because you said so? Verifiable proof is needed, not just "Feel Facts".

The purpose of investigations is to produce verifiable proof. All you Democrat Reich NAZIs are doing everything possible to prevent that.

Even when it was done by the Republican Controlled Senate and Rumps own Justice Department? You don't need me to feed your insanity.

The deep state runs the justice department. Government agencies thwart and stab Republican presidents in the back every chance they get. 1/3 of Republican Senators where never-Trumpers
[QUOTE="bripat9643, post: 26781260, member: 29100"]
"The deep state runs the justice department. Government agencies thwart and stab Republican presidents in the back every chance they get."

Achtung! Another wireless message from deep within bunker 9A at the Wolf's Lair.

So, poster 'bripat' do you know about this 'deep-state-running'-mission?

Can you direct interested readers here to some of your favorite sources for the fascinating information you share with this venue?

Surely you are not just making it please be our sherpa here and give us some sourcing.

Batter up,
Another official investigation. Another report that accusations of fraud are total BS.

I don't know how many official investigations have been done with reports saying no voting fraud.

The accusations are just BS and everyone with working brain cells knows it.

The fraud is project veritas and james o'keefe who keeps making videos that are nothing but lies through editing and false representations.

Matters not since the armor of ignorance worn by Trump's cultists will not allow reality to penetrate it.
As to mail in voting, we've never had it.
As already correctly noted: this is a lie. There is nothing ‘new’ about voting by mail.

Idiot. MY state never had widespread, everybody-in, mail-in voting for all until last year. And with absolutely no vetting or supervision of the process. Just go for it!

No way to hold a national election. We are the joke of the world.

We know now that there were millions of illegal ballots cast.

All done to appease Democrats so that they could cheat wantonly, ADMITTED NOW by many private organizations that they were a "secret" force in the background to ensure a Biden outcome.

And we spent 30 million dollars and three years worried about a few Facebook ads from Russians. :21:

2016: the election was like Swiss cheese, hijacked by Trump and Putin! :omg:

2020: suddenly now our elections are solid as gold.

View attachment 469833
Dumbfuck, only one of the swing states that went to Biden sent mass ballots to all registered voters. All the others required registered voters to request them.
Achtung! Another wireless message from deep within bunker 9A at the Wolf's Lair.

So, poster 'bripat' do you know about this 'deep-state-running'-mission?

Can you direct interested readers here to some of your favorite sources for the fascinating information you share with this venue?

Surely you are not just making it please be our sherpa here and give us some sourcing.

Batter up,
I don't waste my time using logic and facts and those who sneer at logic and facts.
The purpose of investigations is to produce verifiable proof. All you Democrat Reich NAZIs are doing everything possible to prevent that.
Republican Controlled Senate
Rumps own Justice Department
Notice the complete attempt to avoid and veer away from the topic of how legit investigations and fact-finding work! Well, the GOP went along with blah blah blah, as did Trump's blah blah blah! Never mind the Left had a hand in engineering that!

All from the same group of people who've spent the past YEAR harping about the importance of FOLLOWING THE SCIENCE.

Meantime, Trump's GOP at the time he took office was FULL of RINO lackeys and people who detested Trump and Trump's "justice Department" was full of Obama appointees.
You think you made an argument there?
No. Normal, honest people call it an observation.

About the fraud nobody wants to talk about because we all know it really happened.

And THAT's why the courts all took a pass on the issue, not just because many couldn't take Trump's raw superstar intensity and familiar stridency anymore, but because the courts themselves all felt the SHAME for what had happened right before their eyes but the likewise duty(fear)obligation to look the other way and pretend they were not watching a presidential election actually being actively/brashly stolen away after years of assault. . . . steered/directed to the desired oligarchical outcome--

--and shamefully admit to themselves that the courts have been rendered meaningless having all now become puppets of the politics themselves.
All the evidence indicates the election was the world's biggest swindle..........................."Reich NAZIs"

I'm combining two posts, both from our pet corner of Hitler-fetishism. Mainly to save bandwidth. And for ease of understanding.

The 'election was stole'n. It 'was a fraud'.
Which brings us right back to the ol' "Swindle"-corral once again.

Yet, when queried about the proof of all that 'swindling', of proof more compelling than what was presented by Tucker Guiliani and Krakenpot Powell, well, the channel goes dead.

As if those avatars flee to the AtomWaffen site, or Daily Stormer's. (?)

So, to channel Clara Peller: "Where's the Proof?"

refusing any offer to sit down and openly examine the facts and offer where any of the evidence can be shown wrong
those 60+ cases that Trump brought to the bar, those near 100 judges who considered the plea.......would beg to differ

Are you telling us you formally/legally speak for/represent these judges? If not, you could be leaving yourself open to lawsuit for falsely presuming to speak for them.
All the evidence indicates the election was the world's biggest swindle.
Perhaps the very best proof of the swindle is the fact that they've worked so hard since DAY ONE to denounce any even QUESTION of the election as tantamount to madness while staunchly refusing any offer to sit down and openly examine the facts and offer where any of the evidence can be shown wrong to assuage anyone's doubts or concerns, ALL THE WHILE demanding that we must simply turn the page, forget about it, move on and just ACCEPT IT!

And the driver of it all is the SHAME society feels for having to have ROBBED a president of his 2nd term after treating the man shamefully for simply being a braggadocio with STYLE--- and having the actual cohones, the stones to actually back it up with accomplishment--

-- even the courts had to look away in shame, like hiding a deformed bastard child of yours locked away in the attic.
The purpose of investigations is to produce verifiable proof. All you Democrat Reich NAZIs are doing everything possible to prevent that.
Republican Controlled Senate
Rumps own Justice Department
Notice the complete attempt to avoid and veer away from the topic of how legit investigations and fact-finding work! Well, the GOP went along with blah blah blah, as did Trump's blah blah blah! Never mind the Left had a hand in engineering that!

All from the same group of people who've spent the past YEAR harping about the importance of FOLLOWING THE SCIENCE.

Meantime, Trump's GOP at the time he took office was FULL of RINO lackeys and people who detested Trump and Trump's "justice Department" was full of Obama appointees.
You think you made an argument there?
No. Normal, honest people call it an observation.

About the fraud nobody wants to talk about because we all know it really happened.

And THAT's why the courts all took a pass on the issue, not just because many couldn't take Trump's raw superstar intensity and familiar stridency anymore, but because the courts themselves all felt the SHAME for what had happened right before their eyes but the likewise duty(fear)obligation to look the other way and pretend they were not watching a presidential election actually being actively/brashly stolen away after years of assault. . . . steered/directed to the desired oligarchical outcome--

--and shamefully admit to themselves that the courts have been rendered meaningless having all now become puppets of the politics themselves.
Wow. That was quite the pile of horse dung.

Newsflash. Courts deal in certifiable facts. Whatever that was... it was not about facts
That was quite the pile of horse dung.
Is THAT what we call elections now? Our courts have been both shamed and made moot. There is only one branch of government now: The United States of Nancy.

Courts deal in certifiable facts.

Courts deal in execution of LEGAL PROCEDURES, Jack. Whatever the cost. Expert witnesses tell us what the facts are. That is, whatever they don't have to take the case and can eke out of it any way they can. I mean, its not like the COURT gets paid by the case! :auiqs.jpg:
That was quite the pile of horse dung.
Is THAT what we call elections now? Our courts have been both shamed and made moot. There is only one branch of government now: The United States of Nancy.

Courts deal in certifiable facts.

View attachment 470613 Courts deal in execution of LEGAL PROCEDURES, Jack. Whatever the cost. Expert witnesses tell us what the facts are. That is, whatever they don't have to take the case and can eke out of it any way they can. I mean, its not like the COURT gets paid by the case! :auiqs.jpg:
WTF does that nonsense and even mean...
Mail in ballots have been used in Washington state since 1991.
Yes, and there were problems at first, they had years to work them out, and it was only across a small statewide sampling, not national. Whatever Washington did right or wrong affected the state not the whole election.

Mail in ballots will likely become more important as the number of voters increase.
Regular voting certainly was no problem just 4 years ago. It wouldn't have been this year either. So the number of voters will have to go WAY up, double, and long before that, we can simply open more polling places. Mail-in voting is NEVER a good idea as a general course except where necessary and just points to the fact that low-information voters too lazy to drive a mile to the poll means more idiots knowing nothing who should just stay home if they can't bother being informed will be making lazy, uninformed votes by mail because it is EASY; people who are the most susceptible to voter advertising and party marketing propaganda.

There are too many people for voting to occur in 1 day
BULLSHIT. Again, it just happened in the last election (2016). No problems.

The number of voers increased by a large margin over 2016. Also the number of polling places had to be cut by klarge numbers because most of the workers are in the high risk category for coronavirus. These older Americans will increasingly die out which will lead to a shortage of poll workers.

This election shows the fact that in-person voters are the stupid ones. You prove it every day with stupid conspiracies and refuse to accept cold, hard facts. Biden beat Trump in a fair vote. You are a low indormation voter. trump supporters are uninformed voters.
There was nothing fair about Biden's win. The conspiracy was the massive fraud and the cover up aided by media censorship and intimidation. The fraud was obvious and the hate directed at concerned Americans disgraceful. Congress KNEW 40 % of voters thought the election was fraudulent and did not investigate. Instead they called citizens and their representatives traitors. They should and could have investigated. The reason they did not is more than obvious.

There was no conspiracy. You are nothing but a cracked pot crackhead. ASG Barr saw no reason to open a investigation. I suppose he was in on the conpiracy. It was obvious that there was little or no fraud. Just because 40% of the people want to establish a dictatorship does not make it so. They were and are traitors and Nazis.
There was a huge conspiracy that involved every branch of our now thoroughly corrupt government, media, and foreign powers. To think otherwise is lying to yourself and others.

You are really crazy.
Another official investigation. Another report that accusations of fraud are total BS.

I don't know how many official investigations have been done with reports saying no voting fraud.

The accusations are just BS and everyone with working brain cells knows it.

The fraud is project veritas and james o'keefe who keeps making videos that are nothing but lies through editing and false representations.

Mail in ballots have been used in Washington state since 1991.
Yes, and there were problems at first, they had years to work them out, and it was only across a small statewide sampling, not national. Whatever Washington did right or wrong affected the state not the whole election.

Mail in ballots will likely become more important as the number of voters increase.
Regular voting certainly was no problem just 4 years ago. It wouldn't have been this year either. So the number of voters will have to go WAY up, double, and long before that, we can simply open more polling places. Mail-in voting is NEVER a good idea as a general course except where necessary and just points to the fact that low-information voters too lazy to drive a mile to the poll means more idiots knowing nothing who should just stay home if they can't bother being informed will be making lazy, uninformed votes by mail because it is EASY; people who are the most susceptible to voter advertising and party marketing propaganda.

There are too many people for voting to occur in 1 day
BULLSHIT. Again, it just happened in the last election (2016). No problems.

The number of voers increased by a large margin over 2016. Also the number of polling places had to be cut by klarge numbers because most of the workers are in the high risk category for coronavirus. These older Americans will increasingly die out which will lead to a shortage of poll workers.

This election shows the fact that in-person voters are the stupid ones. You prove it every day with stupid conspiracies and refuse to accept cold, hard facts. Biden beat Trump in a fair vote. You are a low indormation voter. trump supporters are uninformed voters.
There was nothing fair about Biden's win. The conspiracy was the massive fraud and the cover up aided by media censorship and intimidation. The fraud was obvious and the hate directed at concerned Americans disgraceful. Congress KNEW 40 % of voters thought the election was fraudulent and did not investigate. Instead they called citizens and their representatives traitors. They should and could have investigated. The reason they did not is more than obvious.

There was no conspiracy. You are nothing but a cracked pot crackhead. ASG Barr saw no reason to open a investigation. I suppose he was in on the conpiracy. It was obvious that there was little or no fraud. Just because 40% of the people want to establish a dictatorship does not make it so. They were and are traitors and Nazis.
There was a huge conspiracy that involved every branch of our now thoroughly corrupt government, media, and foreign powers. To think otherwise is lying to yourself and others.

You are really crazy.
Nothing crazy about it. It happened.
As to mail in voting, we've never had it. That's supposed to be reserved mainly for just those very few like military or the very sick who can't possibly be here to vote on election day.
Lie again I've been voting no excuse mail in ballot for over 20years now and so have millions of other citizens. It is NOT something new.

Wrong again. I said I'VE never had it, not you. A few states have had it after many years of ironing the bugs out, though still not a smart practice. Last year, it was thrust upon the ENTIRE COUNTRY, arbitrarily, including my state, with no time to iron it out or vet the process to prevent cheating. I had offers to vote by mail in ballot flying at me last year left and right. I probably could have voted 16 times.

The #1 way to cheat an election as determined by the 2005 Carter Commission.

HNo one has found any evidence of massive frausd in state and federal elections. In a NC congressional race Republicans cheated on mail in ballots but were caught.The idea that states have no control over mail in ballots is ridiculous. States have been doing mail in ballots for centuries.

Right State officials have seen no evidence of fraud. Federal prosecutors have seen no evidence of fraud.
Sure they have. They just refuse to admit it.

Everyone is conspiring against Trump.:rolleyes:
There was massive fraud. Biden is the illegitimate installed fraud. He's not recognized by half the country.
Therde was no massive fraud.

The evidence is undeniable. Not one in 25 leftard idiots here has taken my challenge to critically evaluate the evidence and its supporting documentation to deny it. all they got is their blank, bobblehead reiterations: "There ain't no evidence, man! I see no evil, I hear no evil!" :auiqs.jpg:

There is no supporting documentation. One person saying something does not prove anything.
As to mail in voting, we've never had it. That's supposed to be reserved mainly for just those very few like military or the very sick who can't possibly be here to vote on election day.
Lie again I've been voting no excuse mail in ballot for over 20years now and so have millions of other citizens. It is NOT something new.

Wrong again. I said I'VE never had it, not you. A few states have had it after many years of ironing the bugs out, though still not a smart practice. Last year, it was thrust upon the ENTIRE COUNTRY, arbitrarily, including my state, with no time to iron it out or vet the process to prevent cheating. I had offers to vote by mail in ballot flying at me last year left and right. I probably could have voted 16 times.

The #1 way to cheat an election as determined by the 2005 Carter Commission.

HNo one has found any evidence of massive frausd in state and federal elections. In a NC congressional race Republicans cheated on mail in ballots but were caught.The idea that states have no control over mail in ballots is ridiculous. States have been doing mail in ballots for centuries.

Right State officials have seen no evidence of fraud. Federal prosecutors have seen no evidence of fraud.
Sure they have. They just refuse to admit it.

Everyone is conspiring against Trump.:rolleyes:
They did to get him out office. There was obvious and massive fraud.

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