Posters for the jury

OK, I'm in. Now, are we all agreed those on our virtual jury should refrain from further comment on this case until it goes to trial? I don't want to contaminate any new/expanded evidence that may come out in the interim, or speculate further on what we have now, until we have all the available (admissible) evidence.
OK, I'm in. Now, are we all agreed those on our virtual jury should refrain from further comment on this case until it goes to trial? I don't want to contaminate any new/expanded evidence that may come out in the interim, or speculate further on what we have now, until we have all the available (admissible) evidence.

I think we need a ruling by our Lead Juror, Si Modo.
OK, I'm in. Now, are we all agreed those on our virtual jury should refrain from further comment on this case until it goes to trial? I don't want to contaminate any new/expanded evidence that may come out in the interim, or speculate further on what we have now, until we have all the available (admissible) evidence.

I think we need a ruling by our Lead Juror, Si Modo.
LOL. Madam Foreperson?

Sounds good. Although I would dearly love to allow the occasional "Moron!" to be posted, that seems more comments.

Man, are those threads gonna be funny, now.
OK, I'm in. Now, are we all agreed those on our virtual jury should refrain from further comment on this case until it goes to trial? I don't want to contaminate any new/expanded evidence that may come out in the interim, or speculate further on what we have now, until we have all the available (admissible) evidence.

I think we need a ruling by our Lead Juror, Si Modo.

I think Si already confirmed that's a main rule.
So far we have you, me, Gadfly, Bigreb, Lockejaw, CG agreed to zip it until trial.

Let's see if we can get all to agree. Ravi might be a hard sell on that, though. :lol:

This should be an interesting exercise.
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Trial will come in maybe a year.

So here's the next question.

Will the jury still be here?

And somebody best take measures to bookmark this thread for distant future reference.
OK, I'm in. Now, are we all agreed those on our virtual jury should refrain from further comment on this case until it goes to trial? I don't want to contaminate any new/expanded evidence that may come out in the interim, or speculate further on what we have now, until we have all the available (admissible) evidence.

I have unsubscribed to all zimmerman trayvon threads that I know of.
Trial will come in maybe a year.

So here's the next question.

Will the jury still be here?

And somebody best take measures to bookmark this thread for distant future reference.
Good point.

I'll mark it with a keyword for a search.


Now, if I can remember that keyword. :eusa_whistle:
So far we have you, me, Gadfly, Bigreb, Lockejaw, CG agreed to zip it until trial.

Let's see if we can get all to agree. Ravi might be a hard sell on that, though. :lol:

This should be an interesting exercise.

I'm in.... as long as I don't forget... as is possible with my drive by posting... But I will unsubscribe to all related threads.
Not that I am whinning or anything like that but I just got neg by Boo Boop and my comment was not even to her in the Free George Zimmerman thread. Could someone advise the idiot I can not respond.
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Trial will come in maybe a year.

So here's the next question.

Will the jury still be here?

And somebody best take measures to bookmark this thread for distant future reference.
Good point.

I'll mark it with a keyword for a search.


Now, if I can remember that keyword. :eusa_whistle:

As Liability said, you can bookmark it in your browser, and here are a couple of other options:

1. Create a folder on your Hard Drive and call it "USMB" (so that you can store various files that you might need here). Then create a "Martin Case" document. You can then make save a link to the thread and notes on jurists and such, capture ideas now to flesh out later. (Or use online storage like Google Docs or Drop Box.)

2. You could pretty much do the same think via your email. Send yourself an email and with a Keyword searchable subj line.

So, we need to hear from Paperview, Gawdag, Emma, Ravi, Uptownliving, Trajan, and HG still.

See if they are game.

So just curious...

..................... I've not seen a board mock trial here before.

1. Do the Mod's provide formal approval and support? (Maybe stickie a new thread when you are ready to start and maybe moderation so that the thread can remained focused on the trial and the facts presented as opposed to injection of political, racial, conspiracy, etc. material that will detract from the trial itself.)

2. Do they setup a "Jury Room" where only the jurist's are allowed access so they can have point/counterpoint discussions without the rest of us poking our nose in? :D

3. Do the jurist promise (I'm sure the honor system suffices) to not watch any proceedings on TV, print, or other media conducted while the jury is out of the presence of the court?

4. How does the USMB Jury have access to the trial information? Ya, I know it will be trough the media but are they expected to comb through and gather their own data? Or will there be "helpers" designated that will attempt to provide consistent reporting and links on a day-to-day basis from reputable news sources and impartial sites (maybe the court will post transcripts or something).

Just wondering.

So, we need to hear from Paperview, Gawdag, Emma, Ravi, Uptownliving, Trajan, and HG still.

See if they are game.

So just curious...

..................... I've not seen a board mock trial here before.

1. Do the Mod's provide formal approval and support? (Maybe stickie a new thread when you are ready to start and maybe moderation so that the thread can remained focused on the trial and the facts presented as opposed to injection of political, racial, conspiracy, etc. material that will detract from the trial itself.)

2. Do they setup a "Jury Room" where only the jurist's are allowed access so they can have point/counterpoint discussions without the rest of us poking our nose in? :D

3. Do the jurist promise (I'm sure the honor system suffices) to not watch any proceedings on TV, print, or other media conducted while the jury is out of the presence of the court?

4. How does the USMB Jury have access to the trial information? Ya, I know it will be trough the media but are they expected to comb through and gather their own data? Or will there be "helpers" designated that will attempt to provide consistent reporting and links on a day-to-day basis from reputable news sources and impartial sites (maybe the court will post transcripts or something).

Just wondering.


This is the first time for one. We still have a few bugs to work out.
I would like to add one rule if it's acceptable. That the only thing that could be discussed would be the evidence that was given that specific day.
I would like to add one rule if it's acceptable. That the only thing that could be discussed would be the evidence that was given that specific day.

Not to quibble with you, but you might want to consider that rule carefully. Reason being, there could be a need to consider how a detail revealed today, dovetails into what was put forward yesterday. This is a case where timelines, consistencies/inconsistencies, and some fine details may need to be compared and re-compared. We have a wide range of possibilities to distill into probabilities, until we come up with the most probable scenario for the entire chain of events that took place that night. There are a lot of possible (physically anyway) scenarios for the movements and actions of two individuals, over a distance of about a hundred yards, over a span of 5 to 7 minutes, of which the first 4 minutes and 5 seconds are on the dispatch tape. The only uncontroverted facts so far are few; we know where and how the incident began, we know it ended with one fatal gunshot, we know when the shot was fired, and who fired it. Everything else, is subject to examination, and somewhere in THAT are the details that can tell us whether this was a case of murder, or self defense. It's best that we start with as few assumptions as possible. The prosecution, and the defense, will each present their theory of how events unfolded. These will conflict, to one extent or another, so it will be up to us to sort out what we believe, and what we think has been established, beyond a reasonable doubt.

I'll add one last thought; no matter what we THINK we know about this case, it is just possible that there may be some fact or facts not yet revealed, that will turn our whole perception of this case upside down (one way or the other); we would all do well to be open to that possibility.
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