POTUS gives props to Tulsi for voting “present”

So while guilty of wrong doing, Tusli wasn't going to vote for a dog and pony show.

As I mentioned elsewhere on the board, the impeachment served one purpose. To send Trump and all future presidents a hint that they are to restrict their abuse of power only to matters which advance the agenda of the political establishment.

Most of Trump's abuses of power, as a reminder, have been met with the full approval of members of congress, media, the deep state and the electorate.

You think this will change that? LOL
Trump is as likely to win again and what do you think he will then think of all of this?

He'll continue to abuse his power. And the derelict congress will continue to allow it. But he'll restrict his abuse of power only to matters which advance the agenda of the political establishment. Again, he got the message loud and clear.

It's not very hard to figure out what the impeachment was all about.
If the president is so innocent and shouldn't be impeached, why is he afraid to have witnesses come forward?
If Democrats needed more witnesses for their clown show, why didn't they call them?

HARSH, BUT FAIR: Tulsi Gabbard: Democrats in Congress Preferred People Rotting in Prison to Giving Trump a Win.

“We were working on passage of the First Step Act,” she explained, which is “a criminal justice reform bill. It had support from very progressive members of Congress, people who call themselves progressives, people who call themselves conservatives. They’d reached a consensus, built a bill that wasn’t perfect, but it actually made progress towards prison reform and reducing high recidivism rates in prisons, helping people in their lives and also saving money in the process.”​

But there was one major problem: prison reform was pushed by President Trump. “I’m not even kidding you,” Gabbard went on to say. “There are leaders in the House and the Senate who came out in opposition to this bill because they did not want to deliver a political win to Donald Trump. They’d rather leave people rotting in prison than deliver a win to Donald Trump, give him something that he could say that he accomplished.”​

They’re willing to sacrifice any interest or principle for power. See, e.g., the rehabilitation of Ralph Northam and Justin Fairfax.
Trump worships the ideal of good, hard work as if it were a religion. so do his supporters. that's why there's a bond there, my friends!

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