POTUS Trumps 2020 RNC convention speech


Gold Member
Jul 25, 2020
hey Kamal harris for POTUS fans comments please Democrat Doug Schoen: Trump’s strong Republican Convention speech increases his reelection chances Best speech ever say what?


Night 4: Liveblogging the 2020 Republican National Convention.


RNC Night 4—Trump Punches Hard, Gets First Round Knockout.

The speech was the biggest surprise of this presidency for me thus far, and it has been filled with surprises.
It was, in two words, extremely presidential. The lying Fake News media is lying about it already, of course, claiming that it was a dark speech that attacked Biden. It’s as if they are unaware that one of the primary tactics in any election is for the candidates to say unflattering things about one another. They’re being absolute children and it’s becoming more tedious than ever.
While he did tout his accomplishments — another normal campaign tactic which the press is pretending Trump invented — he didn’t do it with the signature Trump bombast. He took everything down a notch.
There were plenty of barbs aimed at all the right people, but he took a lot off of his fastball and struck them out with a change-up.
Like great pitchers do.

It’s easy to see why the Dems were running around barking “Hatch Act!” like scared chihuahuas all week. That speech with that backdrop was light years beyond that hostage-situation video that the DNC ended on last week.

The Democrats and their flying monkeys in the mainstream media will no doubt overdose on denial about how good this speech was, but that’s to Trump’s advantage.

As soon as the speech was over, we were treated to the most magnificent fireworks show I’ve ever seen. I kept thinking one thing while it was going on:

These fireworks are the greatest trolling of DC Dems that we will ever see. #RNCConvention2020

Trump is running unopposed this time. Quit fucking around with the charades.

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New York Post


Alice Johnson, pardoned by Trump, was put away for life under Biden-sponsored bill https://trib.al/bsBqi4s


President Trump’s approval rating with registered black voters jumped 24% a nine point jump in the latest Hill-HarrisX poll.

The RNC this week highlighted record progress in the black community under president Donald Trump in jobs, wages, and criminal justice reform.

The RNC also compared their successes to the failed policies of the Democrat Party in the black community for the past 50 years.

The Hill reported:

President Trump’s support among black voters rose 9 percentage points amid the Republican National Convention, a new Hill-HarrisX poll finds.

Twenty-four percent of registered black voters in the Aug. 22-25 survey, which included the first two days of the convention, said they approve of the job Trump is doing as president.

That is up 9 points from the previous survey conducted Aug. 8-11.

The survey found support among Hispanic voters also grew by 2 percentage points in this most recent survey.

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