Poverty Level reached a FIFTY year high in obama's "58 months of job growth"

Anybody else notice the Left is addicted to meaningless, feel-good memes/talking points?
U.S. job openings hit 15-year high - Jun. 9 2015

Job openings remain high at 5.4 million in May 2015 The Economics Daily U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

No company is going to turn over a million dollar piece of equipment to some dumb ass right winger who thinks education is for snobs, Science is a faith, evolution a lie and climate change a conspiracy. It's why business wants to bring in educated immigrants. All they want from the right wing is their vote. So they can overturn safety, clean air and clean water regulations. Because they know it's the GOP base that has to live in it and happily so.

so basically you just admitted there arent enough LEGAL MINORITY folks here to fill these job openings, in your rush to make a fool of yourself with hate-filled comments about the Right. let me guess you're white?

nothing like a white lib that doesnt know he's a RACIST

BECAUSE you never even considered minorities that are already here for these jobs, as if you know they arent qualified, (they almost all attended liberal-run schools), as you rushed to PANDER to talk about "educated immigrants". are all the "immigrants" (to you that means illegals you cant get your self to say the word) that are coming here "educated"????
So called liberal schools are considered the best in the world. It's why most right wing colleges are tier four or less and foreigners that come here every year to go to school rarely go to anything but "liberal" schools.

The Geography of Foreign Students in U.S. Higher Education Origins and Destinations Brookings Institution

Sorry to bust your tiny bubble, but that's just the way it is.

sorry leftard; but liberal schools create failed liberal presidents.

sorry to burst your tiny bubble
Anybody else notice the Left is addicted to meaningless, feel-good memes/talking points?
U.S. job openings hit 15-year high - Jun. 9 2015

Job openings remain high at 5.4 million in May 2015 The Economics Daily U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

No company is going to turn over a million dollar piece of equipment to some dumb ass right winger who thinks education is for snobs, Science is a faith, evolution a lie and climate change a conspiracy. It's why business wants to bring in educated immigrants. All they want from the right wing is their vote. So they can overturn safety, clean air and clean water regulations. Because they know it's the GOP base that has to live in it and happily so.

so basically you just admitted there arent enough LEGAL MINORITY folks here to fill these job openings, in your rush to make a fool of yourself with hate-filled comments about the Right. let me guess you're white?

nothing like a white lib that doesnt know he's a RACIST

BECAUSE you never even considered minorities that are already here for these jobs, as if you know they arent qualified, (they almost all attended liberal-run schools), as you rushed to PANDER to talk about "educated immigrants". are all the "immigrants" (to you that means illegals you cant get your self to say the word) that are coming here "educated"????
So called liberal schools are considered the best in the world. It's why most right wing colleges are tier four or less and foreigners that come here every year to go to school rarely go to anything but "liberal" schools.

The Geography of Foreign Students in U.S. Higher Education Origins and Destinations Brookings Institution

Sorry to bust your tiny bubble, but that's just the way it is.

i see you are too much of a coward to address what you actually said; which was about jobs, and the demand for "educated immigrants". The one where you spewed hate at right-wingers (hypocrite) saying they werent going to get their hands on million dollar pieces of equipment; where it never occcured to you that, regardless of your ignorant stereotypes of people on the right, that there might be others HERE that could operate that piece of machinery

it's ok; everybody here knows you're an idiot, a hypcorite, and basically a buffoon
of course being that you're an idiot rdean; it's hard to breakdown your convoluted stupidity. when you say "educated immigrant" are you referring to people here on work visas? i realize left-wingers say "immigrant" when they refer to anybody not born here, and have trouble with the whole concept of illegality. what is your point anyway? my point was that liberals run the education system here and that is a fact; you know the one you say is failing everybody?

anyway if you are talking about those here on work visas there are people on both sides of the aisle concerned with that issue.

still it has nothig to do with the fact that poverty went UP on the Progressive watch, even as you idiots brag about "58 months of job growth"
If a Republican is elected president Dem's and the MSM will immediately declare the economy is horrible and blame it on the GOP.

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