Poverty Level reached a FIFTY year high in obama's "58 months of job growth"

i AGAIN have to wonder if any of the left-wing idiots read the stuff they put up here to make their points?????

read this gem^^^^^^ provided by Carbineer; it bascially says the Poverty Level is lower than the GOVERNMENT, currently in the hands of Dems, says it is BECAUSE WELFARE LIFTED THEM OUT OF POVERTY.

so he's saying people arent really poor; they're just on welfare scraping out an existence. and that's cool with the author

libs are idiots who lie to themselves
this is what the author cites as his reason the Poverty Level is much lower than obama's own government says it is; that bascially people now arent poor AFTER they get welfare.

The measure includes cash transfers, but not some non-cash benefits, notably including the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (food stamps) the Earned Income Tax Credit introduced in 1975 . The result is to understate the progress made on poverty reduction since the 1960s, but not to change the basic story.

The error is in that very last phrase. Because that measurement system does in fact change the basic story.
Welfare, poverty alleviation, in the US in the 1960s was pretty much all about cash transfers. The US system counts this as income in determining who is above or below the poverty line. Poverty alleviation today involves almost no cash transfers at all. Just about everything is done either through the tax system or transfers of goods and services. These are not counted as income when calculating who is above or below the poverty line.
Thus those 60s measures of poverty are the people who were still below the poverty line after poverty alleviation attempts. Today’s numbers are, not exactly but to a sufficient level of accuracy, those who are below the poverty line before poverty alleviation attempts.
Anybody else notice the Left is addicted to meaningless, feel-good memes/talking points?
U.S. job openings hit 15-year high - Jun. 9 2015

Job openings remain high at 5.4 million in May 2015 The Economics Daily U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

No company is going to turn over a million dollar piece of equipment to some dumb ass right winger who thinks education is for snobs, Science is a faith, evolution a lie and climate change a conspiracy. It's why business wants to bring in educated immigrants. All they want from the right wing is their vote. So they can overturn safety, clean air and clean water regulations. Because they know it's the GOP base that has to live in it and happily so.
Anybody else notice the Left is addicted to meaningless, feel-good memes/talking points?
U.S. job openings hit 15-year high - Jun. 9 2015

Job openings remain high at 5.4 million in May 2015 The Economics Daily U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

No company is going to turn over a million dollar piece of equipment to some dumb ass right winger who thinks education is for snobs, Science is a faith, evolution a lie and climate change a conspiracy. It's why business wants to bring in educated immigrants. All they want from the right wing is their vote. So they can overturn safety, clean air and clean water regulations. Because they know it's the GOP base that has to live in it and happily so.

You left out we club baby seals and eat kittens.... come on man!!!!!

i AGAIN have to wonder if any of the left-wing idiots read the stuff they put up here to make their points?????

read this gem^^^^^^ provided by Carbineer; it bascially says the Poverty Level is lower than the GOVERNMENT, currently in the hands of Dems, says it is BECAUSE WELFARE LIFTED THEM OUT OF POVERTY.

so he's saying people arent really poor; they're just on welfare scraping out an existence. and that's cool with the author

libs are idiots who lie to themselves

What do you think the point of Medicaid is?
Anybody else notice the Left is addicted to meaningless, feel-good memes/talking points?
U.S. job openings hit 15-year high - Jun. 9 2015

Job openings remain high at 5.4 million in May 2015 The Economics Daily U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

No company is going to turn over a million dollar piece of equipment to some dumb ass right winger who thinks education is for snobs, Science is a faith, evolution a lie and climate change a conspiracy. It's why business wants to bring in educated immigrants. All they want from the right wing is their vote. So they can overturn safety, clean air and clean water regulations. Because they know it's the GOP base that has to live in it and happily so.

you never stop making a fool of yourself idiot. the highest levels of unemployment arent among right-wingers you mindless moron; they are among the people you claim to care about so much

try again
Anybody else notice the Left is addicted to meaningless, feel-good memes/talking points?
U.S. job openings hit 15-year high - Jun. 9 2015

Job openings remain high at 5.4 million in May 2015 The Economics Daily U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

No company is going to turn over a million dollar piece of equipment to some dumb ass right winger who thinks education is for snobs, Science is a faith, evolution a lie and climate change a conspiracy. It's why business wants to bring in educated immigrants. All they want from the right wing is their vote. So they can overturn safety, clean air and clean water regulations. Because they know it's the GOP base that has to live in it and happily so.

so basically you just admitted there arent enough LEGAL MINORITY folks here to fill these job openings, in your rush to make a fool of yourself with hate-filled comments about the Right. let me guess you're white?

nothing like a white lib that doesnt know he's a RACIST

BECAUSE you never even considered minorities that are already here for these jobs, as if you know they arent qualified, (they almost all attended liberal-run schools), as you rushed to PANDER to talk about "educated immigrants". are all the "immigrants" (to you that means illegals you cant get your self to say the word) that are coming here "educated"????
anyway, like i said, the "58 months of jobs growth" is a meaningless talking point by people who spend every day saying we need a hundred bilion or so of other people's money for some other "jobs bill"
If you want illegals under control to open up more jobs, it ain't done for free..

this doesnt even make sense you're babbling now
You should be able to understand, since that is all you are capable of...

sorry leftard; i was using the government's own figures; but if you want to rely on some mean ol capitalist on forbes to tell you everything is super-duper well ok then.......................

The government numbers do not include non-cash assistance given to the poor,

and that assistance, which is the bulk of the so-called war on poverty, that is what lifts people OUT of poverty.
this is what the author cites as his reason the Poverty Level is much lower than obama's own government says it is; that bascially people now arent poor AFTER they get welfare.

The measure includes cash transfers, but not some non-cash benefits, notably including the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (food stamps) the Earned Income Tax Credit introduced in 1975 . The result is to understate the progress made on poverty reduction since the 1960s, but not to change the basic story.

The error is in that very last phrase. Because that measurement system does in fact change the basic story.
Welfare, poverty alleviation, in the US in the 1960s was pretty much all about cash transfers. The US system counts this as income in determining who is above or below the poverty line. Poverty alleviation today involves almost no cash transfers at all. Just about everything is done either through the tax system or transfers of goods and services. These are not counted as income when calculating who is above or below the poverty line.
Thus those 60s measures of poverty are the people who were still below the poverty line after poverty alleviation attempts. Today’s numbers are, not exactly but to a sufficient level of accuracy, those who are below the poverty line before poverty alleviation attempts.

Which proves that the war on poverty has reduced poverty significantly.
welcome to the ObamaNation

You all wailed for Income Equality. well now you are getting it. we will ALL be Equal in POVERTY.

so run right out and finish us off by voting for the Obama clones running for President now

this is what the author cites as his reason the Poverty Level is much lower than obama's own government says it is; that bascially people now arent poor AFTER they get welfare.

The measure includes cash transfers, but not some non-cash benefits, notably including the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (food stamps) the Earned Income Tax Credit introduced in 1975 . The result is to understate the progress made on poverty reduction since the 1960s, but not to change the basic story.

The error is in that very last phrase. Because that measurement system does in fact change the basic story.
Welfare, poverty alleviation, in the US in the 1960s was pretty much all about cash transfers. The US system counts this as income in determining who is above or below the poverty line. Poverty alleviation today involves almost no cash transfers at all. Just about everything is done either through the tax system or transfers of goods and services. These are not counted as income when calculating who is above or below the poverty line.
Thus those 60s measures of poverty are the people who were still below the poverty line after poverty alleviation attempts. Today’s numbers are, not exactly but to a sufficient level of accuracy, those who are below the poverty line before poverty alleviation attempts.

Which proves that the war on poverty has reduced poverty significantly.

good idiot; except that it clashes with obama's own numbers in the departments that calculate it.

that is also good reason then to go along with Republican efforts to cut back on poverty programs isnt it?

all these "jobs created" and all these programs worked right?\

or it is your position they are all needed endlessly?
that's your progressive definition of "forward progress"? an economy that cant sustain itself without CREATING poor people to "help"???
this is your response to "trickle-down"?????
the Left wants to be about to brag how great things are, while at the same time making the polar opposite argument and say that basically :"nothing's changed" and hundreds of billions of programs are still needed

losers who lie to themselves
Anybody else notice the Left is addicted to meaningless, feel-good memes/talking points?
U.S. job openings hit 15-year high - Jun. 9 2015

Job openings remain high at 5.4 million in May 2015 The Economics Daily U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

No company is going to turn over a million dollar piece of equipment to some dumb ass right winger who thinks education is for snobs, Science is a faith, evolution a lie and climate change a conspiracy. It's why business wants to bring in educated immigrants. All they want from the right wing is their vote. So they can overturn safety, clean air and clean water regulations. Because they know it's the GOP base that has to live in it and happily so.

You left out we club baby seals and eat kittens.... come on man!!!!!
And shoot wolves from helicopters.
Anybody else notice the Left is addicted to meaningless, feel-good memes/talking points?
U.S. job openings hit 15-year high - Jun. 9 2015

Job openings remain high at 5.4 million in May 2015 The Economics Daily U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

No company is going to turn over a million dollar piece of equipment to some dumb ass right winger who thinks education is for snobs, Science is a faith, evolution a lie and climate change a conspiracy. It's why business wants to bring in educated immigrants. All they want from the right wing is their vote. So they can overturn safety, clean air and clean water regulations. Because they know it's the GOP base that has to live in it and happily so.

so basically you just admitted there arent enough LEGAL MINORITY folks here to fill these job openings, in your rush to make a fool of yourself with hate-filled comments about the Right. let me guess you're white?

nothing like a white lib that doesnt know he's a RACIST

BECAUSE you never even considered minorities that are already here for these jobs, as if you know they arent qualified, (they almost all attended liberal-run schools), as you rushed to PANDER to talk about "educated immigrants". are all the "immigrants" (to you that means illegals you cant get your self to say the word) that are coming here "educated"????
So called liberal schools are considered the best in the world. It's why most right wing colleges are tier four or less and foreigners that come here every year to go to school rarely go to anything but "liberal" schools.

The Geography of Foreign Students in U.S. Higher Education Origins and Destinations Brookings Institution

Sorry to bust your tiny bubble, but that's just the way it is.

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