POW McCain & Concentration Camp Jews

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Location: Positively 4th Street
POW McCain & Concentration Camp Jews

Progressive left and Fringe Conservatives have this nasty habit of attacking what McCain did or didn't do while being tortured in a pow camp. To be consistent these people would have to condemn Jews who survived the Nazi concentration camps.
Names of members here this applies to: http://www.usmessageboard.com/the-flame-zone/282599-usmb-scum-bag-list.html#post6922971 this Flame Zone thread is where flames can go to keep this thread flame free
and don't get me started on the Vietnam Era POW/MIA scumbags who attacked GHW Bush and McCain... same link for flames: http://www.usmessageboard.com/the-flame-zone/282599-usmb-scum-bag-list.html#post6922971 this Flame Zone thread is where flames can go to keep this thread flame free
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While I dont have any issues with what McCain did or didn't do as a POW, I dont see how your logic follows. If what some people think is accurate, and McCain did do something that betrayed our country (I sincerely hope he didn't), why exactly would anyone have to condemn a holocaust surviver?
While I dont have any issues with what McCain did or didn't do as a POW, I dont see how your logic follows. If what some people think is accurate, and McCain did do something that betrayed our country (I sincerely hope he didn't), why exactly would anyone have to condemn a holocaust surviver?

There is no doubt people who were tortured broke and talked. What they said is one thing, what they did is another. Some people cooperated with their captors for better treatment. McCain did not. He was severely tortured as he lay in a bed with injuries and he was offered an early release if he did something -- he turned it down and stayed behind with his co-pow pals.

So what some people think is accurate is only accurate to wingnuts, moonbats, and scumbags.


Holocaust survivors? Who said that? Concentration camp Jews who survived.
While I dont have any issues with what McCain did or didn't do as a POW, I dont see how your logic follows. If what some people think is accurate, and McCain did do something that betrayed our country (I sincerely hope he didn't), why exactly would anyone have to condemn a holocaust surviver?

There is no doubt people who were tortured broke and talked. What they said is one thing, what they did is another. Some people cooperated with their captors for better treatment. McCain did not. He was severely tortured as he lay in a bed with injuries and he was offered an early release if he did something -- he turned it down and stayed behind with his co-pow pals.

So what some people think is accurate is only accurate to wingnuts, moonbats, and scumbags.


Holocaust survivors? Who said that? Concentration camp Jews who survived.

1. There is no evidence that McCain recieved any injuries that were not due to his plane crash
2. By his own admission McCain broke early and easy to obtain medical care.
3. McCain did what most do in prison and that hardly makes him a hero
4. I believe all of McCain's medals were awarded in prison. In the end he had received more than one medal per actual hour of his combat flight time
5. In his flying career McCain lost five aircraft. Three were his fault.
6. No one hates McCain more than ex POWs and those advocating for the MIAs

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