Power the U.S. With Solar Panels!

Did you watch the documentary? I'm sure you could find it free to watch somewhere. If you haven't seen it, then your words are coming straight out of your ass. And they smell mighty bad.

I live right next to the Hanford Nuclear Reservation have talked to people have books on the topic and read about reusing nuclear waste as France does by default, but the politics always gets in the way to prevent Hanford from Reprocessing the waste ONSITE to "burn" some of the waste thus reducing the total waste material that would make it much easier to classify and store the now lower hazardous level waste.
Depending on how many solar panels you have on your own property, you could probably do it. With other solar panels elsewhere, there is no doubt of it. I will show you a picture of the total area of solar panels it would take to power the U.S. Both day and night. It is an area 140 miles square. Elon Musk thinks it could be done with a total area of solar panels 100 miles square. I will include another picture with an area shown on the U.S. That area in solar panels would be enough to power the WORLD!

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How will solar panels power the nation at night?
Mainly, because the warmer it gets, the more methane will be released. And methane is 86 times more potent of a greenhouse gas than CO2.
Why will more methane be released and how is it exponential?

Will temperatures and sea levels rise exponentially too?
Why will more methane be released and how is it exponential?

You realize when you ask these questions it really looks like you have no clue about anything in this topic, right? Especially for someone who claims to have sat a drill rig on the North Slope.

Let's explain yet another simple scientific concept to ding!

Warming leads to melting of the PERMAFROST in the high latitudes. The permafrost stores a lot of methane and a lot of materials that have been kept from decomposition by the frozen nature of permafrost.

In addition warming oceans may very well lead to instability of methane clathrates which we know exist in cold deep water.

You should also take some time to learn about GWP in relation to different gases. Don't worry, there's some chemistry in there which you have no way to understand but it's there. Maybe you can get someone who actually has a technical degree to help you.

How will solar panels power the nation at night?

It's a new thing called a BATTERY.

But it doesn't have to be like a AA which is the battery you know about. There's also passive batteries like pumping water to a high elevation using the solar daytime energy and then letting it flow downhill to generate electricity.

You would be amazed at what people have invented. You should try taking a science class!
It's a new thing called a BATTERY.

But it doesn't have to be like a AA which is the battery you know about. There's also passive batteries like pumping water to a high elevation using the solar daytime energy and then letting it flow downhill to generate electricity.

You would be amazed at what people have invented. You should try taking a science class!

We don't have the water supply as you think as most of it is already part of water managements systems all over the west which is increasingly becoming more scarce as population grows sucking it up, and material we don't in abundance to make that many large batteries that wouldn't come close to meeting the needs 24/7.

You should try doing some math.
We don't have the water supply as you think as most of it is already part of water managements systems all over the west which is increasingly becoming more scarce as population grows sucking it up, and material we don't in abundance to make that many large batteries that wouldn't come close to meeting the needs 24/7.

You should try doing some math.


Wow. You post the most hilariously stupid things.

Between this and the "logarithmic decline with time" comment you are on a roll today! LOL.

Wow. You post the most hilariously stupid things.

Between this and the "logarithmic decline with time" comment you are on a roll today! LOL.

I see that this "scientist" shows the usual inability to provide counterpoints, but many here have notices you don't know that much as you insinuate.

What I said about Water availability in the west is true it is mostly bottled up by state and federal governments legislation and in my state, it is based on Senior and Junior water rights to the water established decades ago where my family's 28-acre place has junior right access to keep the place watered.

There is very little water left that you could use without permission.
Encyclopedia Brittanica

Radiative forcing caused by carbon dioxide varies in an approximately logarithmic fashion with the concentration of that gas in the atmosphere. The logarithmic relationship occurs as the result of a saturation effect wherein it becomes increasingly difficult, as CO2 concentrations increase, for additional CO2 molecules to further influence the “infrared window” (a certain narrow band of wavelengths in the infrared region that is not absorbed by atmospheric gases). The logarithmic relationship predicts that the surface warming potential will rise by roughly the same amount for each doubling of CO2 concentration.


As I was saying there is indeed a Logarithmic effect in CO2 declining ability to maintain its warm forcing effect.

Here is a simple chart illustration the Logarithmic change:

I see that this "scientist" shows the usual inability to provide counterpoints, but many here have notices you don't know that much as you insinuate.

One shouldn't have to rebut utter stupidity.

What I said about Water availability in the west

True in some parts of the west, yes. I love how you think one anecdotal data point makes it some universal point.

You really are not the sharpest tool in the shed.

is true it is mostly bottled up by state and federal governments legislation and in my state, it is based on Senior and Junior water rights to the water established decades ago where my family's 28-acre place has junior right access to keep the place watered.

Actually in the West most of the rivers, certainly coming out of the Sierras are already dammed which means they could be used, effectively, as a water battery in the example I provided. It's not like the water gets consumed other than through evaporation which it also does just sitting still.

There is very little water left that you could use without permission.

LOL. You don't understand this topic even at the basic level.
I’m no physics guy, but it seems to me batteries are only one way to store energy and needed mostly for portable electric use as in vehicles. Battery tech keeps improving. Potential energy can also be stored in other ways, as by pumping water up a hill and then releasing it with the help of gravity to turn turbines to remake electricity. Probably a lot of frictional losses here, and requires investments, but just saying …

My general impression is we have only begun to tap into a renewable energy revolution, which our grandchildren and great grandchildren will hopefully fully enjoy.
How do you store the power that people need when the sun isn't available?

Batteries? That's a LOT of batteries, particularly when you consider we may soon be at war with the country that has most of the materials required to make them.

Additionally, our entire power grid works on AC. Batteries only store DC. You lose considerable power when you convert from one to the other, and then back again because most of our devices ultimately work on DC.
I love how conservatives come out against technology.

I can just imagine when conservatives were first confronted with cars:

Cars? How much gas do you need to run this thing? Compare that with horses that can run all day and needs only a limited amount of grass or straw... what about when cars get stuck in the mud... you need roads all over the country... That's a LOT of roads... who's going to build all of them??...cars are never going to catch on....
One shouldn't have to rebut utter stupidity.

True in some parts of the west, yes. I love how you think one anecdotal data point makes it some universal point.

You really are not the sharpest tool in the shed.

Actually in the West most of the rivers, certainly coming out of the Sierras are already dammed which means they could be used, effectively, as a water battery in the example I provided. It's not like the water gets consumed other than through evaporation which it also does just sitting still.

LOL. You don't understand this topic even at the basic level.

Your stupid ignorance of water laws in west is vivid here, I already posted the water use laws for the giant reservoirs in the west.

You write,

"Actually in the West most of the rivers, certainly coming out of the Sierras are already dammed which means they could be used, effectively, as a water battery in the example I provided. It's not like the water gets consumed other than through evaporation which it also does just sitting still."

Well DOH!

Yet they are subject to water apportionment rules for the region it serves you idiot!

Example for the entire Columbia River in Washington state yeah that several times Dammed river is under a State water use law


In the link makes clear there is a process to follow to get any of the water before it can be approved the City of Richland MUST update their water use permit for additional water use with the state as part of their population expansion when I used to work there I had to be in compliance with the State water board in pumping water from the river with approved flow meters I installed with large pumps such as the 40 Horsepower 450 gpm unit at the Water intake area to water Leslie Groves a 28 acre park of mostly trees and grass.
I love how conservatives come out against technology.

I can just imagine when conservatives were first confronted with cars:

Cars? How much gas do you need to run this thing? Compare that with horses that can run all day and needs only a limited amount of grass or straw... what about when cars get stuck in the mud... you need roads all over the country... That's a LOT of roads... who's going to build all of them??...cars are never going to catch on....

WHO actually said that?
Are you really this stupid?

Yet another reply completely free of counterpoints, I think you don't have any which is why all you do is make insulting replies.

Your chronic counterpoint free replies tell me that you are a pretender who doesn't know that much which is why so many here thinks you are a joke with a very low reaction score hilariously low actually.

If you want to impress people with your alleged science background you should dial back the insults and make real counterpoints instead which can impress more people here who might benefit from what you have to say.

I just gave Thomas Paine 1949 a thumbs us despite I don't completely agree with all of it but he comes across as mild mannered and free of insults which is what all mature people do he is someone I could discuss his post with without all the nasty stuff YOU habitually reply with.
But with electricity being the way it is, right now I would doubt there is any energy loss in the conversion.
Because electricity magically changed. You are naive dude. Have you ever heard the old axiom, "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction?" That hasn't changed either.
I love how conservatives come out against technology.

I'm all about technology. I always have been.

But, using the power of government to force people to replace a working technology with one that will not provide the same level of service or be as economical as the existing technology is wrong.

When solar and wind (or whatever technology arrives to compete with existing infrastructure) is ready to replace what we currently have, then the market will decide what technology is adopted.

Just as it did with cars, airplanes, trains, computers, and smart phones.

Try to remember that no one adopted those technology by force ... everyone who owns a car, rides in a plane, uses a computer, or communicates on a smart phone, does so by choice.

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