PP and the children

Its because the feminists have somehow convinced women that killing their unborn child is a woman's right... In reality it is nothing more than a family choice decision - to have kids or not - but lots of third wave feminists are... less than logical. Some feel they are somehow "sticking it to men" and get a power trip from it ~shrug~

I have little doubt that if their little girls were told the truth about what an abortion was they'd be terrified at that age.
We should really take advice from the better parts of the world and ban abortion


I'm pro-choice, deal with it. I don't think the gov should particularly be involved in the private decisions of families - marriage, abortion, child rearing, etc are something that only needs the most limited interference/regulation by gov as possible to ensure the safety of kidos/partners, and obliquely paperwork in the case of SSM.

Abortion in particular should neither be endorsed, nor banned by gov., merely regulated within acceptable reason.
Following your logic, I think the government shouldn’t be involved in murder. If you murder someone, it is your business. Not the government’s. The government shouldn’t endorse or ban murder.

Not good with that dictionary stuff huh, nevertheless physiology. But I guess the double digit IQ crowd, nonetheless, has OPINIONS.

Yeah...logic is difficult for some people to comprehend.

When you kill a human being with premeditation, what have you done?

I don't believe "human being at conception" so that angle isn't going to work with me.
We should really take advice from the better parts of the world and ban abortion


I'm pro-choice, deal with it. I don't think the gov should particularly be involved in the private decisions of families - marriage, abortion, child rearing, etc are something that only needs the most limited interference/regulation by gov as possible to ensure the safety of kidos/partners, and obliquely paperwork in the case of SSM.

Abortion in particular should neither be endorsed, nor banned by gov., merely regulated within acceptable reason.
Following your logic, I think the government shouldn’t be involved in murder. If you murder someone, it is your business. Not the government’s. The government shouldn’t endorse or ban murder.

Not good with that dictionary stuff huh, nevertheless physiology. But I guess the double digit IQ crowd, nonetheless, has OPINIONS.

Yeah...logic is difficult for some people to comprehend.

When you kill a human being with premeditation, what have you done?

I don't believe "human being at conception" so that angle isn't going to work with me.
Well again, you lack logic.

If the fetus is not a human being, what the fuck is it?
Its because the feminists have somehow convinced women that killing their unborn child is a woman's right... In reality it is nothing more than a family choice decision - to have kids or not - but lots of third wave feminists are... less than logical. Some feel they are somehow "sticking it to men" and get a power trip from it ~shrug~

I have little doubt that if their little girls were told the truth about what an abortion was they'd be terrified at that age.
We should really take advice from the better parts of the world and ban abortion


I'm pro-choice, deal with it. I don't think the gov should particularly be involved in the private decisions of families - marriage, abortion, child rearing, etc are something that only needs the most limited interference/regulation by gov as possible to ensure the safety of kidos/partners, and obliquely paperwork in the case of SSM.

Abortion in particular should neither be endorsed, nor banned by gov., merely regulated within acceptable reason.
What would you say if Trump ordered every illegal woman who is pregnant when they cross the border, must have an abortion?
You'd go bat-shit crazy!
Remember almost 100% of Latino women are devout Catholics. You'll have a better chance of spotting one of BONOBO's famous White unicorns than you would spotting a Latino woman at a PP abortion mill.
So which women are having abortions? Poor negro and white women, East Indians and asians who only want male children.

... I'm not going to play irrational "what-if" games... Trump making Mexican's get abortions?!? Grow up, seriously, WTF...

Where exactly did I say /any/ particular race was having abortions exactly?

Can you explain what are you even talking about/objecting to here? The map? It's "racist" somehow? I honestly don't get your angle.
I'm pro-choice, deal with it. I don't think the gov should particularly be involved in the private decisions of families - marriage, abortion, child rearing, etc are something that only needs the most limited interference/regulation by gov as possible to ensure the safety of kidos/partners, and obliquely paperwork in the case of SSM.

Abortion in particular should neither be endorsed, nor banned by gov., merely regulated within acceptable reason.
Following your logic, I think the government shouldn’t be involved in murder. If you murder someone, it is your business. Not the government’s. The government shouldn’t endorse or ban murder.

Not good with that dictionary stuff huh, nevertheless physiology. But I guess the double digit IQ crowd, nonetheless, has OPINIONS.

Yeah...logic is difficult for some people to comprehend.

When you kill a human being with premeditation, what have you done?

I don't believe "human being at conception" so that angle isn't going to work with me.
Well again, you lack logic.

If the fetus is not a human being, what the fuck is it?

No actually I'm quite logical, really all I have due to my syn (emotions are colors to me)

Basically I don't see humans as "divine" or "special" and "more deserving of life" as you (presumably) do. While I do think that humans have the /capacity/ to be 'more than just animals' - not all "humans" are innately worthy of the classification of "special" or "more deserving of life" - as such, just as animals sometimes eat their offspring (after birth no less) when they can't properly care for them - I see humans having the option to choose not to have them/not to raise them. Is it disgusting? Yeah. Is it "inhuman" in the broad sense? Yeah. Is it "unnatural"? No. Is it murder in the legal sense? Debatable IMO.
Following your logic, I think the government shouldn’t be involved in murder. If you murder someone, it is your business. Not the government’s. The government shouldn’t endorse or ban murder.

Not good with that dictionary stuff huh, nevertheless physiology. But I guess the double digit IQ crowd, nonetheless, has OPINIONS.

Yeah...logic is difficult for some people to comprehend.

When you kill a human being with premeditation, what have you done?

I don't believe "human being at conception" so that angle isn't going to work with me.
Well again, you lack logic.

If the fetus is not a human being, what the fuck is it?

No actually I'm quite logical, really all I have due to my syn (emotions are colors to me)

Basically I don't see humans as "divine" or "special" and "more deserving of life" as you (presumably) do. While I do think that humans have the /capacity/ to be 'more than just animals' - not all "humans" are innately worthy of the classification of "special" or "more deserving of life" - as such, just as animals sometimes eat their offspring (after birth no less) when they can't properly care for them - I see humans having the option to choose not to have them/not to raise them. Is it disgusting? Yeah. Is it "inhuman" in the broad sense? Yeah. Is it "unnatural"? No. Is it murder in the legal sense? Debatable IMO.
I agree with much of that, but where did the nonsense of humans being divine or special come from? Is that an effort to justify the wanton mass murder of the unborn? Otherwise, it is completely unrelated to our discussion.

Of course abortion is murder, disgusting, and inhuman. Who said it was unnatural?

You are all over the board.
Every PP demonstration has lots of little girls holding PP signs.
What do the mothers of these little girls tell them when they are telling the girls about the facts of life?
"Ok little Sally I've told you all about how babies are made. Pretty cool eh?
One thing I forgot to mention to you is if for any reasons you don't want the baby I'll drive you to the nearest abortion mill AKA Planned Parenthood clinic and they'll kill the baby inside you for free".

And if Planned Parenthood is put out of business, and Roe is overturned , the conversation would go a little differently:

"One thing I forgot to mention to you is if for any reasons you don't want the baby I'll drive you to the nearest unlicensed , unsanitary abortion mill and they'll kill the baby inside you with a rusty coat hanger, and possibly you too.".
Not good with that dictionary stuff huh, nevertheless physiology. But I guess the double digit IQ crowd, nonetheless, has OPINIONS.

Yeah...logic is difficult for some people to comprehend.

When you kill a human being with premeditation, what have you done?

I don't believe "human being at conception" so that angle isn't going to work with me.
Well again, you lack logic.

If the fetus is not a human being, what the fuck is it?

No actually I'm quite logical, really all I have due to my syn (emotions are colors to me)

Basically I don't see humans as "divine" or "special" and "more deserving of life" as you (presumably) do. While I do think that humans have the /capacity/ to be 'more than just animals' - not all "humans" are innately worthy of the classification of "special" or "more deserving of life" - as such, just as animals sometimes eat their offspring (after birth no less) when they can't properly care for them - I see humans having the option to choose not to have them/not to raise them. Is it disgusting? Yeah. Is it "inhuman" in the broad sense? Yeah. Is it "unnatural"? No. Is it murder in the legal sense? Debatable IMO.
I agree with much of that, but where did the nonsense of humans being divine or special come from? Is that an effort to justify the wanton mass murder of the unborn? Otherwise, it is completely unrelated to our discussion.

Of course abortion is murder, disgusting, and inhuman. Who said it was unnatural?

You are all over the board.

Not really. The idea that humans are "special" is derived in religious belief, though it is true that some non-religious folks believe in a similar concept - if you happen to be the latter, that's fine, merely a bit more uncommon.

On the subject of the classification of murder: Do you believe that all wars, and the murders that occur, should be banned, or are some necessary, or at the very least, unavoidable? Do you classify a mother lion, wolf, lynx, bird, (etc., etc.) eating their young as "murderers"? Do you believe that male lions who kill the cubs of prior pride males are "murderers"? Do you believe that a predator animal who eats a pray animal is a "murderer"? Do you feel that every time we humans put down a dog, cat, or horse, flush a goldfish, or eat a cow, chicken, etc. we're "murderers?" Do you believe that all the pound workers and vets who put dogs and cats to sleep are "murderers"? How about Fish and Wildlife folks who put dangerous bears down?

I suggest, and imply, that if you do not believe animals are "murderers," nor humans "murderers" for killing them, then you do indeed believe that humans are somehow "more special" and "deserving of life" than animals are. I, on the other hand, do /not/ believe that humans in general are "special" in that way, we are animals pure and simple - and while some of us do have the capacity to "rise above" that base animal nature, not all of us do.

To make a distinction between "animals" and "humans" (as you seem to do) one must admit either "humans are special" or "divinity of some kind" - I simply argue that even if humans are special in some way, a human who offs their own offspring (born or not) is not worthy of that classification, nor would their offspring likely be brought to such elevation either. I mean, seriously, lets get down to brass tacks here. IF you consider said mothers as "murderers" why the bloody fuck do you want them raising children, presumably with similar "murderous" views and beliefs? That's counter-productive to your goals and "illogical" if you ask me.
Want an abortion...pay for it yourself.
Both parties are too extreme to make the decision.
Saying abortion is murder is based on the concept that a miracle happens when a living egg and a living sperm get together and make life where it didn't exist before. For those who do not believe that life mysteriously creates life where life already existed, no miracle occurs. There is no mystery, only continuation. Life began a very long time ago.
Life is a continuum. It is not disjointed and cut up into artificially imposed units. That thinking is a result of limited understanding.
To call abortion murder reflects a personal belief that is, at the same time, totally inconsistent with living in a nation that makes murderous decisions constantly. To call abortion murder while paying U.S. taxes is, to put it kindly, rather confused mental gymnastics. It certainly is not reasoning that needs to be taken seriously.
All who think abortion is murder owe it to themselves, and especially to their credibility, to go stop an abortion clinic. Knowingly allowing murder to be committed is not something that earns respect, and certainly will not gain an ear from those who do not see abortion that way.
Saying abortion is murder is based on the concept that a miracle happens when a living egg and a living sperm get together and make life where it didn't exist before. For those who do not believe that life mysteriously creates life where life already existed, no miracle occurs. There is no mystery, only continuation. Life began a very long time ago.
Life is a continuum. It is not disjointed and cut up into artificially imposed units. That thinking is a result of limited understanding.
To call abortion murder reflects a personal belief that is, at the same time, totally inconsistent with living in a nation that makes murderous decisions constantly. To call abortion murder while paying U.S. taxes is, to put it kindly, rather confused mental gymnastics. It certainly is not reasoning that needs to be taken seriously.
All who think abortion is murder owe it to themselves, and especially to their credibility, to go stop an abortion clinic. Knowingly allowing murder to be committed is not something that earns respect, and certainly will not gain an ear from those who do not see abortion that way.


Fetal homicide, parental rights bills take effect Jan. 1
Its because the feminists have somehow convinced women that killing their unborn child is a woman's right... In reality it is nothing more than a family choice decision - to have kids or not - but lots of third wave feminists are... less than logical. Some feel they are somehow "sticking it to men" and get a power trip from it ~shrug~

I have little doubt that if their little girls were told the truth about what an abortion was they'd be terrified at that age.
We should really take advice from the better parts of the world and ban abortion


Do you know how OBLIVIOUS the people who need MOST to understand this map, WON'T?
Every PP demonstration has lots of little girls holding PP signs.
What do the mothers of these little girls tell them when they are telling the girls about the facts of life?
"Ok little Sally I've told you all about how babies are made. Pretty cool eh?
One thing I forgot to mention to you is if for any reasons you don't want the baby I'll drive you to the nearest abortion mill AKA Planned Parenthood clinic and they'll kill the baby inside you for free".
And don’t forget the part about it’s okay to swallow.
Every PP demonstration has lots of little girls holding PP signs.
What do the mothers of these little girls tell them when they are telling the girls about the facts of life?
"Ok little Sally I've told you all about how babies are made. Pretty cool eh?
One thing I forgot to mention to you is if for any reasons you don't want the baby I'll drive you to the nearest abortion mill AKA Planned Parenthood clinic and they'll kill the baby inside you for free".

Or how about this:

"If I had exercised my right to abortion twelve years ago, you would not be here today beside me fighting for my right to abortion."

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