Praise Allah, John F’n Kerry Not Ruling Out 2020

What’s his list of accomplishments you ask?

He married a filthy rich moonbat.

Guess Which Famous Democrat Won't Rule Out Running In 2020?
Imbecile trumpkins have no right to talk about accomplishments. Donald’s only accomplishment was inheriting daddy’s money and running everything he touched into bankruptcy until he started “selling apartments” to Russians.

I know, you skanks hate anyone who actually IS accomplished

How'd Scary Kerry Lurch get rich?

LOL Gotcha
How did the orange sociopath get rich? His daddy left him money.

Is run along

I don't recall donald trump ever working a real job and I recall him skipping the draft during the Vietnam "conflict" when millions of people, including my brother, were summoned. trump is such a little whore.

BTW: "Allah" is the word in the Arabic language for "God." In the Spanish, it is Dios. In the French language, the word is Dieu.

You can just fuck off big time about deferments. Biden had the same five asshole. YOU are the liar on Vietnam.
Hey, buddy. Heinz ketchup is awesome. Say what you want about Kerry...

All things Pittsburgh are - duh.


He came, he saw, he participated, and he had to do something about it. You are too young to have lived through it as my family and friends did. This was back in the day that young men were drafted to be put into the middle of this nonsense, and many did not survive or survived with grave injuries and lifelong handicaps. Now we have two trashy whores running our country into the ground. Neither of whom ever spent one day in service to this country. Now what have you to say to them? What did you say to bush and cheney?
Where was Clinton during Vietnam? Kerry never saw combat. He LIED to get a medal.
Let him run..... Military past and present can’t stand him.

You know this, how? You are familiar with the fact that the draft was ended after the Viet Nam war and the people who serve now are volunteers, aren't you? Why do you think that everyone in the military service supports your politics?
Let him run..... Military past and present can’t stand him.

You know this, how? You are familiar with the fact that the draft was ended after the Viet Nam war and the people who serve now are volunteers, aren't you? Why do you think that everyone in the military service supports your politics?

I stated my opinion based on Vietnam Veterans not supporting him in ‘04 given how he sold them out followed by another sellout of the Military by accusing them of terrorizing women and children.

But hey, he’s not Al Gore..... who made damn sure to have Military votes tossed out in the 2000 Election.

He came, he saw, he participated, and he had to do something about it. You are too young to have lived through it as my family and friends did. This was back in the day that young men were drafted to be put into the middle of this nonsense, and many did not survive or survived with grave injuries and lifelong handicaps. Now we have two trashy whores running our country into the ground. Neither of whom ever spent one day in service to this country. Now what have you to say to them? What did you say to bush and cheney?

What does that have to do with Jane Fonda?


He came, he saw, he participated, and he had to do something about it. You are too young to have lived through it as my family and friends did. This was back in the day that young men were drafted to be put into the middle of this nonsense, and many did not survive or survived with grave injuries and lifelong handicaps. Now we have two trashy whores running our country into the ground. Neither of whom ever spent one day in service to this country. Now what have you to say to them? What did you say to bush and cheney?

What does that have to do with Jane Fonda?

/---/ Hanoi Jane betrayed her country and POWs held by the NVA. That's what.
/----/ John Kerry could sew up the nomination. He's got the appeal lib women gravitate toward.

Wait - I though liberal women hated penises?
/---/ They do, but only on men. Girlie men, Metrosexuals are welcome.

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