Praise to the One True God

there is not a shred of evidence in existence for a single phrase of the bibles scripts for authenticity ... the book itself is a composite troll being extended by this thread and its author.

Which Bible?
Which Bible?

just curious, are any of the scriptures of the old testament etched in stone ... anything period dated, other than historical structures even pottery with scrolling would suffice.

Dead Sea Scrolls.
But on the other note, the Tanakh is the only set of books where chapter and verses match the dates of their future events.
Dead Sea scrolls absolutely but if I remember correctly there is pottery from Elah which has scripture written on it going back to 1000 bce..There are newspaper articles you can read on this find if you care to google it.. Elah was the place David fought Goliath if I remember correctly and if correctly dated would put the writing of the scriptures 400 years earlier then was thought... There are other examples
What a privilege it is to serve the One True God and to praise His Holy Name! He is Worthy of all praise! Jesus Christ is Lord. He is the everlasting King! His Name is High and Lifted Up! Give praise unto the One True God! He is the King of kings and the Lord of Lords! He reigns!

But the Lord is the true God, he is the living God, and an everlasting king: at his wrath the earth shall tremble, and the nations shall not be able to abide his indignation.
Jeremiah 10:10
Oh I thought you said one true God? Then you went on to exalt the man called Jesus. And the praised the Lord... You don't sound too convinced of this "one god" business...Which is it?
Jesus Christ is the One True God. He is the one who delivered that 4 yr old child from the clutches of Satan. As I was praying for her it occurred to me that she was like Jonah in the belly of the whale - although she was in captivity, Satan and his wicked workers had no power to "digest her." Her deliverance was sure although neither she or her family knew it at the time. Satan had no power to execute his plans against the child because God's own servants were praying and had destroyed his plans.
(Luke 10:19).

Interesting also that like Jonah, her deliverance from captivity happened on the 3rd day. On the 10th. Which is the Biblical number of judgment. God rendered a judgment in her favor.

It also reminded me of Jesus Christ defeating Satan at the cross on the 3rd day when He died (for our sins) and God raised Him from the dead, Jesus Christ took the keys to hell and death. It was on that 3rd day that the redemption price had been paid in full and God accomplished His plan to reconcile those who believed upon His Son back to Himself.

It will do you no good to believe in God without believing on His Son Jesus Christ because without Jesus Christ there is no deliverance, no salvation, no future. Apart from Jesus Christ, you're doomed. Whoever denies God's Son, denies the Father too.
Jesus Christ is the One True God.

God the Father, God the Son (His Word who became flesh and dwelt among men) and His Holy Spirit are One. 1 x 1 x 1 =1 Not three. One.

It is written:

Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord:

And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.

And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart:

And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.

And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand, and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes.
And thou shalt write them upon the posts of thy house, and on thy gates.

And it shall be, when the Lord thy God shall have brought thee into the land which he sware unto thy fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give thee great and goodly cities, which thou buildedst not,

And houses full of all good things, which thou filledst not, and wells digged, which thou diggedst not, vineyards and olive trees, which thou plantedst not; when thou shalt have eaten and be full;

Then beware lest thou forget the Lord, which brought thee forth out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage.

Thou shalt fear the Lord thy God, and serve him, and shalt swear by his name.

Ye shall not go after other gods, of the gods of the people which are round about you;

(For the Lord thy God is a jealous God among you) lest the anger of the Lord thy God be kindled against thee, and destroy thee from off the face of the earth.

Deuteronomy 6:4-15

Nonsense. The police report mentions neither of these folks; Jesus, or Satan. You are lying. You can't start a post with a blatant lie, and expect anyone to believe what you have to say for the rest of the post.

Rely on truth. You will see more clearly. Sleep on it.
Jeremiah is so ignorant she quotes number 23:19 where Gd states he is not a man and does not lie yet she claims that title for her idol Jesus... Her Godman Really it is just too humorous to respond to.... I wonder if she realizes how ludicrous she sounds...No truth in her god so which one is she praying
Be careful. She'll rebuke you. Seriously. She rebuked me the other day. No big though.... I rebuked her back!
You asked for it. On another thread you told others not to pray for the 4 yr old who had been kidnapped, made a thread about an Amber Alert and then went on to criticize those alerts as being useless. You told me to stuff it, that it was probably one of the parents which made it a "private matter."

How could the author of an amber alert thread not have read the alert which clearly stated the kidnapper was not a relative? Anyone examining the thread can see what you wrote to me because a moderator on this board merged the two threads (mine and yours). Prior to the merging of the two threads, I warned you that you were provoking the Lord to anger, still you refused to stop.

Amber Alerts...

Now that Jesus Christ has answered the prayers of His people and the child is safe I am going to pray that the LORD deals with you and that through it you will learn not to mock the Name of the Lord, not to mock the servants of God and not to interfere in the work He has called them to do - ever again.
Yet again you are blinded by your hubris. You were instructed to read what has been written... Did you turns ears as you were instructed? If not; you will have forsaken becoming the change in this world that many children need. You have ignored the abuses of the Amber alert system. That makes you a partner in their deeds.

What has happened clearly illustrates what has been plainly written. Still you quibble. Perhaps next time the outcome will not be so fortunate for the child. Then you will have to ask yourself if you truly has done all you could do? Did you heed the warning I revealed to you? I hope you'll come to your senses and see past your hubris. I fact I'll sleep on it. I suggest you do the same.
Jeremiah is so ignorant she quotes number 23:19 where Gd states he is not a man and does not lie yet she claims that title for her idol Jesus... Her Godman Really it is just too humorous to respond to.... I wonder if she realizes how ludicrous she sounds...No truth in her god so which one is she praying
Be careful. She'll rebuke you. Seriously. She rebuked me the other day. No big though.... I rebuked her back!
You asked for it. On another thread you told others not to pray for the 4 yr old who had been kidnapped, made a thread about an Amber Alert and then went on to criticize those alerts as being useless. You told me to stuff it, that it was probably one of the parents which made it a "private matter."

How could the author of an amber alert thread not have read the alert which clearly stated the kidnapper was not a relative? Anyone examining the thread can see what you wrote to me because a moderator on this board merged the two threads (mine and yours). Prior to the merging of the two threads, I warned you that you were provoking the Lord to anger, still you refused to stop.

Amber Alerts...

Now that Jesus Christ has answered the prayers of His people and the child is safe I am going to pray that the LORD deals with you and that through it you will learn not to mock the Name of the Lord, not to mock the servants of God and not to interfere in the work He has called them to do - ever again.
Just umm... Don't rebuke me again. That was going too far. I swear upon Peaceful Sleep; that if you do rebuke me again... I'll rebuke you right back. Only next time it will be in bold type. Count on it!
there is not a shred of evidence in existence for a single phrase of the bibles scripts for authenticity ... the book itself is a composite troll being extended by this thread and its author.

The Written Word of God is Pure. Every word. The evidence of the truth of the Holy Bible is undeniable which is why many do not want to hear the Word of God. On the subject of evidence, Breezewood, there is not a shred of evidence to support the false (and bizarre) teachings of Edenists.

Why don't you explain to the readers what an Edenist is?
Why don't you quit dodging the fact that you lied to the readers about the circumstances in which the kidnapped girl was found?
The Written Word of God is Pure. Every word

I do not see how you can possibly worship the wrathful, sadistic monster that the bible describes.
I recommend you to read 'the teachings of Silver Birch' for the antidote.
The way the dead are, is the way we are in the afterlife without God. We are liken a devil...masquerading, lying, and deceiving. They have anger and hatred in their hearts. Jesus salvages (restores) the soul of the Christian when they die. He makes the person good with His powers so that we are not like the devil. This is the evil that God through His Son Jesus Christ has delivered us from.
The way the dead are, is the way we are in the afterlife without God. We are liken a devil...masquerading, lying, and deceiving. They have anger and hatred in their hearts. Jesus salvages (restores) the soul of the Christian when they die. He makes the person good with His powers so that we are not like the devil. This is the evil that God through His Son Jesus Christ has delivered us from.

Yet You keep saying my name along side the swine(ieSous), thanks alot.
Restore, deliver=HaShev)
The way the dead are, is the way we are in the afterlife without God. We are liken a devil...masquerading, lying, and deceiving. They have anger and hatred in their hearts. Jesus salvages (restores) the soul of the Christian when they die. He makes the person good with His powers so that we are not like the devil. This is the evil that God through His Son Jesus Christ has delivered us from.

Wrong. The moment your last breath leaves your body you will be in heaven or hell. One or the other. You're following a new age teaching and it is going to lead you to hell. Buy a KJV Bible and ask the LORD to reveal the truth to you. Be willing to obey God and His commandments and do not create a god in your own image that accommodates your sin.
Hmmmm... I wonder what Jeremiah and her ilk are going to do when they find out how to stop aging or reprint our bodies with 3 d printers in the future heaven (olam haba)... That is sure going to reek havoc on her theory then...... Wink...
there is not a shred of evidence in existence for a single phrase of the bibles scripts for authenticity ... the book itself is a composite troll being extended by this thread and its author.

The Written Word of God is Pure. Every word. The evidence of the truth of the Holy Bible is undeniable which is why many do not want to hear the Word of God. On the subject of evidence, Breezewood, there is not a shred of evidence to support the false (and bizarre) teachings of Edenists.

Why don't you explain to the readers what an Edenist is?
The Written Word of God is Pure. Every word. The evidence of the truth of the Holy Bible is undeniable which is why many do not want to hear the Word of God.

well, what is it - your proof ... written in stone, from the period or your physical example.

The moment your last breath leaves your body you will be in heaven or hell.

not so, the Almighty made it clear through Noah that it is humanity as a whole that will be judged - The Triumph of Good vs Evil - if evil prevails no one will be admitted to the Everlasting. the only solace for the last remaining person representing good would be the Parable will only conclude after their death - as would have been the case with Noah.


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