"...pray for his death."


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. First, it has been pretty well established that the shooter was driven by neither party, nor by rough political talk.

Jared Loughner’s friend says suspect ‘Did not watch TV … disliked the news’ - TVNewser

3. Some one percent of the population is thought to be schizophrenic (Schizophrenia Facts and Statistics), ...and to be driven to some horrendous act, need no more than a parking ticket.

Beside the obvious fascination with evil, and the need to fill the 24-hour news cycle, what we are witnessing is the desire to stultify speech...and impose more regulation and restriction.

4. Politics has been called a bloodsport, and the harsh language is a manfestation of the passion on both sides.Don't be buffaloed into abiding by any restrictions on speech.

I don't want to hear folks referring to 'the H-word' when they mean hate.

5. The title of the thread?
Thomas Jefferson wrote that in a letter to James Madison. The subject of the 'threat' was Patrick Henry.
“What we have to do, I think, is devotedly pray for his death.”
Based on item #2, it's clear that the public policy focus of our Fearless Leaders should be upon mandatory news viewing and radio listening of government approved media.

Ooops...they're already working on that in the FCC and the Commerce Department.
how is asking people to volutarily avoid violent imagery in the poltical sphere litmmiting anyones speech?
how is asking people to volutarily avoid violent imagery in the poltical sphere litmmiting anyones speech?

How is what you spew anything resembling an opinion we should take seriously?
how is asking people to volutarily avoid violent imagery in the poltical sphere litmmiting anyones speech?

When you prove a link between violent imagery and actions of individuals, let us know. Because Hollywood and the porn industry are gonna be in for some MASSIVE law suits.
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how is asking people to volutarily avoid violent imagery in the poltical sphere litmmiting anyones speech?

The left has a low opinion of folk's intelligence and intentions. While it has been well documented that no 'violent imagery' influenced this demented individual, you still wish to make sure no good crisis goes to waste.

Rather than "asking people to volutarily avoid..." anything, the left mandates 'avoiding' that which doesn't agree or conform to their advances....you merely cloak it in terms like 'ask.'

Fairness doctrine...

Internet regulation...

FCC censorship...

The only thing we should limit is the number of 'm's' in "...litmmiting anyones speech."
1. First, it has been pretty well established that the shooter was driven by neither party, nor by rough political talk.

Jared Loughner’s friend says suspect ‘Did not watch TV … disliked the news’ - TVNewser

3. Some one percent of the population is thought to be schizophrenic (Schizophrenia Facts and Statistics), ...and to be driven to some horrendous act, need no more than a parking ticket.

Beside the obvious fascination with evil, and the need to fill the 24-hour news cycle, what we are witnessing is the desire to stultify speech...and impose more regulation and restriction.

4. Politics has been called a bloodsport, and the harsh language is a manfestation of the passion on both sides.Don't be buffaloed into abiding by any restrictions on speech.

I don't want to hear folks referring to 'the H-word' when they mean hate.

5. The title of the thread?
Thomas Jefferson wrote that in a letter to James Madison. The subject of the 'threat' was Patrick Henry.
“What we have to do, I think, is devotedly pray for his death.”

The question is, should we reject insane assholes who promote hate speech through the media? It looks to me like Media is trying to cover their own ass by hightlighting the people and guns.

Freedom has a price, and I have to come down on the side of the Ist Amendment, that people should have the right to say what they want, and the accused should have the right to sue them for inciting violence or slander.
how is asking people to volutarily avoid violent imagery in the poltical sphere litmmiting anyones speech?

When you prove a link between violent imagery and actions of individuals, let us know. Because Hollywood and the porn industry are gonna be in for some MASSIVE law suits.

This nation has gone through this kind of proposals of censorship before...

"Seduction of the Innocent is a book by American psychiatrist Fredric Wertham, published in 1954, that warned that comic books were a negative form of popular literature and a serious cause of juvenile delinquency. The book was a minor bestseller that created alarm in parents and galvanized them to campaign for censorship. At the same time, a U.S. Congressional inquiry was launched into the comic book industry. Subsequent to the publication of Seduction of the Innocent, the Comics Code Authority was voluntarily established by publishers to self-censor their titles."
Seduction of the Innocent - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nothing Congress likes better than theories that allow for more regulations...

Although the baselessness of the theory has been commented on before...I would like to know about the reading habits of obviously violent folks like Citizen and Editech in their formative years....
1. First, it has been pretty well established that the shooter was driven by neither party, nor by rough political talk.

Jared Loughner’s friend says suspect ‘Did not watch TV … disliked the news’ - TVNewser

3. Some one percent of the population is thought to be schizophrenic (Schizophrenia Facts and Statistics), ...and to be driven to some horrendous act, need no more than a parking ticket.

Beside the obvious fascination with evil, and the need to fill the 24-hour news cycle, what we are witnessing is the desire to stultify speech...and impose more regulation and restriction.

4. Politics has been called a bloodsport, and the harsh language is a manfestation of the passion on both sides.Don't be buffaloed into abiding by any restrictions on speech.

I don't want to hear folks referring to 'the H-word' when they mean hate.

5. The title of the thread?
Thomas Jefferson wrote that in a letter to James Madison. The subject of the 'threat' was Patrick Henry.
“What we have to do, I think, is devotedly pray for his death.”

The question is, should we reject insane assholes who promote hate speech through the media? It looks to me like Media is trying to cover their own ass by hightlighting the people and guns.

Freedom has a price, and I have to come down on the side of the Ist Amendment, that people should have the right to say what they want, and the accused should have the right to sue them for inciting violence or slander.

"...promote hate speech..."

"...through the media..."
You don't like the speech, change the channel!!!
Turn off the radio!!!

Man, your side never gives up on looking for ways to restrict freedom.

Freedom means freedom of speech.
Get it?
1. First, it has been pretty well established that the shooter was driven by neither party, nor by rough political talk.

Jared Loughner’s friend says suspect ‘Did not watch TV … disliked the news’ - TVNewser

3. Some one percent of the population is thought to be schizophrenic (Schizophrenia Facts and Statistics), ...and to be driven to some horrendous act, need no more than a parking ticket.

Beside the obvious fascination with evil, and the need to fill the 24-hour news cycle, what we are witnessing is the desire to stultify speech...and impose more regulation and restriction.

4. Politics has been called a bloodsport, and the harsh language is a manfestation of the passion on both sides.Don't be buffaloed into abiding by any restrictions on speech.

I don't want to hear folks referring to 'the H-word' when they mean hate.

5. The title of the thread?
Thomas Jefferson wrote that in a letter to James Madison. The subject of the 'threat' was Patrick Henry.
“What we have to do, I think, is devotedly pray for his death.”

The question is, should we reject insane assholes who promote hate speech through the media? It looks to me like Media is trying to cover their own ass by hightlighting the people and guns.

Freedom has a price, and I have to come down on the side of the Ist Amendment, that people should have the right to say what they want, and the accused should have the right to sue them for inciting violence or slander.

"...promote hate speech..."

"...through the media..."
You don't like the speech, change the channel!!!
Turn off the radio!!!

Man, your side never gives up on looking for ways to restrict freedom.

Freedom means freedom of speech.
Get it?

Are you blinded in hate this morning? Nowhere did I say to restrict freedom! WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!
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The Left and Democrats have been shameful in using this awful tragedy for political gain. I think it will backfire on them in the end though. People are pretty savvy these days. There are vicious death threats made against Sarah Palin and her children on a daily basis. The Left has certainly encouraged that with all their hateful rhetoric aimed at Palin and her children. So people see through this Left/Democrat charade. No one is more hateful than your average Leftist. That's the truth. So shame on the Left and Democrats for exploiting this tragedy.
1. First, it has been pretty well established that the shooter was driven by neither party, nor by rough political talk.

Jared Loughner’s friend says suspect ‘Did not watch TV … disliked the news’ - TVNewser

3. Some one percent of the population is thought to be schizophrenic (Schizophrenia Facts and Statistics), ...and to be driven to some horrendous act, need no more than a parking ticket.

Beside the obvious fascination with evil, and the need to fill the 24-hour news cycle, what we are witnessing is the desire to stultify speech...and impose more regulation and restriction.

4. Politics has been called a bloodsport, and the harsh language is a manfestation of the passion on both sides.Don't be buffaloed into abiding by any restrictions on speech.

I don't want to hear folks referring to 'the H-word' when they mean hate.

5. The title of the thread?
Thomas Jefferson wrote that in a letter to James Madison. The subject of the 'threat' was Patrick Henry.
“What we have to do, I think, is devotedly pray for his death.”

To be fair, you'll have a hard time finding anyone in the Media (CNN, MSNBC, Fox, ABC, CBS, NBC, etc) that's saying that Lougner was anything more than a nutcase. I'm not even seeing people attribute a political motive to him outside discussion boards or truly fringe blogs.

What has happened is that people are looking at the very legitimate concern that things are getting too heated in politics. A lot of what's happening now reminds me of the Clinton days, with armed militias forming and rumblings of 2nd ammendment solutions. Under Obama you've got the added problem that looney Racist organizations are arming up too. All of this ended very poorly under Clinton. No one wants to see another Waco, Ruby Ridge, or another spat of Abortion Clinic Bombings, so folks are trying to have the dialogue about just how far things need to go. I'd add that no one wants to see a return of the violence in the 60's and 70's either.

I serously doubt that any legislation regulating speech will pass. What is likely to happen is that folks on the Left and the Right that use hyperbolic speech will find themselves without a pulpit to spew from. That isn't necessarily a bad thing. Real governance and real problem solving has always come from bipartisan efforts. That's tough when people are targeting congressional districts with targets, bullseyes, and [sarcasm]"surveyor crosses"[/sarcasm] or when people are referring to anyone who doesn't agree with them as traitors.
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The question is, should we reject insane assholes who promote hate speech through the media? It looks to me like Media is trying to cover their own ass by hightlighting the people and guns.

Freedom has a price, and I have to come down on the side of the Ist Amendment, that people should have the right to say what they want, and the accused should have the right to sue them for inciting violence or slander.

"...promote hate speech..."

"...through the media..."
You don't like the speech, change the channel!!!
Turn off the radio!!!

Man, your side never gives up on looking for ways to restrict freedom.

Freedom means freedom of speech.
Get it?

Are you blinded in hate this morning? Nowhere did I say to restrict freedom! WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!

The first thing to restrict is your language...

"Nowhere did I say to restrict freedom! "

Clearly I gave you too much credit for intelligence....let me correct that overestimation right now.

"...people should have the right to say what they want, and the accused should have the right to sue them for inciting violence or slander..."

I guess we can only judge others by oneself...I saw the statement for the paradox that it was, and thought you were being cleverly devious.

I was wrong. You merely didn't have a clue that you were saying that we can restrict speech via torts.

Again, the answer to bad speech is good speech...not using some weapon to restrict speech.
You don't like the speech, change the channel!!!
Turn off the radio!!!
Or respond to it!
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No one is more hateful than your average Leftist. That's the truth. So shame on the Left and Democrats for exploiting this tragedy.

Nah, I disagree. The right it is much hateful than the Left, and have no boundary's to decency. Even murder, torture & rape are supported by the rightwing. You really need to stick those paddles on your head, and tell everyone to stand clear. And rein in Sara Brady, before that bitch outlaws more guns.
1. First, it has been pretty well established that the shooter was driven by neither party, nor by rough political talk.

Jared Loughner’s friend says suspect ‘Did not watch TV … disliked the news’ - TVNewser

3. Some one percent of the population is thought to be schizophrenic (Schizophrenia Facts and Statistics), ...and to be driven to some horrendous act, need no more than a parking ticket.

Beside the obvious fascination with evil, and the need to fill the 24-hour news cycle, what we are witnessing is the desire to stultify speech...and impose more regulation and restriction.

4. Politics has been called a bloodsport, and the harsh language is a manfestation of the passion on both sides.Don't be buffaloed into abiding by any restrictions on speech.

I don't want to hear folks referring to 'the H-word' when they mean hate.

5. The title of the thread?
Thomas Jefferson wrote that in a letter to James Madison. The subject of the 'threat' was Patrick Henry.
“What we have to do, I think, is devotedly pray for his death.”

To be fair, you'll have a hard time finding anyone in the Media (CNN, MSNBC, Fox, ABC, CBS, NBC, etc) that's saying that Lougner was anything more than a nutcase. I'm not even seeing people attribute a political motive to him outside discussion boards or truly fringe blogs.
What has happened is that people are looking at the very legitimate concern that things are getting too heated in politics. A lot of what's happening now reminds me of the Clinton days, with armed militias forming and rumblings of 2nd ammendment solutions. Under Obama you've got the added problem that looney Racist organizations are arming up too. All of this ended very poorly under Clinton. No one wants to see another Waco, Ruby Ridge, or another spat of Abortion Clinic Bombings, so folks are trying to have the dialogue about just how far things need to go. I'd add that no one wants to see a return of the violence in the 60's and 70's either.

I serously doubt that any legislation regulating speech will pass. What is likely to happen is that folks on the Left and the Right that use hyperbolic speech will find themselves without a pulpit to spew from. That isn't necessarily a bad thing. Real governance and real problem solving has always come from bipartisan efforts. That's tough when people are targeting congressional districts with targets, bullseyes, and [sarcasm]"surveyor crosses"[/sarcasm] or when people are referring to anyone who doesn't agree with them as traitors.

What I bolded...

Charlie Rangel and Dick Durbin are grouped in poltical forums and far left blogs?
No..they did not come out and say that the killer was truiggered by political rhetoric.
Instead, they asnwered the question of their opinion regarding the massacre with a little diatribe about how the right needs to curb their use of violent terms when applying words to politics.
They allowed the people to come to their own conclusions.....and it was quite irresponsible and exactly what they claim to be against.
"...promote hate speech..."

"...through the media..."
You don't like the speech, change the channel!!!
Turn off the radio!!!

Man, your side never gives up on looking for ways to restrict freedom.

Freedom means freedom of speech.
Get it?

Are you blinded in hate this morning? Nowhere did I say to restrict freedom! WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!

The first thing to restrict is your language...

"Nowhere did I say to restrict freedom! "

Clearly I gave you too much credit for intelligence....let me correct that overestimation right now.

"...people should have the right to say what they want, and the accused should have the right to sue them for inciting violence or slander..."

I guess we can only judge others by oneself...I saw the statement for the paradox that it was, and thought you were being cleverly devious.

I was wrong. You merely didn't have a clue that you were saying that we can restrict speech via torts.

Again, the answer to bad speech is good speech...not using some weapon to restict speech.
You don't like the speech, change the channel!!!
Turn off the radio!!!
Or respond to it!

The right to sue for defamation, inciting violence, slander, etc. is a first Amendment right and answer to people who abuse that right. No one's right to free speech is restricted, so get off your high horse. I do tune out the hatefilled right media as much as I can.
No one is more hateful than your average Leftist. That's the truth. So shame on the Left and Democrats for exploiting this tragedy.

Nah, I disagree. The right it is much hateful than the Left, and have no boundary's to decency. Even murder, torture & rape are supported by the rightwing. You really need to stick those paddles on your head, and tell everyone to stand clear. And rein in Sara Brady, before that bitch outlaws more guns.

Please tell me how the right supports murder and rape?
Torture (or striking fear in a person) of an enemy that has information regarding an attack that may kill thousands of Americans? Im fine with it as long as it does not physically or mentally damage the person.
Murder? I guess if you want to call war kills as murder....
Rape? Huh?
What I bolded...

Charlie Rangel and Dick Durbin are grouped in poltical forums and far left blogs?
No..they did not come out and say that the killer was truiggered by political rhetoric.
Instead, they asnwered the question of their opinion regarding the massacre with a little diatribe about how the right needs to curb their use of violent terms when applying words to politics.
They allowed the people to come to their own conclusions.....and it was quite irresponsible and exactly what they claim to be against.

What I bolded. The last Republican President, Speaker, and Senate Majority Leader were masters of that same game too.

And I'm not surprised folks on the Left complained about the Right's dialogue, just like the Talk Radio crowd has been complaining about dialogue on the Left. That's part of the problem: No introspection for what your own side is up to.

As I said, I'm not seeing anyone outside the fringe Left or fringe Right saying that Loughner was anything other than a nut. I am seeing alot of folks saying that the rhetoric needs to cool down. In fact that was pretty much the whole point of Stewart and Colbert's rally not long back.
No one is more hateful than your average Leftist. That's the truth. So shame on the Left and Democrats for exploiting this tragedy.

Nah, I disagree. The right it is much hateful than the Left, and have no boundary's to decency. Even murder, torture & rape are supported by the rightwing. You really need to stick those paddles on your head, and tell everyone to stand clear. And rein in Sara Brady, before that bitch outlaws more guns.

Please tell me how the right supports murder and rape?
Torture (or striking fear in a person) of an enemy that has information regarding an attack that may kill thousands of Americans? Im fine with it as long as it does not physically or mentally damage the person.
Murder? I guess if you want to call war kills as murder....
Rape? Huh?

The torture, murder and rape of innocent chained and detained civilians in US POW camps, supported by the rightwing Administration.
Nah, I disagree. The right it is much hateful than the Left, and have no boundary's to decency. Even murder, torture & rape are supported by the rightwing. You really need to stick those paddles on your head, and tell everyone to stand clear. And rein in Sara Brady, before that bitch outlaws more guns.

Please tell me how the right supports murder and rape?
Torture (or striking fear in a person) of an enemy that has information regarding an attack that may kill thousands of Americans? Im fine with it as long as it does not physically or mentally damage the person.
Murder? I guess if you want to call war kills as murder....
Rape? Huh?

The torture, murder and rape of innocent chained and detained civilians in US POW camps, supported by the rightwing Administration.

Oh...I did not realize what your mind set is.
Please forgive my interruption.
I could never debate someone who thinks like you do. You are noticeably irrational.
I will move on.

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