Prayers to Jesus Christ, 2019

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Always Faithful
Sep 28, 2018
Walker County, TX
Dear Lord Jesus,

Thank you for saving the world by offering yourself as the sacrificial lamb for our sins, so that we may seek and find your grace and goodness in this world we live.

We ask you to forgive and encourage those who think they are beyond your help. We ask you for patience to hear those who are troubled over something that only you and he or she knows about, to resolve differences between friends and enemies alike, over something not known to others. We ask you to help us forgive someone who offended another or an entire group of your beloved ones.

We know that you forgive those who ask you to. We know you forgave Peter who forsook you three times on the worst and last day of your life. We know you have forgiven mentally sick people who were sorry their illness caused them to harm others. We know your angels are present when we are born, when we are troubled, and when we die. We know you prefer us to dedicate our lives to you when we become adults, or even after the world thinks it's too late to be sorry for something we did wrong. We don't know how we wrong others many times, so we ask your forgiveness for things unknown to us but known to the person who feels let down by us.

And we thank you forgiving us for all of the above and will help us to turn our lives around and do better starting from right now.

We ask your mercy on people who are experiencing pain due to loss of a loved one, whether through death or their decision to leave on unfriendly terms, or who break our hearts in some way. Please help us get through loss and accept it and to quickly find other paths to try to do better the next time by not repeating errors.

And we thank you for being a rock as we read the good book you gave us through blessed hands that wrote both good and bad things, so we could make a determination not to make their mistake of old. Please help us make time to read your word and be confident we can do better tomorrow than we did today.

We ask you to comfort those who have lost someone, be it friend or family, and thank you for washing us in the blood of your kindness to mankind so long ago on the cross where men persecuted a perfect you who was able to muster strength to ask the Father to forgive them for their wrong, knowing that you would consider nothing else but what we ask--that wrongdoers really be forgiven by you on the spot. We thank you for believers who we have seen forgive even murders of their children as they bury them.

Thank you dear lord for forgiving our foolish ways and teach us your sense of humility under fire as a teacher who loves us.

And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites
are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and
in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men.
Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.

Matthew 6:5
Well, Moonglow, I was just starting a thread for believers, and the best way to start something is to do it yourself. Since you hate people who bow to God in prayer in private and in public, please put me on your ignore list so you will not be contaminated by what I learned from teaching religious classes for a dozen years. You'll be a lot less judgmental if you don't expose yourself to Christians you cannot abide. We all see the beautiful world God's gift to us from different angles. Mine is just one of them. Deal? :)
Dear Lord, in Heaven, please make this prayer space a quiet, nonjudgmental place where people can come to pray to you without fear of hateful retaliations from those with hidden agendas and sour spirits. But because sour people have good qualities too that they do not show due to their conviction they should not show their good side in public, please help even a sinner like me carry on and be not discouraged from sharing ways to pray, for any children who may drop by here and need a model. Please send others willing to be a model for children to show there are more than one of us who will suffer the little children to know your love and to practice prayer which we believe you listen to, and answer in the way of your will upon us.

Luke 18: 15-17:
"Jesus Blesses the Children
15Now people were even bringing their babies to Jesus for Him to place His hands on them. And when the disciples saw this, they rebuked those who brought them. 16But Jesus called the children to Him and said, “Let the little children come to Me and do not hinder them! For the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. 17Truly I tell you, anyone who does not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.”​

We ask you to be with those Christians and others who were inclemently bombed by those who wish to end Christianity in Sri Lanka so they can have the entire world to themselves and all its riches. We ask you to heal the killers of their desire to own other people and have slaves of all kind. We thank you for the lessons of our nation which came to blows over enslaving people of color. It took us two hundred years or more to come to blows over this uncomfortable to our fellow humans to get equal rights, and we thank you now for allowing our nation to be a little kinder to each other by sharing societies benefits with everyone. Even so, we need your help today and every day to be patient. In another part of the world, things aren't going so good for people who believe in you. I will play a news tape of it below so others can join in helping our distant neighbors recuperate, forgive, and go on with what's left of their lives after losing friends, family, and body parts. Some disappeared in a red mass of what's left of a body that was too close to the explosives used to assassinate Christians. Please help the survivors recuperate, and let their nation of Sri Lanka take off the streets people who would do such maddened things to people they hate for one reason or another, so they cannot and will not ever kill another person in such a heinous way. Words cannot say comforting things as well as your love, O Lord. Please help everyone who needs your help, and perhaps this crisis will make those who are thinking about jihadding some more turn from murdering your people. Amen.

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He is risen.
Ignore the runt and his infantile trolling, most do
Well, thanks, SassyIrishLass, but he obviously treasures his view of this place as a public place, whereas I would call a space for prayer like a church sanctuary that invites people to come and say their prayers quietly. Everyone has a different point of view even among Christians, and the last time I looked, there were 450 organized churches in the USA, each having broken away from another church for various differences people have when they read the same book. My own church that has been a part of my family for 400 years that I know of may have broken away from another protestant church that broke away from the Martin Luther believers over obscure bible verses that were intended to teach a specific lesson in history but becomes a necessity to one group for one reason or another of their leader. I do not know. If all Christian churches come under the targets of Islam, like the churches and hotels with praying rooms in Sri Lanka, there will be mourning like there was when Christians were thrown to the lions in the Roman Empire, where their fate wasn't a pretty one either. I don't know why that is, I just know that it is. I'm sorry my style offends my detractor. I noticed there were a lot of old prayer areas in this Religion forums, but I didn't read why each one of them only had a few answers and then quit.

Sri Lanka is not the only place that has people angry enough to kill people of other faiths, but there will be more of that in the future. 9/11 may not be our only hit if we continue to serve Jesus Christ with our belief that he is the Good Shepherd of us, and that we will understand the divisions of Christians better when we pass from this life into the hopefully glorious one Christ has gone before us to prepare a place for our souls to be enveloped in God's eternal love. :)
John 16:23-24
“In that day you will not question me about anything Truly, truly, I say to you, if you ask the Heavenly Father for anything in my name, He will give it to you. “Until now you have asked for nothing in my name; ask and you will receive, so that your joy may be made full.
Dear Lord,
We ask your help and guidance through this new week. We pray for those who mourn in Sri Lanka. We pray for those who are downcast that the rest of the world has forgotten, for the sincere people at the border who need a country who have been used as human shields by the terroristic drug traders who abuse these people by raping their womenfolk and picking off their children to separate them from their parents for their own economic ends and hidden agendas. Help us to take them in one more time, but to establish firm borders that forces the beleaguered lands they flee to take care of their poor, and not just their drug lords, who have inflicted much cruelty against poor people to become wealthy and powerful to protect businesses that sell products that kill people who use them. Thank you for our families both here and who have joined your congregation in heaven through your miraculous love and healing ways. We ask you only for our daily bread and enough health to carry out your will to help heal widows and the fatherless and encourage the downhearted to know and experience your mercies. And we pray for those among us who bear such sadness they cannot speak it, and please bring them the shelter and light of your love and sustenance. Amen

Have a joyful day, everyone! Keep your chin up.
Dear Lord Jesus,

Thank you for saving the world by offering yourself as the sacrificial lamb for our sins, so that we may seek and find your grace and goodness in this world we live.

We ask you to forgive and encourage those who think they are beyond your help. We ask you for patience to hear those who are troubled over something that only you and he or she knows about, to resolve differences between friends and enemies alike, over something not known to others. We ask you to help us forgive someone who offended another or an entire group of your beloved ones.

We know that you forgive those who ask you to. We know you forgave Peter who forsook you three times on the worst and last day of your life. We know you have forgiven mentally sick people who were sorry their illness caused them to harm others. We know your angels are present when we are born, when we are troubled, and when we die. We know you prefer us to dedicate our lives to you when we become adults, or even after the world thinks it's too late to be sorry for something we did wrong. We don't know how we wrong others many times, so we ask your forgiveness for things unknown to us but known to the person who feels let down by us.

And we thank you forgiving us for all of the above and will help us to turn our lives around and do better starting from right now.

We ask your mercy on people who are experiencing pain due to loss of a loved one, whether through death or their decision to leave on unfriendly terms, or who break our hearts in some way. Please help us get through loss and accept it and to quickly find other paths to try to do better the next time by not repeating errors.

And we thank you for being a rock as we read the good book you gave us through blessed hands that wrote both good and bad things, so we could make a determination not to make their mistake of old. Please help us make time to read your word and be confident we can do better tomorrow than we did today.

We ask you to comfort those who have lost someone, be it friend or family, and thank you for washing us in the blood of your kindness to mankind so long ago on the cross where men persecuted a perfect you who was able to muster strength to ask the Father to forgive them for their wrong, knowing that you would consider nothing else but what we ask--that wrongdoers really be forgiven by you on the spot. We thank you for believers who we have seen forgive even murders of their children as they bury them.

Thank you dear lord for forgiving our foolish ways and teach us your sense of humility under fire as a teacher who loves us.

Just a little doctrinal help. You pray to to the Father in the name of Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Ghost. We should pray to the Father, not the Son
And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites
are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and
in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men.
Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.

Matthew 6:5
Everybody look at MG. He knows a trick scripture
Dear Lord Jesus,

Thank you for saving the world by offering yourself as the sacrificial lamb for our sins, so that we may seek and find your grace and goodness in this world we live.

We ask you to forgive and encourage those who think they are beyond your help. We ask you for patience to hear those who are troubled over something that only you and he or she knows about, to resolve differences between friends and enemies alike, over something not known to others. We ask you to help us forgive someone who offended another or an entire group of your beloved ones.

We know that you forgive those who ask you to. We know you forgave Peter who forsook you three times on the worst and last day of your life. We know you have forgiven mentally sick people who were sorry their illness caused them to harm others. We know your angels are present when we are born, when we are troubled, and when we die. We know you prefer us to dedicate our lives to you when we become adults, or even after the world thinks it's too late to be sorry for something we did wrong. We don't know how we wrong others many times, so we ask your forgiveness for things unknown to us but known to the person who feels let down by us.

And we thank you forgiving us for all of the above and will help us to turn our lives around and do better starting from right now.

We ask your mercy on people who are experiencing pain due to loss of a loved one, whether through death or their decision to leave on unfriendly terms, or who break our hearts in some way. Please help us get through loss and accept it and to quickly find other paths to try to do better the next time by not repeating errors.

And we thank you for being a rock as we read the good book you gave us through blessed hands that wrote both good and bad things, so we could make a determination not to make their mistake of old. Please help us make time to read your word and be confident we can do better tomorrow than we did today.

We ask you to comfort those who have lost someone, be it friend or family, and thank you for washing us in the blood of your kindness to mankind so long ago on the cross where men persecuted a perfect you who was able to muster strength to ask the Father to forgive them for their wrong, knowing that you would consider nothing else but what we ask--that wrongdoers really be forgiven by you on the spot. We thank you for believers who we have seen forgive even murders of their children as they bury them.

Thank you dear lord for forgiving our foolish ways and teach us your sense of humility under fire as a teacher who loves us.

Just a little doctrinal help. You pray to to the Father in the name of Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Ghost. We should pray to the Father, not the Son

Maybe ya'll should stop asking God or Jesus or mother mary and all the saints to do things for you and do what God asks of you.

Stop perpetuating the evil of idolatry and filling your minds with superstitious archaic lore which is why you are confused, in pain, and crying out to heaven.

Your prayers will never be answered by a false trinity that became an edible man that never existed.

You might as well ask a dead tree to teach you how to drive a car.

"God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent"
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Dear Lord Jesus,

Thank you for saving the world by offering yourself as the sacrificial lamb for our sins, so that we may seek and find your grace and goodness in this world we live.

We ask you to forgive and encourage those who think they are beyond your help. We ask you for patience to hear those who are troubled over something that only you and he or she knows about, to resolve differences between friends and enemies alike, over something not known to others. We ask you to help us forgive someone who offended another or an entire group of your beloved ones.

We know that you forgive those who ask you to. We know you forgave Peter who forsook you three times on the worst and last day of your life. We know you have forgiven mentally sick people who were sorry their illness caused them to harm others. We know your angels are present when we are born, when we are troubled, and when we die. We know you prefer us to dedicate our lives to you when we become adults, or even after the world thinks it's too late to be sorry for something we did wrong. We don't know how we wrong others many times, so we ask your forgiveness for things unknown to us but known to the person who feels let down by us.

And we thank you forgiving us for all of the above and will help us to turn our lives around and do better starting from right now.

We ask your mercy on people who are experiencing pain due to loss of a loved one, whether through death or their decision to leave on unfriendly terms, or who break our hearts in some way. Please help us get through loss and accept it and to quickly find other paths to try to do better the next time by not repeating errors.

And we thank you for being a rock as we read the good book you gave us through blessed hands that wrote both good and bad things, so we could make a determination not to make their mistake of old. Please help us make time to read your word and be confident we can do better tomorrow than we did today.

We ask you to comfort those who have lost someone, be it friend or family, and thank you for washing us in the blood of your kindness to mankind so long ago on the cross where men persecuted a perfect you who was able to muster strength to ask the Father to forgive them for their wrong, knowing that you would consider nothing else but what we ask--that wrongdoers really be forgiven by you on the spot. We thank you for believers who we have seen forgive even murders of their children as they bury them.

Thank you dear lord for forgiving our foolish ways and teach us your sense of humility under fire as a teacher who loves us.

Just a little doctrinal help. You pray to to the Father in the name of Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Ghost. We should pray to the Father, not the Son

John 14: 6
Jesus said to him: “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
But didn’t the real sinners of the day get off scott free by Jesus taking the rap for them?
Dear Lord Jesus,

Thank you for saving the world by offering yourself as the sacrificial lamb for our sins, so that we may seek and find your grace and goodness in this world we live.

We ask you to forgive and encourage those who think they are beyond your help. We ask you for patience to hear those who are troubled over something that only you and he or she knows about, to resolve differences between friends and enemies alike, over something not known to others. We ask you to help us forgive someone who offended another or an entire group of your beloved ones.

We know that you forgive those who ask you to. We know you forgave Peter who forsook you three times on the worst and last day of your life. We know you have forgiven mentally sick people who were sorry their illness caused them to harm others. We know your angels are present when we are born, when we are troubled, and when we die. We know you prefer us to dedicate our lives to you when we become adults, or even after the world thinks it's too late to be sorry for something we did wrong. We don't know how we wrong others many times, so we ask your forgiveness for things unknown to us but known to the person who feels let down by us.

And we thank you forgiving us for all of the above and will help us to turn our lives around and do better starting from right now.

We ask your mercy on people who are experiencing pain due to loss of a loved one, whether through death or their decision to leave on unfriendly terms, or who break our hearts in some way. Please help us get through loss and accept it and to quickly find other paths to try to do better the next time by not repeating errors.

And we thank you for being a rock as we read the good book you gave us through blessed hands that wrote both good and bad things, so we could make a determination not to make their mistake of old. Please help us make time to read your word and be confident we can do better tomorrow than we did today.

We ask you to comfort those who have lost someone, be it friend or family, and thank you for washing us in the blood of your kindness to mankind so long ago on the cross where men persecuted a perfect you who was able to muster strength to ask the Father to forgive them for their wrong, knowing that you would consider nothing else but what we ask--that wrongdoers really be forgiven by you on the spot. We thank you for believers who we have seen forgive even murders of their children as they bury them.

Thank you dear lord for forgiving our foolish ways and teach us your sense of humility under fire as a teacher who loves us.

Just a little doctrinal help. You pray to to the Father in the name of Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Ghost. We should pray to the Father, not the Son

John 14: 6
Jesus said to him: “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.


Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. (do them) For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. Therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven,

To understand what Jesus meant by saying "least in the kingdom of heaven" see Genesis 3:14

Unless you conform to the instruction in the law, and you don't, you will remain in the lowest place.
Well, Moonglow, I was just starting a thread for believers, and the best way to start something is to do it yourself. Since you hate people who bow to God in prayer in private and in public, please put me on your ignore list so you will not be contaminated by what I learned from teaching religious classes for a dozen years. You'll be a lot less judgmental if you don't expose yourself to Christians you cannot abide. We all see the beautiful world God's gift to us from different angles. Mine is just one of them. Deal? :)
You did not pray to God you prayed to his son Jesus...
Dear Lord Jesus,

Thank you for saving the world by offering yourself as the sacrificial lamb for our sins, so that we may seek and find your grace and goodness in this world we live.

We ask you to forgive and encourage those who think they are beyond your help. We ask you for patience to hear those who are troubled over something that only you and he or she knows about, to resolve differences between friends and enemies alike, over something not known to others. We ask you to help us forgive someone who offended another or an entire group of your beloved ones.

We know that you forgive those who ask you to. We know you forgave Peter who forsook you three times on the worst and last day of your life. We know you have forgiven mentally sick people who were sorry their illness caused them to harm others. We know your angels are present when we are born, when we are troubled, and when we die. We know you prefer us to dedicate our lives to you when we become adults, or even after the world thinks it's too late to be sorry for something we did wrong. We don't know how we wrong others many times, so we ask your forgiveness for things unknown to us but known to the person who feels let down by us.

And we thank you forgiving us for all of the above and will help us to turn our lives around and do better starting from right now.

We ask your mercy on people who are experiencing pain due to loss of a loved one, whether through death or their decision to leave on unfriendly terms, or who break our hearts in some way. Please help us get through loss and accept it and to quickly find other paths to try to do better the next time by not repeating errors.

And we thank you for being a rock as we read the good book you gave us through blessed hands that wrote both good and bad things, so we could make a determination not to make their mistake of old. Please help us make time to read your word and be confident we can do better tomorrow than we did today.

We ask you to comfort those who have lost someone, be it friend or family, and thank you for washing us in the blood of your kindness to mankind so long ago on the cross where men persecuted a perfect you who was able to muster strength to ask the Father to forgive them for their wrong, knowing that you would consider nothing else but what we ask--that wrongdoers really be forgiven by you on the spot. We thank you for believers who we have seen forgive even murders of their children as they bury them.

Thank you dear lord for forgiving our foolish ways and teach us your sense of humility under fire as a teacher who loves us.

Just a little doctrinal help. You pray to to the Father in the name of Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Ghost. We should pray to the Father, not the Son

John 14: 6
Jesus said to him: “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.


Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. (do them) For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. Therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven,

To understand what Jesus meant by saying "least in the kingdom of heaven" see Genesis 3:14

Unless you conform to the instruction in the law, and you don't, you will remain in the lowest place.
Computers are like Old Testament gods; lots of rules and no mercy. Joseph Campbell
Read more at: Joseph Campbell Quotes
And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites
are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and
in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men.
Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.

Matthew 6:5
Everybody look at MG. He knows a trick scripture
As a child in Sunday school we had to memorize the Bible...
Dear Lord Jesus,

Thank you for saving the world by offering yourself as the sacrificial lamb for our sins, so that we may seek and find your grace and goodness in this world we live.

We ask you to forgive and encourage those who think they are beyond your help. We ask you for patience to hear those who are troubled over something that only you and he or she knows about, to resolve differences between friends and enemies alike, over something not known to others. We ask you to help us forgive someone who offended another or an entire group of your beloved ones.

We know that you forgive those who ask you to. We know you forgave Peter who forsook you three times on the worst and last day of your life. We know you have forgiven mentally sick people who were sorry their illness caused them to harm others. We know your angels are present when we are born, when we are troubled, and when we die. We know you prefer us to dedicate our lives to you when we become adults, or even after the world thinks it's too late to be sorry for something we did wrong. We don't know how we wrong others many times, so we ask your forgiveness for things unknown to us but known to the person who feels let down by us.

And we thank you forgiving us for all of the above and will help us to turn our lives around and do better starting from right now.

We ask your mercy on people who are experiencing pain due to loss of a loved one, whether through death or their decision to leave on unfriendly terms, or who break our hearts in some way. Please help us get through loss and accept it and to quickly find other paths to try to do better the next time by not repeating errors.

And we thank you for being a rock as we read the good book you gave us through blessed hands that wrote both good and bad things, so we could make a determination not to make their mistake of old. Please help us make time to read your word and be confident we can do better tomorrow than we did today.

We ask you to comfort those who have lost someone, be it friend or family, and thank you for washing us in the blood of your kindness to mankind so long ago on the cross where men persecuted a perfect you who was able to muster strength to ask the Father to forgive them for their wrong, knowing that you would consider nothing else but what we ask--that wrongdoers really be forgiven by you on the spot. We thank you for believers who we have seen forgive even murders of their children as they bury them.

Thank you dear lord for forgiving our foolish ways and teach us your sense of humility under fire as a teacher who loves us.

Just a little doctrinal help. You pray to to the Father in the name of Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Ghost. We should pray to the Father, not the Son

John 14: 6
Jesus said to him: “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
Which creates a schism with the only worship the God of Abraham rule...
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