Praying Away The Gay News | God Doesn't Cure Gays

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Location: Positively 4th Street
Praying Away The Gay: Bad News 4 USMB Gay Obsessed Christians

Praying Away The Gay: Christians Enter 20th Century

Praying Away The Gay News | God Doesn't Cure Gays

Some time during the 20th century, most normal people realized being gay wasn't a crime, a sin, or a choice in the sense of choosing attractions.

Now Christian groups that have embraced the Tea Party type whack-a-doodle-science of praying away the gay, have entered the world of the last century. :clap2:

I mention this because one of the NPR/Public Radio shows is going to have an episode/story on this one. It should be very educational.

Christian Group Backs Away From Ex-Gay Therapy : NPR

note to con-gays:
it's okay. according to some of your sources you don't have to keep praying to cure your gay. God doesn't cure gays

In an article titled “My So-Called Ex-Gay Life,” by Gabriel Arana, Spitzer is quoted as saying, about his 2001 study, "In retrospect, I have to admit I think the critiques are largely correct. The findings can be considered evidence for what those who have undergone ex-gay therapy say about it, but nothing more."
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God can cure anyone who seeks to be healed by His hand. Most dont bother asking. Others dont ask with faith. He will heal any not appointed unto death.

However, since homosexuality isnt a disease, then I dont see how God can cure something that's not a disease. He can, however, change human nature. In fact, everyone who has ever lived needs to change their human nature because the natural man is an enemy to God until he puts off the natural man and yields to the enticings of the Holy Spirit. All men and women must be Born again or they cannot enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.

And when we are born again, we can through the grace of God recieve power to resist all tempations we face.
God can cure anyone who seeks to be healed by His hand. Most dont bother asking. Others dont ask with faith. He will heal any not appointed unto death.

However, since homosexuality isnt a disease, then I dont see how God can cure something that's not a disease. He can, however, change human nature. In fact, everyone who has ever lived needs to change their human nature because the natural man is an enemy to God until he puts off the natural man and yields to the enticings of the Holy Spirit. All men and women must be Born again or they cannot enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.

And when we are born again, we can through the grace of God recieve power to resist all tempations we face.

Jesus disagrees with you
Hold on for a second

Are you saying that believing and following Jesus words will change the inner nature of a person?

Well, then--what is meant by "believing in Jesus"? Yes, I am truely doubtful about this concept since I don't see how believing something will change a persons physical nature or create some miracle based on psychology.
God can cure anyone who seeks to be healed by His hand. Most dont bother asking. Others dont ask with faith. He will heal any not appointed unto death.

So people that tried really, really hard and were counseled by Christian pastors and therapists didn't pray hard enough?

:rofl: okie dokie

Same as alcoholism or drug addiction. Sin is sin. Many people have success and many people have failures.
God can cure anyone who seeks to be healed by His hand. Most dont bother asking. Others dont ask with faith. He will heal any not appointed unto death.

So people that tried really, really hard and were counseled by Christian pastors and therapists didn't pray hard enough?

:rofl: okie dokie

Same as alcoholism or drug addiction. Sin is sin. Many people have success and many people have failures.

Posted by Avatar4321 View Post
God can cure anyone who seeks to be healed by His hand. Most dont bother asking. Others dont ask with faith. He will heal any not appointed unto death.

So god is like an alcoholic? His cure powers are subject to his bad habits?
The only cure for homosexuality is denial, and that only lasts so long...

poor taz...


he prays so hard. :(

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