PREACHERS Preaching Murder and Hate Instead of Love!


VIP Member
Jun 9, 2014
Men and women of God should have Love in their heart instead of hate. What some feel is their teaching the flock to avoid sin is actually causing many to turn to hate and children to turn to suicide when they see they are objects of hate instead of love. Some preachers are taking certain Scriptures and trying to berate the flock by using them inappropriately to justify their hate, intolerance, discrimination, bigotry and high prejudice but those Scriptures are actually speaking to other things and not to condemn same-sex oriented individuals who were born that way. Hate cannot ever be a family value! Churches that are hate-tolerant are not with God nor with Jesus Christ who taught us to Love Your Neighbor As Yourself and not to be judgmental. When you run into these disciples of hate, Run as far away as you can. You are a Child of God who deserves far better than to learn a False Doctrine of hate and intolerance. We pray that one day soon those who are called to do God's work will truly do God's work with pure love instead of doing the work that greatly pleases the anti-Christ.

Do not allow hate disguised as love to overtake you because even Satan can disguise himself as an angel of light. Remember that where hate exists Love cannot co-exist.

"And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light."​
-- 2 CORINTHIANS 11:14 (KJV)​

Kill Gays seems to be the mindset of some Christians. Isn't that sad?
The Bible says God hates sin and it's a Preacher's duty to point out things that are sinful, like murder, homosexuality, rape, etc., to keep people from sinning and going to Hell. .. :cool:

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The Bible says God hates sin and it's a Preacher's duty to point out things that are sinful, like murder, homosexuality, rape, etc., to keep people from sinning and going to Hell. .. :cool:

Of course God hates sin but He does not discriminate between Straights and Gays when it comes to sin. What He considers sinful is Promiscuity, not sexual orientation which He, being omniscient knows people were born with. What you say above is inherently wrong as Same-sex oriented individuals are not sinful people unless they become promiscuous just like their Straight counterparts.
The Bible in the O.T. portion, God says the sin of sodomy is an abomination and that sodomites are to be stoned to death.

Kinda difficult to get around that but I'm sure you will try. .. :cool:
Men and women of God should have Love in their heart instead of hate. What some feel is their teaching the flock to avoid sin is actually causing many to turn to hate and children to turn to suicide when they see they are objects of hate instead of love. Some preachers are taking certain Scriptures and trying to berate the flock by using them inappropriately to justify their hate, intolerance, discrimination, bigotry and high prejudice but those Scriptures are actually speaking to other things and not to condemn same-sex oriented individuals who were born that way. Hate cannot ever be a family value! Churches that are hate-tolerant are not with God nor with Jesus Christ who taught us to Love Your Neighbor As Yourself and not to be judgmental. When you run into these disciples of hate, Run as far away as you can. You are a Child of God who deserves far better than to learn a False Doctrine of hate and intolerance. We pray that one day soon those who are called to do God's work will truly do God's work with pure love instead of doing the work that greatly pleases the anti-Christ.

Do not allow hate disguised as love to overtake you because even Satan can disguise himself as an angel of light. Remember that where hate exists Love cannot co-exist.

"And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light."​
-- 2 CORINTHIANS 11:14 (KJV)​

Kill Gays seems to be the mindset of some Christians. Isn't that sad?

Bible's filled with commandments to murder and hate. If not Jewish you're killable. If it isn't a Jewish synagogue it's burnable. All the atrocities of the Bible neatly compiled in one place.

Two of my personal faves below:

Kill Women Who Are Not Virgins On Their Wedding Night

But if this charge is true (that she wasn't a virgin on her wedding night), and evidence of the girls virginity is not found, they shall bring the girl to the entrance of her fathers house and there her townsman shall stone her to death, because she committed a crime against Israel by her unchasteness in her father's house. Thus shall you purge the evil from your midst. (Deuteronomy 22:20-21 NAB)

Kill Followers of Other Religions.

1) If your own full brother, or your son or daughter, or your beloved wife, or you intimate friend, entices you secretly to serve other gods, whom you and your fathers have not known, gods of any other nations, near at hand or far away, from one end of the earth to the other: do not yield to him or listen to him, nor look with pity upon him, to spare or shield him, but kill him. Your hand shall be the first raised to slay him; the rest of the people shall join in with you. You shall stone him to death, because he sought to lead you astray from the Lord, your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, that place of slavery. And all Israel, hearing of this, shall fear and never do such evil as this in your midst. (Deuteronomy 13:7-12 NAB)

Murder in the Bible
Men and women of God should have Love in their heart instead of hate. What some feel is their teaching the flock to avoid sin is actually causing many to turn to hate and children to turn to suicide when they see they are objects of hate instead of love. Some preachers are taking certain Scriptures and trying to berate the flock by using them inappropriately to justify their hate, intolerance, discrimination, bigotry and high prejudice but those Scriptures are actually speaking to other things and not to condemn same-sex oriented individuals who were born that way. Hate cannot ever be a family value! Churches that are hate-tolerant are not with God nor with Jesus Christ who taught us to Love Your Neighbor As Yourself and not to be judgmental. When you run into these disciples of hate, Run as far away as you can. You are a Child of God who deserves far better than to learn a False Doctrine of hate and intolerance. We pray that one day soon those who are called to do God's work will truly do God's work with pure love instead of doing the work that greatly pleases the anti-Christ.

Do not allow hate disguised as love to overtake you because even Satan can disguise himself as an angel of light. Remember that where hate exists Love cannot co-exist.

"And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light."​
-- 2 CORINTHIANS 11:14 (KJV)​

Kill Gays seems to be the mindset of some Christians. Isn't that sad?

Bible's filled with commandments to murder and hate. If not Jewish you're killable. If it isn't a Jewish synagogue it's burnable. All the atrocities of the Bible neatly compiled in one place.

Two of my personal faves below:

Kill Women Who Are Not Virgins On Their Wedding Night

But if this charge is true (that she wasn't a virgin on her wedding night), and evidence of the girls virginity is not found, they shall bring the girl to the entrance of her fathers house and there her townsman shall stone her to death, because she committed a crime against Israel by her unchasteness in her father's house. Thus shall you purge the evil from your midst. (Deuteronomy 22:20-21 NAB)

Kill Followers of Other Religions.

1) If your own full brother, or your son or daughter, or your beloved wife, or you intimate friend, entices you secretly to serve other gods, whom you and your fathers have not known, gods of any other nations, near at hand or far away, from one end of the earth to the other: do not yield to him or listen to him, nor look with pity upon him, to spare or shield him, but kill him. Your hand shall be the first raised to slay him; the rest of the people shall join in with you. You shall stone him to death, because he sought to lead you astray from the Lord, your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, that place of slavery. And all Israel, hearing of this, shall fear and never do such evil as this in your midst. (Deuteronomy 13:7-12 NAB)

Murder in the Bible

And people with primitive reptilian like "brains" think every world is "inspired" by a sky god, gee wonder why we have all these wars :eusa_whistle: my sky fairy is better then your sky fairy
Thou shalt not kill, would take care of that problem straight up if we'd listen........
Torch, I know a lot of Christians but don't know any that hate homosexuals. I know that there are some out there though.
A preacher is not to add to what God said, or remove it. He cannot rescind or embellish. If a preacher acknowledges homosexuality as a sin, it is because it is contrary to what Christians believe, which is that Adam and Eve represent God's family structure. What may be politically correct does not alter the word of God, and should not alter a house of God.
But if a preacher tell us to hate homosexuals or kill them, then run from that church.
Hate is a sin.

On the other hand. Blink. The time it takes you to do that is the amount of our eternity we spend in this condition, on earth. Where sin is concerned, if thy right eye offend thee pluck it out, means it would be better to be without an eye for such a short time period than to risk your salvation.
That applies to sin.

I can and should love you regardless of any of your actions. That is my responsibility toward you as your sister. And to warn you if I believe the rest of your eternity may be in jeopardy. And to be compassionate.
Your relationship with God is your relationship. My relationship with you is through Jesus Christ. There is no hate in Him.
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Torch, I know a lot of Christians but don't know any that hate homosexuals. I know that there are some out there though.
A preacher is not to add to what God said, or remove it. He cannot rescind or embellish. If a preacher acknowledges homosexuality as a sin, it is because it is contrary to what Christians believe, which is that Adam and Eve represent God's family structure. What may be politically correct does not alter the word of God, and should not alter a house of God.
But if a preacher tell us to hate homosexuals or kill them, then run from that church.
Hate is a sin.

On the other hand. Blink. The time it takes you to do that is the amount of our eternity we spend in this condition, on earth. Where sin is concerned, if thy right eye offend thee pluck it out, means it would be better to be without an eye for such a short time period than to risk your salvation.
That applies to sin.

I can and should love you regardless of any of your actions. That is my responsibility toward you as your sister. And to warn you if I believe the rest of your eternity may be in jeopardy. And to be compassionate.
Your relationship with God is your relationship. My relationship with you is through Jesus Christ. There is no hate in Him.
Hi Ram, I understand what you're saying and the main point in my posting is about hate vs. love with so-called "religious" people. You know the saying "The road to Hell is paved with good intentions." and that is exactly where these rogue preachers are headed with the hate they spew forth in their diatribes that only serves to confuse people and cause real harm to others. There are many vulnerable people in the world today who hear things like a preacher preaching hate and they go into a panic believing him word for word and it can cause real damage to an otherwise good person.

Likewise, the hate children hear about religion condemning them is causing them Major Harm! There are so many cases I have heard of where children still in school are being bullied because they are Gay or Lesbian. Consequently, they cannot take that anymore and decide the only way out is to commit suicide. Yet society as a whole continues to perpetuate that thought pattern of hate and intolerance through their complacency of such actions. That is wrong and every time I hear about a child taking their own life because their parents, school mates or others found out they were Gay or Lesbian and started bullying them and then their parents had them thrown out of the house and the kids couldn't cope with that, it literally just gets right to the core of my being in a very profound way. That is why I decided that I would not be part of the problem by remaining silent but rather part of the solution thus my support of justice for those who have been so marginalized.

Soon I will present a section on the suicides that are taking place all over and the hate crimes being committed against GLBT citizens because of who they are and who they love. And the sad part about all that is that most of the haters are from the right, yes, those who purport to be aligned with religion. That's why it's so sad. And one does not have to be of a same-sex orientation in order to support it. As I have said before there were many Whites in the Fifties and early Sixties who fully supported the Black cause for their civil rights. Had it not been that way and President Johnson, a White president, who ultimately signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, those poor folks would still be in limbo. Even today they are not completely free of that stigma as there are still many haters around.

But we must all work together to end that. Discrimination is Discrimination no matter where it comes from or from whom. Where hate and intolerance is present Love cannot exist. Conversely, were Love is present hate cannot exist. I simply refuse to be part of the hater group against any individual such as to think myself to be superior over another human being. That is wrong, just plain wrong. I hope you now understand my position better in becoming involved in this movement for their civil and human rights that these citizens so rightfully deserve.

I will close with this famous quote from Martin Niemoller.

“First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out because I was not a communist;
Then they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out because I was not a socialist;
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist;
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew;
Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.” -- Martin Niemoller
Likewise, the hate children hear about religion condemning them is causing them Major Harm! There are so many cases I have heard of where children still in school are being bullied because they are Gay or Lesbian. Consequently, they cannot take that anymore and decide the only way out is to commit suicide. Yet society as a whole continues to perpetuate that thought pattern of hate and intolerance through their complacency of such actions. That is wrong and every time I hear about a child taking their own life because their parents, school mates or others found out they were Gay or Lesbian and started bullying them and then their parents had them thrown out of the house and the kids couldn't cope with that, it literally just gets right to the core of my being in a very profound way.
Children that adapt the homo lifestyle are causing their own problems.

And it's not the fault of other kids if they end their life.

They only have themselves to blame. .. :cool:
The Bible says God hates sin and it's a Preacher's duty to point out things that are sinful, like murder, homosexuality, rape, etc., to keep people from sinning and going to Hell. .. :cool:


The Bible is nothing more than a dusty old Arab story book and I defy anyone to prove me wrong.

There are only two pathways to world peace: Kill all independent thought, or tolerance.
Love Thy Neighbor. - To death, if necessary.​

When it comes to the unprovable, like God, Origins, Destiny and Afterlife, tolerant Monkeys are Monkeys who're willing to admit that there is a possibility - however remote - that what they believe about the unprovable subjects may be wrong.

A willingness to admit that nobody, including you, truly KNOWS how life started, or what happens to the software that drives our flesh when it dies is not a sign of weak faith, it's merely an admission that faith in those very personal decisions is required.
Likewise, the hate children hear about religion condemning them is causing them Major Harm! There are so many cases I have heard of where children still in school are being bullied because they are Gay or Lesbian. Consequently, they cannot take that anymore and decide the only way out is to commit suicide. Yet society as a whole continues to perpetuate that thought pattern of hate and intolerance through their complacency of such actions. That is wrong and every time I hear about a child taking their own life because their parents, school mates or others found out they were Gay or Lesbian and started bullying them and then their parents had them thrown out of the house and the kids couldn't cope with that, it literally just gets right to the core of my being in a very profound way.
Children that adapt the homo lifestyle are causing their own problems.

And it's not the fault of other kids if they end their life.

They only have themselves to blame. .. :cool:
That antiquated theory that children "adapt" to that lifestyle or formally adopt it won't fly. Children, especially, know at a very early age if they are Gay or Lesbian. They have even informed their parents at a very early age that they are or feel somewhat different about who they are attracted to. How dare you try to blame children who are of a same-sex orientation for the demise that befalls them when they come in contact with bigots, haters (like you), and other prejudiced people. They are young and impressionable and when they don't see the love that should be ever present in their young life they become desperate and feel all that is left is suicide and often take that most unfortunate step but all because schools, teachers, friends, parents and others do not take the proper steps to tell them that they are still Loved no matter who they are. Absent that, their young minds are incapable of realizing that there's nothing to worry about in being Gay or Lesbian and that the hate that is in the world is so pervasive but can be countered with good education programs for those who are so ignorant and mal-informed about same-sex orientation. But I don't expect for you to understand. To be able to would take a person with the capacity to see things clearly without prejudice and a heart capable of loving another neither of which you apparently have.
Men and women of God should have Love in their heart instead of hate. What some feel is their teaching the flock to avoid sin is actually causing many to turn to hate and children to turn to suicide when they see they are objects of hate instead of love. Some preachers are taking certain Scriptures and trying to berate the flock by using them inappropriately to justify their hate, intolerance, discrimination, bigotry and high prejudice but those Scriptures are actually speaking to other things and not to condemn same-sex oriented individuals who were born that way. Hate cannot ever be a family value! Churches that are hate-tolerant are not with God nor with Jesus Christ who taught us to Love Your Neighbor As Yourself and not to be judgmental. When you run into these disciples of hate, Run as far away as you can. You are a Child of God who deserves far better than to learn a False Doctrine of hate and intolerance. We pray that one day soon those who are called to do God's work will truly do God's work with pure love instead of doing the work that greatly pleases the anti-Christ.

Do not allow hate disguised as love to overtake you because even Satan can disguise himself as an angel of light. Remember that where hate exists Love cannot co-exist.

"And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light."​
-- 2 CORINTHIANS 11:14 (KJV)​

Kill Gays seems to be the mindset of some Christians. Isn't that sad?

Free speech is a bitch, isn't it?
Likewise, the hate children hear about religion condemning them is causing them Major Harm! There are so many cases I have heard of where children still in school are being bullied because they are Gay or Lesbian. Consequently, they cannot take that anymore and decide the only way out is to commit suicide. Yet society as a whole continues to perpetuate that thought pattern of hate and intolerance through their complacency of such actions. That is wrong and every time I hear about a child taking their own life because their parents, school mates or others found out they were Gay or Lesbian and started bullying them and then their parents had them thrown out of the house and the kids couldn't cope with that, it literally just gets right to the core of my being in a very profound way.
Children that adapt the homo lifestyle are causing their own problems.

And it's not the fault of other kids if they end their life.

They only have themselves to blame. .. :cool:
That antiquated theory that children "adapt" to that lifestyle or formally adopt it won't fly. Children, especially, know at a very early age if they are Gay or Lesbian. They have even informed their parents at a very early age that they are or feel somewhat different about who they are attracted to. How dare you try to blame children who are of a same-sex orientation for the demise that befalls them when they come in contact with bigots, haters (like you), and other prejudiced people. They are young and impressionable and when they don't see the love that should be ever present in their young life they become desperate and feel all that is left is suicide and often take that most unfortunate step but all because schools, teachers, friends, parents and others do not take the proper steps to tell them that they are still Loved no matter who they are. Absent that, their young minds are incapable of realizing that there's nothing to worry about in being Gay or Lesbian and that the hate that is in the world is so pervasive but can be countered with good education programs for those who are so ignorant and mal-informed about same-sex orientation. But I don't expect for you to understand. To be able to would take a person with the capacity to see things clearly without prejudice and a heart capable of loving another neither of which you apparently have.
It's better that homo kids check out of life early on.

Instead of suffering through a miserable life of mental illness, physical perversion, and all sorts of infectious diseases leading to a horrible death. .. :doubt:

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