Predict tomorrow's results in Alabama

Who wins in Alabama tomorrow?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I think Moore is going to win because he has a slight lead in the polls and because I suspect that the polls are biased against him because a lot of people that are voting for him don't want to talk about it.
Dems. I cannot believe that the People of Alabama are going to elect an alleged Child Molester to represent them in the United States Senate.
No fuckin' clue. I think either Moore wins in a very close contest, or it's a Jones landslide. I think we'll see results similar to the Governor's race in VA. But who knows?
Blowout for Roy Moore. Not even close.

Democrats will rejoice. Win/win election for them.
Sadly, i had to go with the Dems. Looks like they got this seat stolen. It's the most heinous political lynching in US history. I honestly didn't believe the Democrats would ever stoop as low as accusing someone of being a 'Child Rapist', to steal a Senate Seat. I was obviously very naive on that. So, they'll likely get their seat. But i hope it comes back to haunt them someday. What they did to that man is absolutely unforgivable.
I'm gonna guess that there are people who won't admit that they're going to vote for Roy to pollsters, but will when it matters. Kinda like 2016.

So you may want to bet on the Dem, I'm horrible at this stuff.

So we should call you "The Mush" from now on?
Sadly, i had to go with the Dems. Looks like they got this seat stolen. It's the most heinous political lynching in US history. I honestly didn't believe the Democrats would ever stoop as low as accusing someone of being a 'Child Rapist', to steal a Senate Seat. I was obviously very naive on that. So, they'll likely get their seat. But i hope it comes back to haunt them someday. What they did to that man is absolutely unforgivable.

So you don't think the accusations against Moore are true? Why don't you think so?
Sadly, i had to go with the Dems. Looks like they got this seat stolen. It's the most heinous political lynching in US history. I honestly didn't believe the Democrats would ever stoop as low as accusing someone of being a 'Child Rapist', to steal a Senate Seat. I was obviously very naive on that. So, they'll likely get their seat. But i hope it comes back to haunt them someday. What they did to that man is absolutely unforgivable.
I believe that Moore did date legal aged teenagers when he was in his thirties.....enough to consider it a fact. This fact makes him vulnerable to the allegations of behaving inappropriately with younger teens.
Sadly, i had to go with the Dems. Looks like they got this seat stolen. It's the most heinous political lynching in US history. I honestly didn't believe the Democrats would ever stoop as low as accusing someone of being a 'Child Rapist', to steal a Senate Seat. I was obviously very naive on that. So, they'll likely get their seat. But i hope it comes back to haunt them someday. What they did to that man is absolutely unforgivable.

You mean the guy who thinks homosexuality should be illegal, religious discrimination is fine (but only against Muslims), and that women should stay in the kitchen and away from the polling booth?

Yeah, he was such a great guy before all these sexual misconduct stories came out.

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