Predict tomorrow's results in Alabama

Who wins in Alabama tomorrow?

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In Alabama, an attorney such as judge Moore knew the following:

Section 13A-6-66 Sexual abuse in the first degree. (a) A person commits the crime of sexual abuse in the first degree if:

(1) He subjects another person to sexual contact by forcible compulsion; or

(2) He subjects another person to sexual contact who is incapable of consent by reason of being physically helpless or mentally incapacitated; or

(3) He, being 16 years old or older, subjects another person to sexual contact who is less than 12 years old. (b) Sexual abuse in the first degree is a Class C felony. (Acts 1977, No. 607, p. 812, §2320.) ********************************************

LESS THAN 12 YEARS OLD!!! Wow, who wrote this bit of foolishness.

I suspect other statutes apply to people between 12 and 16.

It's not untypical for there to be higher grade crimes focused on younger victims
Funny how when it was widely alleged by many credible sources that Obama was not a natural born American citizen qualified to hold office as president, the Left said:
PSHAW! Where's the proof?!

Exactly, because you lacked any witnesses, accounts, paperwork, anything to prove your argument. All you had was innuendo. And that's all you have today.

And when Bill Clinton was widely alleged by many credible sources to have attacked, molested, even raped numerous women, not to mention sold many secrets to the Chinese, the Left said: PSHAW! Where's the proof?!

Whatabout your whataboutism? How come you feel the compulsion to whatabout? What about that? Is it because you can't reconcile the hideousness of what you support so your ego needs the boost by dragging down others? What gives?

This is just a tactic by the Russian-backed trolls to divert away from their own lack of morality.

And when Hillary was widely alleged to have left Americans to die in Libya, given our uranium to the Russians, cheated on the 2016 election and carelessly flaunted our nation's top secrets on a private server in her closet under the protection of her friends in the FBI and Justice Dept., the Left said:
PSHAW! Where's the proof?!

Right now, Jared Kushner is using a private e-mail server to conduct government business. Ivanka too. Your outrage? Non-Existent.
I'm siding with this guy! He knows winners!

You have a terrible habit of putting words in people's mouths, it seems.

Well, look, you're trying to pass off groping as no big deal, or something that's not as bad as actual penetration. Even when underage girls are the victims.

I'm saying that's a pretty shitty distinction to make and doesn't help your cause because it ends up making you look like a monster as well...mansplaining what is rape and what isn't.

People can decide for themselves what they believe to be acceptable and what they believe to be crossing a line. If we considered groping to be the same as rape, then anyone who ever blacked out and got handsy would be a rapist. Which would probably constitute a solid 30 - 40% of the adult population, including a sizable chunk of women. Anyone with a lick of common sense can see how stupid that would be.

No. People don't get to make that decision for themselves. That's not how it works. And if you're saying that 30-40% of people grope each other, then you're making the argument that it's institutional. Is that your intent?

Uh, what?

No. Seriously. Go back and read again. It feels like smashing one's head into a brick wall, trying to get through to you.

No, what's happening is that you're finding your position is become less and less tenable as you defend it, so that manifests itself in the acts of Dunning-Kruger like you're trying here.

I'm not the problem...the problem is your flexible and fluid morality. Don't blame me for your argument's shortcomings.
Dems. I cannot believe that the People of Alabama are going to elect an alleged Child Molester to represent them in the United States Senate.

Just be happy that it wasn't his sister. Remember this is Alabama that we're talkin' 'bout.
How can you not see the distinction between groping and rape?

It doesn't matter when it comes to the victims. In both cases, they're victimized. I don't see why you think it's a distinction to even make unless you were trying to justify it for some other reason...
Sadly, i had to go with the Dems. Looks like they got this seat stolen. It's the most heinous political lynching in US history. I honestly didn't believe the Democrats would ever stoop as low as accusing someone of being a 'Child Rapist', to steal a Senate Seat. I was obviously very naive on that. So, they'll likely get their seat. But i hope it comes back to haunt them someday. What they did to that man is absolutely unforgivable.

I agree, I wouldn't believe the Democrats would ever stoop as low as FALSELY accusing someone of being a 'Child Rapist'. That's more typical of the GOP.

Or did we forget 'bout Hillary running the child slavery ring from a pizza parlor?
You have a terrible habit of putting words in people's mouths, it seems.

Well, look, you're trying to pass off groping as no big deal, or something that's not as bad as actual penetration. Even when underage girls are the victims.

I'm saying that's a pretty shitty distinction to make and doesn't help your cause because it ends up making you look like a monster as well...mansplaining what is rape and what isn't.

People can decide for themselves what they believe to be acceptable and what they believe to be crossing a line. If we considered groping to be the same as rape, then anyone who ever blacked out and got handsy would be a rapist. Which would probably constitute a solid 30 - 40% of the adult population, including a sizable chunk of women. Anyone with a lick of common sense can see how stupid that would be.

No. People don't get to make that decision for themselves. That's not how it works. And if you're saying that 30-40% of people grope each other, then you're making the argument that it's institutional. Is that your intent?

Uh, what?

No. Seriously. Go back and read again. It feels like smashing one's head into a brick wall, trying to get through to you.

No, what's happening is that you're finding your position is become less and less tenable as you defend it, so that manifests itself in the acts of Dunning-Kruger like you're trying here.

I'm not the problem...the problem is your flexible and fluid morality. Don't blame me for your argument's shortcomings.

My argument is quite simple.

Groping is one thing.

Rape is another.

Both become sexual assault IF REPORTED

Rape is far more serious than other sex crimes.

Here's what I want you to do. Sit down with one woman who had her ass grabbed at the bar and another woman who was viciously gang-raped in a dark alleyway. Then tell them, "You ladies both suffered the same thing. You were both raped."

And then tell me how the woman who was actually raped reacts to that statement.

The underaged/child part takes it to yet another level of seriousness, but that's not what I'm talking about. The question was, did Roy Moore rape anyone. The answer is, no he did not.

What you are finding so difficult to understand about this is beyond my mortal ability to fathom.
The only chance Jones has is if an awful lot of conservatives just don't vote.

This is a distinct possibility. They sure aren't going to vote for a Democrat, but they just may decide not to make the effort to go out and vote for Moore.

It's pretty easy to find a reason to not vote.
Funny how when it was widely alleged by many credible sources that Obama was not a natural born American citizen qualified to hold office as president, the Left said:
PSHAW! Where's the proof?!

Exactly, because you lacked any witnesses, accounts, paperwork, anything to prove your argument. All you had was innuendo. And that's all you have today.

You mean just like all of the Moore and Trump accusers, eh?
Roy Moore is a child molester and the pseudocons and Donald Trump are perfectly okay with it.
"It's okay as long as you diddled a kid a long time ago!"
Millions of his fellow child molesters will vote for him tomorrow. Watch and see.

You keep riding on this false platform of your belief that RM is guilty....with NO PROOF.

So, "A woman", who happens to hate all Republicans btw, "SAYS" that 38 years ago an older man (she today identifies as Roy Moore) allegedly touched her inappropriately. NOTHING about this for 38 years....and suddenly her moral compass directs her to "spill the beans".
She's a registered Democrat for one. But this "model" of defeating Republicans isn't's a well known Leftist tactic to destroy the opposition. It's not like the world is still unaware of this cowardly and evil tactic.
Leigh Corfman has very questionable past

But since she "said it", you stand behind that as fact.......proof not needed.
And you then go on to make ridiculous claims that the entire rightwing is hooked on pedophilia.

People who willfully do this are irrational and/or have sick agendas
Here's what I want you to do. Sit down with one woman who had her ass grabbed at the bar and another woman who was viciously gang-raped in a dark alleyway. Then tell them, "You ladies both suffered the same thing. You were both raped."

I'm betting they'll both say they were raped. You're the one trying to make a distinction between the two. Why? Who fucking knows.
You mean just like all of the Moore and Trump accusers, eh?

Eyewitness and first-person accounts aren't innuendo. You either don't know what innuendo is, or you're pretending you don't. In either case, you suck.
You have a terrible habit of putting words in people's mouths, it seems.

Well, look, you're trying to pass off groping as no big deal, or something that's not as bad as actual penetration. Even when underage girls are the victims.

I'm saying that's a pretty shitty distinction to make and doesn't help your cause because it ends up making you look like a monster as well...mansplaining what is rape and what isn't.

People can decide for themselves what they believe to be acceptable and what they believe to be crossing a line. If we considered groping to be the same as rape, then anyone who ever blacked out and got handsy would be a rapist. Which would probably constitute a solid 30 - 40% of the adult population, including a sizable chunk of women. Anyone with a lick of common sense can see how stupid that would be.

No. People don't get to make that decision for themselves. That's not how it works. And if you're saying that 30-40% of people grope each other, then you're making the argument that it's institutional. Is that your intent?

Uh, what?

No. Seriously. Go back and read again. It feels like smashing one's head into a brick wall, trying to get through to you.

No, what's happening is that you're finding your position is become less and less tenable as you defend it, so that manifests itself in the acts of Dunning-Kruger like you're trying here.

I'm not the problem...the problem is your flexible and fluid morality. Don't blame me for your argument's shortcomings.

My argument is quite simple.

Groping is one thing.

Rape is another.

Both become sexual assault IF REPORTED

Rape is far more serious than other sex crimes.

Here's what I want you to do. Sit down with one woman who had her ass grabbed at the bar and another woman who was viciously gang-raped in a dark alleyway. Then tell them, "You ladies both suffered the same thing. You were both raped."

And then tell me how the woman who was actually raped reacts to that statement.

The underaged/child part takes it to yet another level of seriousness, but that's not what I'm talking about. The question was, did Roy Moore rape anyone. The answer is, no he did not.

What you are finding so difficult to understand about this is beyond my mortal ability to fathom.

But of course, Conservatives were arguing about 5 years ago that there are degrees of rape...some of the time, those women aren't "forcibly raped". Surely you remember Todd Akin and the GOP position of what constitutes rape?

Can we all just agree that sexual assault of any kind is intolerable, and there's no need to distinguish the severity of it?

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