Predict tomorrow's results in Alabama

Who wins in Alabama tomorrow?

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See, after getting their asses kicked by Obama, twice, the Republican Party had a crisis of conscience. And they decided they should probably clean house and get back to principles.

That lasted about five seconds.

Then they decided they needed to get even dirtier. They decided to become as sick and corrupt as the Democrats.

And that opened the gate wide for a scumbag huckster with no conscience to sail in and take over.
Thorny subject. But I think forced penetration and/or forced oral sex is quite clearly rape. Anything else is questionable. If we're trying to be precise, here.

You're the one trying to be precise here, not me. You realize you're establishing a standard now that is going to be used against you in this thread. So in your mind, unless there's "penetration", there's no's just "groping" which is A-OK by you and shouldn't disqualify anyone, even if the groping was of children and pre-teens?

I mean, if we're going to start calling groping "rape", then I myself have been raped by many a drunk woman at the bar. Can't believe I ever recovered from all those rapes. Shiver-me-timbers ...

So when a woman is in a bar and she's being groped, she's not being assaulted because it's not your definition of rape?

Yes. Unless there's penetration OF SOME KIND, it's not rape. Except maybe in certain unusual circumstances that aren't jumping readily to mind.

I didn't say groping was "a-OK", and I didn't say groping can't be construed as sexual assault.

This is not a black and white issue. There are varying degrees of severity, like in most things. See, with those women in the bar, I didn't really care. If I wanted to make a big deal out of it, I could have possibly gotten them in trouble (though I'd have been regarded as a massive twat). To sit there and try to equate what they did (Groping, IE grabbing me in sensitive places, in these particular cases, without my consent) to being held down and viciously raped is just despicable to me.
Roy Moore molested a 14 year old, PERIOD.

With the assumption that the allegation is indeed true. And? What's your point? I'm not disputing that.

And anyone who votes for a child molester is one sick motherfucker.

You actually needed this explained to you!?!?!
Thorny subject. But I think forced penetration and/or forced oral sex is quite clearly rape. Anything else is questionable. If we're trying to be precise, here.

You're the one trying to be precise here, not me. You realize you're establishing a standard now that is going to be used against you in this thread. So in your mind, unless there's "penetration", there's no's just "groping" which is A-OK by you and shouldn't disqualify anyone, even if the groping was of children and pre-teens?

I mean, if we're going to start calling groping "rape", then I myself have been raped by many a drunk woman at the bar. Can't believe I ever recovered from all those rapes. Shiver-me-timbers ...

So when a woman is in a bar and she's being groped, she's not being assaulted because it's not your definition of rape?

Yes. Unless there's penetration OF SOME KIND, it's not rape. Except maybe in certain unusual circumstances that aren't jumping readily to mind.

I didn't say groping was "a-OK", and I didn't say groping can't be construed as sexual assault.

This is not a black and white issue. There are varying degrees of severity, like in most things. See, with those women in the bar, I didn't really care. If I wanted to make a big deal out of it, I could have possibly gotten them in trouble (though I'd have been regarded as a massive twat). To sit there and try to equate what they did (Groping, IE grabbing me in sensitive places, in these particular cases, without my consent) to being held down and viciously raped is just despicable to me.
Roy Moore molested a 14 year old, PERIOD.

With the assumption that the allegation is indeed true. And? What's your point? I'm not disputing that.

And anyone who votes for a child molester is one sick motherfucker.

You actually needed this explained to you!?!?!

Relax. We're not talking about the same things.
Thorny subject. But I think forced penetration and/or forced oral sex is quite clearly rape. Anything else is questionable. If we're trying to be precise, here.

You're the one trying to be precise here, not me. You realize you're establishing a standard now that is going to be used against you in this thread. So in your mind, unless there's "penetration", there's no's just "groping" which is A-OK by you and shouldn't disqualify anyone, even if the groping was of children and pre-teens?

I mean, if we're going to start calling groping "rape", then I myself have been raped by many a drunk woman at the bar. Can't believe I ever recovered from all those rapes. Shiver-me-timbers ...

So when a woman is in a bar and she's being groped, she's not being assaulted because it's not your definition of rape?

Yes. Unless there's penetration OF SOME KIND, it's not rape. Except maybe in certain unusual circumstances that aren't jumping readily to mind.

I didn't say groping was "a-OK", and I didn't say groping can't be construed as sexual assault.

This is not a black and white issue. There are varying degrees of severity, like in most things. See, with those women in the bar, I didn't really care. If I wanted to make a big deal out of it, I could have possibly gotten them in trouble (though I'd have been regarded as a massive twat). To sit there and try to equate what they did (Groping, IE grabbing me in sensitive places, in these particular cases, without my consent) to being held down and viciously raped is just despicable to me.

"(a) Any person who touches an intimate part of another person while that person is unlawfully restrained by the accused or an accomplice, and if the touching is against the will of the person touched and is for the purpose of sexual arousal, sexual gratification, or sexual abuse, is guilty of sexual battery. A violation of this subdivision is punishable by imprisonment in a county jail for not more than one year, and by a fine not exceeding two thousand dollars ($2,000); or by imprisonment in the state prison for two, three, or four years, and by a fine not exceeding ten thousand dollars ($10,000)"
CA Penal Code 243.4

LInk: Law section
Thorny subject. But I think forced penetration and/or forced oral sex is quite clearly rape. Anything else is questionable. If we're trying to be precise, here.

You're the one trying to be precise here, not me. You realize you're establishing a standard now that is going to be used against you in this thread. So in your mind, unless there's "penetration", there's no's just "groping" which is A-OK by you and shouldn't disqualify anyone, even if the groping was of children and pre-teens?

I mean, if we're going to start calling groping "rape", then I myself have been raped by many a drunk woman at the bar. Can't believe I ever recovered from all those rapes. Shiver-me-timbers ...

So when a woman is in a bar and she's being groped, she's not being assaulted because it's not your definition of rape?

Yes. Unless there's penetration OF SOME KIND, it's not rape. Except maybe in certain unusual circumstances that aren't jumping readily to mind.

I didn't say groping was "a-OK", and I didn't say groping can't be construed as sexual assault.

This is not a black and white issue. There are varying degrees of severity, like in most things. See, with those women in the bar, I didn't really care. If I wanted to make a big deal out of it, I could have possibly gotten them in trouble (though I'd have been regarded as a massive twat). To sit there and try to equate what they did (Groping, IE grabbing me in sensitive places, in these particular cases, without my consent) to being held down and viciously raped is just despicable to me.

"(a) Any person who touches an intimate part of another person while that person is unlawfully restrained by the accused or an accomplice, and if the touching is against the will of the person touched and is for the purpose of sexual arousal, sexual gratification, or sexual abuse, is guilty of sexual battery. A violation of this subdivision is punishable by imprisonment in a county jail for not more than one year, and by a fine not exceeding two thousand dollars ($2,000); or by imprisonment in the state prison for two, three, or four years, and by a fine not exceeding ten thousand dollars ($10,000)"
CA Penal Code 243.4

LInk: Law section

Key words: sexual battery.

Not forcible rape.

And that's CA, which I presume has a looser definition for sexual crimes than most.
Moore dated girls young enough to be his daughter. Jones supports killing babies. With a non-despicable candidate and no carpetbaggers coming into help the D out I would expect a D landslide. As is the Ds are doing a great job of electing Moore.
Anyone sane views the whole thing as simple as it actually is.
The decades old allegations made against Moore are without merit and or have been proven to be lies fabricated by the same corrupt people that rig their own elections.
Am I missing something?
No one has proven the girl Moore molested when she was a child is lying.

No one.

Fuckwad. desperate filthy fucks are hilarious.
I don't know what twisted, backward bullshit you Loons are used to but here the onus to "prove" lies with accuser and not with the accused. Where the fuck have you twisted bastards been and how don't know this?
What else can I teach your retarded ass?
I notice in your post there isn't a shred of evidence that Corfman lied.

Tards like you can't teach me a thing.

Let's try this again you twisted puke.
"the onus to "prove" lies with accuser and not with the accused."

This is elementary as fuck....Should I have my 11 year old nephew log in to further explain? Please advise.
No, you said she lied. That's YOUR claim.

You have not proven she lied about being molested.

Need more lessons in critical thinking? I'll be here all day.

I'm getting real tired of leading you disgusting lowlifes around by the nose for free....Let's do this again. PLEASE NOTE the; AND OR.
See, you ignorant wackos are so busy trying to spin a twist that you can't comprehend simple shit anymore.
"Anyone sane views the whole thing as simple as it actually is.
The decades old allegations made against Moore are without merit and or have been proven to be lies fabricated by the same corrupt people that rig their own elections."
No one has proven the girl Moore molested when she was a child is lying.

No one.

Fuckwad. desperate filthy fucks are hilarious.
I don't know what twisted, backward bullshit you Loons are used to but here the onus to "prove" lies with accuser and not with the accused. Where the fuck have you twisted bastards been and how don't know this?
What else can I teach your retarded ass?
I notice in your post there isn't a shred of evidence that Corfman lied.

Tards like you can't teach me a thing.

Let's try this again you twisted puke.
"the onus to "prove" lies with accuser and not with the accused."

This is elementary as fuck....Should I have my 11 year old nephew log in to further explain? Please advise.
No, you said she lied. That's YOUR claim.

You have not proven she lied about being molested.

Need more lessons in critical thinking? I'll be here all day.

I'm getting real tired of leading you disgusting lowlifes around by the nose for free....Let's do this again. PLEASE NOTE the; AND OR.
See, you ignorant wackos are so busy trying to spin a twist that you can't comprehend simple shit anymore.
"Anyone sane views the whole thing as simple as it actually is.
The decades old allegations made against Moore are without merit and or have been proven to be lies fabricated by the same corrupt people that rig their own elections."

Bro ... why don't you have a seat right over there?


And take your fucking chill pills.
In Alabama, an attorney such as judge Moore knew the following:

Section 13A-6-66 Sexual abuse in the first degree. (a) A person commits the crime of sexual abuse in the first degree if:

(1) He subjects another person to sexual contact by forcible compulsion; or

(2) He subjects another person to sexual contact who is incapable of consent by reason of being physically helpless or mentally incapacitated; or

(3) He, being 16 years old or older, subjects another person to sexual contact who is less than 12 years old. (b) Sexual abuse in the first degree is a Class C felony. (Acts 1977, No. 607, p. 812, §2320.) ********************************************

LESS THAN 12 YEARS OLD!!! Wow, who wrote this bit of foolishness.
The left are using rule number 5.

If they can successfully brand Moore a child predator based on several allegations that he dated legal aged teens and a couple of allegations that he sexually assaulted a couple of younger teens, then Moore will loose the election.

Trump was great at using rule number 5 to win his election. Lying Ted,Crooked Hillary were brands that stuck well enough to win the nomination and then the election for president.
I don't know what twisted, backward bullshit you Loons are used to but here the onus to "prove" lies with accuser and not with the accused.

The proof are their statements and witness accounts. Those are considered "proof" in a court of law.

If the accusations aren't true, why won't Moore sue?
The left are using rule number 5.

If they can successfully brand Moore a child predator based on several allegations that he dated legal aged teens and a couple of allegations that he sexually assaulted a couple of younger teens, then Moore will loose the election.

Trump was great at using rule number 5 to win his election. Lying Ted,Crooked Hillary were brands that stuck well enough to win the nomination and then the election for president.

I can almost guarantee Pelosi and Schumer secretly want Moore to win. The campaign material that would give them is worth way more than 1 senator.
Yes. Unless there's penetration OF SOME KIND, it's not rape. Except maybe in certain unusual circumstances that aren't jumping readily to mind.I didn't say groping was "a-OK", and I didn't say groping can't be construed as sexual assault.

Well, that seems to be the defense for the Moore supporters...that groping isn't rape. Like that's a distinction to make as a defense?

This is not a black and white issue. There are varying degrees of severity, like in most things. See, with those women in the bar, I didn't really care. If I wanted to make a big deal out of it, I could have possibly gotten them in trouble (though I'd have been regarded as a massive twat). To sit there and try to equate what they did (Groping, IE grabbing me in sensitive places, in these particular cases, without my consent) to being held down and viciously raped is just despicable to me.

So women who are groped should just get over it?
I don't know what twisted, backward bullshit you Loons are used to but here the onus to "prove" lies with accuser and not with the accused.

The proof are their statements and witness accounts. Those are considered "proof" in a court of law.

If the accusations aren't true, why won't Moore sue?

That would be considered circumstantial evidence....not proof.
Should I have my 11 year old nephew log in and further explain the differences to you?
Yes. Unless there's penetration OF SOME KIND, it's not rape. Except maybe in certain unusual circumstances that aren't jumping readily to mind.I didn't say groping was "a-OK", and I didn't say groping can't be construed as sexual assault.

Well, that seems to be the defense for the Moore supporters...that groping isn't rape. Like that's a distinction to make as a defense?

This is not a black and white issue. There are varying degrees of severity, like in most things. See, with those women in the bar, I didn't really care. If I wanted to make a big deal out of it, I could have possibly gotten them in trouble (though I'd have been regarded as a massive twat). To sit there and try to equate what they did (Groping, IE grabbing me in sensitive places, in these particular cases, without my consent) to being held down and viciously raped is just despicable to me.

So women who are groped should just get over it?

You have a terrible habit of putting words in people's mouths, it seems.

People can decide for themselves what they believe to be acceptable and what they believe to be crossing a line. If we considered groping to be the same as rape, then anyone who ever blacked out and got handsy would be a rapist. Which would probably constitute a solid 30 - 40% of the adult population, including a sizable chunk of women. Anyone with a lick of common sense can see how stupid that would be.
What say you?
I predicted a while ago that Roy Moore has a lock on the Child Molester voting bloc in Alabama. That's several million votes right there.

You'll see tomorrow.

You're probably right, but who knows? No one thought Northam would win by the margin he won in VA. No one thought Trump would win those swing states. No one thought Scott Brown had a shot in hell in MA.
I think this thing with Roy Moore has finally convinced me to de-register myself as a Republican. I just don't see any hope the party will ever come back to its roots any more. I think it has been so thoroughly corrupted by America-hating sickos that it is beyond redemption.

The last thing I want is for someone to mistake me as the kind of Republican who supports a scumbag like Donald Trump or a child molester.

Ronald Reagan explained his leaving the Democratic Party thus, "I didn't leave the Democratic Party, the Democratic Party left me." Well, I'm a Reagan Republican and the Republican Party has left Reagan and me.

I am going to change my registration to Independent.
Good for you. Independent is the way to go. Only problem is in some states you can't participate in the primaries.

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