Predict who you think is behind the Boston Terror Bombings

Let's see where the evidence points.
I think it will point in the direction of Iran.
Mind you, I don't believe Iran had anything to do with it. but it had to be either Iran or Korea.
Since the explosions were too small to be one of Little Kim's missiles, than by default it has to be Iran.
A certain little country has been trying to get us to go to war with them for about 10 years now.
Nothing they have said has worked, and America really doesn't care about Iran. This little country
had a real pr problem and they might have though blaming the bombing on Iran might play in their favor.
Atlanta and OKC and some abortion clinices.

Atlanta: Eric Rudolph said he prefers Neitzche to the Bible.

I would hate to break it to them that I really prefer Nietzsche to the Bible."[29]

Eric Rudolph - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

OKC: Timothy McVeigh was an agnostic.

Timothy McVeigh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Abortion clinices (sic):

Knopps issue was personal not religious:

Kopp started providing support to anti-abortion groups after his girlfriend underwent an abortion, and used his technical abilities to create special locks that protesters then used on the doors of abortion clinics.[2]

James Charles Kopp - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Roeder was a Schizophrenic:
After his arrest, Roeder's ex-wife, Lindsey Roeder, claimed that Roeder had been suffering from mental illness and that about the age of 20 he was diagnosed with possible schizophrenia, but she offered her own diagnosis of bipolar disorder.[34]

Griffin didn't bomb anythng. He shot a doctor:

Griffin (at the time 31 years old) waited outside Gunn's clinic and shot him three times in the back.

Murder of David Gunn - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Knight didn't bomb anything either and it was in Australia, not the US:

Peter James Knight (born 1 January 1954) is a pro-life activist who shot dead a security guard in an Australian abortion clinic

Peter James Knight - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Paul Jennings Hill is the only one with any ties to anything 'Christian' - the Army of God, fragmented, disassociated fringe group in which the members have never even met one another.

Paul Jennings Hill - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

National Abortion Federation: Clinic Violence: Army of God

Keep grasping at straws to spread your hatred.

Doesn't work, kid. All of them are considered on the far right or anarcho libertarian. They are not lefties. Religion has nothing to do with it.
I thought it'd be interesting to start a thread about who we think are behind the bombings.

I personally think it's a domestic terrorist. The significance of the date (Tax Day, Patriot's Day in Boston) seems like a major tell. We're also only four days away from the Waco and OKC bombings. I believe we're going to hear about a small cell of domestic terrorists (two to eight people) who are responsible for these bombings. I believe it's this because the bombings fit a domestic's terrorist's profile more than a foreign enemy. The bombings were small and amateurish. Also there's a lot of rumors that the Boston PD found as many thirteen to fifteen exploded bombs in the area.

I also think we'll learn that the authorities had prior knowledge as there's a lot of buzz online about significant Boston PD presence before hand and their rapid response.

Could have a tie in with the sinking of the Titanic
I thought it'd be interesting to start a thread about who we think are behind the bombings.

I personally think it's a domestic terrorist. The significance of the date (Tax Day, Patriot's Day in Boston) seems like a major tell. We're also only four days away from the Waco and OKC bombings. I believe we're going to hear about a small cell of domestic terrorists (two to eight people) who are responsible for these bombings. I believe it's this because the bombings fit a domestic's terrorist's profile more than a foreign enemy. The bombings were small and amateurish. Also there's a lot of rumors that the Boston PD found as many thirteen to fifteen exploded bombs in the area.

I also think we'll learn that the authorities had prior knowledge as there's a lot of buzz online about significant Boston PD presence before hand and their rapid response.

Could have a tie in with the sinking of the Titanic

There would really be a movie in that.
I'm guessing student aged (approx. 16yo or >) home grown nut cases. Supposedly bombs found in knapsacks , pressure cooker container, nails, pellets,(bb's), white smoke, indicating not a sophisticated or hard to come by explosive. I'm thinking on the lines of someone like the Atlanta Olympics bomber or Columbine profile.
I'm guessing student aged (approx. 16yo or >) home grown nut cases. Supposedly bombs found in knapsacks , pressure cooker container, nails, pellets,(bb's), white smoke, indicating not a sophisticated or hard to come by explosive. I'm thinking on the lines of someone like the Atlanta Olympics bomber or Columbine profile.

Pressure cookers......................

So maybe it was a woman.

No, no, kidding, it was certainly no woman.
The modus operandi, that is, the use of multiple bombs in a public place, with the intent to cause extensive damage, suggests Al-Qaeda or probably a small cell of home grown Islamic Al-Qaeda inspired extremists from the area.

This is all speculation of course.

An expert on Al-Qaeda said that it did not appear to be their style and was more likely domestic.
Yeah, and another expert who was the FBI's chief explosive experts for many years, stated just a couple of hours ago, that Al qaeda published the instructions to make pressure cooker bombs on their website and in their Jihadi magazine, and that they've used them in many bombings in the middle east.

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I'm guessing student aged (approx. 16yo or >) home grown nut cases. Supposedly bombs found in knapsacks , pressure cooker container, nails, pellets,(bb's), white smoke, indicating not a sophisticated or hard to come by explosive. I'm thinking on the lines of someone like the Atlanta Olympics bomber or Columbine profile.

Pressure cookers......................

So maybe it was a woman.

No, no, kidding, it was certainly no woman.
Ya' sure about that?

Where were lefties Bernadine Dorn or Sarah Jane Olsen when this shit was going down?
Saudis - again...
Authorities ID person of interest as Saudi national in marathon bombings, under guard at Boston hospital
April 15, 2013 - Investigators have a suspect — a Saudi Arabian national — in the horrific Boston Marathon bombings, The Post has learned.
Law enforcement sources said the 20-year-old suspect was under guard at an undisclosed Boston hospital. Fox News reported that the suspect suffered severe burns.

It was not immediately clear why the man was hospitalized and whether he was injured in the attack or in his apprehension. The man was caught less than two hours after the 2:50 p.m. bombing on the finish line of the race, in the heart of Boston.


Police clear the area at the finish line of the 2013 Boston Marathon.

In addition, Boston police have surveillance video of someone bringing multiple backpacks to the blast site, according to CBS News. Police also confirmed that there was a third explosion, at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum. It was not immediately clear how much damage was done or whether it was related to the bombings at the marathon finish line.

The library bombing occurred about 4:30 p.m. and more than a mile from the marathon. A law enforcement source confirmed to The Post that 12 people were killed and nearly 50 were injured in today's blast.

Authorities ID person of interest as Saudi national in marathon bombings, under guard at Boston hospital -

This has been confirmed numerous times that Murdoch's nypost was lying.
WRONG! usual.

And, it was ABC news who first reported it.

And then of course, they searched the Saudi's apartment last night.

Christ, the attempted lies by you liberal idiots is highly amusing.
Saudis - again...
Authorities ID person of interest as Saudi national in marathon bombings, under guard at Boston hospital
April 15, 2013 - Investigators have a suspect — a Saudi Arabian national — in the horrific Boston Marathon bombings, The Post has learned.

This has been confirmed numerous times that Murdoch's nypost was lying.
WRONG! usual.

And, it was ABC news who first reported it.

And then of course, they searched the Saudi's apartment last night.

Christ, the attempted lies by you liberal idiots is highly amusing.

The Post wasn't "lying" about anything - but they broke the story before ABC did.

I was following the news all day yesterday, and the NY Post story came about 4 hours before anyone else had anything.

At this point, we pretty much have the full story. The Saudi kid just happened to be watching the marathon right near one of the bombs. He was injured in the explosion, and seen running from it - which a passerby saw as "suspicious", and tackled him.

He has cooperated completely with the police, including giving them permission to search his house. According to the Boston PD and the FBI, he's a witness, not a suspect.

Injured Saudi is a witness, not a suspect, in Boston bombing - The Washington Post
Again, I prefer at this stage of the investigation post here in "conspiracy"... because we are still speculating.... but the more time passes and we hear from the officials there are no suspects ... the more I am thinking it was Al-Qaeda or home grown Islamic Al-Qaeda sympathizers inside the USA.

I think if this Administration ....had known it was a right wing extremist group it would have gleefully come out with the information right away!

So yes, at this stage I would put my money on radical Islamic small cells inside the US .....
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You may well be on the right track: domestic American-born aq sympathizers.
You may well be on the right track: domestic American-born aq sympathizers.

Yes, something along those lines..... may be sleeping Al-Qaeda cells inside the USA.

Not a nice thought at all! Hopefully, any sleeper cells prior to 9-11 are used up. However, a new age of sympathizers on the Muslim radical side have come to age in the US and are primed for recruitment.
You may well be on the right track: domestic American-born aq sympathizers.

Yes, something along those lines..... may be sleeping Al-Qaeda cells inside the USA.

Not a nice thought at all! Hopefully, any sleeper cells prior to 9-11 are used up. However, a new age of sympathizers on the Muslim radical side have come to age in the US and are primed for recruitment.

I agree with that.

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