Predict who you think is behind the Boston Terror Bombings

How many right wing bombings have there been?
9/11 for one....the Muslim terrorists are very far right wing the scale conservative.

They are very conservative (small c) in that they demand their subjects adhere to a religious dogma, but American Conservatives insist that the government stay out of their religion AND your religion too, whatever that may be.
We believe in rights people in Islamic nations are forbidden.
So, no. most Islamic nations are authoritarian (a trait shared with Communism), not Conservatism.

still can not rule out occupy wall street

about a year ago

they got caught trying to bomb a bridge

in ohio
The only thing we can be sure of is that Obama will lie about it.
9/11 for one....the Muslim terrorists are very far right wing the scale conservative.

They are very conservative (small c) in that they demand their subjects adhere to a religious dogma, but American Conservatives insist that the government stay out of their religion AND your religion too, whatever that may be.
We believe in rights people in Islamic nations are forbidden.
So, no. most Islamic nations are authoritarian (a trait shared with Communism), not Conservatism.

Muslims are progressive right wing authoritarians grounding their legitimacy in their religion.

We have some evangelical and fundamental heretical Christians that would govern solely by the Bible if they had power.

Damned few, and they don't run any countries at this point, well except for The Vatican...
The point is radical Christian fundamentalists hold very little power. Their more rational counterparts are able to sway opinion to a certain respect on various issues, but I see little effort to turn the US into a theocracy or declare any denomination, our official State religion. As a matter of fact, I see much more effort to make atheism our State religion.
The modus operandi, that is, the use of multiple bombs in a public place, with the intent to cause extensive damage, suggests Al-Qaeda or probably a small cell of home grown Islamic Al-Qaeda inspired extremists from the area.

This is all speculation of course.

An expert on Al-Qaeda said that it did not appear to be their style and was more likely domestic.
Yeah, and another expert who was the FBI's chief explosive experts for many years, stated just a couple of hours ago, that Al qaeda published the instructions to make pressure cooker bombs on their website and in their Jihadi magazine, and that they've used them in many bombings in the middle east.


Soooo, any would be bomb maker could find to recipe. All you have to do is go to the movies to know the basics of how these bombs are made.
An expert on Al-Qaeda said that it did not appear to be their style and was more likely domestic.
Yeah, and another expert who was the FBI's chief explosive experts for many years, stated just a couple of hours ago, that Al qaeda published the instructions to make pressure cooker bombs on their website and in their Jihadi magazine, and that they've used them in many bombings in the middle east.


Soooo, any would be bomb maker could find to recipe. All you have to do is go to the movies to know the basics of how these bombs are made.
You thoroughly missed the point......The expert you quoted stated that it wasn't Al qaeda's style, when in fact, they've been using them for years, and published the instructions for would be Jihadi's to use against targets.
9/11 for one....the Muslim terrorists are very far right wing the scale conservative.

They are very conservative (small c) in that they demand their subjects adhere to a religious dogma, but American Conservatives insist that the government stay out of their religion AND your religion too, whatever that may be.
We believe in rights people in Islamic nations are forbidden.
So, no. most Islamic nations are authoritarian (a trait shared with Communism), not Conservatism.

still can not rule out occupy wall street

about a year ago

they got caught trying to bomb a bridge

in ohio

Which was set up by the FBI.
Yeah, and another expert who was the FBI's chief explosive experts for many years, stated just a couple of hours ago, that Al qaeda published the instructions to make pressure cooker bombs on their website and in their Jihadi magazine, and that they've used them in many bombings in the middle east.


Soooo, any would be bomb maker could find to recipe. All you have to do is go to the movies to know the basics of how these bombs are made.
You thoroughly missed the point......The expert you quoted stated that it wasn't Al qaeda's style, when in fact, they've been using them for years, and published the instructions for would be Jihadi's to use against targets.

There was something in the whole scenario that made him think that it was not Al Qaeda.
Yeah, and another expert who was the FBI's chief explosive experts for many years, stated just a couple of hours ago, that Al qaeda published the instructions to make pressure cooker bombs on their website and in their Jihadi magazine, and that they've used them in many bombings in the middle east.


Soooo, any would be bomb maker could find to recipe. All you have to do is go to the movies to know the basics of how these bombs are made.
You thoroughly missed the point......The expert you quoted stated that it wasn't Al qaeda's style, when in fact, they've been using them for years, and published the instructions for would be Jihadi's to use against targets.

Which anyone could have read. There are movies and television shows that would show you how to make such bombs. The information is out there. I
Soooo, any would be bomb maker could find to recipe. All you have to do is go to the movies to know the basics of how these bombs are made.
You thoroughly missed the point......The expert you quoted stated that it wasn't Al qaeda's style, when in fact, they've been using them for years, and published the instructions for would be Jihadi's to use against targets.

There was something in the whole scenario that made him think that it was not Al Qaeda.
That may be......but the fact of the matter is, it IS their style, and that's why they should not be ruled out at this point.

But then, nobody should be ruled out, until all evidence is gone through, and the connections are made to whoever the scumbag/s who did it, is/are identified.

Personally, i'm thinking it may be a domestic muslim/s, who has/have been radicalized either through the internet, or in a stateside mosque somewhere.....We'll see.
My first instinct was since it was tax day that it was anti tax people, but I've seen more and more muslims on facebook praising the attacks, and there is a "please don't let it be a m uslim or arab" campaign g oing on at CAIR right now, and the icing on the cake, obama said we will find out "why" the attack was made. They only care about "why" when islamists do it, so they must be fairly certain it was islamists. Otherwise they just condemnd terrorism. But when muslims do it, we need to know why so we can change our policies.

Typical weakheaded analysis. I doubt that it was foreign. I think it was (1) tax day protestors or (2) an independent and local American Muslim group of three to five.

The terrorists, I think, are Americans.
Well now....

No more conspiracy anymore. You can not go wrong predicting that this kind of terrorists attacks are made by radical Islamists.

You can bet your money on it. Sadly. :(
actually I think my guess of a young Muslim dupe with FBI handlers still has about a 99 % chance of being spot on
where does a 19 yr old Muslim American get hand-grenades nowadays ???

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