Predict who you think is behind the Boston Terror Bombings

Atlanta and OKC and some abortion clinices.

Atlanta: Eric Rudolph said he prefers Neitzche to the Bible.

I would hate to break it to them that I really prefer Nietzsche to the Bible."[29]

Eric Rudolph - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

OKC: Timothy McVeigh was an agnostic.

In June 2001, a day before the execution, McVeigh wrote a letter to the Buffalo News identifying as agnostic

Timothy McVeigh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Abortion clinices (sic):

Knopps issue was personal not religious:

Kopp started providing support to anti-abortion groups after his girlfriend underwent an abortion, and used his technical abilities to create special locks that protesters then used on the doors of abortion clinics.[2]

James Charles Kopp - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Roeder was a Schizophrenic:
After his arrest, Roeder's ex-wife, Lindsey Roeder, claimed that Roeder had been suffering from mental illness and that about the age of 20 he was diagnosed with possible schizophrenia, but she offered her own diagnosis of bipolar disorder.[34]

Griffin didn't bomb anythng. He shot a doctor:

Griffin (at the time 31 years old) waited outside Gunn's clinic and shot him three times in the back.

Murder of David Gunn - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Knight didn't bomb anything either and it was in Australia, not the US:

Peter James Knight (born 1 January 1954) is a pro-life activist who shot dead a security guard in an Australian abortion clinic

Peter James Knight - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Paul Jennings Hill is the only one with any ties to anything 'Christian' - the Army of God, fragmented, disassociated fringe group in which the members have never even met one another.

Paul Jennings Hill - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

National Abortion Federation: Clinic Violence: Army of God

Keep grasping at straws to spread your hatred.
They only care about why when it is Islamist or left wing. Nobody cares about the root causes of right wing terrorism

Me, too. I don't care about the root cause of right-wing terrorism!! Are you saying we are supposed to be sympathetic about gun nut shooters and terrorists and their grievances????

I just care about getting all the terrorists, no matter who, in prison or preferably dead.

How many right wing bombings have there been?
9/11 for one....the Muslim terrorists are very far right wing the scale conservative.
The modus operandi, that is, the use of multiple bombs in a public place, with the intent to cause extensive damage, suggests Al-Qaeda or probably a small cell of home grown Islamic Al-Qaeda inspired extremists from the area.

This is all speculation of course.

An expert on Al-Qaeda said that it did not appear to be their style and was more likely domestic.

You wish.

You should read the news.

I do not wish, however:

1) This expert said that it did not sound like Al Qaeda
2) It was on Patriot Day
3 It was on tax day
4) It happened in Boston which could be symbolic
5) Right wingers like you are reacting the way you are.
6) Outside groups are monitored and there did not appear to be any buzz concerning an attack.

Why do you so want it to be a Muslim group?
the vast ,vast ,majority of the mass school shooters had a left leaning victim mentality.

How can you know that? I don't think they were political; they were just crazy as hoot owls.

Besides, they WERE all gun nuts, so if they thought anything besides listening to the voices, they probably thought rightist thoughts. And a lot of them have been old guys, senile and paranoid gun collectors with assault rifles, and I very much doubt any of them were "left-leaning"!
I fear no nukes could be correct the tax day thing and what does the right call Mass?
It matters because Islamic fundamentalism is a lot more common than Christian. The majority of Pakistanis support killing people who want blasphemy laws. The vast majority support the death penalty for blasphemy
Always nice when speculation devolves into left vs right, christian vs muslim. :rolleyes: Crazy is crazy, who cares if the bomber did it in the name of allah or jesus?

Me, me. Because if it's Muslims, we've got a problem: do we want to be like Baghdad, explosions daily at the market, explosions wherever people gather? That's what Muslims do, all over the world, everywhere. Israel, Pakistan, Syria, Iraq, Nigeria, everywhere there are Muslims, they blow up crowds.

You realize this sort of thing will change America's social patterns: we won't gather in large groups in churches (often attacked these days) or sporting events or protests or graduations or any large gatherings. It will become too dangerous to make part of a group that is vulnerable to Muslim bombing.
Could be some nutjob pissed off at the Boston Marathon
yeap it could be just some nutter.

I hope that is what it is

I don't, because of all these fashions in psychosis. They copy each other, they even compete with each other in the kill count when they go shooting the schools.

We don't need psychos deciding now it's in fashion to bomb crowds.

Though it would certainly take the pressure off the gun collectors.........
This is not going to "change our social patterns". What happened was awful. And we will learn from it, perhaps change the way we view security for such events, but it wont cause us to hide in terror in our homes.

Sure it will.

Not just this, but if it is repeated, if we get a pattern of Muslim (or rightwing gun nut) terrorists hitting crowds, of course it will change our social patterns!

People would be stupid to gather in a large crowd if the Muslims are just going to bomb it.

One of the things I'm afraid of with the crazy shooters is that it's bound to change things about public education: schools are already sewn up so tight parents can't even get in and they have regular "lock downs." None of that used to happen!
the vast ,vast ,majority of the mass school shooters had a left leaning victim mentality.

How can you know that? I don't think they were political; they were just crazy as hoot owls.

Besides, they WERE all gun nuts, so if they thought anything besides listening to the voices, they probably thought rightist thoughts. And a lot of them have been old guys, senile and paranoid gun collectors with assault rifles, and I very much doubt any of them were "left-leaning"!
The 5 Worst/Recent Mass Murders in the USA (with a Firearm) Came from Democrats - Clash Daily :: Clash Daily

Ft Hood: Registered Democrat/Muslim.
Columbine: Too young to vote; both families were registered Democrats and progressive liberals.
Virginia Tech: Wrote hate mail to President Bush and to his staff.
Colorado Theater: Registered Democrat; staff worker on the Obama campaign; Occupy Wall Street participant; progressive liberal.
Connecticut School Shooter: Registered Democrat; hated Christians.

Common thread is that all of these shooters were progressive liberal Democrats.

Also, of the worst killings in the last several decades, only one was a female, all the rest were boys, barely men. Their role models were rappers, action movies, comics and violent video games.

Read more: The 5 Worst/Recent Mass Murders in the USA (with a Firearm) Came from Democrats - Clash Daily :: Clash Daily
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