Prediction: Left wingers will rip into Great Britain

“Prediction: Left wingers will rip into Great Britain”

Your ‘prediction’ is false.

It doesn’t even make any sense.
I can't help but feel sorry for Britain.



The Stumbles That Led To The Epic Fall...

Mistake After Mistake Leaves UK Staring Into The Abyss...

EU Pushes For Quick Exit: ‘We Start Now’...

Nearly 3 Million Brits Demand New Vote...
This is not to say that this entire vote might end up being overturned with a future vote, but at the very least it shows that at least a good deal of the population want their country back as well as control of their borders.

Wrong....First of all, snobbish Britain never considered itself part of Europe.....and that country was one of the least impacted by foreigners (except those from former colonies like India and Pakistan)....Their vote to secede was based on demagoguery by right wingers vying for power at the expense of the country's economic stability.
I expect that many Brits will contemplate relocation to Scotland.....hiking that country's housing market.
Just like they do here the left in Great Britain will begin a slow and systematic ridicule of Great Britain. I don't know if there are any Brits who are reading this but I can tell you that this is what these assholes do here so just be prepared for the coming daily onslaught. God Save the Queen

British NaziCons fucked things up - so why shouldn't left wingers rip them.

You are such a stupid piece of have no respect for the sovereignty of a nation state or that they should have a say on how they are governed and that makes you one disgusting communist piece of shit. I bet you believe in the U.N and a one world "gubermint" where individual rights take a back seat to the overall "collective"...that was what the vote was about, ya stupid fuck. A commie like you probably gets a "hard on" about a statist regime that can tell you when you can and cannot piss. THAT is why we have the 2nd amendment and why we will never give it up, dipshit.....
Are you claiming that ridicule hurts your feelings? How old are you? 5 or 6?
That would mean every liberal on this forum is 5 or 6
The person that started this thread isnt a liberal.
dang, whadda useless statement.
I agree. i was wondering why you made such a retarded comment.
I have to communicate at your level
Thats impossible for you to do. You couldnt reach my level even if you had a rocket strapped to your ass..
Just like they do here the left in Great Britain will begin a slow and systematic ridicule of Great Britain. I don't know if there are any Brits who are reading this but I can tell you that this is what these assholes do here so just be prepared for the coming daily onslaught. God Save the Queen
It's not the left they have to answer to. It's their own children. Just like older Republicans are going to have to answer to here.

Brexit, Trump, England's young and similarities with the GOP
From what I've heard it was the older poorly educated whites that fucked their children and grandchildren by voting to leave.
From what I've heard it was the older poorly educated whites that fucked their children and grandchildren by voting to leave.
Thats how it always is. Old fears die hard. Thats why progress is so slow with Republicans here.
Of course the left is upset any time a country actually wants to control it's borders.
Remember, these asswipes don't believe in sovereign nations.
I'm not upset. I could give a fuck what happens to England.

so true------I is not young -------and even as a child I read stuff about stuff going on in Merry Old England---on my way to the comics page. --------in all my life I recall absolutely NO INTEREST on the part of US states people in the goings on and politics of MERRY OLD. In fact, ----whatever was going on there was sorta a joke
In simple terms, for every hundred people in the UK,

48 want to stay in the EU, 52 want to leave. Why would anyone on one side of the issue or the other want to 'rip' all of Britain for being almost evenly split on that issue?
Just like they do here the left in Great Britain will begin a slow and systematic ridicule of Great Britain. I don't know if there are any Brits who are reading this but I can tell you that this is what these assholes do here so just be prepared for the coming daily onslaught. God Save the Queen

It's already starting in the Washington Post.

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