Prediction to the fate of Trump

Waterboarding is a torture method used from terrorists. That this terrorists are US-American soldiers who do so under the command and under order of a president of the USA is nothing else than a titanic big shame for the USA and an extreme dangerous breach in a dam for everyone who lives in the USA or at any other place in the world.
If waterboarding saved lives and stopped terror attacks, you can whine all you want. Terrorists don't play by the rules, so there are no rules.
Fau-Chi's pandemic was NOT Trump's fault. (research Wuhan Lab's Gain-of-Function research)
Trump's "Warp-Speed" got vaccine shots in arms in 10-months when Fau-Chi said it would take 4 years or more, if then.
Trump's economy before Covid was good. Trump's economic policies are better than Bidens.
Trump drilled for oil and made the US an exporter. Biden is selling the SPR to artificially keep oil prices low. That is NOT what the SPR is for.

Was 2020 economy good or not?

Can't have it both ways....unless you are nuts of course.
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1. You should read the links I provide. They generally show you that what you think you know about Trump is wrong.

Donald Trump is an enemy of Germany and a high traitor of the values of the western world.

2. Pfizer's vaccine

made from the German company BionTech.

was successful and was expedited for emergency use. Thank you Pfizer, and Trump,

Donald Trump had absolutelly nothing to do with this vaccine. As far as I know he caused in the opposite very heavy problems for the Germasn company CureVac so they lost their leading role in research for a covid-19 vaccine.

for expediting the manufacturing facilities. Without Trump the manufacturing facilities needed would have taken years to build instead of weeks.

What a nonsense. Everyone in the western world and many others were able to do this. Trump was in general counterproductive and caused problems in fighting covid-19.

3. What Trump "slaves"? Trump's "Operation Warp Speed" saved millions of lives. Read the GAO link below this time.

I do not have any idea where all this nonsense comes from what you propagate - but one thing is clear to me. A single person is not able to be as stupid as you play to be. Trump has not covered himself with glory in the convid-19 crisis what everyone is easily able to see who compares the number of victims of the USA with the heavy problems others also had.

As of January 30, 2021, five of the six OWS vaccine candidates have entered phase 3 clinical trials, two of which—Moderna's and Pfizer/BioNTech's vaccines—have received an emergency use authorization (EUA) from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). For vaccines that received EUA, additional data on vaccine effectiveness will be generated from further follow-up of participants in clinical trials already underway before the EUA was issued. ...

Trump was in the whole covid-19 crisis a problem and never a solution.

And by the way: Healso never was a victim of a witch-hunt - he is the evil guy who hunts others - as for example when he hunted the honorable Senator John McCain or the honorable scientist Anthony Fauci.
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Donald Trump is an enemy of Germany and a high traitor of the values of the western world.

made from the German company BionTech.

Donald Trump had absolutely nothing to do with this vaccine. As far as I know he caused in the opposite very heavy problems for the German company CureVac so they lost their leading role in research for a covid-19 vaccine. What a nonsense. Everyone in the western world and many others were able to do this. Trump was in general counterproductive and caused problems in fighting covid-19.

I do not have any idea where all this nonsense comes from what you propagate - but one thing is clear to me. A single person is not able to be as stupid as you play to be. Trump has not covered himself with glory in the convid-19 crisis what everyone is easily able to see who compares the number of victims of the USA with the heavy problems others also had. Trump was in the whole covid-19 crisis a problem and never a solution.

And by the way: Healso never was a victim of a witch-hunt - he is the evil guy who hunts others - as for example when he hunted the honorable Senator John McCain or the honorable scientist Anthony Fauci.
1. Why is Trump an enemy of Germany? Trump's values are just fine thank you. Biden may have blown up the NordStream gas pipelines, and Biden's and democrat values are perverted.

2. Read the link again, its a government link, not a Trump link. Trump got the vaccines in 10-months when experts said 4-years. You type anti-Trump nonsense with no proof.

3. There is no Healso according to Google. So who is he? Fauchi is NOT honorable. Fauchi caused the Covid pandemic that killed millions by paying the Wuhan Lab to do risky gain-of-function research against the recommendations of others.
1. Why is Trump an enemy of Germany? ...

He is. And I am tired to listen to your absolutelly stupid criminal nonsense any longer. And again: "We" had a vaccine against covid-19 withon one week. This was the little part of the problem. The bigger part was to test it. And this all made the companies Pfizer (USA) and BionTech (Germany) - with the help of many others - and with Donald Trump had this absolutelly nothing to do. Trump was always only counterproductive in this context.
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... Fauchi is NOT honorable. ...

Anthony Fauci is a very well respected honorable scientist worldwide. And you should read and overtake what the honorable Senator John McCain - an hero of the USA - said about torture if you take yourselve serios on your own.
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He is. And I am tired to listen to your absolutely stupid criminal nonsense any longer. And again: "We" had a vaccine against covid-19 within one week. This was the little part of the problem. The bigger part was to test it. And this all made the companies Pfizer (USA) and BionTech (Germany) - with the help of many others - and with Donald Trump had this absolutely nothing to do. Trump was always only counterproductive in this context.
You're wrong about everything. I can only assume that your opinions are based on Leftist propaganda. I gave you a link with the truth.
You're wrong about everything. ,,,

I knew I'm not bad. But I did not know that I am as perfect as you say. Unfortunatelly you are not a really trustworthy source when I see how many of your mistakes I killed with facts and reality.

I would suggest to you seriosly to try to start to think about the dangers of your criminal attitudes such as torture for example. Torture never was and never will be a solution for anything.

And by the way: Nonsense remains nonsense - no matter how intelligently the cheating package is stretched.

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Anthony Fauci is a very well respected honorable scientist worldwide, and you should read and take what the honorable Senator John McCain - a hero of the USA - said about torture if you take yourself seriously on your own.
Fauci killed millions with his unauthorized gain of function research at the Wuhan Lab, run by a Chinese general. Fauchi is a criminal.

John McCain is a hero, he was tortured by the communists, but he's wrong about torture. BOTH sides have to agree to the same rules, or there are no rules.
You're wrong about everything. I can only assume that your opinions are based on Leftist propaganda. I gave you a link with the truth.

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I knew I'm not bad. But I did not know that I am as perfect as you say. Unfortunately you are not a really trustworthy source when I see how many of your mistakes I killed with facts and reality.
I would suggest to you seriously to try to start to think about the dangers of your criminal attitudes such as torture for example. Torture never was and never will be a solution for anything.
And by the way: Nonsense remains nonsense - no matter how intelligently the cheating package is stretched.
1. Your opinions of Trump are simply Leftist tripe with no facts to prove them. I can debate facts, not baseless opinions. Put up some facts and reality about Trump.

2. I am personally opposed to torture. However, when dealing with terrorists who do not play by the rules, then there are no rules, especially when saving innocent lives. So should we have let innocent Londeners die, or use "torture" to stop the terrorists and save innocent lives?

Fauci killed millions with his unauthorized gain of function research at the Wuhan Lab, run by a Chinese general. Fauchi is a criminal.

Dr. Anthony Fauci always was and still is an honorable man.

John McCain is a hero, he was tortured by the communists, but he's wrong about torture.

He was totally right.

BOTH sides have to agree to the same rules, or there are no rules.

Are you totally stupid? Do you really think everyone in the world has to be a criminal?

Ths text of this "Wallenstein" - song is still a totally unreal scrap and always will be. How often do I have to tell you this? It has nothing to do with reality what they sing.
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Dr. Anthony Fauci always was and still is an honorable man.
He was totally right. Are you totally stupid?
This text of this "Wallenstein" - song is still a totally unreal scrap and always will be. How often do I have to tell you this?
LOL!!! So the crazy doctor who killed millions with his hubris is a hero of yours? He was totally WRONG, you can't be that stupid.

You introduced me to that Wallenstein video. I like it because Wallenstein reminds me of Trump. A great field general, that only loses to treachery...
Good. But why do you hate yourselve?
LOL!! Tell me Dr. Freud.


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