Prediction to the fate of Trump

On the one hand, the democrats seem to want to wait till the last minute to destroy Trump legally once and for all as close to the election as they can.

This will prevent any other candidate from gaining traction because Biden is such a horrible candidate.

On the other hand, if they don't he will be elected and pardon himself, so they won't allow that either.

So how close to the election will they wait to let their legal bombs fall on him?

Waiting too long will prevent them from using adequate propaganda in the media to help destroy him further.

How long do they need after the fact?
Jack is shooting for a speedy trial on these last indictments. Of course, the judge will sign off on that.
Not giving the defense lawyers enough time for a defense.

Games politicians play to destroy the opposition.
It's a new brand of politics the democrats have come up with.
China, Russia and most third world countries learned long ago.
Bed your pardon - but Saddam Husein for example was once an ally of the USA. I have the feeling nothing in context Iraq had been a problem which money had not been able to solve. And such problems are minor problems. The really heavy problems are not able to be solved with money.
Saddam was not a US ally. We helped him maintain a status quo when he was dumb enough to attack the crazy Iranian "revolution" and the Ayatollah kicked Saddam's ass.
We helped Osama Bin Laden against the Russians too, that didn't work out well for either of us.
Really heavy problems are Putin and Kim Jung Un.
Trump was already president for 4-years, 4 very prosperous years.
Biden is a disaster.

What is with you rightwingers and mental block about historic 2020 recession?

Somewhere in that not-too-sharp brain of yours you know that 2020 was Trump's 4th year in office.

In that same brain you know that Covid brought economy to a historic halt with very significant after-effects.

And yet this very same brain keeps pumping out fantastical bs about how wonderful Trump's 4 years have been.

It's completely nuts.
Most Russians understand that if the Ukraine was allowed to join NATO, that the US would install first strike nukes.
The Bucharest Memorandum requires that Ukraine remain nuke free, in NATO or not.
That is just Russian disinformation. Look at Sweden, Finland, and Norway too.
The The Coalition of the willing was pathetic....

The GOP and W Bush were totally incompetent, they went into Afghanistan to get the terrorists and they could have gotten them but they screwed up, and then they got into nation building which they had promised never to do. Are a disaster every time, and the only reason the Democrats went along was because they lied about chemical biological and nuclear weapons programs that they had either started themselves with Reagan or didn't exist. Fox demonized Saddam and his children and everybody else until 80% of the country believed he was behind 9/11. Poor America and believe me it is the scumbag new BS GOP and the dupes that is the catastrophe ongoing.
I almost hate to agree with you, but Monday morning quarterbacking always looks easy.
We should have nailed OBL in Tora-Bora, but let the natives go after him instead of the Seals and Rangers. Dumb idea.
When we missed OBL we went in instead of covert ops. Another dumb idea.
Republican Sen. John McCain said Wednesday that even if President Donald Trump were to sign an executive order allowing torture, the law is clear on the practice. “The President can sign whatever executive orders he likes. But the law is the law. We are not bringing back torture in the United States of America,” the Arizona senator said in a statement.The President has said in the past that he would like to “broaden” US laws to allow torture, including waterboarding.
Ok, that was the debate over waterboarding. Waterboarding is not technically "torture" it is used today on US military personel during training. It is very uncomfortable, but hardly compares with Saddam's brutality. Now that terrorism is not as frequent we can abandon waterboarding.
Donald Trump has added a morbid new distinction to his presidency – for the first time in US history, the federal government has in one year executed more American civilians than all the states combined.
I support the death penalty. Some vicious people need to be executed. They were NOT political prisoners.
Saddam was not a US ally. ...

How often will you repeat your wrong statements although you know you are wrong? And how far is your verbal nonsense from real death and real sufferings in this world here?

Nach dem Sturz des Schahs in Iran 1979 bemühten sich auch die Amerikaner um bessere Beziehungen zum irakischen Regime. 1982 wurde der Irak von der Liste jener Länder gestrichen, die nach Ansicht der USA den Terrorismus unterstützten, und in der Folge wurde dem Irak umfangreiche Wirtschaftshilfe gewährt. Auch Materialien wurden geliefert, die für militärische Zwecke genutzt werden konnten. Der wichtigste Faktor der amerikanischen Unterstützung war aber sicherlich die Versorgung mit Geheimdienstinformationen. Im Krieg gegen Iran waren Satellitenbilder der CIA für den Irak von grossem Nutzen.

Von sämtlichen westlichen Staaten wurde der Aggressionskrieg des Iraks gegen das Nachbarland unterstützt oder zumindest wohlwollend geduldet. Man befürchtete, die iranischen Mullahs könnten den strategisch wichtigen Golfraum erobern und damit die wichtigsten Erdölvorkommen der Welt kontrollieren. Neben Frankreich und Deutschland rüsteten in diesen Jahren zahlreiche andere europäische Staaten - so etwa Grossbritannien und Italien - Saddam Hussein auf. Trotz seinen Verbindungen zu den USA wurde der irakische Diktator auch weiterhin von der Sowjetunion unterstützt, und auch die Ölstaaten am Golf griffen Bagdad mit Finanzmitteln unter die Arme.

Nach dem Waffenstillstand im Sommer 1988 bemühte sich der Westen weiter um gute Beziehungen zum irakischen Regime und setzte die Waffenlieferungen unbeirrt fort. Der Irak war zu diesem Zeitpunkt mit moderner Waffentechnologie ausgerüstet. Bereits bei der Ablösung des Präsidenten al-Bakrs durch Saddam Hussein 1979 hatte sich das Land weltweit an die Spitze der Rüstungsimporteure gesetzt. 1990 war die Truppenstärke auf eine Million angewachsen; die irakische Armee war besser ausgerüstet als die Armeen Irans, Syriens und sämtlicher Golfmonarchien. Nach Schätzungen des International Institute for Strategic Studies gab das Land zu diesem Zeitpunkt ein Viertel seines Bruttoinlandprodukts für militärische Zwecke aus.

Unter der Administration Bush Vater erreichten die amerikanisch-irakischen Beziehungen ihren Höhepunkt. Washington hoffte, mit Saddam Hussein einen wertvollen Verbündeten in einer geostrategisch wichtigen Region aufbauen zu können. Zwar gab es auch in den USA Stimmen, die vor dem Diktator in Bagdad warnten, doch erkannten Geheimdienste und Think-Tanks erst mit dem irakischen Einmarsch in Kuwait am 2. August 1990, dass Saddam nicht der vernünftige und willige Verbündete war, auf den man zählen konnte.

Der Überfall auf Kuwait führte zu einer radikalen Wende in der amerikanischen und europäischen Irak-Politik. .

Source: NZZ


After the overthrow of the Shah in Iran in 1979, the Americans also sought better relations with the Iraqi regime. In 1982, Iraq was removed from the list of countries that the U.S. believed supported terrorism, and as a result, Iraq was given substantial economic aid. Materials were also supplied that could be used for military purposes. The most important factor in U.S. support, however, was certainly the supply of intelligence. In the war against Iran, CIA satellite images were of great use to Iraq.

All Western states supported Iraq's war of aggression against its neighboring country, or at least tolerated it sympathetically. It was feared that the Iranian mullahs could conquer the strategically important Gulf region and thus control the world's most important oil deposits. In addition to France and Germany, numerous other European states - such as Great Britain and Italy - were arming Saddam Hussein during these years. Despite his ties to the United States, the Iraqi dictator continued to receive support from the Soviet Union, and the oil states in the Gulf also lent Baghdad a helping hand with financial resources.

After the cease-fire in the summer of 1988, the West continued to strive for good relations with the Iraqi regime and unwaveringly continued to supply weapons. By this time, Iraq was equipped with modern weapons technology. By the time Saddam Hussein replaced President al-Bakr in 1979, the country had already become the world's top arms importer. By 1990, the number of troops had grown to one million; the Iraqi army was better equipped than the armies of Iran, Syria and all the Gulf monarchies. According to estimates by the International Institute for Strategic Studies, the country was spending a quarter of its gross domestic product on military purposes at that time.

Under the Bush Father administration, U.S.-Iraqi relations reached their peak. Washington hoped to build a valuable ally in Saddam Hussein in a geostrategically important region. Although there were voices in the United States warning against the dictator in Baghdad as well, it was not until the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait on August 2, 1990, that intelligence agencies and think tanks realized that Saddam was not the reasonable and willing ally to be counted on.

The invasion of Kuwait led to a radical shift in U.S. and European policy toward Iraq. .
What is with you rightwingers and mental block about historic 2020 recession?
Somewhere in that not-too-sharp brain of yours you know that 2020 was Trump's 4th year in office.
In that same brain you know that Covid brought economy to a historic halt with very significant after-effects.
And yet this very same brain keeps pumping out fantastical bs about how wonderful Trump's 4 years have been.
It's completely nuts.
Fau-Chi's pandemic was NOT Trump's fault. (research Wuhan Lab's Gain-of-Function research)
Trump's "Warp-Speed" got vaccine shots in arms in 10-months when Fau-Chi said it would take 4 years or more, if then.
Trump's economy before Covid was good. Trump's economic policies are better than Bidens.
Trump drilled for oil and made the US an exporter. Biden is selling the SPR to artificially keep oil prices low. That is NOT what the SPR is for.
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Ok, that was the debate over waterboarding. Waterboarding is not technically "torture" it is used today on US military personel during training. It is very uncomfortable, but hardly compares with Saddam's brutality. Now that terrorism is not as frequent we can abandon waterboarding.

Do you try to tell me now torture is no torture? How many people did you murder "legally" like rats with their head under water?
How often will you repeat your wrong statements although you know you are wrong? And how far is your verbal nonsense from real death and real sufferings in this world here?

After the overthrow of the Shah in Iran in 1979, the Americans also sought better relations with the Iraqi regime. In 1982, Iraq was removed from the list of countries that the U.S. believed supported terrorism, and as a result, Iraq was given substantial economic aid. Materials were also supplied that could be used for military purposes. The most important factor in U.S. support, however, was certainly the supply of intelligence. In the war against Iran, CIA satellite images were of great use to Iraq.

All Western states supported Iraq's war of aggression against its neighboring country, or at least tolerated it sympathetically. It was feared that the Iranian mullahs could conquer the strategically important Gulf region and thus control the world's most important oil deposits. In addition to France and Germany, numerous other European states - such as Great Britain and Italy - were arming Saddam Hussein during these years. Despite his ties to the United States, the Iraqi dictator continued to receive support from the Soviet Union, and the oil states in the Gulf also lent Baghdad a helping hand with financial resources.

After the cease-fire in the summer of 1988, the West continued to strive for good relations with the Iraqi regime and unwaveringly continued to supply weapons. By this time, Iraq was equipped with modern weapons technology. By the time Saddam Hussein replaced President al-Bakr in 1979, the country had already become the world's top arms importer. By 1990, the number of troops had grown to one million; the Iraqi army was better equipped than the armies of Iran, Syria and all the Gulf monarchies. According to estimates by the International Institute for Strategic Studies, the country was spending a quarter of its gross domestic product on military purposes at that time.

Under the Bush Father administration, U.S.-Iraqi relations reached their peak. Washington hoped to build a valuable ally in Saddam Hussein in a geostrategically important region. Although there were voices in the United States warning against the dictator in Baghdad as well, it was not until the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait on August 2, 1990, that intelligence agencies and think tanks realized that Saddam was not the reasonable and willing ally to be counted on.
The invasion of Kuwait led to a radical shift in U.S. and European policy toward Iraq. .
Exactly right. The US supported Saddam until he invaded Kuwait, then the US coalition pushed Iraq out of Kuwait.
Trump's "Warp-Speed" got vaccine shots in arms in 10-months

Donald Trump had absolutelly nothing to do with the developement of vaccines against covid - with the exception that he had destroyed a German company who had been on a good way to develope a vaccine. Fortunatelly this was not the only company on a good way.
Waterboarding is not lethal.
but toture - because it produces the feeling and/or panic to have to die.

By the way: In world war 2 you had 3.5 million soldiers in Europe. Only 2 of them had been accused because of war crimes. And none of them was punished. ... But how comes that US-American soldiers of world war 2 tortured an uncle from me and tried to force him to say "I am a Nazi"? How happened what officially never had happened? ...
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Donald Trump had absolutely nothing to do with the development of vaccines against COVID - with the exception that he had destroyed a German company who had been on a good way to develop a vaccine. Fortunately this was not the only company on a good way.
Trump funded some of the research and all of the new manufacturing facilities, which were built "at risk" before the vaccines were tested and approved.
Operation Warp Speed, initially funded with about $10 billion from the CARES Act (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security) passed by the United States Congress on March 27, 2020
As of January 30, 2021, five of the six OWS vaccine candidates have entered phase 3 clinical trials, two of which—Moderna's and Pfizer/BioNTech's vaccines—have received an emergency use authorization (EUA) from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). For vaccines that received EUA, additional data on vaccine effectiveness will be generated from further follow-up of participants in clinical trials already underway before the EUA was issued.
but torture.
Waterboarding is one way of making terrorists tell details of pending terror attacks or other info that could save lives.
The dilemma was should non-lethal "torture" be used to save lives, or should the terrorists be allowed to kill with impunity?
I support the death penalty. Some vicious people need to be executed. They were NOT political prisoners.
we should call those vicious people insane instead of glorifying them.... Our lack of a real mental health system and you know coverage insurance that covers it would be nice especially nowadays. For the pandemic they said 26% of the country is mentally ill, God knows what it is today. Poverty causes crime and insanity.... Thanks GOP! Tax the rich and big oil et cetera again and invest in America and Americans again for crying out loud....

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