Prediction to the fate of Trump

You will wipe out Germany as a signal what you will do with every nation in the world who is not a 1000% perfect slave of the USA. And you will wipe out Germany to bring and to hold everyone in then USA UNDER
Zang you are seriously delusional.
What part of "we are NATO allies" don't you understand?
Why would we attack Germany? There is no reason. We won't attack France, Britain, or Italy either. Besides, we have our troops and military bases there.
That the US would attack any of our allies is one of your dumber ideas.
1. Agreed, Trump handles dictators in weird ways. Telling Kim Jung Un he loves him, and calling Putin a "genius" after a major military blunder. Russians do not support the war, men are leaving rather than going to fight. Trump seems to be showing Kim Jung Un what prosperity looks like, and that NK has cheap labor that could be exploited for profit.

2. Trump objected to Germany buying gas from Russia to build their military while the US taxpayers pay to keep US troops in Germany to protect Germans from Russia. Trump saw that as ridiculous. That's why the US sanctioned NordStream2, which Biden blew up stopping gas sales.
Also, Trump strengthened NATO by getting deadbeats to pay what they committed, another $100b gained:

3. What "monstrously structure" do I fight for? I have no idea what you are referring to.

4. Congress approved the $400m of military aid to Ukraine, so Trump could not stop it, he could delay it, but not stop it.
Trump wanted Zelensky to investigate the Biden bribery scheme, that Congress is now investigating.
Biden threatened to stop $1-billion of US aid if lead prosecutor Shokin was not fired to earn his and Hunter's $5,000,000 bribe each. That bribery will get Biden Impeached.

5. If/when Trump wins in 2024 and becomes US president again we all win. There will be no "worldwide tyranny", that is nonsense.

6. Damage to Iraq? Saddam ruined Iraq not the US. The US gave Iraq its freedom back from a horrible dictator.

Russian gas was much cheaper for the Europeans.

Shokin refused to prosecute corruption. The Europeans, the US and the IMF wanted him gone .

Iraq was crippled by 2 decades of war and sanctions. He was no threat to anyone. But, Clean Break Strategy and the PNAC wanted him overthrown.
Trump does not kill or torture people like Saddam Hussein.
Trump was already president for 4-years, 4 very prosperous years.
Biden is a disaster.

That is not fair to Saddam Hussein.
The previous 27 leaders in Iraq had all be assassinated except the one Saddam deposed and let to free.
Saddam was the single best thing that ever happened to Iraq.
He faked making it look like he would "kill or torture", but that was just a show, in order to prevent people from assassinating him, like all his predecessors.

Saddam would be much better than Biden.
Zang you are seriously delusional.
What part of "we are NATO allies" don't you understand?
Why would we attack Germany? There is no reason. We won't attack France, Britain, or Italy either. Besides, we have our troops and military bases there.
That the US would attack any of our allies is one of your dumber ideas.

As colonial imperialists, we will attack anyone we can profit from.
We already did attack Germany twice.
We attacked France in Louisiana, Mexico, Canada, the Appalachians, etc.
We should have attack France in Vietnam. Algeria, etc.
We attacked Britian in 1776, and should have attacked them in WWI, India, etc.

When your allies are evil colonial imperialists, they can never be trusted.
Nor can the US be trusted.
Zang you are seriously delusional.
What part of "we are NATO allies" don't you understand?

The US-American part.

Why would we attack Germany?

Just for fun.

There is no reason.

What's for US-Americans perhaps only one more reason to do so.

We won't attack France, Britain, or Italy either.

Hmmm. Who believes this is holy - who not believes this will also come to heaven.

Besides, we have our troops and military bases there.

Where not?

That the US would attack any of our allies is one of your dumber ideas.

Bed your pardon - but Saddam Husein for example was once an ally of the USA. I have the feeling nothing in context Iraq had been a problem which money had not been able to solve. And such problems are minor problems. The really heavy problems are not able to be solved with money.
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Russian gas was much cheaper for the Europeans.

Shokin refused to prosecute corruption. The Europeans, the US and the IMF wanted him gone .

Iraq was crippled by 2 decades of war and sanctions. He was no threat to anyone. But, Clean Break Strategy and the PNAC wanted him overthrown.

But if the US, EU, and IMF wanted Shokin gone, he had to be doing something right.
The point still is that under civil service protection, it was illegal to fire Shokin without a hearing to prove misconduct.
It was never done.
So the firing was criminal.
Biden demanding the firing and withholding aid was even more criminal.
Clearly Burisma Holdings then had to be the motive, and it likely was involved in bribes for the illegal Maidan military coup.
Burisma Holdings had to be the bagman for money both directions.
Most Russians understand that if the Ukraine was allowed to join NATO, that the US would install first strike nukes.

If so: What also not had been any problem for Russia. It was your own politics which forced many nations to become members of the NATO - and the NATO was not able to close their entrance doors for the countries who did not trust in Russia.

It existed by the way once also a plan to make Russia to a member of the NATO and to make this to a birth signal of a world police. But somehow try much too many nations in the world to restart history in the 20th years ... of the 20th century. Specially Russia. Where for heavens sake is the third millenium? What had happened?

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On the one hand, the democrats seem to want to wait till the last minute to destroy Trump legally once and for all as close to the election as they can.

This will prevent any other candidate from gaining traction because Biden is such a horrible candidate.

On the other hand, if they don't he will be elected and pardon himself, so they won't allow that either.

So how close to the election will they wait to let their legal bombs fall on him?

Waiting too long will prevent them from using adequate propaganda in the media to help destroy him further.

How long do they need after the fact?
Stupid post, it's not the Democrats prosecuting Trump for his crimes it's American Justice.
Most Russians understand that if the Ukraine was allowed to join NATO, that the US would install first strike nukes.
Good and so they should, the Russians are the enemy always have been and always will be.
1. I have no clue what a "corner" is? It was 4000 years old? Maybe you're confused about ISIS destroying statues and art?

2. The US did NOT go to war with Iraq against international law. The US was one member of a large coalition of countries.

3. Who are you talking to that gives you such misinformation?

The The Coalition of the willing was pathetic....

The war in Iraq was a break of the international laws. You strategy in Afghanistan was stupid - not the stupidest war ever - but perhaps the most stupid end of a not really existing war ever.

I guess then worst mistake in Afghanistan had it been that you tried to solve with weapons what not really had been able to be solved with weapons. That's perhaps a deeper reason why every war goes lost since thousands of years in the region which is called "Afghanistan" now.
The GOP and W Bush were totally incompetent, they went into Afghanistan to get the terrorists and they could have gotten them but they screwed up, and then they got into nation building which they had promised never to do. Are a disaster every time, and the only reason the Democrats went along was because they lied about chemical biological and nuclear weapons programs that they had either started themselves with Reagan or didn't exist. Fox demonized Saddam and his children and everybody else until 80% of the country believed he was behind 9/11. Poor America and believe me it is the scumbag new BS GOP and the dupes that is the catastrophe ongoing.
Russian gas was much cheaper for the Europeans.
Shokin refused to prosecute corruption. The Europeans, the US and the IMF wanted him gone .
Iraq was crippled by 2 decades of war and sanctions. He was no threat to anyone. But, Clean Break Strategy and the PNAC wanted him overthrown.
1. True. Buy gas to fund the military that destroys you. Very dumb policy.
2. Burisma wanted Shokin gone. They bribed the Bidens to get Shokin fired.
3. Saddam was always a threat, especially with that much oil revenue. I like Iraq better now than when Saddam was there.
Good and so they should, the Russians are the enemy always have been and always will be.
The smart thing to do would be to offer them membership in the EU and nato with the usual regulations. That would mean they have to have democracy Fair elections civil rights et cetera et cetera et cetera.... Poor Russia has suffered enough with their damn scumbag leaders O M G.... They were not the enemy in World War two, in fact they basically won the war against Germany....

Republican Sen. John McCain said Wednesday that even if President Donald Trump were to sign an executive order allowing torture, the law is clear on the practice.

“The President can sign whatever executive orders he likes. But the law is the law. We are not bringing back torture in the United States of America,” the Arizona senator said in a statement.

The President has said in the past that he would like to “broaden” US laws to allow torture, including waterboarding.

That is not fair to Saddam Hussein.
The previous 27 leaders in Iraq had all be assassinated except the one Saddam deposed and let to free.
Saddam was the single best thing that ever happened to Iraq.
He faked making it look like he would "kill or torture", but that was just a show, in order to prevent people from assassinating him, like all his predecessors.
Saddam would be much better than Biden.


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