Prediction to the fate of Trump

we should call those vicious people insane instead of glorifying them.... Our lack of a real mental health system and you know coverage insurance that covers it would be nice especially nowadays. For the pandemic they said 26% of the country is mentally ill, God knows what it is today. Poverty causes crime and insanity.... Thanks GOP! Tax the rich and big oil et cetera again and invest in America and Americans again for crying out loud....
I hear your conscience telling me that killing is wrong.
However, when I see guys like the Gilgo Beach killer, who killed and dismembered 5? 6? More?
Or Bryan Kohlberger who stabbed four college kids for no reason.
Yeah, I could vote for the death penalty. I don't care if they are insane or sane either. Too late for therapy.
I hear your conscience telling me that killing is wrong.
However, when I see guys like the Gilgo Beach killer, who killed and dismembered 5? 6? More?
Or Bryan Kohlberger who stabbed four college kids for no reason.
Yeah, I could vote for the death penalty. I don't care if they are insane or sane either. Too late for therapy.
I like the Dutch way of handling all this. That if you murdered someone you had to be insane. Your opinion reflects some brainwash about how we should all handle mental illness ourselves or whatever the theory is here in the United States L O L... Tax the rich and big corps again and invest in America and Americans again or finally,,,,
Ok, that was the debate over waterboarding. Waterboarding is not technically "torture" it is used today on US military personel during training. It is very uncomfortable, but hardly compares with Saddam's brutality. Now that terrorism is not as frequent we can abandon waterboarding.
Unfortunately the military banned using it back in 2007 but allowed your crap to continue,,,
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The Military Banned Waterboarding Trainees Because It Was

WebThe Military Banned Waterboarding Trainees Because It Was Too Brutal — And Never Announced It Torture apologists cite the military's use of waterboarding trainees in defense of Gina Haspel, Trump's nominee for CIA director. One problem: The military stopped that …
On the one hand, the democrats seem to want to wait till the last minute to destroy Trump legally once and for all as close to the election as they can.

This will prevent any other candidate from gaining traction because Biden is such a horrible candidate.

On the other hand, if they don't he will be elected and pardon himself, so they won't allow that either.

So how close to the election will they wait to let their legal bombs fall on him?

Waiting too long will prevent them from using adequate propaganda in the media to help destroy him further.

How long do they need after the fact?
Wait. You fuckers were saying that Smith was going too fast.

Now you claim the opposite?
Wait. You fuckers were saying that Smith was going too fast.

Now you claim the opposite?
That is a great thing about being totally FOS like GOP propaganda for the chumps. They can attack from both sides and usually do. Biden is totally incompetent and the leader of a corrupt Mafia organization. Et cetera et cetera et cetera lol
The war in Iraq was a break of the international laws. You strategy in Afghanistan was stupid - not the stupidest war ever - but perhaps the most stupid end of a not really existing war ever.

I guess then worst mistake in Afghanistan had it been that you tried to solve with weapons what not really had been able to be solved with weapons. That's perhaps a deeper reason why every war goes lost since thousands of years in the region which is called "Afghanistan" now.
W's wars were incredibly dumb.... Add 9/11...
President Trump will never go to jail. That ain't happening. These queers are irrational and stupid.
Trump funded some of the research and all of the new manufacturing facilities, which were built "at risk" before the vaccines were tested and approved....

If he did so - what I doubt about because Donald Trump never had been anything else than an empty bubble of words - then I guess he stole it from Germany including some specialists. Nevertheless "we" had a vaccine within a week and in a worst case scenario we had been able to use it immediatelly without tests - but even the shortened (but very good) tests needed a very long time and without Pfizer - thank you Pfizer - this had nearly been impossible.

As far as I remember Donald Trump and his slaves, slave, never had anything to do with any success in context "fight on covid-19". It was in the opposite. As always he had been very counterproductive. Trump was the poblem which was in everyone head in the whole world - while we all needed a free mind to fight against this new sickness when no one was able to know which dangers will come.
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President Trump ...

Good mornibng, slave of Trump - how are you? "President Trump" is currently "Mr. Trump" and he needs to become president Trump again for to amnesty Mr. Trump - whom he had to execute if he would use his own "moral" for his own person. Currently he is "only" on the way perhaps to become of the fake-republican candidate of his personal Trump-party.
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Waterboarding is one way of making terrorists ...

Waterboarding is a torture method used from terrorists. That this terrorists are US-American soldiers who do so under the command and under order of a president of the USA is nothing else than a titanic big shame for the USA and an extreme dangerous breach in a dam for everyone who lives in the USA or at any other place in the world.
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Waterboarding is a torture method used from terrorists. That this terrorists are US-American soldiers who do so under teh commend and under order of a president of the USA is nothing else than a titanic big shame for the USA and an extreme dangerous breach in a dam for everyone who lives in the USA or at any other place in the world.
Fukz yuz.

Eh? ... Do you hear a cock? ... There's something interesting written about to hear a cock in the bible. Perhaps you shold read it, infidel.

By the way: What for heavens sake is the common element between a cock and a cock? What's wrong with the anatomie of US-American men?
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Eh? ... Do you hear a cock? ... There's something interesting written about to hear a cock in the bible. Perhaps you shold read it, infidel.

By the way: What for heavens sake is the common element between a cock and a cock? What's wrong with the anatomie of US-American men?
Wjut the fukz glowing on wit you. Fukin muzzie bitch.
If he did so - what I doubt about because Donald Trump never had been anything else than an empty bubble of words - then I guess he stole it from Germany including some specialists. Nevertheless "we" had a vaccine within a week and in a worst case scenario we had been able to use it immediately without tests - but even the shortened (but very good) tests needed a very long time and without Pfizer - thank you Pfizer - this had nearly been impossible.

As far as I remember Donald Trump and his slaves, slave, never had anything to do with any success in context "fight on covid-19". It was in the opposite. As always he had been very counterproductive. Trump was the problem which was in everyone head in the whole world - while we all needed a free mind to fight against this new sickness when no one was able to know which dangers will come.
1. You should read the links I provide. They generally show you that what you think you know about Trump is wrong.
2. Pfizer's vaccine was successful and was expedited for emergency use. Thank you Pfizer, and Trump, for expediting the manufacturing facilities. Without Trump the manufacturing facilities needed would have taken years to build instead of weeks.
3. What Trump "slaves"? Trump's "Operation Warp Speed" saved millions of lives. Read the GAO link below this time.
As of January 30, 2021, five of the six OWS vaccine candidates have entered phase 3 clinical trials, two of which—Moderna's and Pfizer/BioNTech's vaccines—have received an emergency use authorization (EUA) from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). For vaccines that received EUA, additional data on vaccine effectiveness will be generated from further follow-up of participants in clinical trials already underway before the EUA was issued.


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