Prediction to the fate of Trump

The problem is always the same with the USA, the lying scumbag incompetent giveaway to the rich GOP like W Bush (Reagan Bush Bush Trump OMG) who started the stupidest war ever in Iraq, in so doing wrecking the war in Afghanistan, the second stupidest war ever. ...

The war in Iraq was a break of the international laws. You strategy in Afghanistan was stupid - not the stupidest war ever - but perhaps the most stupid end of a not really existing war ever.

I guess then worst mistake in Afghanistan had it been that you tried to solve with weapons what not really had been able to be solved with weapons. That's perhaps a deeper reason why every war goes lost since thousands of years in the region which is called "Afghanistan" now.
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Without any doubt you did do so. Except you believe in your own lies.
I like the world better without Saddam. I'd also like to remove Kim Jung Un and Putin to reduce the probability of a major war.
Point being that removing Saddam was sanctioned by many countries, not just the US as you said.

Was removing Saddam a good thing or a bad thing? Think hard.
As members of NATO the US and Germany are allies. No one is going to use nukes. Your opinions are ridiculously wrong.
You need better sources of information, try planet "Earth".

We are allies - you are US-Americans.
... Removing him from power was a very good thing. ...

So everyone in the world has the right to invade the USA and to remove the enemy of Europe, China, Russia and the rest of the world Donald Trump from the power in the USA (if he should become president of the USA again)?

Or is it not more simple to "provoke" Russia to go into a nuclear war and to wipe out Germany with nukes? One cruel anti-American nation less - indpendent from the fact that Germany never had done anything bad to the USA in the whole history of all mankind?
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There are very few things in this world less important than the corners of buildings in Iraq.

You are wrong. You do whatever you like to do - but you do not like to overtake any responsibility for your own deeds. That's why still today die people on your war in Vietnam. Only some very few US-Americans fight against the dioxines there - on private reasons with private money.
Oh you want a fact about trump?
He's bald.
He's a liar
He's a thief
He's a sexual predator

how's that for facts about Trump?
None of those are facts, just trump owning space in your head
You are wrong. You do whatever you like to do - but you do not like to overtake any responsibility for your own deeds. That's why still today die people on your war in Vietnam. Only some very few US-Americans fight against the dioxines there - on private reasons with private money.
Wow, the shit you know nothing about
Wow, the shit you know nothing about

About what do I know nothing?

Short summary:
More than 6000 missions were carried out by the US forces during the war with the various defoliants. A total of 45,677,937 liters of Agent Orange were sprayed. ... The defoliant sprayed during the Vietnam War contained the highly toxic dioxin TCDD [= 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzodioxin]. To this day, millions of people suffer from late effects and children are still born with severe deformities. ...

An estimated two to four million people are affected by the late effects, and at least 100,000 children were born with disabilities. ...

In addition to severe deformities, more than 20 diseases are believed to be a direct result of Agent Orange, including cleft lip and palate, spinal clefts, immune deficiencies, nerve disorders, diabetes and Parkinson's disease. ...

In addition, TCDD is very persistent, so it remains in the environment for a very long time. Therefore, even more than 45 years after the end of the war, the sprayed poison can still be found in the soil and water and thus in the food cycle. ...

As a result of its widespread use, U.S. soldiers were also sprayed with Agent Orange. When a connection between the damage to their health and the dioxin was recognized, affected soldiers filed class action suits against several manufacturing companies.

An out-of-court settlement was reached in 1984. The following year, seven companies set up a fund of $180 million for compensation payments. This was the largest amount ever paid in a settlement up to that time.

Over the next ten years, the fund paid out $197 million to 52,000 veterans and survivors.

Vietnamese victims, on the other hand, have not received any compensation to date. A class action lawsuit in the USA was dismissed in 2005. The use of Agent Orange was "not chemical warfare" and therefore not a violation of international law.


shortened and translated from this source: Agent Orange - das bleibende Gift – DW – 07.05.2021 (=Agent orange. The long shadow of the war in Vietnam)
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So everyone in the world has the right to invade the USA and to remove the enemy of Europe, China, Russia and the rest of the world Donald Trump from the power in the USA (if he should become president of the USA again)?

Or is it not more simple to "provoke" Russia to go into a nuclear war and to wipe out Germany with nukes? One cruel anti-American nation less - independent from the fact that Germany never had done anything bad to the USA in the whole history of all mankind?
Trump is nothing like Saddam Hussein. Good luck crossing the oceans to invade the US.
If the US and Russia exchanged nukes it wouldn't be just Germany that gets wiped out. Only cock-roaches would survive.
Germany declared war on the US during WW2, but we're allies now.
None of those are facts, just trump owning space in your head

What a nonsense. He is absolutelly right.

(He has only not a bald as far as I know. But I do not think this has natural reasons. Nearly all blond Europeans get a bald when they become older. That has genetical reasons and is normal.)
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Trump is nothing like Saddam Hussein.

Was Saddam Husein Saddam Husein? Is Trump Trump?

Good luck crossing the oceans to invade the US.


If the US and Russia exchanged nukes it wouldn't be just Germany that gets wiped out.

You will first wipe out Germany as a demonstration of your powers before you will do suicide and take all mankind with you.

Only cock-roaches would survive.

Hopefully. They will perhaps bear a better species than this are human beings.

Germany declared war on the US during WW2,

Hitler declared war on the USA after the Japanese attack in Pearl Harbor. But this was indeed totally unimportant for the USA because Germany had not been able to attack the USA.

but we're allies now.

We are an ally. You are US-America.
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