Prediction to the fate of Trump

son, you are so far away from facts your alien to the planet.

says the guy who claims 2020 was stolen


says the guy who claims Trump is a victim


Little one, you wouldn't recognize a fact if it kicked you in you tiny nuts.


says the guy who claims 2020 was stolen


says the guy who claims Trump is a victim


Little one, you wouldn't recognize a fact if it kicked you in you tiny nuts.

Name one
One what?
One of your nuts?
I shall name you "Stinky" because of where you live.

so you have no facts on trump huh? is the dossier fake or not? Let's see how much fact you actually follow.
so you have no facts on trump huh? is the dossier fake or not? Let's see how much fact you actually follow.
Oh you want a fact about trump?
He's bald.
He's a liar
He's a thief
He's a sexual predator

how's that for facts about Trump?
You'll be crying in your beer again when he's indicted in Georgia on multiple felonies, where that orange pile of shit can't pardon himself if you idiots reelect him.

The best thing that Trump can do to avoid prison is to off himself.
Put Trump in jail, then whoever runs on pardoning him will win. Then he gets set free. You loons never learn.
After the Mueller investigation, he is the cleanest president in our history.

Mueller investigation report Part II detailed 9 instances of Obstruction of Justice.

He then followed that act with two impeachments and now 4 indictments, soon to be followed by convictions.

Which brings us to a question - are you being continuously dropped on your fucking head?
Regardless of the outcome of the indictments, Trump's martyrdom pantomime will succeed in getting a MAGA candidate elected to the White House in 2024. Trump, or someone worse.
If Trump was Putin's friend

He is Putins friend. He is the feirnd of every tyrant in the world. This people are on his level and not only dirt under his feet like you. As long as you are the dirt he stands on everything is okay for him.

he wouldn't have sanctioned/stopped NordStream2,

What a nonsense. Donald Trump always had been a clear enemy Germany.

"Der US-Kongress hat Sanktionen gegen Firmen beschlossen, die am Bau der Ostsee-Pipeline beteiligt sind. Nach dem Repräsentantenhaus stimmte am Dienstag (17.12.2019) auch der Senat mit grosser Mehrheit für ein Gesetzespaket zum Verteidigungshaushalt (NDAA), in welches das Sanktionsgesetz eingefügt worden war. Präsident Trump bekundete seine Zustimmung bereits vorab."
Source: US-Gesetz zum Schutz der europäischen Energiesicherheit

U.S. law to protect Europe's energy security
"The U.S. Congress has approved sanctions against companies involved in the construction of the Baltic Sea pipeline. Following the House of Representatives, the Senate on Tuesday (Dec. 17, 2019) also voted by a large majority in favor of a defense appropriations bill (NDAA), into which the sanctions bill had been inserted. President Trump expressed his approval in advance."

would he?


You fight for monstrously structure from which you have absolutelly not any dea about what it is.

Trump wouldn't have given the Ukranians Javelin anti-tank missiles either, huh?

Trump forced Wolodymyr Selenskyj to say lies about Europe in public because he blocked 400 million Dollar military aid from the USA. His attitude had been as if this tax money would had been his private asset. So the story is perhaps this story: He knew Russia will invade the Ukraine - so he tried to stop and/or to minimize the military aid from the USA - and the same time he tried to bring Wolodymyr Selenskyj into an anti-European course so also Europe would not like to help him. Anhd the same time he tried in general to eliminate the NATO and to minimize the peace keeping influence Germany had on Russia. This man is nothing else than a high traitor fo the basic values of the wild western world.

I don't know why Trump says stupid stuff about Putin, but the Bidens actually take money from Russians, that is more criminal than saying stupid stuff.

no comment

Agree Russia loses when Putin wages wars he can't win.

America wins when Trump is in the Whitehouse.

What? A worldwide tyranny also in the USA?

America loses when Biden is in the Whitehouse.

no comment

🥱 ... By the way. Did your soldiers repair all damages they made in Babylon, Iraq?

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Mueller investigation report Part II detailed 9 instances of Obstruction of Justice.

He then followed that act with two impeachments and now 4 indictments, soon to be followed by convictions.

Which brings us to a question - are you being continuously dropped on your fucking head?
And going after him the way you loons are, is making him more popular. You better hope you get him.
He is Putins friend. He is the friend of every tyrant in the world. These people are on his level and not only dirt under his feet like you. As long as you are the dirt he stands on everything is okay for him.

What nonsense. Donald Trump always had been a clear enemy Germany.
U.S. law to protect Europe's energy security
"The U.S. Congress has approved sanctions against companies involved in the construction of the Baltic Sea pipeline. Following the House of Representatives, the Senate on Tuesday (Dec. 17, 2019) also voted by a large majority in favor of a defense appropriations bill (NDAA), into which the sanctions bill had been inserted. President Trump expressed his approval in advance."

You fight for monstrously structure from which you have absolutely no idea about what it is.

Trump forced Zelenskyj to say lies about Europe in public because he blocked 400 million Dollar military aid from the USA. His attitude had been as if this tax money would had been his private asset. So the story is perhaps this story: He knew Russia will invade the Ukraine - so he tried to stop and/or to minimize the military aid from the USA - and the same time he tried to bring Zelenskyj into an anti-European course so also Europe would not like to help him. And the same time he tried in general to eliminate the NATO and to minimize the peace keeping influence Germany had on Russia. This man is nothing else than a high traitor for the basic values of the wild western world.

What? A worldwide tyranny also in the USA?

By the way. Did your soldiers repair all damages they made in Babylon, Iraq?
1. Agreed, Trump handles dictators in weird ways. Telling Kim Jung Un he loves him, and calling Putin a "genius" after a major military blunder. Russians do not support the war, men are leaving rather than going to fight. Trump seems to be showing Kim Jung Un what prosperity looks like, and that NK has cheap labor that could be exploited for profit.

2. Trump objected to Germany buying gas from Russia to build their military while the US taxpayers pay to keep US troops in Germany to protect Germans from Russia. Trump saw that as ridiculous. That's why the US sanctioned NordStream2, which Biden blew up stopping gas sales.
Also, Trump strengthened NATO by getting deadbeats to pay what they committed, another $100b gained:

3. What "monstrously structure" do I fight for? I have no idea what you are referring to.

4. Congress approved the $400m of military aid to Ukraine, so Trump could not stop it, he could delay it, but not stop it.
Trump wanted Zelensky to investigate the Biden bribery scheme, that Congress is now investigating.
Biden threatened to stop $1-billion of US aid if lead prosecutor Shokin was not fired to earn his and Hunter's $5,000,000 bribe each. That bribery will get Biden Impeached.

5. If/when Trump wins in 2024 and becomes US president again we all win. There will be no "worldwide tyranny", that is nonsense.

6. Damage to Iraq? Saddam ruined Iraq not the US. The US gave Iraq its freedom back from a horrible dictator.

And going after him the way you loons are

Republicans like Comey, Mueller, Rosenstein and Barr...are loons?

Trump's prosecutors are loons?

Grand juries that recommended indictments are loons?

Trump appointed judges that preside over his trial are loons?

Jury of peers that will ultimately convict Trump are loons?

...have you considered the district possibility that you are the loon and not everyone else?
Trump wanted Zelensky to investigate the Biden bribery scheme, that Congress is now investigating.

Bullshit. Republicans keep "investigating" and finding nothing.

They investigated Burisma and Shokin firing in 2020. Reported that they found nothing.

They investigated Biden's finances recently, Reported that they found nothing.

Now they are down to investigating Biden for saying hi on the phone to his son's friends and business associates. Will just as surely find nothing.

There is to date no reasonable cause for REAL investigation and there was not when Trump, (instead of filing a criminal complaint with his DOJ) was extorting Ukranian president for a PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT of investigation.

Now you tell me - what the fuck do public announcements of opening of investigation have to do with proper justice process?
Until those who setup phony Russian Collusion (based on some BS $1Million story Killary bought) are arrested there is no chance for the Country to improve. They will continue increased attacks on non-deep state.

We sent MAGA to clean up the filth. They harrassed Trump using MSM, Courts or GOVT BS from the escalator.

All involved setting up Russian Horsebleep need sent to Gitmo on charges of Sedition at minimum (Fast Military trials). Even if it is 1000 of them. Start with the big 5-10 in the WH meeting JAN 2017.
Back to engineered housing collapse, the muslim $1T “stimulus” baked into the budget every year ($11.5T debt), the BLM ANTIFA riots to defund Police, Russian collusion 2017, man-made virus launch 2020, stolen 2020&2022 elections.

All need exposed and those responsible hel on a charge of Sedition at minimum.
Bullshit. Republicans keep "investigating" and finding nothing.
They investigated Burisma and Shokin firing in 2020. Reported that they found nothing.
They investigated Biden's finances recently, Reported that they found nothing.
Now they are down to investigating Biden for saying hi on the phone to his son's friends and business associates. Will just as surely find nothing.
There is to date no reasonable cause for REAL investigation and there was not when Trump, (instead of filing a criminal complaint with his DOJ) was extorting Ukranian president for a PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT of investigation.
Now you tell me - what the fuck do public announcements of opening of investigation have to do with proper justice process?
Bullshit. Republicans keep finding illegal Biden cash.
Why are there 30 or so shell companies to launder the cash?
House Republicans are following the money, there are no products except Biden's influence, like firing Shokin for a $5,000,000 bribe.
You will see all the evidence during the Impeachment, stay tuned.
Republicans like Comey, Mueller, Rosenstein and Barr...are loons?

Trump's prosecutors are loons?

Grand juries that recommended indictments are loons?

Trump appointed judges that preside over his trial are loons?

Jury of peers that will ultimately convict Trump are loons?

...have you considered the district possibility that you are the loon and not everyone else?
Bullshit. Republicans keep finding illegal Biden cash.
Why are there 30 or so shell companies to launder the cash?
House Republicans are following the money, there are no products except Biden's influence, like firing Shokin for a $5,000,000 bribe.
You will see all the evidence during the Impeachment, stay tuned.

Who fed you that nonsense? Republicans never found any evidence about any bribe or 5 million. Never got anything to refer to DOJ.

They found nothing on Joe Biden.

You rightwingers are living in a fantasy world and are constantly mad at the real world for not living up to your expectations.
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