Prediction to the fate of Trump

that would have been sent to financial institutions and their shareholders
WTF do you think the financial institutions and their shareholders would be doing with it moron? Nice attempt at an idiotic deflection but no cigar for you.
I mean the financial institutions now take about three times of the money in the economy
What has happened in that time? Can you say IRAs? 401Ks? SMFH.

President Donald Trump has never declared bankruptcy personally, but six of his companies have filed for bankruptcy protections.​

Which means everyone else loses the money they gave to the companies which ended up with Trump.

That is the key to the grift.
I don't think it's a smart practice either, but Trump used other people's money.. He was protected.
Look at his legal issues.
People giving him money to run for office and he's using it to pay any lawyers dumb enough to take is cases.

All a grift since 2015.
Yeppers. You should educate yourself
Little one the ONLY reason Trump wasn't in prison in 2015 is that his grifting as in a private company.
If he'd had the nutsack to go public he'd have been arrest years earlier.
Little one the ONLY reason Trump wasn't in prison in 2015 is that his grifting as in a private company.
If he'd had the nutsack to go public he'd have been arrest years earlier.
Your hate is deep! Wow. Unhinged is your deal
On the one hand, the democrats seem to want to wait till the last minute to destroy Trump legally once and for all as close to the election as they can.

This will prevent any other candidate from gaining traction because Biden is such a horrible candidate.

On the other hand, if they don't he will be elected and pardon himself, so they won't allow that either.

So how close to the election will they wait to let their legal bombs fall on him?

Waiting too long will prevent them from using adequate propaganda in the media to help destroy him further.

How long do they need after the fact?
Trump is the one trying to delay his trials and his fate as Convict #1.

As for pardoning himself, he can't do that for what should be very obvious reasons. There is no divine right of kings in America. That was pretty much the whole point of the American Revolution.

You know...that war where George Washington took over the airports?

As for Trump's ultimate fate, he has committed so many crimes it is near impossible he won't be convicted of at least some, if not all, of them.

He will not go to prison, though. He will be placed under house arrest and hold court to an ever dwindling coterie of visitors.
Look at his legal issues.
People giving him money to run for office and he's using it to pay any lawyers dumb enough to take is cases.

All a grift since 2015.

Talk about high maintenance! $40 million so far in legal fees.
Trump is the one trying to delay his trials and his fate as Convict #1.

As for pardoning himself, he can't do that for what should be very obvious reasons. There is no divine right of kings in America. That was pretty much the whole point of the American Revolution.

You know...that war where George Washington took over the airports?

As for Trump's ultimate fate, he has committed so many crimes it is near impossible he won't be convicted of at least some, if not all, of them.

He will not go to prison, though. He will be placed under house arrest and hold court to an ever dwindling coterie of visitors.

I think he should go to prison.
Loony Libstain TDS anti-American populants are ALL stupid, evil, dishonest, disgusting creatures.

Chained & dragged to the woodchipper for Sedition. All 38 million. Start with 95% of Congress, DC Courts, embedded commee GOVT workers. Then ANTIFA BLM Twitter & other posters.//
Trump is exactly the same loser as is his good ol' friend Putin. Even when they'll win their countries will lose.
If Trump was Putin's friend he wouldn't have sanctioned/stopped NordStream2, would he? Trump wouldn't have given the Ukranians Javelin anti-tank missiles either, huh?
I don't know why Trump says stupid stuff about Putin, but the Bidens actually take money from Russians, that is more criminal than saying stupid stuff.

Agree Russia loses when Putin wages wars he can't win.

America wins when Trump is in the Whitehouse. America loses when Biden is in the Whitehouse.

Talk about high maintenance! $40 million so far in legal fees.
and ALL of it from campaign donations.

And they're so stupid they're blaming the DEMS for Trump's criminality while he grifts them again and again.

Were it not so sad it would be a perfect Charlie Chaplin flick.

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