Prediction to the fate of Trump

I have nothing to whine about, idiot. Pence is going to be a witness against Trump in this trial & when he raises his right hand he's going to nail his ass to the wall. Sooooooo, who do you think the jury will believe? Pence or that filthy lying pile of shit Trump?
Pence is a big LIAR

Biggest lie of all

"I'm a Christian"

2nd biggest

"I'm a Republican"
Look right wing hater & Trump's asseater. Trump is not POTUS, he's a private citizen & criminal under indictment.

Don't like it? Have another shit sandwich because your guys days are numbered.
^^^ what an anti American looks like
I swear you people live in La-La Land.

Trump is a piece of shit, literally. He is. a con man. Nothing more and nothing less. He has been his entire life. And for the vast majority of Americans, well the man behind the curtain has been revealed. Trump's con no longer works, except for those so invested in him that they can't bring themselves to let go.

He is going to jail, you can bank on it. He will be convicted, probably multiple times on multiple counts. He has two reasons for running for president again. First and foremost, IT IS THE MONEY. I mean damn, forty million in legal expenses already paid for by his campaign. Really, it probably isn't that much, half of it was probably kicked back to him, where I come from, they call that money laundering. I can't wait to see his 2023 tax return. I will probably file a qui tam with it and then retire on the proceeds. God knows the IRS ain't going to do shit.

But the second reason is Trump is operating under the belief that he can pardon himself if he wins. And maybe he can, but I am here to tell you. If that happens Congress will quickly move to impeach him and they will be successful. Eventually, the majority of the Republican legislators will grow a set of balls and kick Trump's fatass to the curb. I mean where is the downside, are the Trumptards suddenly going to vote for Democrats?

ahhh look, you got all of the talking points from demfk cult. You got it.
Wow, the stupid in that post is unbelievable. Here is the thing. Those that hide behind an LLC are PUSSIES. I have been operating my own business for three damn decades. I don't have to hide behind an LLC. I won't, I refuse, to do so. I am willing to put my McMansion on the line, Trump isn't. That makes him a PUSSY. And the fact that I won't hide behind that LLC gives me a real competitive advantage in the market I operate in, probably why I dominate it.
hahahahahaahhahahaha lawyers will tell you if you own a business, you always have an llc. ALWAYS!. you should get educated furball.
They are making the assumption that if they can kangaroo Trump into jail or least get him convicted on Trumped up charges, voters will see the light and not vote for Trump. What they don't realize is the more they do this bullshit the more voters are put off by the abuse of power, particularly with the Independents favoring Trump over Biden more and more. And, the more they do this the more third parties look more attractive to Democrat voters.
Yes because if you can do that to Trump imagine how much they will trample on the peasant if the peasant questions authority.
Yes because if you can do that to Trump imagine how much they will trample on the peasant if the peasant questions authority.
EXACTLY. psst, shows how stupid the demfk cultists are huh? Jim jones got his congregation to kill themselves voluntarily. hahahahahahahahahaahahaha
I fear for Trump. When the deep state is threatened and they feel they can't rig the next election enough to win they will remove the canidate. Ask the Kennedys how the deep state works.
I think most are thinking along these lines.
Which is why they are rounding up a bunch of peaceful protesters from Jan 6th and charging them, just because they were there.
Yes, I agree. This is my one point of contention with Trump. He should be sticking up for them in every speech. I feel he abandoned them.
On the one hand, the democrats seem to want to wait till the last minute to destroy Trump legally once and for all as close to the election as they can.

This will prevent any other candidate from gaining traction because Biden is such a horrible candidate.

On the other hand, if they don't he will be elected and pardon himself, so they won't allow that either.

So how close to the election will they wait to let their legal bombs fall on him?

Waiting too long will prevent them from using adequate propaganda in the media to help destroy him further.

How long do they need after the fact?
If there was any sanity in the party leadership, they'd be promoting a Biden replacement. That doesn't seem to be in the cards, so they're just going with the usual plan of demonizing the opposition.

Will voters fall for it? Have they ever not?
EXACTLY. psst, shows how stupid the demfk cultists are huh? Jim jones got his congregation to kill themselves voluntarily. hahahahahahahahahaahahaha
It's scary to realize this could be the end of America. We are relatively young when compared to the world. A few hundred years old only. It's the fall of the roman empire script.
It's scary to realize this could be the end of America. We are relatively young when compared to the world. A few hundred years old only. It's the fall of the roman empire script.
Ten years ago, even five years ago, I wouldn't have imagined it possible. But now it does seem like it could actually happen. And I still think it's been largely driving by external manipulation, primarily via the internet.
It's scary to realize this could be the end of America. We are relatively young when compared to the world. A few hundred years old only. It's the fall of the roman empire script.
every nation had to endure. The Roman Empire is a good example of that. Evil will always be evil, and honest men who do nothing allows evil to exist. All I can do is highlight the evil. And demfks are certainly highlighted in my posts. Just listen to this tool and you will understand it all

Why? Don’t like your tactic used against you? Too bad powder puff…

If this nation is to continue, the leftist admin state must be sanitized, if not eliminated.

Why don't you concentrate on a republican candidate who is intelligent and decent?

Don't think for a minute that the Trumptards even recognize the historical meaning of Trump's words, a "worker's party". NAZI is short for National Socialist German WORKER'S party. Leninism, specifically created to provide the WORKERS with political consciousness and revolutionary leadership in order to usher in Communism.

Mao Zedong--the complete elimination of the intellectual class, a "worker's party" founded within the rural communities of China. Pol Pot in Cambodia, millions of executions, fully one in three of the men executed by a "worker's party".

Nope, when someone starts spouting off about a "worker's party" the most prudent thing to do is tar and feather their ass and ride them out of town on a rail. Yet these morons fall to their knees and worship Trump as if he was the second coming of Christ.

And maybe worst of all, Trump has no respect for the "workers". He laughs at them behind their backs. I mean how could he respect the "workers" when he has shafted hundreds, if not thousands of them, by refusing to pay his bills, stiffing them with his multiple bankruptcies. I mean how many "workers" have had to sue him in an attempt to get paid for their work, how many have sued him for unfair labor practices, how many have sued him for sexual harassment. Hell, he can't even pay for law enforcement services provided by municipalities in which he holds one of his massive rallies. Respect for workers? If you believe he respects workers you have to have your head so far up your ass that you will never see the light of day.

Nope, I keep waiting for someone, anyone, to step up and give that fatass self-absorbed DICK what he has needed his entire life. A good old-fashioned ass-kickin. Really, it should have been Mike Pence. And I swear, I will quit my job and work for Chris Christie's campaign full-time if he would just stroll across the debate stage and knock Trump into next week.

But here is the thing. You wouldn't have to lay a finger on his cowardly, tiny soft hands, never struck a lick of work his entire life, sorry ass. I mean come on. Ronald Reagan was a man's man. He rode horses, he split wood, he actually did represent "workers", his work for the Actor's union a case in point. George Bush Jr., damn, his home is impressive, he lives on a ranch, he knows how to use a chainsaw. Obama, OK, he hasn't struck a lick either but he is competitive on the basketball court, that works for me, and at 61 I can still dominate twenty year olds on the basketball court. Fat ass Trump plays golf, big damn whoop, what a pussy ass so-called sport, and even at that, he is a notorious cheater. How damn sad.

Nope, climb in his face and say "Boo" and he is shitting in his diaper and curling up in a fetal position. He is not a man, he is not even close. It is long past time that this nation kicked his sorry ass to the curb and let the cards play out. If we don't, then it will be a generation before the country recovers, maybe two generations. Trump may very well be the last gift the parasites called "Boomers" leave this country with. I hope you guys are proud of yourselves.

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